Honest thank you to funcom


You really have absolutely no idea what hacking has done. It has become apparent to me that you’re a selfish, entitled, inconsiderate brat.

Ya no, no comparison. You can still play if a text only POI is blocked. You can’t play if someone is hitbox killing you through your walls, repeatedly, while laughing. Then proceeds to loot all your locked containers, throws your shit on the ground. Speed bombs through your base and teabags your dead body, over and over.

Your perceived self inflicted issues are not ANYTHING close to what others have had to endure. Not even fvcking close.


What makes a pet peeve is not the severity of the peeve, but it’s the issue you post most about. I honestly thought you’d know that. My bad.

No, it is what you find particularly annoying. If you use common understanding of the saying, it can also be construed as something that is not necessarily as much of an issue to others. Since an annoyance is not something always shared by others (despite the fact you don’t play PVP - but you would feel the same way if you did). Like finding someone whistling to be a pet peeve.

Again, I’ve asked you in the past not to treat me like I am stupid. I request the same again.


Everybody is looking inhere to see what in heavens-name Funcom could be thanked about.

Btw- Could well be a Zendesk admin who deserves your credits :stuck_out_tongue:

More or less this :point_up_2:.
This must be number one of Zendesk priorities. Then again the harass issues of other forms, because what you describe up there is clearly harass to my eyes. The game is no game anymore, it provides everything else than fun but nothing pleasant.
Playing in consoles i haven’t felt this experience, but only from what you describe it’s hell no, do something Funcom :woman_shrugging:t4:.
Although this represents our real life community, a police line can be busy because the cat of Mrs Daisy is on the tree while a murder call for help find the line busy, i believe that in 2024 both problems can find reaction as long as the communication system is advanced.


So post most about. We are saying the same thing. You are just as passionate about your pet peeve as I am mine, It’s not a comparison in severity. My intention was not to diminish the severity of your peeve.

Hacks and exploits are always the worst player caused issue in any game. And one of the reasons I don’t PVP.

No. It’s not what you post most about. We are not saying the same thing.

I only classified your issues with landclaim subjects as pet peeves because YOU call them as such. It wasn’t a jab.

Then you turn around trying to equate your annoyances and (yes you are) minimize hacking by suggesting it’s a pet peeve to be inflammatory.

It’s not just a mere annoyance, it’s a game breaking issue that affects all who experience it. Blocking a POI, pathway or causing a bit of lag is not game-breaking. You can still play and to some, they are even less than annoyances (like me) and to someone like you it is your pet peeve. Because it’s just annoying. It’s not preventing you from playing.

You act like the ToC are binding rules and you absolutely interpret in a certain way that you believe to be true and even try to twist them such as matter-of-factly stating that building in POIs is a violation when it is not. Except, the ToC is to be understood in the spirit of them and actions are discretionary as they view the server holistically. So what happens and what you believe to be the “law” are not the same. Especially when the whole process is considerably hampered by interpretations, lack of clarification and internal processes which change without us knowing.

I’ve seen the way you interact on the server. This subject CONSUMES you, so much you’ve created conspiracy theories about it. Isn’t it exhausting?

This is a self-inflicted annoyance based on your interpretations and world views, you created this yourself.


I’m out.

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In any case Funcom is responsible for what happens, good or bad.

You have this ability to steer us right back onto the road.

Folks the issue isn’t about which rules are being enforced how, it’s that we want the same vigor with which Funcom will delete whomever’s account over a bridge applied to hacks. Specifically paid hacks that are right now tactically dominating any server not held by old-school tough guys.

I love all you old schoolers out there keeping what’s ours. We’ll beat 'em. Thank you especially to my Brother @Cauthey who’s holding onto his own server. The war is little cuts, until I can reverse engineer some things. ;D


Left when @Kikigirl just asserted absolute dominance on you and you don’t have a way to logically defend your idea that people who build in POI’s deserve to get banned.

It’s not just my idea, if it was people wouldn’t be getting banned for building over POIs.
I didn’t say they deserved to I said it is a ToC people get banned for violating because, well, people get banned for violating it, because it’s a ToC.

I’m just saying man, nowhere does it state that building at a Point of Interest is a violation yet they constantly do it to people and still to this day allow building there whereas places like The Unnamed City & Sepermaru are flagged as non-buildable

They already touch upon it in the first point:

Between the calculated use of the terms “such as” and “other areas of the game” i think they have that pretty much covered.


If you block resources you will be banned according to TOS as well as “other areas” no idea wtf these “other areas” they are talking about. It sounds like wherever you build you could be banned.

No more building near a tree, rock or grass for me i guess…or other areas.

Yes, and it makes 0 sense to ban some one for building in the gutter; my opinion is all the ruins should be no builds, but people can pave over the oasis of nekhet{?} and that is ok; the report I argued with funcom about their decision. So how is the gutter different?

Some one on my server has surrounded the decent of dagon, stone paths, stairs, plazas, all decorative. The buildings have so much crap on them my GPU drops to it knees if I get with in render range. I’ve reported it twice, it’s been reported by 3 other players. We were talking in chat one day, we all got the too busy to investigate email.

I know there is no keep build limit, but some on on my server is up to 16. And I don’t mean drop or transtone bases, I mean full keeps like your main one.

Buccaneers bay is a huge no build zone but once you are out side it people regularly build from the cliff to the sea. You can swim around so the path isn’t blocked, right?

Sepermeru is the same, you can see just where the no build zone runs out because, builds.
Sinners refuge looks like suburbia. In fact the area around the guardians is one of the most heavily built, with monster keeps covering a good porting of the area. On my server some one has built from the guardians to the giant croc pond, one huge, paved keep with a dozen or so occupied animal pens and just as many vaults.

This is just one of a dozen or so keeps that cover 1/3 of a map square on the server I’m on.

There are also multiple villages even though that is clearly stated as a ToC violation. One is so large I thought funcom had added another POI.

But is there any reason to report these? 2/3s of the time; in my experience, funcom doesn’t investigate the reports.

My opinion most of the PVE public servers are 3 tons of crap on a half ton truck. Not a problem till you figure 2 tons of that is ToC violations.

There is actually much we agree on.

Players deserve a warning for any/all ToC violations before action is taken.
That warning needs a good description of the violation and maybe an explanation on how to fix it.
The rules need to be written much more clearly, better definitions and examples of violations.
Like flags in the forum limit the number of reports a person or clan can make in a day.
Spamming reports should, in now way, be able to be used as a PVP weapon.
Do some active moderation independently of reports. Like snap inspections, just once and a while drop in to a random server and fly around.

Now do I expect this of funcom?
No, my opinion they’d have to hire a few dozen people the first month just to write the warnings.

Land claim flags. Like I keep saying, people can’t violate a ToC if you don’t give them the option to. And when you don’t have to waste time on not investigating land claim abuse reports, you can concentrate on not doing anything about hackers and exploits.

Sardonic: grimly mocking or cynical.


That is common sense, in PVE mostly not PVP

If you build like racoon then you deserve ban,thus about these rules

Just build normal house, with entrance so everyone who trys to discover are fine to get in there, i myself live on point of interests or nearby and all is fine , the rules you just showed i can even give you example if you want… from all 5000 hours of my playing


Good build :

  1. Look in share your shelter examples of forum post
  2. Has entrance and exit
  3. Looks good
  4. Makes others inspired to build good
  5. Everyone can access the spot by entering and exit

Bad building:

This clan literally spammed bricks on whole grid

  • Build normal without claiming whole land for yourself… you not alone in PVE…

  • Build like these on my view should be banned forever from PVE new player or no , this one did spammed flotsam on all like this and around discovery so nobody was able to get to it from east side and needed to climb big cliff to get pass his spikes (player added them later)

this is answer on the images second dot . - someone even rules was already made pushed these type blocks and in chat said that nothing will be done, he was deleted in week of report made…


This is example of third point- constructions that lead to loss of performance…


This inside- is another player base ( fits the fourth rule breaking , when someone blocks another player )

P.S thanks to funcom fast reaction in reports ( not lying - really 1 week and everyone who did this never reappeared again )

Now you see examples :smiley:


if only…

This is a bit incorrect and allow me to explain how this resource issue started.
Long ago when this game started “anarchy” was ruling these lands. People could block whatever they wish, build as big as they could, others were fixing even streets!
There were 2 beloved places to block however for many players. The first was the “noob” entrances of volcano, so people who didn’t knew the plurality of entrances, couldn’t go in and harvest gold. The chests around the map were not so plenty and rich as they are now and alchemical base was expensive. So going to the volcano to grind gold was mandatory.
Second “beloved” block was the brimstone lake and for this blocking the forum accepted numerous complaints.
These 2 were the most common block resources spots and for these you may have issues with Zendesk.

Now there’s another point as well. This point comes to how the evil starts. The evil starts when a player feels offended from another players build. So a player may send report for another player even for some iron stones. Yet if the player goes targeted in the end he-she may be banned for other violations and not for the original reported.
So it’s best to play clean and careful in every aspect. This way you won’t annoy the other players of the server, there for, even if you have violations you will never be banned.


I would say that they do. The issue isn’t that they don’t care or don’t investigate, the issue is the required methods aren’t turning up the evidence they need.

If someone builds a bridge in a way that hurts the server or blocks off a large swathe of area. The evidence is easy to see. When one of the Game Moderators takes the snapshot of the server and loads into it, the bridge will be there. He’s looking right at it. He has all of the evidence needed to issue a ban or suspension.

Hacks are a little more involved. Let’s say for example I decide to doctor up some evidence, a video showing some prolific forum goers doing speed hacks and the like, and then Zendesk that. The video is good enough to look like any video anyone in this thread may have posted.

Should those players be banned? Evidence as far as what a normal person can come up with is shown. Its fake, but its not hard to make such a fake be indistinguishable from real things. What should Funcom do in this situation? They have no way in knowing such a video or screenshots are fake. Should they action it anyway? Take the players at their word and hope bad actors don’t exploit that?

The last time I got someone suspended for cheating in a game was a few years ago on a EQ progression server. There was a guy multiboxing (player multiple characters) and camping a rare spawn. Now multiboxing wasn’t an actionable offense, but he was afk, and letting a bot run his boxes. A GM actually appeared and tried to interact with them. When they didn’t get any interaction back and the guy’s boxes continued to operate, the GM pretty much said, lol looks like a bot, good bye! And then proceeded to suspend each box (an account each). I was able to see this in real time, and fortunately it opened the rare spawn.

Reason I bring up this story is the GM there didn’t just take me at my word in the report. They had to show up in person to verify. I don’t know the methods they use in Conan Exiles on FC’s side since they don’t like to login to live servers and take up a slot.

I know as a server admin myself, I had to do it pretty much the EQ way. If I get a report, I have to in person watch the guy. We could use videos evidence because the time and place would be harder to fake mainly because we also played on the server and it would be very awkward to see a video faked about a place and time we might have had experience with. So video evidence would have to be given in a timeframe that makes it much harder to fake. Though in my experience, I never did get video evidence that showed the accused doing anything wrong, the accuser on the other hand implicated themselves on occasion.

But as a server admin we have the ability to ghost through terrain and to be invisible to watch people. We also have the ability to remote look through their eyes and see what they are doing from their perspective. But I don’t know how FC finds cheaters. They are unlikely to give that information.

I don’t know if they are effective or not since I don’t actively play on their servers, but I do know that whatever their methods are, is irrelevant. Even if they could catch every hacker and cheater, it doesn’t really matter because of the ease of getting new accounts.

I’ve said in the past that they should reduce their servers and actively moderate. But to be honest, I think its way past that. I think the cheaters won this round on those servers. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened in a game. It won’t be the last.