Honest thank you to funcom

This bears careful consideration, and I hope we all can continue to be excellent to each other.


I’m just saying bro it’s petty to ask the devs wipe an entire clans progress of months on end and in some cases years just because you didn’t get the 1 time only then it’s gone forever name display animation come up on your screen for visiting a place and the fact that you are getting so worked up about it all shows me that you have infact reported it before and still think it’s justified.

I hope I got the wrong interpretation and you’re just pretending to think it’s right as a way of trolling bc otherwise I worry for you

Yes very wrong.

Time on a server does not put you above the ToC. In fact, my experience is the longer some one is on a server the better chance they are violating more then one ToC rule. This is a game, not a job, seniority does not grant you privilege.

The one and only time I have reported a POI build over was some one built over the entirety of Telith’s island, that is a POI with a POI and a lore stone on it. And one of the rare bear spawns.

In fact people get banned pretty regular for building on that island, funcom really needs to make it a no build zone. On my server there has been 3 people banned for building there that I know of; no I only reported the one. I’d bet if I logged in right now to check, some one else has built over it.

There are these things called rules, they are vague, and since I am very considerate of my fellow players I will go conservative to follow the rules. Not repeatably violate them knowingly because I don’t agree with them.

The only thing I’m getting worked up about is your constant accusations.
I honestly don’t know why so many people only see the world in absolutes, black or white up or down, left or right, when 99% of the world exists between the two.

Just how many times do I have to say I’ve made 15 reports since 3.0 dropped. 5 got admined, 1 didn’t; and you know i argued about that one. And 9 never got investigated. So I gave up.

What is the point of me going through the effort of filing a report with zendesk when 75% of the time that is as far as it gets? And yes, I do good reports.

Most people learn not to touch a hot stove the first time.

Not that difficult to build structures that don’t hinder access in spots like The Crevice etc. Look at the layout and the most logical means of access and work with it. Build on the ceiling and have a single elevator access point instead of a bazillion gates and elaborate stairways. Doesn’t interfere with player foot traffic, nor accessing any POI. Some players may not even notice there’s a base there if you’re clever.

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Here’s an idea…make places of supposed interest “no build” zones. But FC don’t have the intellect to provide a simple solution like that

Zendesk is some poor person in India on low wages. You get what FC pays for which isn’t much.

It’s Stel(ios)Agel(iki). We rent our first great flat on 2002. Our parents had already fight together :rofl:, so we decided that we are alone in this. Her mother and mine took out the bit.h, both of them creating constantly argues and issues literally out of everything. Above all i am a really proud person, a little “eastern” in some positions or old fashion.
I said to my fiance back then that if we are not capable to keep a house without “parent help” and pay for our own marriage, how do we expect to create a family?
So we didn’t follow the Greek customs and we started it alone. Since then we are one.
We are different personalities, totally, we fight a lot, we disagree loudly many times, but in tough times we hold each other and face sh.t together. And trust me, we didn’t have an easy life sister and i don’t see it ever becoming easy.
So it’s stelagel for me and for her it’s agelstel.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Although i find your replies really educational and when i read you, @LostBrythunian and @Barnes i use Google translator in times (apologies :rofl:), i would beg for a bit more plain English replies!
But suit your self, it’s all good. I don’t wish people to change for me, i simply love them as they are!


Apologies since I misspelled it XD

What a lovely handle to commemorate your marriage!

I have a tendency to yammer on based on my thoughts which are never in a logical order so if ever something doesn’t make sense tell me. Since I have notifications on, if I’m on a break and using mobile (which is annoying) things might not come out as I intend either. Google translate isn’t always clear as well.

As for the other 2 dudes, they have poetry in their writing and is very idiom heavy. Sometimes I use that too but not at the skill they do :slight_smile:


You don’t have to apologize, I use safari automatic translation myself.
I note a glaring difference between what I write and what I read after translation.
Sometimes the translation differs so much from the words or ideas expressed I wonder how you manage to read me or understand what I’m saying .


For instance, my use of the word “bears” is pointed. That you, as another PvP player are not just making sense but also opening up headspace for more civility is something we should all praise.

Thank you for your continued insightful commentary from a unique perspective.

Being steeped in Greek history and mythology from an early age via schooling, and my exposure to Greeks in the Engineering world, your use of metaphor and the flow of your posts is like prose and poetry at once. It’s really quite something to experience and enjoy.

Thank you, Funcom, for bringing all of us together!


No need to apologize.
If it is any consolation, most people who understand English as a primary language find this one ramblings only marginally intelligible.
In short, it’s not you. It is this one.

But there will be effort to arrange thoughts and words more clearly.


As a not native English speaker, the conversations with you are a great practice and fun experience for me! :blush:
And if i need the translator form time to time, so be it.
Never change brother, NEVER!



@DeaconElie people don’t need to read 1000 of your posts to understand that in your 9k hours of playing this game that you’re some kind of perfect considerate person.

In fact I can and will call a spade a spade and have no problem admitting that I think you’re Full of Sh*t.

Your the exact type of person who doesn’t belong on a PvE server.

@Kikigirl calls them pet peeves. I think you simply don’t play well with others.

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POI building is a discussion in and of itself, but to address the whole “asking Funcom to ban a clan” in my case that was never the idea. I couldn’t care less if the offending clan is banned. Hell it wouldn’t be any different to me if they weren’t banned at all after their inconsiderate garbage is wiped.

The wipe is the goal. And it’s only the goal when you can CLEARLY see the BLATANT disregard for the fact that other players exist.

And be wrong, do go on…

So basically you’re saying anyone that has any sort of consideration for other players doesn’t belong on a PVE server :neutral_face:

No, I don’t, have said as much a few times. That is why I don’t clan/squad. But that doesn’t mean I don’t respect my fellow players on a severer. I’d bet 95% of the time people on the public server I play on don’t even know I’m there. And if someones place gets admired, no one mentions me.

I know people are forever trying to paint me as some villain, and I’ll play the part, but I’m not, I’m not truly villaines. Despite some opinions I’m a nice guy with a bad attitude.

But, my father was a marine corp drill instructor, I lived and breathed rules and regulations. So it is just in my nature now to follow the rules, and error on the side of caution.

Or you could just have a minimum of consideration for other players and not build on what is obviously and indisputably unique content, like lore stones.

I understand complaining about actual grey areas in the rules – and I try to lend my support to those who do so – but if you can’t be bothered to do the least you can do and have a bit of personal responsibility, it’s your own fault.

You do know Google exists and you can (still) use it to look up things, right? Zendesk is a third-party software platform. That means that Zendesk is the software where the tickets are created and hosted, but the people who actually look at those tickets work for Funcom.



Admitting to submitting 15 player tickets on here is probably well short of the amount you have actually submitted.

That’s excessive.

You have admitted you don’t play well with others.

For someone that does so much posting and commenting on a Community Forum, you’re the complete opposite in game.

So which is it @DeaconElie ? Do you care about other players or not?

And you know this how? Right, you desperately want to believe that because nothing else fits your narrative. Or have you never met an honest man? We get that, do go on.

In a squad. Did you read what I wrote or just ignored it because it didn’t fit your opinion?

How? I’m the same me in chat, just 90% of the time nothing is going on in chat I care about. I’m not breaking any form rules.

What part of, I’m a nice guy with a bad attitude, do you not get?

Only calling it that because that is what he refers to them as XD

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Sort of like some people’s pet peeve is hackers :wink: