How can a game that is this old, still have major outages that go on for days?

Is it just that you guys don’t know how to do IT?


The problem is Microsoft Playfab servers are not functioning properly. This is the company that does the authentication for Conan Exiles. So, technically it’s not Funcom issue since their IT staff cannot do anything if it’s a third-party vendor who needs to fix it.


It’s ultimately Funcom’s responsibility. I’m sure they have an SLA with playfab or whatever. Funcom should have full support 24x7 at the VERY least monitoring and communicating outages instead of relying on unfortunate players and $erver owners to be the mine canaries. Pathetic.

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Such as:

They’ve already taken the very steps you said they should.

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This seems to conflate two different problems.

I agree with you that Funcom doesn’t seem to have good enough monitoring for their services and they haven’t reacted fast enough. Ideally, they should get an alert as soon as their services start throwing up as many errors as we’re seeing, and have someone to investigate them, take appropriate steps, and communicate with the playerbase to keep them informed.

So yeah, that much is right, they dropped the ball by reacting too slow and too late, hours into the outage.

From that point on, however, the thing is out of their hands. Sure, I bet they have an SLA and paid support and all the good stuff. And that’ll get them as far as it did: the incident report has been created, and Microsoft is “working on it”.

Until Microsoft solves it, all Funcom can do is, perhaps, yell at them. And if Microsoft doesn’t solve it within whatever SLA they have for Funcom, there are consequences stipulated by whatever contract covers their services. None of that shіt will bring any of us any comfort or recompense.

So yeah, until Funcom’s cloud provider takes care of their own freaking outage, we’re stuck with status quo. We have a choice of how we spend that time. We can either use the workarounds we have while we wait, or we can go Full Karen. :man_shrugging:


I would imagine they can still see the servers because they are up- which means they can still turn decay off on reboot which is everyday. Just means someone would need to do it until its resolved.


imagine you paid money for the game but you can’t play the game just because of stoopid authentication thing!

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Until Microsoft solved it a short time after it started on their end , MIcrosoft does not leave things broken for days on end, its Funcom that cant fix the issue now, we need to stop blaming these issues on anyone but Funcom, as long as you played this game you I guess forgot all the times this has happened and happened and happened and they always blame it on someone else, and wait days till people bases are broken or raided beyond repair then fix it days or weeks later. You know what is every more weird I have 189 games on steam and NO ONE Of them but Conan would not start , strange right!!!


Imagine how successful Funcom would be if they were competent. Age of Conan suffered, and now so does Conan Exiles. Both games from the beginning. I know because I played early access of both games. The issues that some how make it to their live games and how they handle them are mind boggling. My last two attempts at customer service resulted in nothing more than an email. Its sad and makes me feel like a fool for supporting their work. Just for salty measure here is a preemtive “Too Hell With You” to the Funcom shills that start foaming at the mouth with they read this. I have given Funcom a lot of money. More than any other game developer in my life. I can complain.


I imagine there’s not as much correlation as you’d think. Microsoft is worth billions, but they still have Playfab outages :thinking:

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hahaha no it is not solved at all

The playfab microsoft excuse is just that, an excuse. The playfab is blaming Funcom… The problems that could have been prevented have been going on for years. You think you have some kind of logical reasoning in your reply but its fails to see the whole of my statement. These problems are what Funcom are known for! that is a fact.

Where do you see that? Playfab is interally reporting an outage as per their own site.

this would be an easy fix and solve so many issues… we all accept this can be an issue totally out of their hands and unsolvable until something else down the line is solved…

But how Funcom deals with it is the major issue at hand here…

They don’t care …

Contrast this to how they could acknowledge the problem and proactively state that official servers will be rolled back to prior to this major cluster f**k… How they could recognise and communicate that the way some can get online and others can’t is unfair and no one should be able to take advantage of this …

A roll back would be so easy to implement and would win so many hearts


Not anymore as of today, they’re not. Playfab status “all systems operational”.

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Playfab fixed their problem hours ago

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So instead of assuming they’re green due to a false positive because the issue isn’t a 100% outage, clearly there must be some grand conspiracy?

I doubt it’s a false positive. Clearly from the lack of response from Funcom (they’re enjoying the weekend) other than community reps, what have we to tell us that Funcom is ACTUALLY working on this? It’s not even on their Zen list.

I think the question is…just who is responsible for server uptime and game health? That’s who to look at. My small community is not able to utilize a service that I pay for, specifically for weekends.

Gportal, but they also don’t run the authentication servers.

Believe it or not, there’s more than one party involved in an online game’s infrastructure.