Initially, I believed it was an issue like the Wight horse where no saddle slot is visible, but you could drop in a saddle anyway. That does not appear to be the case.
Has anyone had any luck equipping a saddle on a camel?
Initially, I believed it was an issue like the Wight horse where no saddle slot is visible, but you could drop in a saddle anyway. That does not appear to be the case.
Has anyone had any luck equipping a saddle on a camel?
I know if you do right now, they turn into a camel messiah and ascend.
Is it a newly placed camel or are you using a database where you already had a camel placed? Not that it should matter, I’m just spit-balling here. Have you tried double clicking (or right clicking) the saddle onto the camel, instead of using drag and drop?
If they did it like they did with the rhinos from the Siptah DLC. Then you have to convert a fresh, not yet placed camel in your inventory into a mount. Back then you couldn’t equip old rhinos with a saddle. Mounts are a completely different category than pets.
Good thoughts.
This is a newly placed/converted camel, bought after the update and raised in a pen.
For the saddle, we’ve tried Shift Click, dragging, double click, etc.
Thus far, no love.
@KiahonfireOfficial mentioned in her video that they appear to be a different camel. She had to spawn one in on admin. None of the camels she bought in game worked. It’s likely an oversight on Funcom’s part. Btw, she also tried to ride one once she got the right camel and it did some sort of weird t-pose and floated in the air. It was pretty funny, and sad.
This is probably why its not found in the beta yet. I didnt appreciate that the normal camel doesnt work at all yet. Its probably going to be foddered I would guess.
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