How do you spend your PVE endgame?

If stelagel was playing with you. Your chests would already have plenty of gold and other materials. And knowing him he is not say anything is wrong with people playing solo. My wife and I play each in our recliners side by side. Two TV’S. Some times we play together occasionally not even on the same server. And if we had world chatting going on I would turn off the sound.

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Every single mmo is a lot better while playing with friends/other players. And if it Bothers you that the other Person plays like a noob/beginer…you could have politely refuse the him/her co-op.

By coming here and calling him/her out just because YOU did not Had fun…i wonder no more why you enjoy playing solo and maybe you should do a check up on your socializing skills.

How you Describe your experience is just rude.

I don’t know about rude, but it was certainly a combination of hilarious and cringy :wink:

Hilarious, because I can imagine the situation and it’s just funny, as long as you keep in mind that it’s just a game and that you can replace your stuff after you die. If that story was a video, it would have Yakety Sax as background music :smiley:

Cringy, because of the tone. No offense, but this whole “why do I have to suffer fools in this game” thing is a bit off-putting. Besides, if you take a newbie with you to a dangerous place, you’re the “designated adult”. After the 3rd death, maybe it’s time to concede that your new acquaintance is not yet ready for this dungeon, finish it on your own, and go back to offer him some help with replacing lost gear. If babysitting newbs is not your cup of tea, maybe don’t do that for fun :wink:


Yep, that sums up very well my feelings about the game too. Played for around 800~~ till got bored of PVE and eventually burned out of being Admin.

One way of adding more replayability is through mods, but the game will remain pretty much the same + a few gimmics. There are some bigger mods like Age of Calamitous that add a ton of new/different stuff though, if thats something that interests you.

The good things are still there, the bad ones are still there. Trying a new server might be enjoyable, especially due to the social aspect of starting over with new people do ally and deal with.

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On my last solo storyline, before I joined a clan on another sever for a mission, I accepted another solo player in my “clan” so he could use my benches and all facilities and could chill out and rp without having to grind mats.

Well he said he was a solo player. He was not. Every evenings I had to “manage” my clan, answer to questions like “what do WE need ?”. This is exactly the things I want to avoid.

“We” don’t need anything, and if I needed anything I will certainly not ask you, not because I can’t rely on people, but because that how I’ve been raised : never ask anything to anyone, do it yourself.

He was very nice and wanted to help. So sometimes I just let him help. He asked once if I needed more stones to build HIS castle (because he started putting decorations all over my 6x6 crafting shack, blocking ways).

I said yeah sure, stones. He brought me 10k stones and asked if it was enough. I thanked him and went on a 10min mining session to bring back 40k stone.

My point is, I will always be thankful for any help, but I certainly don’t need it and could be way more productive and efficient without people trying to do things with me.

He asked then to invite his friend to the clan. I first said “no, it’s not a clan, you don’t get it lol”. But then he argued that his friend is a hardcore farmer and I could just use him as a farming Thrall and that would help the clan so much. I reminded him that all the benches, armors, mats, everything he uses, I’ve farmed it myself without help.

I finally accepted his friend who’s name was completely anti rp, a silly pvp name like “issdestroyer” or something. I made him clan leader and deleted my toon.

I could have spent my endgame building myself a castle and Rping. But the way I spend my endgame was not compatible with having an issdestroyer in my clan, plus I was too busy making my first member comfortable.

Oh, he was mad that he inherited 5 months of hardcore farming and that I deleted my toon.

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No. I’ll respond to passive aggressivity with plain bold aggressivity.

Then stop writing “no offense” everytime you’re trying so hard to offend me. Talking about irony, you’re a master at it (and that’s why I liked so many of your post). But I find it less funny being the target of your white knight syndrome. That guy don’t need your help, he wasted my time like many others, fact, plain and simple, no tone at all.

I stated facts. You found a tone in what said factually. Because that’s what people like me do, they state fact and they don’t need a special tone for that. It’s like when I say “I do this because I know that and it’s great” and people think I’m vain and pompous, it’s only a reflexion of their own insecurities. I can try all I can not hurting the fragile egos around me but at the end of the day if I show a little bit of pride and self confidence, people will still get hurt.

You made up your story about him being a noob that needed my help, about my socializing skills, you interpreted and decided what kind of person I am. Yes that is an idiot thing to do.

I’m only sorry to make you “pay” for the amount of stupid answers I received here from others. But if you’re jumping on the same train as them, I’m not gonna spare you with my rage.
So keep coming at me (in pm to stop bothering others in this thread) I need to vent out and rage more. Or just ignore my further comments because otherwise there will be no end. I think you’re wrong, you think I’m wrong. And none of us will make a step toward each others.

Tbh, i get bored and spend most of my time building, but then i realize how easy it is to play in a PvE, PvE-C server and spend the rest of the time complaining about in the forums.


End game for me is all about building. When leveling up, I have a pitiful little hut that eventually becomes a base.

Then I pick a new location, sometimes just leaving everything behind to start over somewhere else with my same character (not a new character yet) and build a second base. That second base usually becomes a fortress.

Then, once again, I pick a new location (though I might take some supplies with me on this one), and build in a new location. This time, I build a village which eventually becomes a city. Building a walled city is definitely a challenge (especially planning out where everything will go before you start). And it takes a ton of resources to craft and equip with thralls. I play the Purge at the highest level for challenge, so my city does get attacked (city guards are needed). And to make it more restrictive, I make my city one clan – maybe a Cimmerian city in the North, for example – meaning, only Cimmerian thralls are viable captures. Some genders are restricted, too, by profession – such as only female performers (male performers are killed on sight).

(this one is just sandstone, but you get the idea)

And if you really want a challenge… never let yourself build in the same location you’ve built at before. So when you start a new playthrough, you can’t go back to your old base locations. It forces you to get creative with new terrain.

And yes, if you want to up that even more, add mods like AoC, EEWA, and so forth. They can really make Purges “painful” if your defenses are built right. Less Building Placement Restrictions by Multigun is a “must” mod for serious building; I can’t recommend it enough.

So that’s why I wish Funcom would develop the Settlement system and I wish we could “conquer” the NPCs on the map (such as becoming the ruler of Sepermeru or the new captain of the Black Galleon and generally make good on the PvE conquer part of the CE slogan).

And last, once I have done it “all” and built what I wanted and nothing is a challenge anymore, I start a new character and do it all over again. After nearly 4000 hours in this game, I’ve lost count at how many times I’ve started over. But I enjoy this game and have fun building my settlements.


So you willingly Washington your time by accepting coops.

I am going to quote you on this one…

I seriously doubt that the reason behind you being such a frustrated Person are not the Others you group up with.

As you are such a big mouth around the fact that you are so “good” in a game where difficulty is inexistent and mentioned playing World of Warcraft(and coordinating players :stuck_out_tongue: ) here is another clip which represents your take on gaming.

Ok, if u say so. You are far from being a genial but rather a arrogant Person that thinks its better at things then Others.

Agressive to anyone that does not agree with you, i feel sorry for that husband of yours. Maybe he has something for you to suck up and fill that big mouth of yours.

Atittude @Laure

Someone that complains about other players but has this atittude…i am rofl since i receives this DM.

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:rofl: I am tempted to mark your comment as “Solution” :rofl:

I apologize that this thread made emerging emotions like this. Could we please refocus on subject and stay civilized? War and personal vendetta on internet achieve no purpose and pollute the topic for other to exchange.

Thank you and love to all :upside_down_face:


I’d love that too and I totally agree. I pmed him to ask him to stop answering me because it’s useless, a waste of time, and disrespect for others. He only exposed a cut part of my pm. Me wanting to trash talk in pm instead made him laugh and he even had to share here that it’s making him laugh :sweat_smile:

He insists on taking this out in public instead of answering my pms. He needs a crowd and support to flame me like it’s gonna make him relevant somehow :sweat_smile: (and I’m the one with mental disorder)

But yeah I’d like to be able to share again my idea of endgame, SOLO endgame, without being judged nor flamed.

If you say so…

If I had gone through a similar situation would cause me to do things differently myself. I don’t fault you at all. My main thing is that I didn’t want you to think Stelagel was trying to be anything but helpful. He is not that kind of person.


This is super nice, sure planning this ahead must me brain crushing :stuck_out_tongue: also with all the level differences… I build every new testing construction in sandstone so I can experiment but I do not quite like the wall texture of it so I usually pass it to stonebrick if I want to keep the desert look. Like I said the building aspect of the will probably be the reason why I will double my current game time. I made a very nice (at least for me ^^) building for our map-room this week and it was fun and tricky. But it is probably to fill some autistic issues I have ^^ and my friends will at the end stop playing the game because of lack of challenge in the endgame content. That’s ok, I will play something else also with them!


Yes alright I believe you. Because I know Stelagel a little now. I think it was still useful to remind that it is a personal choice to play with others, seeing that a couple of comments later someone stated again that all mmos are better played with other people, like it’s the ultimate truth…

It all depends of what you actually choose to do, what are your objectives, especially after you reach 60. Leveling with people, when you’re not power leveling, is a good time and fun I do agree and it’s the best part of the game imo.
As a solo player, my end game objectives often require the outmost focus and time efficiency, so really not compatible with playing with others.

I’m not saying (I’m making sure it’s well understood this time) that playing with people is not fun. It can be fun if, like my new e-friend, you log in just to hang out with the guys, have a chat and wander around the map/base with no purpose other than just having a good social time (wich also happens to me from time to time I’m not a gaming robot).

I have a particular endgame in CE. I need people on the server to start building a community, but I also need all my playtime to do it as fast as I can and secure some key stuff that can help this community thrive before the cheaters and griefers invasion. It’s a cycle I know too well now and the time is limited to reach a certain point. And other people are rarely helpful nor have the same enthusiasm for what I try to build.

So this is my endgame. After a month living like a rat on a semi dead server (few non hostile, RP players, a thief or two, a small clan of non raider turtles), I start building facilities and raidable bases with loaded T3 altars. Players scooting for active servers usually can’t resist it. They join, they raid and I take the role of a pve content provider. I also like setting up rp/pvp quests, and even the pure pvp players end up enjoying it and that distract them from making dramas.

Something like : “remember the archer you killed in my city ? I don’t care she was weak if she died. But her sisters is mad and wants to kill you to avenge her death. You’ll find her by the oasis waiting for a duel.”

I gear up the sis (level 20 Dalinsia) with a cool DLC armor strenght or vit and fill her with alchemical base, steelfire, oil or more rarely dragon powder.
I spend my endgame farming things that less experienced players have trouble getting. And I try to provide it in a fun way. I know how some people feel like the game is ruined for them if a stranger gives them a horse, armor or starmetal tools at level 15.

My nice vanity bases get raided and even wiped, but I don’t care it’s part of the game and I built them to be raided lol. That’s the endgame of a solo rp/pve player playing on official PvP.

Right, the PVE endgame. That’s a tough one, really. My major motivation was coming up with new things to build and seeing them built, especially if it incorporated a building trick or gimmick, something that required careful planning and advanced building techniques. Bonus points if it makes people ask how you did that particular thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In between the builds, I would fill my time with farming, collecting thralls and weapons, leveling followers, and exploring new content. Funcom used to have a cadence of dropping new content and new DLCs relatively regularly. New content would give me fresh opportunities to have fun with things I haven’t done hundreds of times before. New DLCs would give me inspiration for new builds or a way to improve existing ones.

And, of course, back before my clanmates left to have more fun elsewhere, we had purges, too. When you’re the only one in your clan, it can be nearly impossible to get a purge, unless you leave your toon logged on overnight, which I refuse to do on (stupid?) principle. But with just a couple of clanmates, you can fill up your purge meter in 3 days or so, and the purges were always fun (when they didn’t bug out).

In the end, I believe @Halk hit the nail on the head. There’s really no “PVE endgame”, because this is a game that tries its best to let everyone choose how to have fun. Some will prefer building, others will want to “catch them all”, others will focus on min-maxing some aspect of the game and keeping up with Funcom’s changes, and still others will like hanging out in chat, trading and socializing. I knew a player who really enjoyed greeting newcomers to the server, especially if they’re new to the game, and helping them gear up and do dungeons and stuff.

Ironically, this freedom in endgame is Conan Exiles’ biggest strength and biggest weakness at the same time. It’s awesome when everyone can choose how to have fun without grumbling, but it makes it hard to maintain a game like that, because anything you do will upset someone’s playstyle.

That’s an interesting idea! But it’s also one I could never do myself. I have a favorite spot for my main base and I’ll always pick that one. If I can’t, I’ll try a different server. It’s not just the access to the resources or the biome that I like. The main reason is that it’s literally impossible to wall in. Walling it in would require walling off the whole Unnamed City, and even if someone did that (without getting banned), I could still port in and out because the Unnamed City has its own obelisk :stuck_out_tongue:

Call me paranoid, but after leaving my first server because a griefer walled me in, and having to defend from a wall-in attempt by a different griefer on my second server, I found the perfect spot and never had to worry again. :man_shrugging:


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Siptah Had this walling stuff sorted, and i loved it, you could not be walled in as long as you Had your Base near the outer circle of the maelstrom. This ain’t valid because walling in is not tolerated as it used to be before.

@CodeMage 2nd reason why i have quit official. 3rd being offline raiding or receiving the blessings of a god( god raided ).

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