How do you spend your PVE endgame?

I spend my Siptah endgame hoarding, decorating and revamping as well as clearing dozens and dozens of vaults over and over and over again looking for particular recipes. If I didn’t know better i’d believe I’d been hit over the head and become Funcom’s thrall :joy:


No, thanks. That’s just an invitation for the griefer to get your base smashed into bits by kiting the Maelstrom baddies towards it. I’ve seen it done to others and it ain’t pretty.

Yeah, I’m not really the trusting type. I’ve seen too many people complaining about their tickets being practically ignored for weeks. No, I haven’t heard anyone say they were walled in and their ticket was ignored, but I prefer to err on the side of caution. No offense to Funcom server mods, who I know are too few and overworked, but I’ll trust in their system when I see the majority say the system works fine :wink:

They patched this. Man! Just when i was starting to Think Different of you, come play Siptah with me.

I am not the majority, but i have been waiting for something like ZenDesk since i started playing. What i can say about it, it works mate. And i love it. I am happy with the Ticket reaction time and also know players that have looted Bases from banned players for walling in.

As for myself, when i camed back to official
(around 3-4 weeks ago), i knew where i come( 2nd day i got lanced :stuck_out_tongue: ). I am like you, careful, but i like to be also productive, on Siptah(before 2.3) you ain’t productive if you do not Build near the maelstrom(exception N11).



I’m trying to resist the urge to jump back in and see if I would have more fun with new updates. I know I ain’t coming back at least until the NPC camps are in. And I’m still not happy that there’s no obsidian on Siptah, so I have to use star metal tools. I gave up on grinding for Black Blood tools because the drop rate for them is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in Conan Exiles since I started playing in early access. It’s absolutely the worst :smiley:

Nah, my clan had a build on the edge, for harvesting “???” from the Maelstrom bosses, but none of us had our main bases there. Siptah servers are so few that you get a higher concentration of trolls and griefers than in Exiled Lands. It wasn’t the most toxic server I’ve ever played on, but it was pretty bad.

Love the build @Karzak! And that is the secret to getting your ‘money’s worth’ out of the game. Although the game was really aimed at PvP (like so many other games that were trending back then), it has morphed in many cases to PvE, PvE timed P and Roleplay. I’ve seen so many mixed-media (combo-build pieces and styles) builds that make towns and communities where clan members have their own dwellings, other players trade, etc. Amazing stuff.

Completely agree regarding a ‘Settlement’ system that includes trading and the like. We can see the trend moving along lines like that with the added traders in Siptah and Exiled Lands, as well as the new setting allowing PvP without damage to player structures.

Personally, I prefer open-ended games. In addition to your suggestions @Bodin I’d add some more randomness to the game. I know the game engine prevents the core landscape from being re-scaped randomly on start, but it would be fun if challenges outside of the noob area in the south had some randomness. For example, certain areas have wolves, but exact placements are replaced by roaming spawns. Same with all other npcs. As well as player-purges, occasional groups of NPCs could patrol an area targetting strangers. Or a large herd of rocknose migrate along a general path challenging anything in their path. Perhaps Siptah surge storm backlash into Exiled Lands causing mini storms/whirlwinds or worse?

Private servers are easy. Admins can add added content to keep randomness out there. It makes it less boring for max level players and promotes interest.

I agree with the sentiment, but after nearly 6,000 hrs gameplay, the only thing I have been driven to change has been my base I guess. Players on my servers (modded of course) come and go. Some leave lovely builds and others builds that weather away in storms and so on. With the added nasties to the game, the challenges remain. Looking forward to any new content to the game. Huge thanks to the modding community. Huge thanks to Funcom Art and Dev dudettes and dudes for their imagination and drive keeping the stuff coming!


" How do you spend your PVE endgame?"

By farming dragon powder.


Build glorious things

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PvE end game is building a better version of your base. Bigger with better decor.

Collect all armor/weapons.

Learn all feats via fragments of power.

Babysit your base until there is more content.

Conan Exiles is lacking in RPG and game play loops, hopefully they address this one day.

I look forward to Dune being a more RPGish version of Conan Exiles.

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I spend my PvE endgame on the forums, because there is no endgame :joy:

Is this also a cry post?


I make the game harder every time I start a new character.

  • Firts 2 was casual playing, everything was allowed.
  • Then only one religion.
  • Then no named fighters.
  • Then no legendaries.
  • Then no greater animals.
  • Now it’s no epic gear and no T4s at all. (Sadly the purge won’t work so time to time I manually summon a purge.)
  • Next will be scavenged/looted stuff only (but still no legendaries/epics and if I have the money, I buy a mercenary fighter).

All of the above goes until I reach level 60, cleared all of the dungeons and did most of the journeysteps or ultimately until I got bored.

And I’m gonna try a one life, but I only will do the required minimum: grabbing the pieces to build the keystone and escape from the Exiled Lands as quick as possible.


Since the update, yes! But this “no legendaries” started before the update and ended 1-2 weeks after that. I got my new buffed weapons, slayed the whole world and I felt like: “I’m done…let’s play another game for a couple of days before I start anew”. :grin:
There are some exceptions such as the Blade of the adventurer -my favorite 2 handed- maybe the insulated shields/weapons have a nice bonus that non-uniques don’t have. Plus the venom-infused gear and the Festering one
But you are right, most of the legendaries are oppressed by regular items crafted by bladesmiths.

If Dune has base building and NPCs for your base for single player mode, I’m sold. Those are two features that I absolutely love about games (and seems so hard to find). I don’t want to just raise my character, I want to raise a village (a local militia – my own Sietch among the Fremen).

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By modding the sh*t out of it with mods like Endgame Extended Weapons Arsenal and Age of Calamitous

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