How is this just the way it is?

But that’s the thing… some ARE throwing abuse at individual employees.

The argument from some is that because there is abuse - why should they communicate with us.

I’m sorry but this isn’t a bad personal relationship, it’s a company. Basically what I’ve been trying to say.


Even when they do there’s going to be unsatisfied clientele. You can’t please everyone, it is impossible!

The most successful video games of all time have left angry players in their wake. It’s just reality right?

I’m not trying to be kind here. What I mean is in terms of personal insults and going after employees like Andy; he can’t make decisions or necessarily make the situation better. I think they fvcking dropped the ball so hard and I’m actually super angry about it. Conan is a game that I have had some of my best gaming experiences on and connected me to friends all over the world.

They’re bleeding players and barely trying to close the wound.

Their silence is deafening and will be their own demise.


This is how to remove all turtles from a map.

How to Remove All Turtles, etc.

This was posted on this forum for developers and server admins, but no activity so far.

As just a player, it was tested in my own environment, but I’ve had 20 years of software developer experience, and the subtext here is that if they cared, they now know how to accomplish the feat.

Alternatively, they could turn Turtles into Cats, though that is a bit more complicated.


Thanks for posting this fix, hopefully they can take something from it and get this situation fixed. I’m a little surprised but also not surprised that there hasn’t been anything from them today yet. It’s been two weeks since the other fix. Something better be rolling out tomorrow!

Unfortunately Funcom does not disappoint and maintains absolute silence, it neither solves nor says it will and meanwhile today I log in and I fall and fall and fall again into the foundations, my patience is running out and I will uninstall it, I’m sorry for the boys who stay to suffer.

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I tell my project teams:

“I can sell anything but silence.”


And still ignored with the update. They didn’t like my post about it so deleted it but come on, it’s been 3 weeks. 3 weeks to figure out how to remove turtles but only took a few minutes to take my post down that was offensive.


I completely agree with you that they, Funcom, are a company, and as such they are beholden to their clients to communicate to them when there is a problem. Basically, the end client is what keeps the money flowing in (in this case the gamers) and as such you need to keep a steady stream of communication flowing to at least attempt to appease them that you are doing what you can to rectify the current situation and steer the ship back on course, much like you would a group of stock holders, though with a bit less risk since the end clients cannot vote to replace you.

That being said the personal attacks are also rather disgusting. I am fully understanding of the frustration with the current state of the game, I myself who had pre-ordered the Age of Conan collectors edition and then purchased the early access of Conan Exiles am at the point where I pretty much am not playing any more due to the current state (I have logged into Conan Exiles twice in the last 6 weeks?). However, as upset with the current state of the game that I am, and as … wrong minded… I think some of their recent decisions have been I am not going to call out individual employees and call them some of the most obscene things imaginable just because I think that I am some anonymous person on the internet. That is disgraceful and beyond childish.

So for those people who behave in such a manner please attempt to vent your frustration at the source of your frustration. The current state of the game. It is not ONE person who is responsible for every single facet of the game, even if they happen to the be lead person, they do not design everything nor come up with every idea on their own. The issues with the current state of the game are a collective cluster fvck by the company as a whole, and our feedback is essential to HELP them see where they have gone astray so that they can correct their errors and fix their mistakes. And if they do not, and we (as individuals) do not feel satisfied, then we all need to make the decision on our own whether t is in our best interest to continue to play this game and support this company or move on. But insulting individuals is NOT the way to do things.


Look I get it you’re upset but it seems to me that this issue is happening to you and not everyone, so the priority falls off a cliff due to resource management. It is what it is. I play on at least 10 officials, never had this issue, why is that? Does the bug not affect me? Am I special?

No I am not, and neither are you.

Do what you can on your end to fix your issue, validate installation, reinstall, update drivers etc.

Clean your room first nobody can do that for you especially not Funcom.

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Allow me to give my opinion, I do not agree at all with your comment, the responsibility for the stability of the game is not the user’s, it is the developer and the managers, administrators of the servers, the user has no control over it, so Having updated drivers, fast SSD drives, powerful graphics, that affects the performance of each player’s personal PC, not everyone’s general one.
Serious stability errors are being reported here, server crashes due to starting purges, and that happens because of what happens, it is not the responsibility of the player, on the server where I play they are crying out for Funcom to ban people who throw the server when activating their purges, How could you ban a player who uses your tools, designed and created by you?
In short, no, it is not the user’s responsibility.

No, this issue is happening to ANYONE that goes near a turtle on Siptah. If its not happening to you, its because you havent gone near a turtle. They don’t need to clean their room because you don’t understand the issue

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