How to link Conan exiles with twitch?

How do we link Conan Exiles or Funcom with Twitch?
I dont see any link to twitch on the main menu of conan exiles

I’m not sure it’s active just yet. At least not in as far as following the instructions they’ve laid out for doing it is concerned. There was mention of a patch possibly coming out before Thursday, so I’d probably check tomorrow.

It probably works in the same way as with the other games.

yes, may be i should check that after the next patch, hopefully its as simple as its described on the news page. TQ

found this…
but the button is missing for me

I don’t have this option in the game.

Let me shamelessly repost:


Thank you sir! I’m chillin’ like a villain. :+1: :beer:

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2.4.4 is now out, so the link should be visible in the main menu already!


Pc only because I got 15 people in a party on Xbox an none of us have a update

Finally, an update that isn’t 40+ Gb, good job guys! :+1:

linked on PC and ready!!!

Thank you so much!
I can confirm I linked my account successfully after today patch, Playing on official server on PC.
Cant wait to drink some coffee :coffee: while watching some streams!

yes , it showed up and TQ . Have a nice time.

My account is not linked. :frowning:
Game menu not work, i no have mods.

if you get funcom launcher, when you start conan , then click on launch , then look for the link twitch. and also check in twitch connections, sometimes it shows error linking , and when you try linking again it says account already linked, so do check.

I cannot link my account either. Clicking the button on the title screen doesn’t do anything.

Make sure you temporarily disable any and all mods.

Also ensure steam overlay is enabled.

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