Hyborian Age Poster

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One of the prizes from the Revenge of Yogtober event is a Hyborian Age Poster Illustrated by Francesca Baerald.

I can find this poster at conan.com, but unfortunately they do not deliver to Europe.

@Community Does anyone have an idea how Europeans can also enjoy this beautiful map?


Win the Revenge of Yogtober contest. :stuck_out_tongue:


If only there were enough top spots in the contest for all 750 million of us.

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There are services in the US that accept shipments and forward them to Europe, e. g. https://www.shipito.com/

Never used this service or a similar one myself, but should work. Similar services exist near borders to countries with different taxation, as one can semi-legally* avoid some taxes that way.
*Not legal advice; use this at your own risk.

If there’s a helpful US or Canadian resident here, he or she might also help a fellow Conanian. hint, hint

P. S.:
The artist has a web page and lots of great work at https://www.inprnt.com/search/products?q=Francesca+Baerald. The Hyborean map isn’t included, but if you e-mail her, maybe that can be remedied. The method mentioned above seems cheaper, though.


Would also like this for my gaming man cave. They don’t ship to Australia either it seems.

I’ll have to put my relatives in US to use.

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