Pic related:
Andy needs to add a Facepalm to the reactions…
I bless you all with this treasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP7K9SycELA
Parts storage ah yes
Reed Richards, is that you?
Been on a meme creation kick of late
andy rally needs to add the and emojis as a reaction…
Yesterday was the best, watched my terrible upstairs neighbor get absolutely CHANCLA’d for being terrible.
Cops had just left for some sort of commotion, he bolts down the stairs and starts shouting nonsense, and three dudes, armed with a broom, a shovel, and sandal respectively totally BODIED him and it was absolutely glorious and hilarious.
Isso já aconteceu comigo em savage wilds quando está em modo “admim” isso acontece ao pressionar “Shift + Delete” olhando para o guardião… Para ver esse bug deve em seguida ir para outro lugar no mapa clicando “Ctrl + Click esquedo do mouse” ao retornar esse BUG acontece Mas é um BUG visual que não atrapalha em nada para mim… Penso que o BUG que atrapalha para todos é o BUG do manequim invisível que ainda não ajustou ate o momento o HOTFIX " (2024.01.16)" é FAKE @Community FUNCOM o que estão fazendo com nosso dinheiro ?
Wrote this ridiculous poem purely on a whim:
Fiery explosions and course hazards galore!
Blood and fuel begin to pour!
3000 MPH and counting,
Every safety regulation we are flaunting.
A loud booming voice exclaiming,
Something we cannot understand, as the boosters begin flaming.
Afterburner glow at night, tracing,
I smile and exclaim- “Now THIS is podracing!”
This fecund nostalgia crust sent me to the MOON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kfrjAW8Svc
lol and this has me deceased at this very late hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7-_hb28Wmk
Another original I just made:
Won’t stay that way…
HAHAHA! Also, made another original meme.
For all you Pokémon fans out there