Game mode: [Online | PVP
Problem: Bug | Performance
Region: [Here] NA
Just got killed by a completely invisible player on PS4, not an NPC but this player was invisible. awesome
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Game mode: [Online | PVP
Problem: Bug | Performance
Region: [Here] NA
Just got killed by a completely invisible player on PS4, not an NPC but this player was invisible. awesome
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
This keeps happening to me as well. Camps and npcs , even players not fully rendering in. All you see is a a name with a weapons sometimes floating. I have uninstalled twice and still the same. I play pvp and players not rendering in has killed me twice so far. I have decided to try to stay away from this game untill these issues are resolved. Im on ps4 pro if thats any help please fix this fast, I really want to play this game but everytime i go out im killed by invisible thrall camps