Is Conan Exiles really a Survival Game anymore?

I would agree that its not really a survival game anymore. Maybe it will be revamped, maybe not; it’s hard to say. I dont think survival games have the same pull that they did when they first arrived on the scene, but I personally appreciate them (that’s why I amp up survival anyway I can reasonably on Isle of Men). When I look superficially at the way many talk about the game, its the three camps; PVP (maybe a subset would like more survival?), PVE (probably a more generous percentage like survival but building pretty buildings seems to dominate) and RP (maybe some do, but anecdotally they tend to turn down the difficulty to facilitate RP). So as much as I would like more survival and hope it gets a system revamp, I think its realistic to not expect it. I do however hope I am wrong.

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