Time for a roll back, folks - all the way to pre-sorcery

I’ve asked a few times if people would pay to be on those “classic” servers, you know the answer I got?

Where do you think the big building whales show off their purchases? Private servers :rofl:
I assume players that buy a lot build a lot, and as much as I wish people would limit that to private or single players, my experience is the public PVE servers are theirs.

Wouldn’t that be like trying to plug an LED light in to an incandescent fixture?
Wouldn’t that mean funcom having to make two versions of everything on the bazaar?

I bought it once now funcom pays me croms to play.

But was it, really? I want to say it was 2.3 {?} funcom did an update that broke something and was the last straw for me, I quit. Came back for sorcery.

Go read Is Conan Exiles really a Survival Game anymore? - #29 by darthphysicist I think you’ll see a large part of the community want a harder Conan.

You mean that broken bugged out piece of c… ode. Ya, not missing it. Don’t get me wrong, when it worked right I liked it. Much like the new purge, then I could set and prep, but then it got borked. No prepping for an Avalanche spawning in the middle of your base, through 3 floors.