Is Conan Exiles really a Survival Game anymore?

The survival part is fine. If you are on a pve server, I can see the issue.
Rust is also a survival game, and one of the best.
Pvp servers dont care about the survival aspects as much. If anything its just annoying. Certain things make it fun during raids, like extreme cold or heat.

I think the mindset is. Pve servers for people to relax and enjoy more of the RP things of the game. (Maybe set PVE servers to extreme settings, to make it more “survival”. NPCs hit harder, food expires faster, certain diet for thralls/animals. Which is all in the game already. Just max it out for you “survival purists”

PVP- People dont want the burden of survival to be extreme. It’s not fun, its annoying. Need a good balance. Our fun is playing against other players. But we need popular servers for that.

But Conan has way bigger issues that need to be resolved for that to happen. Aka- hackers.

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Not simply bad, the worst player of all times i would say :hugs:.

But let’s speak with fresh PlayStation facts. I gave an hour for doing a research and validate the words of my dearest Kiki. When Kiki is making a topic i have to say that i am a huge fan, it’s one of the most important members for me in here since in my heart she is a dear friend :heart:.
So i started in a random pvp official server…

with a run that in the past was taking me high lvl really fast…
That is, gather aloes and run to jungle of course spider bosses, spiders and apes are pretty decent to lvl up fast :woman_shrugging:t4:.
At lvl 12 after 27 minutes i reached the borders of jungle but i started having enormous lag spikes, enormous! So i logged out and when i try to log in i saw the ping from 66 to 99, but it’s nothing compared that i play on servers with 9999 :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

I say how the hell i will go against the freaking spider boss, lvl 12, no vitality, no armor, stone daggers, with these lags??? Don’t get me wrong, you can easily win this boss lvl8 (more or less on speed runs that’s my lvl when i fight the big spider on Darfari lands), but it’s a fight of perfection, it seems simple but it’s not.
So i say what the heck let’s do it anyway :rofl:, bedrolls exist for this reason. But before i go in the silk wood i took a glimpse on the server settings…
Please take a look!

So unless a change have been done the last 24 hours…
Pvp server PlayStation…
XP rates X1
Harvesting rates X2

Anyway, i fixed a bedroll, a campfire to place a torch, a hatchet and a javelin, and went to the spiders. The spider was freaking bugged, freaking bugged!!! I remember a topic of another fellow in here saying that when you round a boss it gets bugged and doesn’t attack… He was right :rofl:. Although i never seen this behavior on pve servers and single player, here i witness this fact. The only thing this spider was doing was to scratch her legs and jump after some decent seconds, decent enough to give you 2 full dagger combos, so it was more difficult to kill the minions around than the boss…

Long story short, after 1 hour, with these enormous lag spikes, with bad rng since both spiders did not gave me any agilty weapon (not that there are plenty :rofl:) i ended up lvl… Taratataaaaam
21 :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
I do remember it the hell easier…
But it’s not anymore, not even close.
I could choose different paths, hell yea.
I could push it a bit more, hell yea.
But this “completely unplayable” environment cannot allow you to go faster, no way. I can try in single player if you wish that the performance is excellent. I can go to the sorcery cave, loot the goodies from the chests behind by fixing an ice bridge, and head, kill the spider in the cave across and all her minions, get a legendary weapon and throw my self to the unnamed city. I can even run and steal the Musashi from the stronghold(you need 25 minutes from the beginning just to get there and be able to loot it, quick footed perk) .
I know several valid ways to lvl up, several options, but non “invalid”, zero! And i guess pvp players do, i remember a message from a dear friend in here saying…

Harvesting Lotus xp, no longer exists

And i was scratching my head, wth? Why people do this?
Well there’s a good answer to this i guess…

Because devs allow it!!!

Allow cheats no more, enough is enough!
The performance on official pvp servers is unacceptable!!!
How do you expect people to play there hah?

These are my downs for official Playstation pvp.

It was just me and another person…
Server of my region…
No builds AT ALL in all my way, Zero!!!
These lags has absolutely no reason.

Sorry for long post… That’s my feedback, fresh as a fish! If pc is deferent, i cannot say, i play on PlayStation :hugs:.

Closing with a question…
Server transfer option?

Ps. I didn’t do this post to go against, all i wanted is to provide real time PlayStation feedback, so if PlayStation players come in to this chat, to have knowledge of the condition we play the game, it’s purely feedback!



Right? I get why they can’t fix the problem of peeking through things, it’s not really an easy programming feat. But thicker walls with more HP would be better to alleviate the problem with looking through and overburdening of the load.

I completely agree, it’s tedious and boring. I don’t feel like I am surviving, I feel like I am wasting time. It’s an example of something taking many steps for nothing.

This is very controversial and I am not sure I would even be ok with children being in the game. Maybe if thralls immediately came out as adults?

Unless they fix the problem with hackers and cheaters or implemented active moderation, I don’t think this would be a good idea. We need to be able to identify those who do require a report.


No one is bad not being able to level in 30 minutes.

PVP servers have been x4 for almost 2 years. Even you levelled “normally” you still got to level 60 very quickly. Last I checked, they’re x3.

My point is that I know how to do it quickly. Even with lotuses now only being handpicked or using sickle, I can still run quickly to mounds and get a starmetal tool which happens to be sickle a good majority of the time. Then of course black ice, 1 run in there with a starmetal pick, hatchet or pickaxe and you’re level 60 which is about 30 minutes on PVP.

There’s little incentive vanilla wise to level naturally as it is.

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That’s not true which leads into exactly what you said next.

90-95% of PVP is PVE. Maybe you might not be concerned with the rest if you only log in during raid hours and the others in your clan do the brunt of farming, building and prep.

Also not true, I want survival in PVP. I’ve done all the things regarding high PVP and it’s a symptom of many larger problems. I enjoy all that PVP has to offer and that’s also the PVE aspect and for the most part it has become inconsequential to the point that high PVP tends to be all that as left BECAUSE everything else is too easy.

This is a discussion about the game not a request to change everything now. I completely agree that hackers need to be dealt with and serious issues need resolution first, such as the shit update and hotfix. Those 2 are why I am not playing at the moment.


There’s been something really wrong, even with seemingly “empty” servers, for a long time now. It’s been suggested that bodyvaults could be a factor, imagine how many there probably is on each server alone?

Also, unless you’re right and they changed the XP and harvesting rates suddenly, there’s some servers for PVP that have been missing from their internal lists. I know of 2 PC PVP servers that have remained x1, they still even have the MoTD from 2 years ago.

Maybe it’s that? I am not sure, I have not logged in for 2 weeks.


My experience is perhaps a little different, probably because my playstyle is almost directly opposite. I play exclusively in singleplayer (pc) (neither mysogynist nor mysandrist, I am an egalitarian misanthrope :wink: ), and I prefer to set the player xp rate way down, so that levelling takes as long as possible. For me, the journey to 60 is often the best part of the game. (I can, of course, understand how especially for PVP the need to get to 60 as soon as possible is paramount.) As a result, perhaps my experiences of some game elements may also be different.

However - the survival elements of the game feel almost non-existent at this point. I remember climbing the spike in the middle of skyfall ridge to get to the extra black ice, with full cold gear, and falling because I still got too cold. Or dying coming out of the volcano into the snow, simply because I hadn’t waited for the cooling down buff from my last chew of ice to wear off. I used to have outposts close to the snow and close to the volcano, so that I could store spares of all the temperature gear I was going to need, and fridges with appropriate food. I still build and stock similar outposts, but now I never find that I actually need to use anything that’s stored there - I just wind up dropping off loot that I can’t be bothered to carry home (I really should stop picking up such rubbish, but that’s a different problem :rofl:).

Food I’m not convinced has ever been much of a problem in CE - it always seemed easy to get - maybe even more so now. Certainly the fresh character I ‘accidentally’ started yesterday already had enough food for several days by the time I reached noob river… (That said, I also wouldn’t want it to imitate the silly situation from 7d2d where a starting character seemingly needs to consume 2-3 large animals (deer/boars) every day…)

Personal bugbear - I don’t like all the ‘free’ stuff we now get from the journey system - I guess the locked recipes are fine, but getting given a bunch of food and resources just for doing the basic steps seems to go even further towards erasing the ‘survival’ aspect. (I can just throw the stuff away, so whatever, but it highlights a trend.)

Combat - when it’s working actually feels good to me right now. I’m still getting a bit ‘locked to a straight line’, even with ‘Auto face on attack’ enabled (though mostly now it is when harvesting, rather than combat, so less of a problem than chapter 3). The enemy targetting seems to be working at a fairly decent level for me now (though I don’t think I’ve yet faced any skeletons since the update, which were the ones that bothered me most in chapter 3, so we’ll see how that goes) - currently feels a bit more challenging than before, but not ‘unfair’ as it did in chapter 3. I fought a basic crocodile yesterday (starter character, slow-levelling as always) and the damn thing hit me! I’ve fought thousands of crocs in this game, I know their movements, I could almost do those fights in my sleep - but the damn thing hit me! How dare it! Outrageous! :rofl: (But seriously, way more fun than any croc fight I’ve had in a few years.)

Status effects on the other hand, yeah, they feel pretty underwhelming - more of a ‘walk it off’ than ‘you’re gonna die if you don’t deal with this’.

Loot - just feels ridiculous now. My previous game I don’t think I ever even bothered crafting hardened steel - I looted and dismantled so much that I had no need of crafting. (And I can’t imagine how much worse that would have felt with the 4x harvesting you guys got stuck with - materials feel easy to get solo on 1x rates, 4x would just feel like ‘what’s the point’.)

Both, I think. To some extent, our skills have of course improved - I still remember bumping in to a blue-eyes croc day 1 of my second playthrough (a creature that had terrorised me for months on my first run) - I just pulled the stone daggers and said ‘come on then’. Combat hadn’t changed, I was just better at it. But in the years since then, I think combat has also got easier. As someone else said, even green shalebacks used to be able to damage a low-level character.

Re: PVP - of course I have no knowledge or direct understanding, but nonetheless I have a thought. I think it is quite possible that the ease of getting raid materials that you point out is intentional (well, duh), and that the intention was supposed to be to ‘improve’ PVP. The logic (I think) being that it would help level the playing field (which of course it doesn’t), and that reducing the grind would let people get to the ‘good stuff’ quicker (same with the x4 harvest rates). I think it misses the mark in all ways, and doubt that it was the right direction to even set out in - but trying to dig through what the intent might have been, that’s the best I can come up with :man_shrugging:

I love hearing this from an experienced PVPer, because it opens up a perspective I hadn’t understood before. The reduction in ‘breaking time’ seems to be part and parcel of this idea the devs have of ‘nothing should be permanent’ - make it easier to get thralls, so people complain less when they die. Personally, I hate this, both conceptually and in execution, but previously I would have thought this was considered beneficial in PVP, as it would be quicker to ‘restock’. So it is very interesting to me to see that it had a negative impact for PVP as well.

(The loss of value from high tier crafters is, of course, something I view as negative across the board - I can’t imagine any game mode benefits from these changes.)

Purge - eh, whatever - as I’ve said elsewhere, I didn’t greatly care for it before, don’t greatly care for it now. I guess, if I had to pick a side, I’d probably say I prefer the newer one, but it’s close (and largely unimportant to me).

QoL and UI changes - not gonna do it. Not gonna rant… Not a fan, moving on…

Sorcery for me also goes on the ‘eh, whatever’ pile - it was never something that interested me, so it’s not something I use - I’m glad that those that always wanted it got something they wanted. But then, I have no real experience of the downsides of its introduction - no summoning bodies, no transport stones, no bats getting into my base (no one else to try it in singleplayer, lol). From an outsider perspective, I guess summoning bodies seems the biggest step back on the survival side - given that the ‘run of shame’ to get your kit back was already pretty much the only consequence for death…

I don’t know - survival-wise, I don’t really remember any time when it felt particularly hardcore. But still I would say it feels easier now than ever before.


Levels and progression based upon them have been used frequently in survival games, but I don’t really see the point of them outside of artificially pacing the player.

Pacing the player can be useful, as it allows the player to sit in a lower tier state long enough to learn the parts of it that will be used later. While also giving them a goal to move forward. Typically this is done with a leveling system, but I don’t believe it has to. In many earlier survival games didn’t have levels at all.

Pacing the player is where Conan Exiles does it not so well. At 1x rates, the pacing is so fast that the player doesn’t have enough time to sit in a tier of materials long enough to learn everything about them. This is where to get the materials, what to use them with, how to make their production more efficient. And so forth.

For example. At level 10 you can use iron. At level 30 you can use steel. By the time you reach 30, you have NOT gotten enough iron to convert to steel in order to fully move into it. By the time you can, you have access to Hardened Steel and then Star Metal.

What was the point of those levels in that regard?

This is actually something I’ve tested in a live environment with a variety of players of differing skill levels. I found the more casual and new players actually benefit from the current progression system in Conan Exiles if the exp rates are cut in at least half. Better if cut further. That means 0.5x rates. Better if it is 0.2x. And if your veteran players of your community can handle it, all the way down.

The result of this is when leveling you don’t level so fast to outpace your current material tier. By the time a player has hit level 30, they will have a pretty good stockpile of iron and likely (since you can convert to steel at level 1) have a decent stockpile of steel. They can immediately begin using the steel and building and outfitting with it. By the time they reach 50, they can do the same with Hardened Steel, and by the time they hit 60, they are ready for all epic tier crafting.

The downside is thralls are painfully slow to level. A fix to that is to divorce thrall exp from player exp. Or even better, give it its own slider.

But leveling progression doesn’t need to be a thing. Personally I think the journey step system could be expanded. Instead of getting attribute points and knowledge points from leveling. You get it from journey steps. You also get keystone recipes from doing them as well. You have a clear set of goals to do in order to get the progression you are looking for. And it eliminates the grindy nature and the repetitiveness of leveling. It also will feel a bit more natural that you are completing steps to figure out a recipe instead of sticking crocodiles with a stick for 20 minutes to unlock the ability to use iron tools. If the system was robust enough, we wouldn’t even need knowledge points and could put every knowledge in there. Players will still want to specialize early on to focus their efforts, but like now, they would eventually have access to everything. But it would be through doing a variety of activities, not merely running a route for easy to nab fragments.

I’d also like to see thrall levels removed entirely, and when a thrall is tamed, they receive enough attributes as if they were level 10 plus a perk. Then you do some sort of activity that will reward them with their second perk and the equivalent of 5 more levels. Then again for their third and final perk, and get another 5 levels (thus gaining the strength of a level 20 thrall). These activities could be different depending on which set of perks you want to get, giving the player a means of selecting what perks they want. And then they can use elixirs to change those later if they wish.

I would agree that its not really a survival game anymore. Maybe it will be revamped, maybe not; it’s hard to say. I dont think survival games have the same pull that they did when they first arrived on the scene, but I personally appreciate them (that’s why I amp up survival anyway I can reasonably on Isle of Men). When I look superficially at the way many talk about the game, its the three camps; PVP (maybe a subset would like more survival?), PVE (probably a more generous percentage like survival but building pretty buildings seems to dominate) and RP (maybe some do, but anecdotally they tend to turn down the difficulty to facilitate RP). So as much as I would like more survival and hope it gets a system revamp, I think its realistic to not expect it. I do however hope I am wrong.

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This is the root cause question and my answer isn’t going to make me any friends…

No and it shouldn’t be because I have over 1000 hours in the game. For any fan or experienced vet, the survival aspects of this game are crap… speed bumps in the quest to get this intro junk over so that we can play our real games…building, RPing content or pvp. But to a brand new player, this is a terrifying survival game. Heaven help you if the sandstorm comes when you are right off the cross. Imps. Ugly fat goblins…ok I can take them…wha? He exploded? Hyenas are still very very deadly as they cripple your level 5 player high in ego after killing gators and imps now trigger 5 hyenas and each one is crippling you toon. After frustration, you research and learn the game… eventually becoming one of us.

What you are asking for is putting a genie back in the bottle as far as vets wanting to relive the game they started up 5 years ago. Sorry but those days are dead. You are far too sage now to even remotely go back to the time that you fondly remember.


It seem this way. There was absolutely no reason for these lag spikes around. Except if the only person who was in at the time was causing them in purpose, who knows? I read in the forum that people can do that, lag or crash the server.

Omg i hit the jackpot of Playstation servers :rofl:.
I am at shopping right now with Angelika, when i return home i will try a couple more, just in case i was this lucky. Still if that’s the thing, why? Is it in purpose you think, so people can play officially with different harvest rates. If that’s the case i see no mistake in it.
I’ll let you know the soonest possible my friend.

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I agree, 100%.

Friends and I have had the same discussion and we have come to a similar conclusion.

Conan is not a survival game. It’s a crafting/building game with a bit of fairly easy combat, until the new and reintroduced bugs kill you.

And you are correct, getting caught in a sandstorm was death. I used to carry a foundation 4 walls and a ceiling with me before I’d leveled to get a mask, because it was unsurvivable. Now, rough wraps will carry you through with zero problem

It used to be a race to get out of the desert before your died of thirst. Now I get 2 or more full waterskins and actual food. I avoided certain bioms for months, until I could make the gear to survive and would have specific gear for specific areas.

And hitting level 60 was an accomplishment, not an expectation after less than a week of play.

It was a hard, satisfying slog, with actual rewards.

Now, on our servers, we play a barbaric+ rule set. 2.5 - 3.0 NPC damage, lower XP, lower gather rates, higher food and water consumption. Because playing at standard settings is playing bumper bowling and we find no joy in this.

There have been only a few changes over the last 5 years that have added any amount of joy to the game.

  1. Attribute settings - No longer do I get to level 60 and have 1 point I can’t spend
  2. Building - it took me a bit to get used to the build hammer, but, overall, it has made a smoother build process when coupled with 100% return of mats from most things
  3. Ability to move stations/placables without deconstructing them
  4. The swan dive action emote . Static emotes hold very little interest for me
  5. The thrall behavior control system

The rest, mounts and sorcery and this tower defense purge system and the constant see-sawing of thrall HP and usability, is either completely forgettable or game breaking, depending on the new and reintroduced bugs.

I feel for the last few years, since the November 2021 ToS change, the producers have been screaming at me that I am not playing the game right. So I moved to private servers where i could ignore them. So they instituted game changes to try to force me into the mold of the only right way to play the game.

And they have just about succeeded in convincing me, that it’s time to shelve this title and find something else.

Which is fine, It’s a game. There will be other games. I played 7 Days for years, until they went down much the same path. Now I don’t play 7 Days.

For the first time since the Bazaar was instituted, I see a build set and my immediate thought is not, “let’s get it, it’ll be fun!” Instead, it’s “Am I even going to be playing this game in a month?”

Regardless, excellent post.


@erjoh over here posing the existential questions to keep you up at night. :grin:

In all seriousness though. Its similar to the points I brought up in my first post in the thread. What kind of survival game does Conan need to be? Like I said with the hunger and thirst, why does a veteran player of 1,000 hours need to eat and drink to stay alive when they live in a palace built with their bare hands, along with the servants they dominated to serve them hand and foot?

Even without DLCs and other cosmetics, we have at our disposal the ability to create homes, cities, castles, palaces, towers, and other abodes that would be well staffed, well made, and full of every amenity a Hyborian Age person could ask for.

Even when doing the quest to escape the Exiled Lands, the question is posed to our character. Do we want to actually leave everything behind that we worked so hard to craft? Just to go back to a world that dumped us there and start again from the bottom? Being as many of us are playing characters that chose not to do the quest, the answer to that is no.

So why do we have these little survival elements we need to contend with?

In my post I described the game that those elements make sense in. In there the highest tier building you could probably cobble together would be a mud hut or a log cabin. You’re living like the lost colony of Croatan effectively. You’re not advancing to a civilized state. You’re not crafting things out of carbon steel. You’re lucky to get some metal on occasion, and even a single wolf, coyote, or cougar is enough to be a major threat.

The major bosses we fight are aliens with very strong physiques and mental powers. Snakemen able to use illusion magic, demon spawn, and a whole host of other supernatural foes. We have the ability to lay sieges with complex siegecraft. Not simple wolves, and bears.

In a game where you never really get far past the basics and you effectively live in survival mode for the remainder of your life is one where hunger and thirst means something and makes sense.

For Conan Exiles, it makes zero sense. I’ve noticed a trend among survival games that have been self aware of this. Valheim and Enshrouded both change up how hunger and thirst work from a mechanic that you have to fight with to something you work with.

It makes no sense to be some dark lord living in a Stormglass complex having to fight to survive to find food and water. When you have a hundred servants at your beck and call. It does makes sense for them to seek out new and exotic meals to sate their gluttony (resulting in better buffs for game mechanics).

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I pretty much agree with most of what you said… I did mention several times on the forums that the game is becoming more and more like a generic RPG, but also trying to be a classic sandbox at the same time which doesn’t really mix well.

Overall I would say that the game degraded into something that might need a new category at this point… something like “Hoarding simulator” :slight_smile: that probably fits the bill well.

And no, you’re not misremembering, you are correct… back in early access you were almost certain to die to the elements at least once before you could even get your first campfire down… and meeting a pack of hyenas at a low level was indeed almost certain death as they chased you down and crippled you heavily… and yes, you were getting a heatstroke in the desert around the summoning place and going north required a separate set of cold resistance armor. etc.

Leveling also took way longer, I’m playing at 0.2x player xp rate atm and that sort of feels like the speed that it used to be initially.

Slowly all the survival elements of the game have either been toned down or completely eliminated… Age of War brought a ridiculous nerf to all wildlife and world bosses resulting in what little resistance the world had to fade…

Remember when they introduced the wolf packs in the north? :stuck_out_tongue: people were very upset with them… now they’re a joke too.
You can jog across the land butt naked without a single worry… no creature poses any challenge anymore…


Well come on. The game’s survival aspects are for the noobs. The rest of us are now just going through motions no different than mortal combat attacks codes. New players can’t even comprehend the idea that we know when there is a node of stone missing over there and with no visible base only means you got an undermesher. That there is a spider missing on your way to Flotsam and so clearly you got someone around you or at least in the last 10 minutes.

Hoarding might be the thing…

In some way, it’s a kind of insurance against raiding.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not judgmental about raiding. However, the way I’ve experienced it, again and again, was less about raiding and much more about vandalism.
Nevertheless, my worst experiences with raiding are not connected to official servers, but rather more to some private ones, especially back in 2018/19, where I was bombed off the map.
Moderation has never been applied anywhere. That’s at least my experience. People are testing the limits, constraints, or rules practically everywhere. It doesn’t matter if they need this or that; just because they can, it is already an excuse for a lack of common sense.

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A lot of my reply will be about PVP, some of it just to give more perspective.

It really depends on intentions and where your friends are.

If I have a bone to pick I’ll level quickly, such as jumping on a server where I don’t have a 60 and my friends have a war happening.

But if I’m joining a server fresh, with no prior affiliations or intentions, I will consider levelling “naturally”, I take my time exploring and learning the politics of the server. Plus, essentially insta levelling draws unwanted attention. Some immediately think you’re a server wiper, exploiter or an alt of a particularly heinous enemy. So you play the slow game instead.

I would lean on this. The feasts you get as drops… I was filling fridges with. They have buffs and normally you would have had to have farmed the required materials instead. Now it’s literally on silver platters! Being Base Mom I always had drop chests for the rest of the clan, they would drop, I transfer and organize. So. Much. Food.

I agree with you. I was sad to see the old journey system gone. It was fine as it was imho, it gave just enough of a morsel of information to new players and veterans didn’t rely on it. Now, in some ways, some journey steps are required for metas in PVP…

Blue eyed hyenas! UGH AHHHHHH, I was terrified of them. They still give me a bit of PTSD seeing them out in the wild. But now I don’t run away and I can kill them naked, I feel like I shouldn’t be able to do that even with my experience?

I think you’re right. There were so many complaints about longstanding clans holding dominion over a server and subjugating anyone that dared step foot in the lands. I saw complaints that x1 was too slow. Saw complaints that it’s hard to get enough raiding materials to fight a large clan. Etc.,… etc.,…

Which yes, are all true to an extent. But I think, in perfect Funcom fashion, they went to hard to level that playing field.

I used to be completely against server wipes. Funcom has done it before to combat cheating issues. Why not consider it again to truly level the playing field? Get rid of bodyvaults too. I have a BV full of dragon powder. I shouldn’t have a BV full of dragon powder. There’s many reasonable arguments against server wiping though. Much of the PVP community that prefers Officials enjoy that they don’t wipe and for good reasons. I could see this being a better argument if server transfers were still a thing.

Basically what I am getting down to is that there really isn’t much permanence for me on servers anymore. It’s thunderdomed, very akin to dropship games with a timer now.

I used to stick around for months to a year. Now I am lucky if I get a month out of a server. Much of that has to do with cheating of course, but even without that element, there’s barely anyone to shake a stick at.

I like community on a server. I don’t fight or raid everything that moves, I want an experience. Fighting others is exhilarating but only an element. All of my clanmates are players I met on the game. I developed relationships with them, either through common enemies or running in to each other frequently. Some of them I was even enemies with at one point.

My choices for Official servers in my region are limited to 3 popular ones. These 3 all have consistent cheaters/hackers living there, longstanding clans - this waxes and wanes with time as to who dominates, lagged out the wazoo and I’ve already fought most of them.

Server wipes on a reasonable schedule, like maybe with the ages or chapters, might alleviate much of the problems that Officials currently experience. Maybe.

I’m glad that you see this an acknowledged it. I’m not particularly opposed to thrall breaking time not taking over a day necessarily. But it definitely made it almost inconsequential. I’ve discussed it with my clan and while we all agree the “concept” of short thrall breaking time feels nice, it’s a lost opportunity we’ll never experience again.

Me too - but is it really what they wanted?

Summoning corpse is probably one of the most exploited and overused element of sorcery in PVP. Definitely used a lot in PVE too but has consequences of which make PVP a different animal.

If you’re defending against raiders your options are:

• build/repair (can be very OP depending on where/how you built)
• go out and fight the raider(s) and hope to kill them, take their raid materials to halt or postpone the raid
• run via transportory stone, out the back door or load your inventory up, pull bracelet and summon your body full of loot

There’s pros and cons to this. If a clan is smart you’ll never defeat them. This can be good in some ways because it’s not over. There’s more to plan, talk about and an opportunity to try again.

If it wasn’t for undermeshing, this would all be fine. Summoning corpse was the catalyst that allowed skybasing and undermeshing to be so OP. Thankfully skybases have finally been addressed but new undermeshes have popped up.

Additionally something I didn’t add for sorcery: using the transportory stone ups your corruption to the point where it can’t be removed immediately, I forget what it is called. But you can completely bypass it by pulling bracelet.


But dude, I’m not asking for it to go back to what it was.

I’m mainly asking what the title proposes, is it really a Survival Game by definition?

Even with our experience, it doesn’t feel like I am surviving anything anymore.

I don’t have the hours in Ark that I do with Conan, but hell, I’m jump scared, die and constantly under threat in that game even with better gear. They are 2 separate games 100% but in comparison, Conan pales in comparison.


Exactly! I can get to the volcano, naked, before level 10. Evade all wildlife, the cold, the heat and then set up. I shouldn’t be able to do that.


To be fair, there’s a lot about Ark I really hated, so for me it’s not something I’d like to see Funcom follow too closely, but I get where you’re coming from.

I can also see erjoh’s point - at our level of experience it’s not surprising that some things that used to be difficult no longer are, and protecting the new player experience is certainly important - I’ve seen people driven away from this game because of how ‘hard’ it is (they didn’t want advice…). But still I do also feel that some things are ‘more easier’ now than can be accounted for just by skill or knowledge. Corrupted Wolves definitely seem a lot easier than they used to be - and sure, some of that is being used to wolf attack patterns - but it also just feels like they don’t hit as hard or last as long as they did, and not all of that can be put down to me being ‘great’ :wink:

And things like the ease of loot, food, temperature, journey rewards etc are undeniable - the change is just fact. Maybe some of these things are better for newer players (I hope so). True we can’t expect to recapture the thrill of our early experiences, lost, ignorant and afraid. But I hope the added ease is not ending up robbing other newer players of those same opportunities.

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