Is Conan Exiles really a Survival Game anymore?

My dearest Kiki, 4 different servers, all the same settings

Please don’t make me send 20 photos :rofl:. Yet i do remember it was easier (pve) on official pvp when we speak about xp.


Maybe they finally changed it to x1?! That would be amazing.


Yes this is true but it’s still a survival game…just not a kick in the balls survival game because mass appeal is a thing that companies need to take heed of.


For a newer player, and I’ve seen so many posts in both the forums and Reddit recently. It starts off with “I’m a newer player and absolutely love this game, so I spent hundreds of dollars to buy all the DLCs, BLB and BP…” and then comes the but. Surely a level of buyer’s remorse and much of the real issues we can identify immediately with our experience are not apparent at first glance to a newer player.

So is making the game “easier” for a newer player an advantage for Funcom?


I had been playing on 0.2 for a long time on my runs, but have recently thought ‘why bother?’, as by level 30 I had masses of loot, including legendaries and now, at 30 I can make elite armor thanks to perfected padding dropping (and a few armour sets that don’t need anything beyond hardened steel and steel reinforcements - even others I can likely have found the hardened leather or silk i chests)

On the wolves, I remember I would always give the alpha wolves a wide berth as they were nasty - now they are little more than slightly bad boys - one whack on the snout with a newspaper and down they go.


I think the devs are wanting more engaging game and not so much easier or harder. I say this because there is focus on events and newer content and the difficulty is there to do it. They continue to struggle with rewards of going through the content as the rewards are lacking when having to face the difficult parts (werebear follower) and while it’s engaging at first, it turns enraging afterwards. When offering multiple methods of obtaining and or gems hidden, it becomes too easy as all the content providers post their short it’s and solutions to avoid the more engaging aspects of it and it becomes boring (the siege). I mean really if there wasn’t content out there to review and use, think how much more engaging the siege would be. That would take you months to figure out all of the goodies within. Same with the hunt event.

Gotta wonder why, in gaming, has it been just standard nature to find the spoilers vs something like a movie where it’s frowned upon until you see it.

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No, not what i mean with the survival part of the game. People like the farming, and the processing of it. The part people dont like is the eating/thirst mechanic. Eating/drinking is cool when you get a buff. Like how war paints had them. Doing just so you dont die is annoying. Same wit the strict diet for animals.

Be reason why most private servers will turn food/water to nothing. So you dont have to mess with it as often. Longer day time. fastest thrall conversion, better rates. The majority of pvp players just want to raid each other. Offical is fun, because its more of a punishment when you loose.

either way, most people dont play cuz of the hackers. Even with how the game is now, they will play. But the hackers is what push them away. Not even all the smaller exploits. Shows how good the game is and how bad it is. People would play, but the hackers is the final line for most.

Oh dont get me wrong. I still play on official servers. My number 1 complaint is the hackers. I don’t care about the rest at the moment. We get by.

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The game Will become EASY in anyway all games are like It If you learn How to play and get in endgame It became EASY Because you learned everything.

You can pass NAKED by enemys in almost all survival games too.

The only thing wrong in Conan is it the LOWER performance you get lagged in almost EVERY place have builds Thralls or many enemys like purges ,mounts of deads ,sepemeru and in black hand boat.

The bugs and glitchs EVERY update in Conan bring bugs with It the 1st 2 weeks IS almost unplayed.

The lack of communication funcom never listen players Theres many things ASKED by players to be fixed and They dont Care also They never Tell us when broken updates Will be fixed we need to wait for weeks people are waitinv for Thralls feed pot be fixed for almost 2 years now lol
The bad AI in enemys and in Thralls too broken for years.

For last yes Conan IS a survival game like many others butthe game lack of grind when you have everything in game Theres NOTHING more to do They need to add something to grind like legendary weapons and armors with random status or forging weapons and armor like forging a sword of Crow in another one It Will give you a sword of Crow +1 damage They need to remove Thralls level cap too It Will become a huge grind to people play in autority builds doing It Will make people stop stock many legendary weapons and armor removing lag from the game and making Raid loot even best in PvP.

Again EVERY game become EASY with the time ,you can finish even dark souls NAKED. what Conan need isnt hard content Conan need more grind for endgame players.

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It’s been 1x for ages. I think you’re thinking about gather rates which have been 4x for ages and recently got changed to 2x with chapter 4. Consequently, increased gather rates DOES increase exp gained for gathering since the exp for gathering is tied to how much of the resource you are getting per swing.


Yes, you’re right. I also missed Stelegal’s screenshot that it is x2.

But I swear gathering rates changed to x3 even if it was a mistake, I checked the server settings at the time.

Andy posted an update that added to the patch notes and should be x2 which clearly it is now.

Good, still needs to be x1 afaiac.


No. I only find out that more things get messed up badly with every update, so it’s not even worth it to play the game anymore. Years old bugs stay unsolved and new ones are coming. It’s survival in terms of surviving the frustration from various game problems which makes the whole thing unplayable.

In my opinion? Mostly previous absence of unprotected interactable legendary weapons, end-game tools and frequent drop of OP heavy armor from Cimmerians. Also absence of never ending supply of attacking stygians around al-Merayah dropping various items (including buff foods and hardened steel weapons…).

As you said, it used to be easy to get to lvl 60 in 1-2 hours. Tried today just outta curiosity after reading this, and while being lvl 35 after 30 minutes, I fell through the world and lost all my gear, including spiced food which I needed to continue the leveling progress. I am done on that server as well, was just testing.

Viz my previous answer, it’s tightly connected to each other. Also need to address the not-challenging weather, as you did above.

I would prefer removing meta styles of quick leveling and making the game harder to progress in for anyone who is bored after x thousands hours of playing it over and over in the same way.


i didnt read this whole thread, but mannnnn, them hyenas back in the day, boyyyyyyy. surviving them was real test. You were just trying to get up north just to get away from them…oh hi wolves AAARGGHHHHHAblekhurghhackkhugh!


I would prefer a more survival based game. By comparison of another MMO, I remember it took a week to reach level 10 (on average, about an hour per level). And the higher in level, the slower the progression. It took a month to reach maximum level (about level 50 or so). And that’s when “end game” began. That felt like a very rewarding experience (like an accomplishment).

In Conan Exiles, when we can reach maximum level in a day… it doesn’t feel rewarding at all. And end game buildings start at level 30 (only half way through the leveling process). It all seems to come too quickly and too easily.

I’d like to see a “Brutal” level added to Conan Exiles (way more difficult in survival tone than “Barbaric”).

  • Recipes aren’t automatically acquired – they have to be found. You want to learn bone tools and weapons, visit the Darfari. You want iron tools, go find the Lemurians or Black Hand Pirates and find out how they do it. And so on.
  • Reorganize the recipe “levels” so that the best recipes can’t be learned until level 60 where end game “begins.” That includes building T3 structures. Either keep the T3 where they are and give us T4 at level 60 or adjust buildings: T1 Hide tents and bedrolls (level 3), T2 Sandstone (level 20), T3 Stonebrick (level 40), T4 (Reinforced and DLC) (level 60).
  • Decrease the amount of XP gained. Zero xp for time (standing around does not increase your experience – you gotta do something).
  • Purges aren’t “opt in” but a response to what the player does to enemies in particular territories. “Opt in” can still remain as a “taunt” to trigger a Purge, but its not the only “purge” players are susceptible to. Make purges something to be feared again.
  • Sandstorms are deadly (shelter required – not healed through). Let Blizzards be the storms of the north (also requiring shelter to survive). Let Monsoons be the storms of the jungle (bring the Maelstrom tech to the Exiles Lands, adjusted for size
    – most of the animation is practically done already – yes, some adjustments will be necessary, but Funcom has already shown they can do that kind of storm with debuffs applied).
  • World bosses roam the world (not static fixtures).
  • Temperature zone require certain armor types and gear to withstand the elements.
  • Lava is deadly again.
  • Creatures have much longer leashes and stronger attacks (increase attack speed, reaction times, and damage inflicted). Let them be vicious again.
  • Water is not a guaranteed safe zone. Let crocodiles pursue prey into the water (players can use one handed weapons in water now – so let us have a reason to use that ability).
  • And creature spawns are dynamic so that when you are traveling, you don’t know what you’ll encounter (not ‘take a left after the second crocodile’). Let the world be fun to explore even when we know the terrain.

Conan Exiles could be so much more than what it is now.


Agreed about exploits. Even duping exploits I can get by.

But I’m done because of hackers. The Officials in my area are infested and they’ve driven away any semblance of community or playthrough for me.

I’ve done way too much. I’ve still won against hackers and did my dues. I just want to play the game fairly without such cheating.

And Funcom continues to remain silent. Unlike when they gave a shit about it.



Instead of focusing on what’s broken for years now, they keep adding more content and because the new versions of the game are usually released without being tested properly, it produces new bugs or revives the old ones. Or both. :smile:


Oh, they definitely don’t. I think it was the Age of War Chapter 1 or 2 that did the rebalancing of enemies and I immediately hopped on to PTS to test a corrupted wolf. They’d been my nemesis since I started the game as I chose to live in a heavily populated wolf area so I often ran across them. One murdered my first horse, right at my gate before I could get us inside and safe.

I was really disappointed with how easy they were to kill and how little damage they did after the update.

I did not conquer my enemy. Instead, Funcom neutered him.

(to be fair, I got way better at handling them, but prior to AoW there was still an “oh shit” moment when I saw their mangy coat color off in the distance until the update)


I can definitely agree they got over nerfed. They lost like 80% of their health. I know with how stamina works they should have less health, but I was thinking in the realm of maybe a 50% nerf and keep their damage.

That would make these things a reliable threat.

Yeah and now they don’t need hacks to go trough your walls and loot you, they just have to wait for a lag spike.

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You cannot anymore. Most likely because until you reach up there you will be higher lvl than 10 and second volcano is changed a lot. Every single npc is hostile now, without quick footed, at least a perk on vitality and grit you’re as good as dead. The archers to a naked character without armor or grit do over 150 hp dmg and maybe even more.
Things are not so simple as they present in here. The chapter 1 of age of war has long gone.
Maybe we still lack in survival thrill, but the rest are not so easy anymore, neither the lvling, neither the fights. I bet most people in this topic, with no offense ofcourse have some “time” to create a new character. On lvl 60, everything is easy. But on low levels, no they are not so easy. The last month i recreated at least 20 new characters, both single player and online. I even went to @Wonka server and made my routine round. But now this routine is deferent for many reasons. Sorcery and new religions has changed a bit the old routine ways. Bernardo may said, wow you are fast, but i know that’s there’s not a single wow anymore, i am not slower, at least a lot :rofl:, but the game lvls slower now, it’s not the same, trust me.
The good thing this chapter brought is that mobs and bosses do not instarotate a lot making strength builds without agility a bit viable.
I believe that the reason agility has only end game weapons is because as build has tremendous advantages and that’s exactly why they do not give us agility war axe or mace. We have only one legendary agilty sword and they gave reduced the drop rates of tulwar.
But anyway, i derail now.
My friend, believe me, it’s not as easy as it was for low lvls, test your self too.


Oh I have and still can. The NPCs being hostile are nothing, I just zoom around them, jump over lava and watch them die or climb.

I don’t die in Conan often except for against other players because the PVE element is so easy.

My point regarding getting to the volcano is that I shouldn’t be able to without proper gear, such as resistance gear. Once I hop and skip through the cold in my handmade rags, it’s just eating ice.