I’ve followed the Thrall Taker Journey all the way to assigning a crafter thrall to a crafting station but the final journey step doesn’t complete when I place a crafter thrall in a crafting station. Is this journey step broken or is this another case of Funcom being as transparent as tar?
I had difficulty with this step yesterday myself. However, I found that as long as I put the thrall directly into the thrall spot (just above the crafting area) the step completed. Maybe you could try this?
Thanks. I think that because thralls used to auto deposit into a crafting station it threw me.
Try taking a thrall out of a station you already have and putting it back
I swapped thralls from similar stations, because the two times you have to place a crafter, it did not recognize removing and putting back. When I used the cook on the other stove, it worked fine.
I tried taking the thrall out and putting them back in, but it didn’t work the first time. The second time I think I took them out, left the inventory menu, then re-entered and replaced them and it did. It’s as though it wants to recognize actually doing the act? Idk.
It doesn’t recognize that you took a thrall out of a station, and then put the same thrall in the same station. It has to be one that wasn’t there when you started, ie closing inventory or swapping stations between two thrall.
Hmm… hard to nail this one down then, because while I had some issues, I got it to work after fiddling with it a bit. Idk… edit, yeah, I closed inventory, so yeah, that’s how it worked.
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