Game mode: [Enter game mode here: Online Private
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc] Misc
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE] PvP
Region: [Please enter your server region] America
[Describe the bug here] I sat in a chair and tried to use the Vanity Camera. The game doesn’t allow it. I thought “What if I’m looking at the chair when I enter the Vanity Camera and press “E”? Will I sit and still be in the Vanity Camera?” The answer is yes. You can activate or interact with items while in the vanity camera mode. It just doesn’t show you the on screen information you would normally see when looking at an item you can interact with. I thought I was pretty smart figuring this out… but when I tried to leave the chair, I could move but I could not change the direction my character was facing. WASD moved me, the mouse moved the camera, but my character was stone stuck facing one direction. It was stuck in vanity mode and pressing V again to exit would not work. I had to relog to fix the issue. I did try a few other things to see if I could get myself unstuck. Opening the menu, my inventory, I emoted sitting, crouched, jumped and ran around and although all of those things worked in their own right, I was still stuck and none of it had any effect on the problem.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Look at an object you can normally sit in, like a chair, and be close enough that you are able to.
- Press “V” to enter Vanity Camera.
- Even tho you no longer see the option to press “E” to interact with the object, press “E” anyway.
- You will be in the chair and vanity camera at the same time. Next, move to leave the chair.
- You will leave the chair but you are now stuck in vanity camera mode and cannot exit it.