Land claim abuse

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There are rules in everything in this life, imagine if everyone broke the rules and were all the same, let’s mention this on Conan which is already the current topic, if you look at the base of both that I posted the photo of, they will already be different and more massive since the The day I made this topic, the intention of players like this is to keep as many neighbors away from them as possible, so what is the logic in playing online and sharing the map with other strangers? It’s easier to play in offline mode, now imagine if all players were the same, all the buildings in the game would be massive enough for the server to experience complete lag, in fact, if you are close to any construction of this type, your game will crash even though you have the console. last generation, most people who start playing Conan Exiles actually care little about other players when it comes to buildings on the map, if he can harm you in any way he will, in one of the buildings and on the hill of the dead, and practically behind and to the side and the large construction of this clan that has increased its area even further, if you want to play without rules and don’t like people, it is recommended to play offline mode.

Because this thread is not about me, stop attempting to make it that way. I asked the OP what they thought was wrong. Saying “land claim” is incorrect, because all but one picture could have the actual “land claim” violation on it.

Then you have to ask why someone, on a PvE server, cares if someone has 8-9 huts just outside their base. Does it cause lag, does it block spawns, or does it prevent you from building - the essential three that need to be broken before it can be called land claim. Since I already explained why none apply, I wanted the OP to further explain.

No you didnt. Saying “Im right, youre wrong” or “Youve broken rules before so you dont understand” do not apply and have literally zero to do with the conversation. Try again, answer the question.

Tell me about it.

Go read the rules. Go read Funcoms explanations across all the threads that have been made. I have. My point of view is simple, and I explained it - only one thing could be a violation, but what is the reason for the OP to be upset with it? Talk about courteous players eh? Run around looking for violations to report instead of playing the game, building a community on a PvE server. Know what doesnt? Screaming “Im going to report you because I dont like your build”

Great job explaining, but you fell short. Again. Explain the 5 photos and what YOU see as a violation. I bet all you got is “ugly build” and “oh thats land claim”. I dare you to try to explain.

Youve proven on these forums that that is what you do. Talk about easy money.

Lol, thats not a rant about being banned. I said piss on Funcom because of their idiotic rules and enforcement policy. Thats not a rant about being banned - as Ive said, I literally do not care about being banned. I havent lost any sleep on it. I can be disappointed, upset or pissed at Funcoms rules without being upset at actually being banned. Bit of a difference.

Havent gotten a forum timeout, why would you think that? Did you try reporting me or something? Bias opinion? Ha, all opinions are biased, try harder bud.

Heres what you dont understand. Ive never said anything wasnt my fault. I played the game. I had the same build for over 4 years. People came along, got emotionally upset (I believe they call it triggered) at my builds and my build locations and reported me. I got banned. I dont care. Funcom has a stupid set of rules for PvP servers. I can claim Funcom is acting in bad fashion and that they have idiotic rules.

No. Im. Not. I never have. Good lord man, I seriously dont know how you function when you misinterpret someones comments this poorly.

Like laughing at people for reporting those that go 46 in a 45? Oh I already do that. Its sad that todays societies are turning into carebear societies.

Didnt realize that people had to quit the forums all together when they stop playing officials. Do you tell other people that too, or just me?

Again, youre making this thread about me, when at no point did I initiate that.

Ahh, you caught me. I indeed mistyped that. I quit officials, not the game. My bad on that one.

Ok, see now that is different then your first post. In your first pictures, there is nothing wrong with those builds. If they have expanded beyond recognition all over the map, having bases that take up 2-3 grids Ill agree with you. But, from the evidence provided at the start of the thread, I disagree with that.

That depends on how close you feel you need to build beside someone. Do you have to build within render distance, or touching their land claim? I agree, the map is big and lots of room to build so share it. If people are putting land claim down on things for no reason but to prevent you from building, again Id agree with you thats wrong. But a few huts beside their claim? Do you need that removed so you can build right beside them?

Then, like I asked in my first reply, the building is causing lag, and then its an issue. Thats precisely why I asked that question!

This appears like a console issue and not a Conan issue. So do we need to make rules and enforce them based on players lowest quality specs on their gaming rig, be it a computer or console?

Example, if youre on console and a 3x3 base with some placeables lags your game to the point of crashing, but 50 PC players walk by it with zero issues, whose at fault? The builder, the Pc players, the console players or Funcom?

And this is why clarity matters. Funcom has stated that big builds are ok. At the point of lagging out the server, they are no longer ok. If they are not blocking anything, its ok. If they start blocking important spawns, its not ok. If they are spamming land claim across the map to stop people from playing, its not ok, if they have multiple buildings they use around their base, its ok.

Thats about the gist of it from what Funcom has told us.

all constructions fit the violation pattern, just see this topic: Land Claim Abuse on Official Servers

1 compare a 3x3 construction with something massive like this it’s ridiculous, everyone who plays Conan on console knows very well how this type of construction works

2 Why claim a huge piece of land when you are going to use about 10% of the construction?

3 most players who do this type of construction have absolutely nothing inside the buildings, they are hollow around them, completely without aesthetics with the intention only of other people’s abilities, if you notice carefully, nothing has aesthetics.

4 is not to build a building next to another person, usually massive buildings are in the most frequented points of interest on the map, causing players to suffer performance losses, or to die, generally many of these buildings cause you to crash in the game when he wakes up he was killed by thorns (-ah, but we have the invocation of a corpse, you can rescue him, -yes and no, if an ill-intentioned player puts a knife to your body a large bag of loot will fall out and you will lose everything .

5 the issue is that 90% of players who make these types of claims are wanting to learn the other (it seems like you don’t play Conan to know how people behave)
PVE-C servers are the ones that suffer most from massive constructions, as players are afraid of others building them close to theirs, PVE already harms the server’s performance, as I, as a player, don’t care about having a base close to another, I just don’t think it’s right for people to use 10% of the land for a functional base and 90% to do things that don’t make sense, and claim land beyond what they’re actually going to use.

6 if a person wants to build something massive, go to places where players don’t frequent often, as we no longer need to choose places to have purge, nowadays it is summoned by siege and the place you live no longer influences this.

7 again, imagine, everyone in this same build pattern doing this on the map, no one would be able to play, a few months ago friends and I were playing PVE-C in North America, we are from Brazil, as there are no PVE-C exile servers For us, the ping is very high, gigantic constructions that are absurd without meaning or aesthetics.

We are all aware you are not the one to be judging what is and isn’t land claim abuse :rofl:



I did, and have a few times, you simply do not get it.

I keep trying and you keep missing.

I can’t explain something to you you clearly fail to understand the explanations of. And I have no idea how to make it any clearer.

Ya it’s a whine about it being some one else’s fault.

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t bring it up at every opportunity.

I have to ask do my points even rustle your hair as they go over?

Yet continuously try to blame some roving server cop :rofl:

No one is doing that, you are laughing at your own created stories that have nothing to do with reality.

YOU went out of your way to make it about you.


:man_facepalming: The huts are land claims and it has nothing with anyone wanting to build there. Bushes are land claims, statues are land claims, benches are land claims do you need a list? Let me make it easy for you anything you place on the ground is a land claim.
Is that clear?

Where? If that is true I aught to be able to cover a map square as long as I don’t block POIs or rare mats, right? WRONG.

See, you missed the point. Im not comparing a 3x3 to your pictures. Its a performance comparisson. Consoles usually are worse off then Pc when it comes to lag issues, so why should people be punished because their hardware cant handle it? That was my point.

Various reasons I would say. Weve seen people in the forums talk about how small of a building they can cram all essential crafting stations into, and its pretty small. Do we limit build sizes then because thats all that that one person needs? What happens if I like a bit more space to move around in, and I need it 2x the size?

Why do people need to dictate players builds so long as they are within Funcoms rules? If you need a 3x3 and I need a 5x5, whats wrong with that?

PvE brings out the bigger builders usually. Funcom made the quote of Conan “Build, Survive, Dominate” They tell people to build. People did. Then they make silly rules, and people want to ban everyone who they think violates their interpretation of Funcoms rules.

Again, thats why I asked the three questions in my first reply. If its not breaking rules, it doesnt matter how much room it takes up.

Ok, so lets petition Funcom for building size limits then, or preconstructed builds. Its the only way to make everyone fall within the rules. If you dont have hard limits, its impossible to say how much could be too much.

Then massive buildings causing lag are the issue, and we all know that is a violation. We agree.

Thats entirely fine for you to have that opinion. If I was on a PvE server, I wouldnt say anything about players builds because most of the time, they are very beautiful builds, which I agree that 90% of the base is uselss and just cosmetic. But that doesnt bother me. Thats where we disagree - and thats fine!

I disagree with this, because you are trying to tell others how to play.

Then petition Funcom to wipe servers, which wont happen, but it cleans up builds like that. Unfortunately again, without build limits, such things will never happen. A solution at one point would be to add more servers to more regions, but at this point in Conans life, that wont happen either.

So the rule that has to be broken is “Abuse of the claim system where blocks are placed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to resources and building spots.”

So, your only reason behind this violation in question is that any land claim caused by any building is against the rules. The buildings have to be placed intentionally as to prevent players from building. These huts, placed near their buildings (and we cant even tell if they are used or not) would prevent players from building exactly beside their base. Why on earth would you want to build right beside someone? Thats not very courteous.

See, you clearly havent read all their posts.

Heres one from Umborls:

“The issue here is not the size of the base, but the function of the individual buildings.”

We have different lines of reasoning, we live in a society that imposes rules on you, it just depends on whether you follow them or not, games are like that too, and if you do something that violates this term you will be punished in some way, I agree that funcom I should make some tool for accounting for parts to be used, I myself have a medium-sized building that doesn’t bother anyone, I don’t go around doing anything around it to increase my claim area, players abuse this building system by making stretched walls much more than your real home, they stretch blocks, do anything to increase their claim area, I see no problem with seeing an average and aesthetic base without demarcating areas around it, this is the point I want you to understand, we can take two examples here, a large aesthetic base without demarcations, and a large base full of rule violations this is the point, because the conan construction tool is flawed, everyone knows that on consoles conan exiles requires a lot of performance, and you harm people and yourself, there have been countless people on the server I play on, and guess what 2023/2024 was the worst year on this server in terms of construction, as in the past there were more bases focused on aesthetics, today players worry about not having neighbors for a big area far away, and another thing, some players look at these bad examples and think it’s normal to do this type of construction, if you build a building on the hill of the dead in some part of the central area, it doesn’t matter where there are other buildings, everything will be rendered even if you are at a distance, then it is basically useless, there are also clans that fight for space, let’s take an example, you have a 15x15 building in 2/G, I go and build a building in 3/G, you feel threatened and build a huge wall, I go and build another wall behind yours, and you start demarcating it with something random just to have more space, it’s a useless fight, if everyone followed the rules it would all be easier, if If you look for private Conan servers, they all have a construction limit and rules to be followed that are even stricter than those of Funcom itself, the question is whether you want to follow the rules or break them and be punished.

What is the purpose of this thread, then? If it’s not supposed to report a land claim abuse, I don’t see any reason for it to exist.

I’m getting a feeling that that you’re taking this discussion a bit too personally. (Not that Nemisis’s attitude is helping.) Perhaps you should step back a bit, adopt a more objective approach.

I can’t see all your pictures, is it me or is there some issue for everyone?

I generally take a very lenient attitude toward builds on PVE servers. Building your dream castle is a lot of the fun in the game. Some people build large. Too many of them are just giant blocks with no architecture. Not my problem. Now when the stretch across a grid square, yeah, that’s a problem. Especially when it’s all sandstone.

I don’t take more space than I am actually using (with a very small degree of ornamentation outside the minimum I would need). I hope others will stick to this guideline.

Never have. Lie some more.

You not understanding the answer doesn’t mean I missed the question.

OMFG, it’s not about the lag get that misconception out of your head already. Enough land claims will cause lag but the ToC has little to do with server lag. If it did we would see rules about actual lag causers, ornamentation.

Yes. But not why it’s against the ToC. Why do you not quite grasp that concept?

You’re still wrong and trying to grasp at some excuse to not be.

I don’t care enough about you to hate you.

Way to prove I was right about your inability to comprehend the answers I gave you.

No I pointed out your past history as proof you were no one to judge what a ToC violation is. And you went right to blaming someone else.

Hate to inform you of this but pretty much the entire civilized world is biased toward following rules.

Google “taken out of context”, and get back to me.

Have you looked at any of the example of land claim abuse other then the one about surrounding your base with pillars or foundations to prevent people from building? That is just one of multiple examples of land claim abuse.

It’s a suggestion thread.


the photos are just these, there was a bug, so the question is, if a person makes a large and aesthetic construction is one thing, now you make constructions focused on leaving views very far from you is another thing, generally this type of player built anything to fill more and more space in your “true construction” and it ends up being visible to everyone that this player’s intention is only undermined by the gameplay of others.


I walked through parts of the map and the photos are of three different clans:

photo 1 clan 1: a normal base, ok
photo 2 clan 1: same clan building a round foundation around it to claim a larger area, what is the intention? Of course I wouldn’t build near his base, and neither would 90% of players, so what’s the point of this fear of not having anyone around you? I just played in offline mode, except that this same clan took over the gutter and laid foundations all over it. I didn’t take a photo, but if you want to see it, I can provide it.

photo 3 clan 2: another clan, close to the wooden monstrosity between the hill of the dead and the fertile lands, another mirror of clan 1, what intention? You don’t want neighbors in busy areas and players like to build, I have the solution, offline mode.

photo 4 and 5 clan 3: claimed a large area on the hill of the dead close to the tent that spawns bearer, it stretched until close to the mountain that delimits you to build as it is a forbidden game area, and up the mountain towards the wooden monstrosity , more round foundations, all these players seem to copy each other, and detail in the photo 4/5 of clan 3, it’s just a sandstone construction that has basically nothing inside and is totally aestheticless, what is the reason for this type of construction ?

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Now let’s get back to the subject of the Hill of the death clan that I created this topic, the difference of 4 days, make a comparison between the photos, do you think he is doing this type of construction for fun? absolutely not, I know this type of player and I know what he is doing to think of himself and harm other players who are already playing or new players who are going to join the server, now I tell you, on the opposite side, clan 3 claimed it completely with pieces of sandstone and on the other this clan with massive construction, “Wow, Conan Exiles’ buildings are super healthy” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
the construction is so massive that it loads in three parts for me when I go there, apart from when the game crashes, performance drops and it also harms people who could build in this large area demarcated by them

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SMH. Some people’s kids.

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I have a lot of opinions on this subject and an invested interest as I’ve been actioned on with no explanation and to this day I am still not clear on why. I’m keen on being as informed as possible but keep in mind that ultimately the decisions and viewpoint of what is right or wrong rests with Funcom. No matter what anyone thinks here is correct.

I preface the following with the fact that I am a PVP player. Having been caught in the middle of report wars, seen report spam be successful for small bases and legitimate people also actioned on, I do not report for land claim violations, big or small. But on PVE there is no other recourse.

First talk to to them. They might not know. Maybe they don’t care. Conversations are always best as a precursor and might resolve the issue.

The ToC is easily misinterpreted and some believe that Zendesk is like a triage to deal with uncertainty such as the very second comment here. Try to avoid that as it affects the volume of reports and ability for the team to action in a timely manner.

As you can see here you’re getting varying opinions. If this post sticks around long enough you’ll even get the crowd that thinks that ugly builds shouldn’t exist.

Ultimately there should be the following considered:

Do the placeables have an impact on server performance
Is it blocking pathway like a tunnel or common pathway
Is it blocking unique or all resources of 1 kind
Is it blocking the ability to benefit from accessing a POI
Is it blocking the spawn of unique enemies
Is the construction so big that it covers entire grid squares
Is there spidering of foundations to connect builds or prevent others from building
Are there small constructions to extend land claim
Do the constructions have a purpose and are being used

If it doesn’t really meet any of those points then is it really breaking ToC? I don’t think so.

Keep in mind that staff have clarified that you can have multiple builds.

This system is flawed no matter which way you look at it though. From the overuse of Zendesk, their inability to action legitimate reports in a timely fashion, inability to properly review reports, the abuse of Zendesk, lack of in game system checks to prevent building in certain instances and the reliance on all this to be vigilantes for a company that can barely regulate their own game. Fairly.

So with all that said, which you probably already know, what are you suggesting should be done?

If you think that a limit should be done perhaps review the forum on similar topics.

I’ve always been for a decay system that relies on upkeep myself.


well, the topic itself is a sharing of ideas between players, I already know what to do and the intention here is not to make a report for funcom but to talk about how the majority of players are behaving nowadays, I played a good time in PVP, I’m a very versatile player, but now I’m in a mood to be calmer because PVP consumes us all the time, I have almost 5 thousand hours of play and I’ve met all possible types of players, it’s not that they can’t have buildings ugly, of course it can, the problem is the demarcation outside of its real construction with only one objective of harming players, we live in a society and we must have at least a little notion, of course you are not obliged to be friends with everyone world and be a good person, just be aware of the game and know that it will harm people and even yourself, as it is a violation of funcom rules, the photos are clear that this is an abuse of land, and it is also legal everyone Let’s debate this subject because there are many players who build constructions outside the rules that can be like the example in the photo or even worse and will recover their concept, I’m not the one saying this is right or wrong, just read the official topic about land claim.

And another issue, this type of construction concerns everyone, especially in areas that are most visited by players for several reasons that I can mention: drop in performance, the game will crash, loss of resources for collection and monsters around that will be eliminated, an area that one might want to build and won’t be able to, when she arrives and just sees a lot of construction with no aesthetics just for one purpose, to demarcate an area so that the other can’t build, so I think that’s the basics to learn in At home and of course your thinking will not be the same as everyone else’s, that’s why in life I play at work there are rules, and if you break them there will be some kind of consequence, that’s why funcom should work by limiting the number of pieces or the area that the person is building, it would be more profitable for the company in the sense that players would no longer be banned and consume more content, because if you are banned the building and the resources you have gathered will be lost and occasionally this player will not play again , so it is harmed by the money movements, but everyone can do what they want in the game, whoever decided and funcom, of course we have our particular concepts and mine is not compatible with this

I hear you on many of these points.

Also keep in mind that it’s not foundations, ceilings or walls that are causing performance loss but placeables. Especially torches.

So, give us the ability to buy more placeables only to suspend or ban us from using them? That’s a common question posed. The idea is that you use it reasonably with keeping others’ in mind. But what is considered reasonable to 1 is not reasonable to another. Like the argument between the 2 lovers above.

This isn’t an easy problem to fix though but one created by Funcom.