Legendary chests no longer next to World Bosses

What about the white dragon above the jhil caves? He is the same, does he drops a key too?
Then again hardened steel weapons are way strong to make a speed run, these are awesome news.

:confused:. But anyways, nothing changes for me really, but it’s not so good for new players. At least the khitan camp can go in the volcano. It shouldn’t be in an easy area as it is now.

Personally, this one feels it is an inelegant solution.
It treats a symptom rather than the cause.

So now, to get a chance to pray before RNGesus, one must shove many more minutes in.
The entire issue of Legendaries not being repairable just got aggravated.

Slog thru the Wine Cellar for…
Another high Durability shield.
Or weightless Maul for my Agility character.
How about a Strength Bow?

This one, prima facie, does not like it.

Farm for Keys before going into the Dungeon to farm for a rando item.
This one does not play this game to be a farmer who farms so they can farm something else.

The problem, of course, is some world bosses are a joke.
But rather than fix the problem, they just have their reward removed.
Mind you, the other problem is that enforcing building restrictions is annoying, so let’s just remove the worthwhile item from the map so it’s not an issue.

For this one to find the solution positive rather than slightly worse than what it is like before…
There would need to be a tighter grouping of which Legendaries appear in which dungeons.
And this one doesn’t mean each dungeon has one bow, one Spear, ect…
No, one dungeon houses all agility weapons.
Another hosts only shields and light sources.
A third would be where you go for Strength single handed weapons.
Still chance, but not randumb waste of time.

That said, this one does want to engage with the overhauled dungeons. The improved loot will make them more utile in general, but still not necessarily something one wants to shove thru every day. Which is why this is still tentative/Prima Facie.

If they added a couple more dungeons…
This one would be in favour immediately. Not because of the legendaries, but because it would mean more content to engage with and this one would happily shrug off the silly legendary chest situation as a price of that.

TLDR; Not a good solution. Dedicated/fixed drops would be a better solution. The actual problem, however, that three skull beasties just aren’t that scary, is not being addressed. But let’s see how they are once they can change facing mid attack.

Edit: This one sees the cult of Hardened Steel has returned. Allow this one to share a news flash, Hardened Steel gear isn’t exciting after low levels. It is mid grade filler that is easy to mass produce. Seeing it as loot is nothing to be impressed by. Star metal, which can be a pain to mass produce, would be interesting. Or, they could flex that mighty new “Unique” class of weapon and make a few that would drop from each class of three skull. The yellow border variably useful items between Medium-High End craftables and Legendaries.


If the chests still have the same lazy “garbage pizza” loot table, then yeah. I’m holding out hope they might have done more than the absolute rock-bottom minimum.

There’s a pattern in there somewhere :wink:

This. So much this.

But wait, does all of this mean that we know they didn’t do that? Has someone tested it or looked at the DevKit?

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Sorry, but no. Simply no. Loot should be dropped directly from a boss. I finish the boss, I get the reward. Easy as that. Forcing me to run another dungeon just to get my loot just makes this whole thing as wrong as it could be.

If Funcom do not want people to do bosses at low level then make the bosses in a way that they can not be done while low level. I hate gated stuff. Its not rewarding in any way, its tedious.


I don’t think this is changed my friend Winthor :man_shrugging:. Nothing is stopping you to go to warmakers low lvls and take a legendary.

What’s your suggestion about it? I cannot agree more to this one but what you suggest. When exactly the bosses were so difficult so far that you couldn’t defeat them low lvl?
Except the time i was learning the game, non other.
So again, what’s your suggestion about it, because higher hp is just making them longer to kill. Difficult as the old rockslide was making them content only for hard core players. Then again, nobody wants multi player bosses in this game. Fixing their AI, they don’t even fix the damn bugs.
Oh, did you noticed the new AI the npcs have? They move like they are going to your horse and then try to stab you from behind :rofl::rofl::rofl:, hilarious!
Stop expecting miracles my friend, they won’t come from now on.
So from the situation we already have, yes i believe that the other move is better. Or…
Bring back the lvl 60 mandatory, but i guess now i am the one who’s dreaming. Why? It’s useless. We have dungeons now, so we can have again legendary weapons in low lvls. So since we know this game so well my friend, nothing can be done with us, we just add burden to them nothing else. Hopefully we pay or else they would kick us away, trust me.

In general, it’s understandable. In the beginning, they nerfed the dungeon weapons so much that the players said: ‘why do we need dungeons now?’ - ‘Because!’ - said the developers and stuffed the chests there :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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We can role play it more convincingly a little longer. It felt kind of stupid not getting a legendary weapon right out of the desert. Now, we can at least pretend a little that crafting matters. :laughing:

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Well, lazzy af, but better than nothing. :smile:

I would make them immune to any weapon bellow star metal. It couldn’t penetrate their skin or something.
But I’m fine with getting legendaries from dungeons. It sucks that they can’t be repaired though.

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I thought killing bloodcrystalrocknose and harvest bloodcrystal, to buy legendary weapon from vendor

Yes, that’s a possibility too. Still beats killing a spider right out of the desert. :smile:

The other white dragon has the same loot table – skeleton key, shield frames, usual dragon bits.

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I understand the desire, but please no. I am not playing Conan Exiles so I can get stat-checked by bosses like some crappy MMO.

I like your idea, but I think a better solution would be to restrict access to the boss, rather than making the boss arbitrarily immune to certain equipment pieces because reasons. If players required some variety of item to “summon” or reach the world boss, then you can restrict that item’s crafting to only the highest level players. Or put some kind of interactable thing next to where the boss spawns that you have to use to get the boss to show up, and only max level players can interact with it.

The laziest attempt would probably be the level 60 gate. So unless you are lvl 60 you won´t get any drops from a boss.

I just want to bring Remnant II as an example to the table one more time if you don´t mind. You are correct that we won´t be seeing serious boss overhauls in Conan Exiles anymore and that is a real shame, but you see a boss should really be a challenge, not something you just do in a minute or two. And this is at least something I see they have done right in Remnant II and I wish Funcom would be willing and able to provide such bosses. It would give the game some challenge.

Your hp and armor and weapon should matter when fighting bosses. The same goes for your healing equipment, buffs, food. Your stamina management. Not every weapon should be usable for every boss. Bosses should have weakspots and AOE attacks that you need to dogde perfectely or else you die. Your thralls and animals should not be simple bystanders or pure fighters to deal damage to those bosses. Every race should be having a race specific attack that deals extra damage to bosses that have one of those specific effects as weakspot. Some thralls might have the strenght of beeing great healer or alchemists. Some might provide a higher bleeding effects and bosses that are receptive to bleeding should take more damage when hit by thralls that do bleeding damage. Same goes for effects like poison, stunning, fire, ice. Some bosses are easier to deal damage to but will spawn other creatures or minibosses inbetween. Thralls would again become usefull since people would want to use different races for different bosses. Every race would be equally worth getting.

I think gating boss drops behind dungeons is not fixing the problem with low levels beeing able to kill bosses. In fact I would argue it worsens the situation even more. Because its an invitation to cheese the dungeons to gain access to the chests in dungeons. It also makes it harder for solos and small groups to get legendary weapons on servers where big clans rule over most dungeons. It rewards clans to camp obelisks and dungeons in pvp even more instead of making it very unrewarding and punishing. I rather would have taken the lazy level 60 gate, because at the end at least you get your drop right after killing a boss.

Edit: I leave this video to anybody who wants to see what I talk about. Although Remnant is another genre a lot could be done to improve bosses in Conan Exiles. At 8:00 minutes you see one of the bosses that look very easy to do but is hard to manage in a group of 3, because you only have small plattforms you can stand on and the boss is spawing right in the middle and pukes vomit that can kill you very easy if you stand in it. You need to stay on one plattform only and than time a jump to the next before the boss destroys the plattform you are standing on. The difficulty is to stay on one tidy plattform with 3 guys and manage the puke. If you don´t manage to stay on one plattform and spraid out the boss is randomly removing a plattform which will leave you unable to jump to the next one. You die. Believe me if I say this, it took us almost 10 attempts to find out how to do this boss without dying. Also the more players in a group the harder the boss gets. That is another aspect that doesn´t play a factor in Conan Exiles.

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So legendary chests MAY spawn at the end of dungeons, but where does the key spawn? Still in the world boss or the dungeon itself? I think it would be lame to do the dungeon and then realize the chest is locked and you dont have the key…

Also what will the world bosses drop now? I worry that world bosses will become pointless with this change.

I guess this would make legendary weapons slightly rarer since a dungeon takes more time to do than a world boss…

Thick skin and good armor aren’t unfathomable “reasons”. Lesser materials simply wouldn’t penetrate them. It seems reasonable to me. Sure, I can think of half a dozen better ways of doing it, but they all would imply more work and I doubt we ever get them.

Anyway, we’re past that point now. Having chests in dungeons might not be ideal, but it sure is better than getting a legendary with two pairs of stone daggers at level 10 without almost any effort. That is now past, and gladly so.
I doubt we see any more changes to this process.
If on one hand this changes pleases me, on the other it makes non repairable legendaries even worse. Dungeons take some time and we may take long to get a legendary we like, only to lose it after a few fights. That, IMO, is very annoying. But it fits their purpose of gluing us to a chair, playing (grinding) longer, that being, I suspect, the real reason for this change.


Totally this! There is no way crude stone daggers are actually penetrating a Giant Crocodile’s skin enough to make it bleed to death!!!


I wondered where they had all gone! I’ve been running around for days looking for one. Typical, I finally get some keys too! (I very rarely ever use legendaries) :laughing:

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History says different! Mammoths were cornered from humans, pierced by stone spears and bleed to death!
Ofcurce you can pierce stronger than daggers, but here we don’t have physics, it’s fiction.
Speaking for history again, Rhodes had a “dragon”. It was indeed a huge crocodile who managed to survive im salted water area. The grand Magister of Rhodes had bounty for this dragon. Too many knights left their last breath fighting this “dragon”. His skin was so covered by salt stone that was impossible to pierce even with iron weapons.

Keyword here was “crude” stone daggers.

We craft them from any random stone in a few seconds (but let’s say in about 10mn if we take in account that we speed up everything for gameplay), we don’t have different types of stones, we don’t specifically have sharp flint; the only mention of flint is with “flinthead arrows” afaik, and again you magically transform blunt rough stones into flint specifically :slight_smile:

Of course, it’s all fair because it’s gaming, but even beyond that let’s think about it a little bit…

First misconception is that humans were hunter-gatherers, when they were actually gatherer-hunters → Hunting was not the main mean of survival, it had an appalling success rate and had many risks, whereas berries and plants don’t run away so you just have to pick them us (after identifying which ones are okay to eat lmao).

Back to the main point here, one human with stone daggers vs. one mammoth, no chance :eyes:
Humans only succeeded at hunting due to several factors:
• Group work, several humans ganging up on a prey.
• Endurance, because while humans are quite slow, they can walk/jog for a long time.

So you get 15 dudes relentlessly pursuing a mammoth until it is exhausted, then you attack it with your trash weapons until it finally start dealing enough damage to penetrate the thick skin, and then only the bleeding to death happens because you need a real open wound to bleed to death, not just a few scratches.

→ In the game, you take blunt stone, slap it on a branch, tie it with a random plant, you get daggers.
You walk up to a mammoth (or croco) and the very first time you touch them with your crude weapon they start bleeding to death :doge:

If you want something that’s sort of realistic, make it so bosses are immune to status effects from lower tier weapons until you’ve taken away 20% of their max HP → You will have hit that creature so many times it will finally open a wound and they will finally start bleeding, but not from the very first blow :roll_eyes:

Or, for the sake of simplicity, as @MarcosC said, make them immune to lower tier weapons, because it sort of makes sense even if not 100% realistic, and it absolutely makes sense in terms of game-design :+1: