Legendary chests no longer next to World Bosses

Let’s analyze this, because i agree totally in this, but it needs more explanation.
First of all before the stamina changes, this wasn’t easy for new players, and many bosses were out of the stone daggers list. The one that was dropping really easy was the spider because of the easy AI of her battle. Crocks were easy too, they were just not so open like spiders and they couldn’t accept so many hits in every window was offered to the offender. Then again crocks have 1 more move than spider.
Now with the “infinite” stamina, a new player could challenge crock bosses and i often see them doing it. Not with stone daggers however, they had iron weapons. But even this, passing from the iron to legendary wasn’t “good” for them, at least this is my opinion and i am probably not right, yet that’s what i believe, people must learn, understand the progression of this game. It gives them goals to learn various farming points, biomes and spawns. Now for a player who really spend time and knows, killing a world boss with stone daggers or whatever other weapon is reward for knowledge. I spend time in this game, i lost, i win and i can gain easier now, simple as that. And we all wanted better AI in the bosses, again this choice doesn’t please us, yet it’s the lesser evil.
What troubles me is speed runs!
Yet since the world bosses will drop hardened steel weapons, a hardened steel weapon is good enough to defeat easy targets until you reach the witch queen palace. The hardest fights that demands better gear and best possible lvl are after, so it’s all good. Speed runs can work. But they can work as long as stone weapons can damage world bosses. Take this away and you placed a tomb stone in speed runs. So no matter how much i agree that stone daggers souldn’t damage world bosses, for this reason only i stand back. Then again, it’s role play fantasy of each individual. So like @Croms_Faithful says it’s always better to have more options and i happen to be a great believer in this one too.
Difficult choices, i really don’t want to be in their place when they have to decide about changes. It’s tough.

Go kill a cimmerian idiot, get star metal weapons (or even if iron weapons are enough to damage a boss, go to skulker’s end and get lucky with a chest lmao), kill world boss with it, get legendary.
It’s just one extra step to be honest, and it’s not like the speedrunning scene is alive for this game :doge:

The first boss on your example video dropped down in 15 seconds :man_shrugging:. You can always play horizon zero dawn hard difficulty and enjoy aiming!
Or God of war and enjoy skills and AI.
Plenty tittles out there to enjoy skills and AI on boss fights, Conan was never a game that it’s strong part was the AI of boss fights, never! I remember in metal gear solid 1, on the final battle, 1 mistake was enough to do all the battle from the beginning and it wasn’t a 5 minute battle. In final fantasy 10 to defeat the hidden boss you had to lvl up from 9999 to 99999 every character and still it was 2 hours battle. I had found a way to summon jozimbo however and i finished this battle in 3 minutes, i had found a trick to summon jozimbos best move that was totally rng.
Conan it’s an open world game, it’s laggy, buggy and it cannot have battles of extreme focus and performance. However it managed to keep our interest for several thousands of hours isn’t it?
Conan is a game with really small map. Why the heck we are still learning in this f…g game?
It’s outrageous when i think about it sometimes!

Uh, are you saying it’s fine for Conan bosses to pose 0 challenge once you have gathered knowledge about them?
And is the reason that “there are other games if you want challenge/difficulty”?

That’s broken logic

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You see, @stelagel , my idea of a speedrun is optimizing your game in such a way that you accomplish your goal in the fastest way possible. How are speedruns today? We take advantage of poor game design. I can bet that the devs never intended we would be able to get a legendary striaght out of the desert with the worst class of weapons in the game. Yet, poor AI allows this. If the spider actually had a good AI, we would have to be real prodigies to beat one with stone daggers. It’s the bleeding that kills them, as you know so well, not the raw dmg. Same goes for iron daggers, etc. It takes a long time and we only manage because AI is terrible. Try facing any boss in souls like game while severely under leveled. It’s certain death. Only a few prodigies with near super human hand eye coord can actually do it.
Speedruns should imply crafting, but there are still options. You pointed one above. We get that sword and then the game opens up. It’s a low dmg legendary, but still a legendary, so it would hurt bosses.
You see… maybe I am being selfish, but I don’t like that the game allows me to “exploit” its weaknesses so easily. I want it to make me craft. To make my life miserable so that I feel the progression as rewarding. In the end, when I get a legendary, I want it to be freaking amazing. That’s the cathartis. But I want to sweat my ass until I get one. I want to have memories about the time I had to craft the best weapons fir my thralls because I couldn’t get legendaries still. And I can’t do that knowing I’ll get a legendary when I want the moment I leave the desert. I have to force myself. I have to pretend I don’t know I can get dozens of legendaries in a couple of days early on. That completely breaks my immersion, so I always end up thinking, f it, I’ll just go get one. I would prefer if thr game didn’t let me do it. :smile:

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I actually love this logic.
Every time they come up with new “Well, you see CE is not X, it’s just a…” downplay answer.
I feel like at some point they will end up with “Well, you see CE is not X, it’s just code and assets arranged in a specific order you can launch via .exe file.”

That’s why i love you, you’re a mazochist too :laughing:. We have to wait for Conan exiles 2 my brother, for us this is the only hope!

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Just play Conan IRL and chop off people on sight :doge:
You’ll be met with some difficulty :smiley:

I am really sorry i don’t respond to your replies, i cannot understand them!

The above one?

→ It’s a joke saying if you go try to savagely attack other people IRL with a War-Axe or similar, you will find it difficult and face the consequences of your actions :+1:

Heard the made a movie about Conan IRL play

Most historians believe that the so-called hunting for mammoths by primitive people is a myth. Even Neanderthals could not hunt such large animals. In general, the caveman was primarily a scavenger, and he learned to hunt relatively recently.

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Scraps can sometimes be better than nothing. Sometimes.

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I would say that it’s not about AI. If in reality we were hit by a jump from above a spider or a blow from the tail of the Red Mother, we would be left with a wet place. But we get 60 damage. As a last resort, 70. Scratch!
Once upon a time, I watched a stream, as one player ran into the arena to the bone dragon, fell under a stream of fire and immediately died. This is how it should be, regardless of armor and health.

Just wait, one day, sometime in the future, some dev will actually launch the game only to fight Bone Dragon and die from multihit fire breath.

“We are removing multihit from undead’s dragon breath. It was an oversight and is fixed in the coming patch.”

Mhhhhhhh, with the examples you gave, it is about the “AI” or the “moveset” of the boss being underwhelming.

The Red Mother:
• Stomps are extremely easy to side step.
• Fire Breath is telegraphed, you roll inside the boss and don’t get hit.
• Triple Tail Swipe is arguably a difficult move, and if you’re playing with lag on a server you might get hit… Otherwise you can just time your dodge for the second swipe and it’s a free fight where you never get hit.

Giant Spider: (lmao most ridiculous boss)
• Super slow and telegraphed forward attack, you side step it all day.
• Very rarely, the spider will scratch the ground, but since you’re moving around you shouldn’t get hit by this part. Then the spider jumps and lands, and like the Red Mother the only excuse for getting hit is lag, otherwise you just dodge a little bit before it lands so it will land on you during your invulnerability frames :clap:

Yes, on top of this, these bosses don’t hit super hard either, that’s a valid point.

But go in single-player and turn NPC damage all the way up to ×10
→ You will still solo that dumb spider consistently, every single time, because of its flawed design, its slow moveset, and its bad “AI” if we dare call it that way, all regardless of how much damage it deals, since you will never get hit.

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If we’re going to shoehorn realism everywhere, world bosses don’t have armor, they have hide or carapace. But shoehorning realism, as reasonable as it might sound, isn’t fun.

In video games, realism isn’t an inherently desirable quality, it’s there to add fun. If it doesn’t add fun, it’s circumvented and the game relies on suspension of disbelief.

Here’s a prime example:

Yeah, you could say that. You could totally imagine yourself, IRL, grabbing a bit of rock off the ground and some twine and a twig and tying that stuff together until it resembles a toy dagger that might do some puny damage if it doesn’t come apart the first time you use it. And you could take that image to the game and say “Pfff, this is clearly stupid.”

Or you could engage your suspension of disbelief and imagine that even though the stones you picked up were random, your character went to the process of picking them carefully and shaping them and using flint and whatnot. You could even remember that you’re playing a game based on some stories in the sword-and-sorcery subgenre of fantasy, and be okay with the idea that a barbarian dressed in rags and wielding stone daggers can risk their life in brutal combat with a huge reptile and come out on top by virtue of their savagery.

Going back to the idea that certain materials ignore certain types of damage, e.g. a giant croc’s hide completely ignores bleeding from stone daggers. Is that fun?

No, it’s not, because of the context. I didn’t pick Conan Exiles because I wanted to play a hyper-realistic survival simulation. I picked Conan Exiles because I wanted to pretend that I’m a barbarian with a body that you describe using words like “mighty thews”, rather than “flabby beer gut”. I wanted to start as a loincloth-clad savage who throws himself into a fight like a rabid dog and comes out victorious covered in gore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

People keep complaining about world bosses and legendary items and all that stuff, and they keep forgetting about fun. Does anyone here even remember the first time they ran into a giant crocodile or a giant spider? I mean, maybe I’m in a minority of those who explored this game on their own, so it was a fair bit of adrenaline when I stumbled upon one of those unexpectedly. Maybe most people are guided to their first world boss by YouTubers or veteran players on their server.

Thing is, Funcom acts upon these complaints in ways that make the game less and less fun. Dungeon bosses keep getting nerfed. Legendaries were made unrepairable. Now the slot machine mechanics of legendaries have been made even worse, because you have to farm for keys and then go to a dungeon and pray to RNGeezus to bless you with whatever you’re looking for, only to be “rewarded” by the Nth copy of the useless crap you didn’t want in the first place.

In that light, making certain critters automagically immune to certain tiers of weapons is about as fun as inserting a cactus into a certain lower dorsal orifice on your body.

The world bosses are fine, people. Give it a rest already.

Pretty much, yes. It would be awesome if Funcom could make bosses more challenging in a way that requires actual skill in terms of reaction time and whatnot. Sadly, it seems like the tech just isn’t up to it. So what we’re left with is the choice of accepting that, or flailing around looking for ways to make the bosses more challenging and the game less fun.

Again, yes, to a certain degree. Depends on what you consider to be challenging. If you want to play a Souls-like, Conan Exiles ain’t it.

Dungeon bosses can actually be made more challenging, because the environment is under a higher degree of control. But world bosses? They are Baby’s First Boss. For Jhebbal Sag’s sake, leave the poor things alone.

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I am not sure how I feel about no legendary chests next to world bosses. What is the point of their existence now?

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I am satisfied with the damage from mobs in principle, I am not satisfied only with the damage from most of world bosses. Perhaps there are some mods that allow you to play with the settings of specific NPCs, but I’m not aware of them.

Never mind, just watched Illbet Gaming video. I think you will be able to speed run just fine.