Legendary chests no longer next to World Bosses

Everything is easy once you know how to do it. I dont consider this a very strong argument. You are measuring the game from a veteran standpoint.


Not quite- without epic gear you and your thralls will get eaten alive during a level 10 purge.

To make epic gear with capped defense attributes youll need armor scraps.

You can only get armor scraps from dungeons.

Ive tested a decked out zerkers with legendary Momentum and epic gear- they still get killed as enemies will try to surround and gank them.

This is where you the player have to be involved and aware or lose them.

Like Siptah :man_shrugging:. How do you feel on siptah?

Never played it. Bought the dlc on release, but that map just rubs me wrong somehow.

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Still didn’t understand!
You say that i attack on people in here?

→ So it would be “more than fine” if bosses posed a challenge that was more than 0

→ And it is “fine” that the bosses pose 0 challenge, and yet you use the term “sadly”, which I’m not sure falls into the realm of “fine” unless we’re adding some sarcastic humor :thisisfine:

That’s correct, we cannot have well-designed bosses which would give an actual challenge, so to make things more challenging we introduce unfunny changes of artificial difficulty.

I still personally think it’s okay to make World Bosses immune to Stone Weapons at the very least, which is obviously a patchwork solution because the real solution would be to make World Bosses actually difficult and challenging by design, but we know Funcom would fail if they ever even considered making an attempt.

You know what, I agree! Let World Bosses be kinda easy… But adjust the reward accordingly!
I don’t have any issue with easy content being in the game, the real complaint is that easy content provides much more than you could ever dream of obtaining through harder content (I see you, Volcanic Forge, with your trash Obsidian Weapons).

There are two types of challenges IMO:
• One-time challenges. Those are knowledge based. A puzzle is a good example, you look for the answer/solution and that process is challenging, but once you know the solution the challenge is naught.
• Repeatable challenges. Those are skill-based, and this is what makes combat interesting in my eyes. You first learn about the enemy, then you fight it, and it remains difficult (and thus challenging) even if you have complete knowledge of it!

One-time challenge example:
I’ve been introduced to Outer Wilds recently, this game is a masterpiece and I recommend it to everyone btw. I’m not going to go into details because it would be a shame to spoil it, but once you have explored everything you don’t have much replayability (aside from speedrunning).

Repeatable Challenge example:
Hades is a good one, The Binding of Isaac as well, Slay the Spire is also pretty cool even though RNG can really make it painful.
Then there are PvP games, because human opponents are not fully predictable and every match is different. Of course, I have to like the game mechanics, because I’m not a fan of Tic-Tac-Toe, but Chess is already pretty cool. Competitive Smash Bros is just one of many things I’ve enjoyed and found challenging for instance.

Read above for how I see what “challenging” means :+1:
I would take your statement the opposite way actually:
→ Everything is difficult when you have no idea what’s going on (noob syndrome I guess?)

I’m going to take the game Hades as an example.
The first time you encounter a new enemy, a new mechanic, a new boss, you get absolutely destroyed.
Then, you learn bit by bit and get better, until the next new obstacle (and there is a really good progression curve in this game).
After you’ve figured out how every enemy works… It is still difficult and challenging! And you also have an additional mechanic to tune up the difficulty if you are hardcore :aaaaaa:

Now let’s go back to Conan and take the Giant Spider example:
The first time you encounter the Giant Spider, it’s big and scary, you’ll probably not be prepared, you’re gonna go in like an idiot and die. You’ll then be a bit more careful, more observant, and figure it out.
When you have figured out that you can walk to the side, there is no challenge from that boss any longer :thisisfine:

→ What I’m saying is that, in Conan Exiles, there are too few things that remain challenging despite gaining knowledge about them. And I personally find this problematic for a “brutal survival fighting game”

It’s ok, it was just an unimportant joke so we can just drop it :slight_smile:

[quote=“CodeMage, post:23, topic:238006”]
But wait, does all of this mean that we know they didn’t do that? Has someone tested it or looked at the DevKit
i’ll have to cjeck if devkit jas been updated. They usually wait a few weeks befpre actual go live. So it may be next weekend before modders get a devkit change.

In my short experience it appears that the legendary chests in dungeons use the same random loot table as the chests that formerly spawned near world bosses.

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Laziest change ever, as expected from Conan Devs :doge:

That was the alternative to running dungeons to get a random legendary weapon, while still not being able to get a legendary at level 10 with stone daggers. If bosses were immune to lower tier weapons (the rationale behind it being the toughness of their skin/armor), you would have to be at fairly high level to be able to beat them. I prefer that to arbitrarily lock chests up to lvl 60. My point is, I would prefer bosses you could only beat with high tier weapons to having to run dungeons for legendaries, something that will become boring fast.

You should play Siptah. Even now that the Vault recipes are no longer op, it has way more pve aspect than exile lands. But too much rng. At least it has the bestial memory potions now and teleportation with sorcery. But it’s really cool, especially in Grey pools and Surges.

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First boss is the tutorial boss. Also he is playing alone and on lowest difficulty. The higher the difficulty settings are and the more people you are playing with the harder it gets. The game is adapting to your powerlevel, choosen difficulty level and how many people you are playing with in a group.

I know that Remnant is not Conan Exiles but that was not the point of my post. Its like you are trying to defend Funcoms poor decission making and saddly this is what I see very often. This is not a personal offense more an general observation. For me its like no matter how bad something is in the game people still try to deny and come up with litterally a lot of nonsense defense claim to back up and hide poor developer decissions. Its one reason why Funcom never really needed to properly deliver. No matter how messed up an update is, people will defend. And because of that we will never see real changes in the game. Because they can deliver anything and people will swallow it.

This game could be and should be in a much better state as it is.


Side note, i feel weapon tiers should be done in a progressive damage or AP% path.
Stone–Current damage, No AP for any weapon.
Iron–20% more damage than Stone, Current AP table
Steel–20% more damag than Iron, same AP% as Iron table
Hardened Steel–20% more damage than Steel, 10% more AP than Iron/Steel
Star Metal–20% more damage than HS, Same AP as HS.

Jist a creative thought.

Nah, i just welcome things always with optimism, but sadly most of the times i am frustrated too, make no mistake.

I agree and i cannot be offended, but thank you Winthor, you’re very kind :blush:.

I cannot agree that all the decisions they make are poor. And it’s not defending, it’s because i like them. For example no more rng in Archivist library, i find nothing poor to this :man_shrugging:, i simply love it.
But i cannot say that i was happy when Dennis said that the skeletons in wine cellar were hitting this hard because all these years they had the “wrong weapons” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Really???

It’s quite clear that as long as we stay in a really old engine and really old consoles are still updating, there’s no way to see better days than the ones we saw in the past. I can’t blame them for this, it would be hypocritical from my side, i still play on my ps4, the ps5 is on my son’s room for his summer vacations :rofl:. But since gaming companies target profit, who van blame them. Wouldn’t you like to make more money your own too? But i don’t agree ethical with this situation if you’re getting me here.

:100:. Years now :confused:.

Thanks for the reply Winthor, always a pleasure my friend :metal:.

Ps. The game already has something like you ask. If you go to any boss alone the fight is way more balanced and easier than if you take a thrall with you. Because it allows you to define the moves the boss will do. It needs the hell of work from a player to learn how to manipulate a boss, but it’s happening :wink:.

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Game engine is never an excuse for poor game design.
Masterpieces have been created decades ago, when hardware was incapable of handling what we consider “bare minimum” today :doge:

Of course, better game engine means more possibilities, but if one is incompetent at game design, they will produce fancy garbage with UE4, and extra fancy garbage with UE5.

Had to say this, because really the biggest issues in Conan Exiles are not due to engine limitations, but to incompetence from the developers in several aspects, including game design.

(I know, they also have higher-ups that may influence things, but let’s not fool ourselves and take away all responsibility from the devs when they are not doing a good job).


Yeah, it’s fine, but I’m still sad that it can’t be better.

For example, I wish I could just retire right now and not have to work anymore. Sadly, I can’t do that, so I’m still working. That doesn’t mean my current job isn’t fine. In fact, it’s more than fine, it’s a good job. I just wish I didn’t have to do any job and could devote my time to my family and my hobbies.

So no, no sarcasm involved, only realism.

About that thing with patchwork solutions… How’s that working out for this game? :wink:

By all means. In fact, I would love to see all legendary loot be redistributed in such a way that the challenge involved in obtaining an item reflects the power of that item. Oh, and while we’re at it, if we could either get rid of slot machine mechanics or at least make them less onerous, that would be awesome.

And best of all, these things are more doable than revamping the world bosses to provide a considerable challenge.

Again with the Schrödinger’s Lowbie. Look, we both know that “people getting legendary weapons at level 10 by killing a world boss with stone daggers” isn’t a problem. Everyone who invokes that trope is presenting a solution in search of a problem, and they like to use that trope to manufacture a problem that doesn’t exist.

Anyone who is actually taking on a world boss, at level 10, with stone daggers, deserves a legendary weapon. But those people are vanishingly few, because even us veterans don’t do stuff like that at level 10, with stone daggers.

Why? People keep making big deal out of getting legendary weapons from skeleton chests. And yeah, they have been buffed to be better than craftables, but they’re also unrepairable. So why do we have a handful of people who are so incredibly bothered by this?

Yeah, I get that jumping from iron or steel tier to a legendary weapon skips a bunch of tiers. So what? That only makes those tiers optional, it doesn’t make them useless. If you want to take your time and enjoy the progression you can still do it.

Compare that to the greater wheel of pain. That thing is pretty much useless now. Not just optional, no, it’s been relegated to a purely cosmetic status.

Or to give you another example: if they nerfed Thag to hit like a wet noodle and/or have the health of the wet cardboard, like certain players are asking because they can’t handle it, that would take away a challenge from the game. It wouldn’t be something you can opt into, like you can now, it would be gone.

So can we please stop with the demands to continue the enshittening of this game by implementing more patchwork, stopgap, half-assed “solutions” to non-existent problems? We’ve had way too much of that already. That’s the real problem with this game.

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You’re right, we do it at lvl 5 against the Giant Spider, or Crocodile.
And considering you instantly start at lvl 5 by skipping the survival journey, that’s just the first thing I do (speedrun moment) :theworst:

Edit: Now you’re right, I’m not taking on many other types of World Bosses when I’m naked with stone daggers. Sand Reaper Hive Queen is another free lvl 0 fight, but not Rotcranch or Rockslide.
→ Differences are the movesets, how reliable it is to even hit those bosses with daggers, their immunity to Bleed which is literally your only source of DPS
But you know… I might just try it for the sake of getting a challenge, even if it is artificial difficulty :rofl:


The Conan exiles game i started playing was a masterpiece!

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Went to Rotbranch with 1H Stone Sword… Was chilling, was taking time to deal any damage to it, lag (probably windows update + OBS recording) killed me :rofl:

Will get it done though, expected it to be more difficult → Lvl 10, 5 Agility, 5 Grit, no armor, Decadent difficulty.

So in my eyes @CodeMage , the reason “even us veterans don’t go kill a world boss naked at lvl 10” is not because it is difficult, but because it is tedious.
It takes a long time and you have to repeat the exact same thing over and over and over… You dodge the same attacks over and over and over, and you deal very little damage so you get bored out of your mind. Maybe that’s just me, I don’t know :slight_smile: