Legendary chests no longer next to World Bosses

Rockslide, and to a lesser extent, Rotbranch have such large hit boxes for their attacks, hit boxes that are far out of proportion with the animation, that is what makes them difficult.

Dueling an opponent whose blade has an invisible extension twice the apparent length will always be tricky.


Rockslide very much so, Rotbranch is okay but will take you by surprise at first.

The really annoying part is not how they hit, but how difficult it is for the player to hit them depending on the weapon… Best weapon is probably Spear because you will be able to reach this damn leg without being body blocked by the boss’ collision box being larger than its hurtbox :notlikethis:

And again, all that is artificial difficulty. It’s a design flaw that ends up creating something unfair that you have to deal with :doge:


Everything you say it’s very true.
You could have these fights low lvled almost always, even when we had half the outcome we have now and the hp of a boss was double. I call it dance, i dance with the bosses and the lowest the gear the further the dance that’s holding on a string of a wrong step.
But this, what we do demands a ton of game hours and effort. So practically, to know things so well and face them fearless is a rewarding for our efforts, isn’t it?

For every minute you spend in this game, out of your box, you gain something new. And gaining something new after all these hours, after all this knowledge it’s whats keeping me the most in this game!

My solution to enjoy pve, is challenges out of box, because the typical cannot hold me anymore. I have no reason to go and harvest the best, no reason to grind anything at all.
But i cannot blame them for keeping me so long in this game. (please understand this expression the correct way)

The tedious part is just the topping of the cake. A boss can be tedious no matter if he is difficult to do or not.

The main problem is that people are able to kill the bosses at lowlevel. Because they then can just skip hugh parts of the games content or access it way to soon. They speed up character level, they fight entities that they are not suppose to fight at this point and level. They gain quicker access to more valuable loot and ressources, which destroyes the whole point of playing this game. The game once where designed to have a certain learning and development curve. From stone to iron, to steel and so on. And I still remember times where it was very hard to gain those ressources. A pack of hyena´s was able to make your life very hard. You just simply couldn´t run around everywhere and gain every ressources right from the start. This made a hugh, a very hugh difference in how people played this game. It also made a hugh difference in how people perceived it.

Beeing able to fight bosses at low level is just not one minor problem, its part of a much bigger one. One that shows how deeply unbalanced this game has become over the last years. Because this game was suppossed to have different level of armors, weapons thralls, food´s and buff´s. Even your buildings where suppose to evolve over time. Workstations where gated for a reason. There was a reason to get all those thralls and why it took so long for them to become your´s. They had unique skills you needed in order to get certain high tier items. They where needed to get ressources like hardened steel or dragonpowder. Thralls where choosen for their stats and abilities before their looks.

And now we are at a point where none of that matters anymore. None. You spawn and you run around naked and you do not need to care. Thralls you need no more or high tier armor or weapons. You need no buff´s, no food´s. You glow in the dark, you have almost unlimited stamina. Killing anything in this game became as easy as breathe. People are able to produce so much ressources and items in a small amount of time its insane. Give people 3 days and they can bomb away a whole server. People don´t care anymore. And that is a problem. A hugh one.

Although Dennis in the last stream said they do things for a reason we should trust I have yet to see that reason. Because that reason is killing the game off with that unbalanced changes. And that reason is money and money alone.

There is a difference between: “I have to offer skins so I can keep my game alive” and “I want to sell skins and I use the game to do so”.


You’re right, and I think I’ve found my solution at this point :thisisfine:
I’ve seen enough, and I have better things to do.
More specifically, I have better, more interesting, and more rewarding ways to waste my time, than Conan.

Only if you deliberately choose so. It is VERY easy. You don’t need to be a veteran to kill a spider with stone daggers. Any newbie who sees someone else doing it, will do it without breaking a sweat, at any level with two pairs of stone daggers. @CodeMage , my second weapon in the game is always a legendary. I go to the spider near the Black Galeon the moment I leave the desert. Now at least I’ll have to level up a little until I run a dungeon. But if I don’t have to kill the dungeon boss, I can just do the same and go for the chest, but at least I can pretend I have to level.
I find it immersion breaking. Very much so. I do hate the rng and this will be even worse now that we have to run dungeons to get a legendary, but when a game becomes too easy, I lose interest. I finished playing Final Fantasy XVI a while ago and I had to force myself to do it because of how easy it was.
I understand and agree with all your points about rng and non repairable legendaries and I know this “solution” will make them worse. It solves one problem, for me. It was too easy to get a legendary early game. But it will create a bigger problem once you leveled up. Having the legendaries we want might become too grindy.

That’s exactly the reason @drahenpheles let the forum!
When the survival aspect of the game was totally slaughtered than getting more improved, he felt he has no reason in here.
The reason of all this you said above was the survival aspect of the game. Wear a wrong piece of armor and die helplessly. You couldn’t even climb the tower of the bats without the fear of getting extremely hot. Making the abysmal boss was a mandatory, or getting the hyena fur armor.
Then… Dlcs arrived! Every crafter, no matter the region, could fix you a flawless piece of armor. Yes crafters had regions and didn’t fix all the armor sets.
But if you had the dlcs, no problem. So i refused dlcs for very long time, because they were destroying all the philosophy of the game. But soon enough i understand the inevitable! So i started buying dlcs my self too and use them why not.
It was tedious that i have to walk with a thrall literally everywhere just to change my armor for surviving the climate changes of the game.
So when the armor changes arrived i felt free for the very first time after so many years.
Released from the armor and thrall plague. It’s two side blade Winthor, we get something but not without loosing :man_shrugging:. That’s why i say, if you have something better, a better solution, say it.
Not to you, to everyone even to me! We say very easy things inside here looking from our scope only, which is correct, it’s feedback, they need it. But don’t expect them to do what the plurality needs. Their decisions so far was “something to please everyone”. So we end up that nobody is really pleased at the end :man_shrugging:.

Ps. I really miss these days :laughing:.


If I say “duh”, will you get angry? :smiley:

I thought I made it clear in my post that I value fun over realism or any other concerns in the game. Sure, you can do it like that for a speedrun or any other arbitrarily self-imposed challenge, but you don’t do it because it’s inherently fun. You do it for a challenge.

I remember going against the giant spider once, before all these readjustments, naked and with only stone daggers and enough stone to keep repairing them. The fight took me around 30 minutes. At the end of it, I said “Well, now I’ve done that, and it was fun as a challenge, but I’m not doing that again.”

Of course, it probably wouldn’t take 30 minutes now, but the point is that you guys are still coming up with solutions in search of a problem.

Yeah, I get it, we’re veterans of this game and have played for thousands of hours over several years. We know the game inside-out and we’re a bit bored. But we should try to keep that in mind when we’re making a big fuss about things we could do if we wanted to :wink:

And I keep asking: so freaking what? Yeah, you could. Do you need to be forced into content in order to enjoy it? If so, then Dennis was right to make legendaries unrepairable.

Well, yes. That’s what you people keep asking for. “Please, Funcom, can you force me to play a certain way?” And then you complain when the devs do that, but not quite the way you imagined it :man_shrugging:

In video games, there is no such thing as difficult. Anything can be achieved if you try hard and long enough, so there is only the tedious.

This is perfectly fine, because the purpose of a video game is to waste your time and make you enjoy it.

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Something that is only tedious doesn’t seem very enjoyable to me.

Fighting the Last Boss in Hades isn’t tedious to me, it is relatively difficult.
Fighting a Giant Spider naked with stone daggers in Conan isn’t difficult whatsoever, but it is tedious because it takes a long time.

Some games do have things that are both difficult and tedious, the real issue is when something is only tedious, which I believe is the reason why many people complained about bosses being Damage Sponges for instance.

I suppose we don’t have the same definitions?

Yes, if you practice and get better, you lessen the impact of difficulty on your gameplay, which is why I can consistently win runs in Hades and Isaac for instance, but some difficulty remains.

You can, for some games, do the RNG thingy until you get something that drastically lessens the difficulty even if you do not get better → For the Binding of Isaac, you can reroll until you get a broken item first room (but even then you’ll need to dodge the bullet hell this game can be).

If it’s enjoyable I wouldn’t say it’s a waste of time, but that’s just semantics.
The issue here is that Conan combat, especially bosses, provides too little in terms of enjoyment.

→ Thag is basically the only boss I found legitimately enjoyable due to it’s ground patterns. And yet he is still super easy.
→ The True Champion of the Warmaker would have been enjoyable if he had enough damage to feel threatening… He hits like a wet noodle, so you don’t have the “tension and relief” that the devs have repeatedly failed at creating :slight_smile:

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:angry: :rage: :anger:
Nah I don’t get angry over that :handshake:

Good point, I do it because it gets me to the part of the game that is more “fun”, where I have a good enough weapon to slap everything like a madman and destroy the whole Conan world :fire:

Basically I do that one tedious but not difficult boss so I can avoid more tedious things and instead access more difficult content :thonk:

I think I might be getting genuinely confused here. If you really do this on a regular basis, whenever you create a new character, and you do it because it helps you skip tedious parts of the game, then why the hell are you against it? Why do you want to take away this option? Do you want to be forced to play the tedious parts?

I’m asking, because I really don’t play that way. I could go straight from the newbie spawn to the giant spider and kick its ass with stone weapons, but why? I know I’m going to need a small base to start storing my stuff and crafting other stuff that I’ll need later. I know I’m going to need a bunch of iron for the stuff that I’ll be crafting and building later. So I follow the normal progression for a while and I don’t grab a legendary until I need to visit more difficult camps, like New Asagarth or the Mounds.

So this way of thinking and playing is alien to me. Therefore I don’t have a firsthand understanding of it. And now you made it even harder to understand, because you seem to be complaining against something that you do on a regular basis because it allows you to enjoy the game on your terms.

What gives?

It’s about whether it feels fair or not; I personally get more satisfaction in my rewards if they demanded effort.
It goes back to the point about World Bosses giving too high rewards for too low difficulty.

But about which parts are tedious or less enjoyable…
→ Early Game sucks, it’s a bad survival game, not much fun to have in it.
→ The progression from Early-Game to Mid-Game consequently sucks as well, your basic benches are trash, your harvest rates are trash, things take years to craft, your weapons deal no damage (and thus all fights are tedious, but still easy).
→ The progression from Mid-game to End-game feels good, and when you’re at Hardened Steel+ you have a really good time, and you enjoy the progression probably more than at any other state, gathering more stuff around the map for the End-Game.
→ Then, the End-Game is fun for a while, but it gets less fun after a little bit, so it isn’t at the top of the enjoyment curve IMO.

↳ Basically, it sucks to have to go through all the progression because the early and mid parts are awful and just feel like artificial difficulty. I would love if there was an option to skip to mid-game for veterans, but not entirely to the end-game. Honestly, pre-AoW was that because Legendary Weapons weren’t the best but they were super good mid-game content.
↳ If world bosses couldn’t be killed at lvl 5, I would have to first go skip to a mid-game weapon like the Eye of the Watcher or even looting some Hardened Steel weapons in the north. It would give me an extra step which would be enjoyable IMO.

Right now, you spawn and instantly skip to the end-game because it’s much easier, so I don’t get the mid-game progression :thonk:

If we only made World Bosses immune to stone weapons, you would at least have to do a few things to get to iron tier before skipping everything, so the option would still be there, just a tiny bit less accessible.

Though yeah, in the end, the only good solution is to make the bosses themselves actually challenging by design… Because right now :notlikethis:
Do you know how to walk left? Or right? Then yeah, those bosses are really easy :rofl:

And whoever says it’s a veteran point of view is just wrong.
By design, many of the bosses have slow telegraphed attacks that can be avoided by walking to the side.
When you first encounter them and you don’t know, you get slapped, this is the noob syndrome.
When you know, you do not get slapped, unless you really suck.

This is not for every single boss (thank Crom!) since some have more threatening movesets, but it is for far too many of them :thisisfine:

Brief side note.
As we will be carrying lots of keys to get to the chests…
May the Skeleton Keys please stack now?


If I ask for a glass of water, I don’t expect they go get it from the sewers! :smile:
Is it unreasonable to ask for legendaries to be a little harder to get so that crafting becomes relevant?
I know what they did. They kept in line with their new “play until you go blind” direction. Getting legendaries will now take a copious amount of time playing.
If I’m happy they aren’t as easy to get as they used to, this is not the solution I was asking for. If we could repair them, I would be ok with it. That not being the case, I wonder if my happiness won’t be quickly replaced with annoyance…

I say this is a cop out for devs.

Crayola crayons have been around for ages, yet a true artist can find a way to make art. A game is art. And the FC devs are not being artisit with the code imo.

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To be entirely fair, this one is not certain the moving of the Legendary chests into the dungeons was just to gate progression.
Dungeon loot and traps has had a significant overhaul. Some dungeons have new bosses and even accessible areas (remember the Yeti behind the wall in Warmaker’s? Yeah, you can go there now). Previously they had noted a desire to get people to engage with the existing content more.
Moving the chests into the dungeons is another way of incentivizing dungeon delving.

Also, keyring please.
Skeleton keys really should stack now that they are expected to be carried in groups of 3-6 (Dagon Dungeon has 6 Legendary chests at the end, this one has found none with more than that).


Hum, several chests, then? Not only one? It’s more acceptable. Kill the bosses, get the keys, run a dungeon and collect several legendaries. That’s better.

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The nice folks at @Pixelcave did an early peek video


Thanks @LostBrythunian, @Pixelcave once again you rock :metal:.