Legendary weapons... unrepairable in the Age of War?

Since it is an exploit, I will obviously not share the method, but this is possible :theworst:


And with the Oil of Bounty, with a timer that never decreases because the value is too high :notlikethis:



That makes sense, thanks for the heads up though!

You did NOT just say that OUT LOUD!!!




I’m desperately playing catch up on this thread,

But in regards to shops, instead of the players creating their own, wouldn’t it be amazing if players could go to Sepamaru, and use existing buildings which exist on all servers as an access point for trade.

I.E. the building across from Conan’s Bar sells raw materials.
The main HUB for player weapons is across from the slave market.

The rework seems simple in view of all the massive tweaks FUNCOM pulls on the regular.
Make an existing structure enterable.

This does two things, it centralizes trade. and it throws some love to Sepamaru, where Conan’s Bar has been broken for far too long now.

And a third thing, it localizes the chaos. So that if things go sideways, it happens in Sepamaru and everyone knows to avoid Sepamaru for the next 3 to 6 months, while they sort themselves out again.

Just throwing spitballs at the wall here guys. But I remember how disappointed I was, when I first entered Sepamaru years ago, and checked every building to see if I could interact.

A market place in Sepamaru would definitely make the Relic Hunter City feel alive again. There are so many starting points, I would love to see Sepamaru see some love. It is a beautiful city.
Make Sepamaru relevant again.


If they decide to do it that way, it would still be better than not having any trading system.

The reason why I would like to have the ability to build my own shop is because that would finally give us builders something functional to build that isn’t either a dwelling (i.e. your base) or a bit of infrastructure (e.g. a public map room).

On official servers, we’re not supposed to build purely decorative stuff, so every tavern, brothel, alchemy shop, and livery stable you see on an official server is in direct violation of rules. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could build an actual shop? :smiley:


I agree with this prologue1337. Perhaps we could make it ao that legendary repair kits require a fragment of power to craft. Just spitballing here.


As a Singleplayer I would much prefer this approach too. Have several NPC vendors like on Fallout 76 which have a set amount of coins to trade with each day. This would be so much fun. Make Sepermeru feel like what it is supposed to; a large city with trading hub.


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