Legendary weapons... unrepairable in the Age of War?

Actually players ARE the weakest link. As thralls can be controlled- players cannot.

Ive already ran this game solo well before AoS for a year. So im well aware of all the mechanics.

Insulting the devs will get you no where especially on here.

Welcome to the Age of Disappointment


Except you dont work for Funcom.

Your country has nothing to do with it.

Like everyone else here your statements are opinion.

Mechanics of the game are actual facts.

The crashes , bugs etc are also facts.

Your responsibility as a player is to report it and move on, not mull over whether the devs have vision.

You are given PERMISSION to play the game with the understanding that they can change it at anytime since they own the IP.

You can also choose to take your money elsewhere when they do.

The same way i can choose to NOT listen to your charade, and keep playing the game the way i like, without bothering others about it.

so right after the update to AoW I took the new Predatory Blade and gave it a master upgrade for endurance
I’m at 50% so far, I farm the boss in UC 2-3 times every time I play, I haven’t dropped another one yet
Fun according to Funcom , farm one boss over and over again and when I can avoid the fight to avoid destroying the sword…
Enjoy the game? Going through a dungeon ? Nah, dude, go to the UC and kill the bone lizard, it’s been 15 minutes and it’s there again - enjoy our RNG and maybe you’ll get the sword.


Then start a company and pay the fee for the rights to the Conan IP ,and make a better game.

I wont hold my breath though

Ok too off topic - have a good day.

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Yeah, lets chill a bit guys

I know a lot of us aren’t happy and Funcom should’ve acknowledge it by now
Lets get back to positive vibes and hope for the futures best.

@Akomo , @Ragnaguard is one of the players who knows better this game, with a depth very few master. He is disappointed and downright pissed because of how much he cares. Sure, sometimes he can come off too strong, but as a player… you’ll hardly find better.
You don’t get that good unless you love a game. Just saying…

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Ok then he can complain all he likes- im pointing out that there are better ways to spend your time.

These forums are indeed toxic with those who wish to have things their way all the time and it sure doesnt impress new people coming here.

Anyways back to the game- see you later.

I can understand it perfectly as that’s where I come from most of the times too.

100% agreement with all the rest.


… and that you can’t solo, and that you need a group (or entire guild) to get to, and that you’re competing with everyone else and their dog to get there first…

Ah, memories.

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Was really worried about the torches also. This was not a good move idc if it forces you to use other weapons there are other ways to do it. No point to use legendaries I give them to thralls or use them as illusions when they’re finished.

  1. I completely agree.

  2. the actual system doesn’t even make Legendaries worth using, it just makes them worth giving Thralls so they can’t be broken (in fact I only use disposable ones on my char).

  3. actual system makes crafted weapons COMPLETELY USELESS (especially considering that legendaries are extremely easy to get). It also makes T4 Blacksmiths crap.

  4. the really RARE legendary weapon (Sword of Crom) is also the most useless, as u can’t use it and you can’t give it to thralls.

This update was meant to make legendaries worth again, instead it did the opposite. The only good thing of this update are most of the new legendary stats.


I agree with @Taemien and others.

I like this change, tbh. It makes people to value their legendaries when they find them, makes them want to grind for them, and then use them the best way they can. And when players don’t have that one anymore, they maybe try something else and new.

I always hated having vaults full of legendaries, of which I had 10+ copies and could repair each and every one of them anytime I wanted, it got boring to me and i had no use for those. It was just stuff I did not want to throw away, so I gave those away, but the thrill of finding something really good was not there. I was doing UC runs like before, but did not care a bit about anything that dropped, because I had enough and I did not need more, cause everything was repairable.

Don’t forget that with AoW many weapons got solid boost and I think they are worth it. Before only few of them were, cause they had ■■■■■■ stats and often nothing better in adidtion, compared to many crafted weapons.

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But isn’t truth considered a virtue in your country? Thus that virtue is irrepevant then???

So you would sacrifice a virtue for money then?

No it doesn’t Lmfao. I stopped chasing legendaries altogether. No point in wasting that much time and then the weapon breaks in a week. Just craft a weapon. I don’t swing them once because I don’t want damage on them. I don’t care about legendaries any more lol. There is no point in getting them.

Not gonna kill the dragon 500 times and then break the torch 2 weeks later.

Nah it actually eliminated my worry or care about legendaries. Can’t repair black blood pick now. Just keep throwing stuff away. Good stuff that takes weeks months to find. Now I don’t have to worry about farming legendaries. That’s the silver lining for me.

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Most weapons don’t even last a hour if I use them…
But the game is played by thralls anyway so you don’t have to use your weapon :')

Players that actually wanna play are screwed by new systems like this.

I’m not against it players letting thralls do all the work… I understand now why this is the case, because of bullshit “unrepairable legendary” and “permanent damage” on players gear.

Things that must change:

  • Repairing with kits or the repair wheel shouldn’t cause permanent damage, lower grade repair kitts should just be less effective but can be used on any grade weapon.
  • Legendary repairable again, don’t care how or if it will cost more as long we can repair it. Some are just too rare to break, which leads to endless grinding.
  • Dungeon weapons should at least be better than standard feats… for example Acheronian is stronger than Dragon, Teliths, Serpentman, Khari(except the bow), Black-Ice and Obsidian… these are more work to get but weaker than its easy to get counterparts, rendering them useless.

Meanwhile, Funcom hasn’t fixed the exploit that lets you get practically infinite durability on tools/weapons :notlikethis:

This also works with weapon oils, which is absolutely crazy.

Did I mis something?
Practically infinite durability?