Legendary weapons... unrepairable in the Age of War?

So now the upcoming update makes it impossible to repair legendaries?
I don’t understand the decision, this makes no sense to me.

Especially for rare weapons this a pain in the butt, I’ve seriously killed the Red Dragon over 180 times in order to drop the Reach of the Red Mother bow (just because I’m always unlucky with RNG). Do I know need to throw my bow into the garbage bin? What is the point of this. All that time spend on grinding… all for nothing.

This will be the final nail in the coffin for legendary weapons if this goes live.


Legendaries are meant to be legendary. That means hard to get, and hard to keep, as well as having legendary ability. We’re getting the hard to keep portion first as well as buffs to make them actually worth pursuing.


I feel legendaries are now more of like a buff. I am like level 30, and mashing thru content with 0 str, 0 agi with momentum and a legendary shield. So it makes sense they eventually “go away” like any other buff. I have used them for 2 hours gameplay, so far, and still have 80% of the durabiliyy left. So to me, that is a great buff to pve combat abilities.


With that said, i understand the knee jerk “hate” of the change. FC fostered a sense of permance for 5 years on pve servers, and all with the hoarding of mats. But i believe yhe change will engage players to try different weapons and thier attack animations. And i personalky like the challenge of mastering different techniques this will push me towards.


Will someone please check whether the Final Breath of the Red Mother (Torch) is able to be repaired. It is legendary, but I’m hoping it’s not classified as a weapon. :cold_sweat:


This one is not best pleased with the development.
Many parts of the update remind this one of other ARPGs such as Diablo in the gear drop quality and loot and trash cycle. Or “soulslike” games with the way stamina management is going.
Neither of which are the reason this one likes this game.

That having been said, from the buffs this one has seen, there would need to be some sort of stop gap. Legendaries finally have legendary power. However, acquiring them is no legendary feat (other than the RNG to get the one you want). In this way, one is encouraged to change their build (easier now given where the respec potions have been moved to) to accommodate the best loot they have recently acquired, rather than seeking out and maintaining the gear that supports their favourite build.

For some players, there will be the megalixir paradox. The treasure is too good to use and will simply end up being hoarded. Which fits with the trophy room idea they are implementing.
Alternatively, the gear, far too good to risk damaging in the player character’s hands, will be entrusted to Thrall. Who is no longer the main character… But let’s see how they do when fully kitted in legendaries…
This one is amused. Not enthused, but taking what solace they can where they can.

This one’s solution would be that when a legendary is recycled, it becomes the only material that can repair legendary gear. But also, where Legendaries can be obtained might want to be dialed back a bit.

As for your concern @DaVice, there is an entire thread about that particular issue.


I guess this change is mostly meant for pvp.

Legendaries get buffed to deal the highest damage in the game. Therefore pvp players will want use those weapons again. The breaking mechanicsm is the build in downside of using Legendaries. If people want to do high damage in pvp they have to repeatedly farm bosses.

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Has anyone tested if the nemedian helmet will still repair them? Interested to know and don’t have access to test live as a console peasant.


Seems like nope.


I think FUNCOM could grant a perk or effect to those very rare drops: unbreakable. Those wouldn’t lose durability. You wouldn’t even have the hassle of having to repair them. I see wars happening just because of such rare items. The common ones would.


I think it’s to get us to be more proactive in farming legendary weapons.

I agree though, I like my sword and would rather not have to keep farming for it.


I like that part of the game a lot. Facing bosses to get a reward. I don’t even mind much the rng, because when you’re starting, every legendary is a boon. Much better than stone!
So, now there’s a reason for me to keep farming. I would like to see some special effects, not just raw damage, but I won’t complain. The exception are those very rare drops. I mean… you might go months without getting them. So I would add that feature: unbreakable.
Now, if FUNCOM doesn’t do it, I’ll still see a way to have fun.
I’l place that weapon on a special stand, just for hard battles. Like a mega purge I imagine we might get.
I can see my character going solemnly get the “godly weapon” when the warning shows. This is it. This is the time for using it. I know I’ll have fun with that. So, heh, imagination plays a great role in how we enjoy the game. But I think most players would like their very rare drops not to lose durability, thus my suggestion. On pvp, however, romancing the game doesn’t fly and I imagine it will suck. But there’s also an element of fairness in it. You got lucky on the rng, while your opponent might not…but that luck won’t last forever. I can see their angle, I think.

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Good point. I’m inspired to grind now.

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Its maybe more to get us to go and start playing something else, instead of keep trying to enjoy playing this game.
I do not like this with legendary weapons and the durability change

It appears this unrepairable legendary change seems to be possibly the most disliked change I’ve seen to date. Funcom really should be taking notes. We asked to make legendary items legendary again. We didn’t ask to make them trophies. We already got that when many got so nerfed they were useless, or how many of them got heavily power creeped by craftable weapons. I truly feel like the development team has become out of touch with what the players want. They even went so far as saying that you can’t ask for a change and then get upset when said change is implemented and rebalanced to accommodate other things. This felt like they were covering their butts for the obvious backlash they were going to receive from the decision. This is especially terrible for those of us that transferred legacy items from another server and can no longer replace them. These will now be either trophies again or they’ll be thrall items because we’ll be too afraid to lose them.That’s not what we asked for and I’m not even quite sure where they got that idea in the first place. :roll_eyes:


I also take my breaks. There’s an indie game I loved because you could really feel the progression. It’s a completely different game. Kingdom Come Deliverance. At the beginning you completely suck, but once you get into the directional combat system and gain a few “perks”, you become unstoppable. I had a lot of fun with it. It has a radial directional attack system that is pretty cool. Some people never manage to get into int, though and hate it something fierce! :smile: But if you get it, it’s really fun. I loved the freaking game. I’ll miss Henry, the blacksmith’s son who, after all, was something else too. I won’t spoil it. If you like hard combat, try that game on harder difficulty settings. It will make you sweat. It’s far from being a game without problems, but it has a quite challenging combat system, nice narrative moments, etc. It’s good fun.

I wonder why they implemented this change. Maybe the danger of losing something makes it the more special. That might be their take. You only truly value what you can lose.


Oh i value my stuff every time I crash and die, then can’t get my corpse for a while because I keep crashing. They do a great job at that already.

Sarcasm aside, I do value my stuff and have no intention of losing it. The fact that you already have to watch your stuff and keep it from fully breaking or you lose it forever is enough for me. You know how many weapons @Marylambs has lost and was afraid to use because she thinks she might forget to repair in time? She lost two feroxic daggers I brought over from siptah. She had to craft something else instead. Also, she won’t use black blood tools because she forgets to repair them before they break. I know she’s not the only one. I’ve done this many times with things, as have others. I really don’t like farming rare drop items either. If they’re insistent upon implementing this change, the drop rates for many items need to be greatly increased. I’m tired of not getting a final breath, then hear someone has like 4 of them in a single day. RNG is the biggest issue with some of these items.


:laughing: I can imagine. But it’s quite easy to get bb tools, even if you break them. They still drop, right? Just mount camp there and farm them for a day or two, now that the vendor camps will be gone (I think). Anyway, obsidian tools will do the same job, only with less durability.
I do understand your point, but I don’t get so attached. I mean, I do hate losing stuff, like the reach of the red mother. I have very poor rng luck when getting that bow (I’m not sure it wasn’t nerfed, but I used to love it.). So I would be pissed to know I would lose it. It’s not that ground breaking weapon that you’ll use to win a hard battle, but it was very cool anyway for regular usage.
They should also allow server transfers again. I loved going on hollidays to Siptah. :smile:
They could also add eldarium and Siptah’s recipes to the EL. Or make something that works as the sigils, to avoid ptw accusations.
I lost my Eldarium stach due to an awful purge. Stelios remembers that. We had a very hard lemurian purge spawning inside the base and they broke the bench where I had it. Transfers had just ended.
It was disenheartening…

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And that’s the difference. Who are they to tell people, “don’t get attached” and implement a change like this? It’s fine for those that enjoy the grind, but even those individuals are like, “I think it’s a silly idea that serves no real purpose, but I’ll work with it.” Hardly any one has been like, “I really like this idea!” It’s being imposed, not enhancing gameplay. Forcing players to subject themselves to bad rng grinding is not the best way to up your game’s average player times. Coupled with ANOTHER thrall nerf, is it even safe to put said rare legendaries in the hands of meat fodder? Yet again, more “things” we’re being forced to “not get attached to.”

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