Liu Fei ritual is bugged

I have done it in more than one save. Already knowing sorcery does not prevent it. Idk if being in a Official Server has something to do with it, because I dont play there. But knowing sorcery enough to make a chalk circle and having gathered Liu Fei research is enough for it to work.

I am still unable to complete the quest. I even ended up recreating my character on the server to start fresh, did all the same steps. I did everything that I was suppose to do. I got to the same point in Liu Fei’s quest line, his circle does not show an option to burn the black lotus or devil’s bonemeal.

I asked a friend on the server to try doing the quest as well, they too are now stuck at the ritual quest.

On a side note, Freya too is bugged. For me she won’t appear at Nordhof, despite receiving the correct dialog when speaking to hear that it’s time. Whereas for my friend, Freya spawns at the volcano but when they interact with her, they get no dialog, it only gives the option of “Goodbye” so they can’t progress that quest line.

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Yep, i still cannot complete lu fei, no burn option still and no reaponse from Funcom on multiple ticket submissions. I did get Freya.

I would flag this as the Solution
I got to that final step, had the lotus, etc., picked the Liu Fei, did the dialogue, and went to the circle. Nothing.
Made sure I was not in Creative/Admin mode. Still nothing.
Logged out and back in and spoke to blue LF first and still nothing.
Went and talked to Blue Fei and then to Red Lui Fei and then the circle worked. Ta-Daaa! :notes:

I’m having the same issue on Offical 1516 – Both quests are bugged and stopped - Freya is stuck on “Returning Home” and LuiFei will not allow me to do the ritual - It has been almost a week and I have achieved all the required steps up to this point.
Super Frustrating

It is not working for me also, when I put the materials the icon still red not green. I am on official server.