Liu Fei ritual is bugged

So i have my own server on xbox, NWO RP, and i recently did a wipe the night before the AoH was set to release. I have so far done the quests for both Freya and Liu Fei and today i was only able to progress Freya. I am at the point in Liu Fei’s questline where i need to burn either the black lotus or the devil’s bonemeal but here is where the problem begins. I place either item into the ritual chalk circle and its supposed to show me an option to burn 1 or the other… it doesnt give me the option to burn either. I cant progress to getting Liu Fei because of this. Does anyone know why this is happening or how i might be able to fix it? Any help would be great.


Is Freya’s questline still active?


Having the same problem, and I have completed Freya quest.

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I have the same problem on PC. I got disconnected the first time during the ritual, and now it will not let me ‘craft’ the ritual even though both Liu Fei’s tell me to.


I’m having the same exact issue on my private server. When i interact with the circle of power near Liu Fei, nothing shows up. I’m pretty bummed out and have tried so many things as admin to try and get it to work.


I have the same bug and have reported it.

Someone has said that this bug would be caused by Freya quest being active at the same time. ie. If you finish Freya quest first, you might be able to proceed with Liu Fei quest? I havent had time to test.

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I have completed both on official, PS5, and had no problems on either. Well, except for the jack hole that showed up and tried to steal Lui Fei as a follower without doing the ritual. He was unsuccessful.

Hi there! For those on your own servers or sessions, do you have creative mode on or all recipes unlocked via admin? I believe having those on prevents ritual stations’ recipes from showing up.

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I’m experiencing the no-ritual problem on a singleplayer sessions, I’ve restarted my game several times in the past few days so I’m not in admin mode and still no ritual, also never went to find Freya so technically that quest is incomplete because I never started it

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You wont see the recipes if:

  • you dont know them
  • you are using creative mode
    As the blue post says.

Liu Fei does tell you to learn sorcery, and you will need to get some of going to be able to do it.

HOWEVER, you gotta check something else.

If you put the admin status, enter creative mode, and leave ADMIN STATUS without leaving creative mode first, you might be flagged and the recipes wont show.

When I am not in creative mode or in admin mode, the recipes still don’t show up.

Is there a way to admin learn the recipes as a workaround?

Not that I know of, besides the practical manual way, which is spawn a bench, spawn a bunch of spell pages and learn them all.

Sorry I mean the recipe to burn the black lotus in Liu Fei’s circle of power, or at least I assumed that’s how it’s done. This is the part of the quest I am stuck at.

I’m currently running a server with no mods, I’m not in admin mode nor creative mode, I don’t have all recipes checked on. I do have all sorcery knowledge unlocked.

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You need to know sorcery and the related recipes of the chalk circle to that recipe to be unlocked.

I already do know sorcery and every single recipe related to sorcery including the chalk circle. There is nothing more I can learn at the table.

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Then if you are not using admin or creative mode, it should show up when you open the chalk circle Liu Fei has closeby where the play has him (that is how it worked out for me in my 3 accounts, so I assume it works).

It wont show up in a chalk circle you build, only in his.

Also you have to have found his research already, and you have to have waited the whole “hours” you have to wait each time he tells you to wait.

Got the same problem with Freya. While she says “lets go” as if it is now to go, you still have to wait such 8 hours.

Have made even a post about that:

I am interacting with his circle in the jungle next to the plant that has him trapped. I already found the research notes as well, its been 3 IRL days since that happened. I have waited more than 24 IRL ours between each quest step.

The current step is Liu Fei telling me to begin the ritual, I can see a blue version of him and a demon standing next to him. I have the lotus in my inventory which he then tells me to burn it.

When I interact with his circle and place the black lotus, there is literally no option on the right side to burn it.

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I have the issue (bug report linked earlier) and I’m on official pvp server (obviously no mods or other shenanigans), I have maximum corruption (corrupted stats) and I have unlocked every knowledge in the Book of Kurak. Cant burn either offering at Liu Feis circle.

And just to be clear: the recipes DO show up, they just stay grayed-out even after adding the correct ingredients. Cant be clicked.

ps. One strange thing though, on the test server the circle didnt have that small pot on top of it. On live server it has. I wonder if someone made a last-moment change to the circle that messed something up?

When you still have to save Liu Fei, here there will be two of them, that one that still there (for some reason as I have completed it) and another one white. He will be along with a creature. And the thing will allow you to interact normally “only” if you are not in admin AND not in creative.

To troubleshoot what is happening, should you be sure to have done all steps (find Liu, his research, learned sorcery, found the items he goes on to setting you to find) and it still not working, use the following admin command to assess the stat the game thinks you should be:

QuestInfo WizardCompanion

It should be in an active task and not in (Day#).

If there is a task, and it is “resembling” the task you are trying to do, then you have a problem. If it is in “day#” and the date is overtime started, then you have another problem.

Still doesnt work for me on official pvec, submitted multiple tickets and have been ignored. Im wondering if it has something to do with the fact i alreadly know all the sorcery? Maybe i need to go run that sorcery cave again for good measure just in case? Anyone try that? This update has been a disaster.