Losing everything because body doesn’t appear

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2504

Bug Description:

I died and the tombstone marker was in the map. I went to it and my body wasn’t there. My loot wasn’t there. Nothing. I checked everywhere and all around and beyond the marker. Now all my stuff is gone.

Bug Reproduction:

Just dying I guess

I can’t even enjoy the game when I can’t even get my stuff back after dying. It doesn’t happen a lot but I can’t get my stuff back due to my body falling through the map or maybe it just disappears. I lost so much of my stuff and there’s no way to recover it because Funcom won’t give you items back even though it’s because of the bug in THEIR game.

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Welcome to the Forum. I won’t say that it still works but back when the game first came out if you had some one else with you they could spot your body get you close and you could use a pick to interact. Good luck :+1: @DeadlyNymph

i had it 2 or 3 times that my body was in/under a stone … luckyly i was near my base so that i could pick up an reserve pickaxe … maybe you had the same as me lol

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This was back when the game first came out and why my wife and I rented a server we have had ever since no loss on death no digging around for your body although we do play on official servers also.

On official servers I try to have a chest near my bed with some essentials for the run back to my body :upside_down_face:

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