Man in the Box / I Alone. (Open, feel free to RP)

University of San Francisco -San Francisco, CA

As Eun-Ji stepped onto the University of San Francisco campus, she was greeted by a bustling atmosphere teeming with activity. Lush greenery adorned the manicured lawns, while the imposing facades of the various academic buildings loomed majestically in the distance. Students bustled about, their vibrant energy infusing the air with a sense of purpose or college shenanigans. It was easy for Eun-Ji to blend in amidst the throngs of college-goers, her youthful appearance and casual demeanor ensuring she attracted little attention, save for the occasional lingering gaze from admirers.

Following the directions provided by a helpful student and the campus wayfinding signage, Eun-Ji made her way to the physics building. Upon arrival, she seamlessly slipped into the role of a transfer student, engaging in casual conversation with fellow students as she discreetly inquired about recent events surrounding the tragic death of Turner Kramer, a physics student. With a bit of finesse and charm, she eventually gleaned the information she sought regarding Turner’s dorm room.

Undeterred by the need for key card access, Eun-Ji employed her resourcefulness, assuming the guise of a hapless foreign exchange student struggling with the nuances of the English language. Her ruse proved effective as a sympathetic young man emerged from the dormitory, his chivalrous nature prompting him to grant her entry. With a grateful smile, Eun-Ji made her way to Turner Kramer’s room, her heart pounding with anticipation as she prepared to uncover the secrets concealed within its walls.

Posted by : Lorem

Turner Kramer sat alone in his dorm room in the evening. He spent a lot of these evenings alone looking at his physics textbooks.

He was a special scholar. Even though he was an undergrad at the University of San Francisco. He was already in talks with professors about presenting academic papers.

He was an excellent physicist and mathematician.

He did a lot of his thinking and what were called thought experiments. In other words he was daydreaming.


Over the past two weeks he had strange dreams. He saw geometric shapes that didn’t make any sense. These shapes would’ve baffled even Euclid.

He saw stone structures and ancient civilizations.

He saw strong warriors fighting off horrific creatures with glistening blades of steel.

However; they couldn’t fight them off.

Either the creatures were able to overcome them or the civilizations collapsed under their own degradation. Horrid carvings of strange beings lined the walls of ancient tombs of cities long forgotten in the past.

Never mentioned in any history book.

He had heard the whispers before, as if there were two forces of poetry.

One spoke in maddening gibberish. The other spoke in the language of the universe.

The Bees.

Their wisdom was so sweet.

That’s what jolted him awake; he had always been afraid of bees.

He knew they were trying to tell him something important.

Something about the future.

As he closed his physics textbook for the night, the small rectangular dormitory had only the light of his desk lamp to light it.

Turner looked out the window to his left side.

Outside the streetlamps lit up the courtyard.

There was something standing in the courtyard.

He was aghast to see it even so far away.

Turner knew what it was.

But it couldn’t be there.

The body of a man.

The head of a Moth.

Red glowing eyes.

It couldn’t be there.

Those things didn’t exist.

That was what he told himself after he began writing in his journal that things the universe was telling him.

Everything you learned about rationality seemed to be slipping away.

Strange dreams of tentacles, the master and the fades haunted his nightmares along with the other dreams of the bees.

Over the past couple weeks he kept everything these entities hnd told him in his journal.

He blinked again.

The creature was still staring at him with the red glowing eyes

He saw it’s wings begin to flap.

It sounded like helicopter blades going off in his head.

He closed his eyes for what seemed like eternity.

When he opened his eyes the creature had disappeared.

He grabbed his notebook and flung it across the room.

Irrational nonsense.

He would be presenting papers before the world knew it.

He looked back down at the notebook before feeling the sting on his neck.

There was a low humming throughout his dorm room.

He knew that humming.

He fell several more stains on his body as a swarm of bees enveloped him.

Sting his life away from him.

Brought to the floor by the pain, he grabbed his pen attempting to stab at the bees in the darkness.

He knew it was to no avail.

As he felt his throat swell up Turner reached for the notebook and opened to that page scribbling something under the first paragraph.

Hopefully someone would understand it.

It was something no scholar could dare comprehend…

Turner Kramer’s Dorm Room - University of San Francisco

As Eun-Ji stood before the dorm room of the deceased physics student, Turner Kramer, she encountered a locked door standing as a barrier between her and the secrets concealed within. With a subtle flicker of chaos, she effortlessly manipulated the handle, causing it to yield to her touch as if recognizing her authority.

Stepping into the room, Eun-Ji was met with an emptiness and generic college furniture that echoed the void left by its former occupant. The lingering scent of disinfectant hung in the air, a testament to the thoroughness with which the space had been purged by authorities and university officials alike. Undeterred by the barrenness of the room, Eun-Ji methodically combed through every corner, her keen eyes searching for any trace of the truth hidden within its walls.

To her surprise and delight, Eun-Ji’s persistence was rewarded as she discovered a notebook tucked away behind a towering cabinet, its pages slightly crumpled as if hastily discarded. Her affinity with chaos always did seem to giver her what others called “lucky breaks”. With a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins, she carefully retrieved the notebook and tucked it protectively into her purse, knowing that within its pages may lay the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding Turner Kramer’s untimely demise.

Quietly slipping out of the room and the building, Eun-Ji found solace amidst the tranquility of the campus grounds. Inside she may have eventually drawn questionable attention from a nosy person. Outside was basically public domain. She found a place to on a college bench so that she could delve into the secrets contained within the pages of the notebook undisturbed.

Seated upon a weathered bench nestled amidst the tranquil embrace of the college campus, Eun-Ji eagerly delved into the contents of the found notebook. Each page revealed a glimpse into Turner Kramer’s innermost thoughts and musings, a testament to the enigmatic mind that had once inhabited the room she had just left behind. As she pored over the handwritten words, a sense of urgency pulsed within her veins, driving her forward in her quest to unravel the mysteries concealed within the cryptic pages before her.

Cramers Notebook:

“The past unfolds naturally from the present. We believe that the past leads to the present. But what of the Outsiders who can reach in and change the present? The cosmos insists upon a logical progression, so the past must change to account for the modified present. This change is a natural unfolding along the paths of least interference and resistance, and it uses up exactly the energy put into making the change to the present. Thus, the more the past must change to account for the modified present, the more energy is required by the Outsiders to make their desired changes.

A yesterday we can no longer remember was surely the present a short time ago, just as tomorrow will soon be a present in which we may not remember today. A different today entirely must exist for that tomorrow, and those of us in today are powerless to stop it.

Thus, the future is a disease that infects the present. There is no cure. The only solution is amputation. The energy reserves of the outsiders can be the only scalpel.

I have tapped the reserves. Finally. RaGley showed me. The scalpel is in my hands and the present can finally put an end to the future so that we can begin to build a shared past.

Forgive me.

Wkh Kdoolzhoo vlvwhuv duh wkh Fkduphg Rqhv
Wkhb kdyh wkh srzhu ri wkuhh
Wkhb xvh wkhlu pdjlf wr iljkw hylo
Dqg nhhs wkhlu idplob wuhh

Exw zkdw li wkhb glvfryhuhg d vhfuhw zruog
Zkhuh pbwkv dqg ohjhqgv duh uhdo
Zkhuh dqflhqw pbvwhulhv dqg prghuq frqvsludflhv
Froolgh lq d vkdgrzb ghdo

Zrxog wkhb mrlq wkh Looxplqdwl, wkh fxqqlqj dqg wkh erog
Dqg xvh wkhlu pdjlf iru srzhu dqg jrog
Ru zrxog wkhb mrlq wkh Whpsoduv, wkh uljkwhrxv dqg wkh eudyh
Dqg xvh wkhlu pdjlf wr surwhfw dqg vdyh

Ru zrxog wkhb mrlq wkh Gudjrq, wkh fkdrwlf dqg wkh zlvh
Dqg xvh wkhlu pdjlf wr fuhdwh vxusulvh
Ru zrxog wkhb irujh wkhlu rzq sdwk, wkh lqghshqghqw dqg wkh iuhh
Dqg xvh wkhlu pdjlf wr vkdsh wkhlu ghvwlqb

Wkh fkrlfh lv wkhluv wr pdnh
Wkh vhfuhw zruog dzdlwv
Wkh Kdoolzhoo vlvwhuv duh wkh Fkduphg Rqhv
Dqg wkhb kdyh wkh srzhu ri idwh
Qeb Exiiftbii pfpqbop xob qeb Zexojba Lkbp
Qebv exsb qeb mltbo lc qeobb
Qebv rpb qebfo jxdfz ql cfdeq bsfi
Xka hbbm qebfo cxjfiv qobb

Yrq texq fc qebv afpzlsboba x pbzobq tloia
Tebob jvqep xka ibdbkap xob obxi
Tebob xkzfbkq jvpqbofbp xka jlabok zlkpmfoxzfbp
Zliifab fk x pexaltv abxi

Tlria qebv glfk qeb Fiirjfkxqf, qeb zrkkfkd xka qeb ylia
Xka rpb qebfo jxdfz clo mltbo xka dlia
Lo tlria qebv glfk qeb Qbjmixop, qeb ofdeqblrp xka qeb yoxsb
Xka rpb qebfo jxdfz ql molqbzq xka pxsb

Lo tlria qebv glfk qeb Aoxdlk, qeb zexlqfz xka qeb tfpb
Xka rpb qebfo jxdfz ql zobxqb promofpb
Lo tlria qebv clodb qebfo ltk mxqe, qeb fkabmbkabkq xka qeb cobb
Xka rpb qebfo jxdfz ql pexmb qebfo abpqfkv

Qeb zelfzb fp qebfop ql jxhb
Qeb pbzobq tloia xtxfqp
Qeb Exiiftbii pfpqbop xob qeb Zexojba Lkbp
Xka qebv exsb qeb mltbo lc cxqb"

Eun-Ji had no idea what to make of the indiscernible scribbling at the end. Perhaps it was code and needed a cipher she thought.

Posted by : Lorem

Daylight On the Campus was already creating extreme heat, Sartre, wished he was in his T shirt and jeans

The trip through Agartha had gone well enough. After receiving his message from Geary, Sartre knew that he had to hurry quickly to the crime scene. Being able to flash an old FBI badge was one of the easiest ways to get past the security guards. However; he figured that someone was here already. It took a while for the labyrinth to get the information about things going on in San Francisco. Though was still in the United States and under Illuminati control, it was quite far away from the base in New York City. He was pretty sure team Green would find out about it eventually. They would always interrupt a good fight between the Templars and illuminati.
He heard static coming from his chip that had been implanted by Xern in 2012. This was the first time it had been used.
“Eye see you.” Order is supposed to beat chaos, not the other way around. You see that Shining Emerald sitting on the park bench… Geary wont be happy that others beat us to it.

“Shining Emerald? Dammit Cassini, I’m an illiminated agent rank, not a gopher anymore ad I’m still waiting on my vault data acess authourizatiion .” He grabbed his pendant.

“I’m not Cassini and we are team blue are we not? I’m Alyssa, I’m in a van a few blocks away…”

He heard static.

As he reached the bench he took a moment to touch his pentagram around his neck before approaching the woman. It was something he had done out of habit over the past eleven years. Like carrying around his books. Research about why people disappear and Operation Condor in Chile. He loved those books in his rental car.

She was reading a notebook.

A dragon Agent

She was different.

She was a new agent.

Like any good member of the illuminati Sartre took the chance to take over the conversation as he scanned the area.

"Peter Sartre, nice to meet you Miss…? He extended his hand "It seems The Dragon works faster than Geary.

I’m not sensing Anima coming from you?

Am I wrong?

That means you didn’t swallow a bee back in 2012 or later.

Summer 2012.

A “terrorist attack” occurs at a Tokyo subway station.

The commuters are all infected with a strange virus that turns them into babbling creatures with black tentacles and gelatinous oozings coming from their former bodies.

At the same time, several people around the world from all different backgrounds are connected by swallowing bees. Something with the universe. Within days they finally have powers, abilities to maneuver the elements, abilities to move quickly in combat. Something happened when we swallowed those bees. But the dreams… that’s where we can find the truth.

After swallowing the bee, we all had the same dream.

Standing somewhere in the cold cosmos. There was snow all around us. Like Antarctica.

Angels. Had something to tell us.

There were different kinds, good and bad.

It would depend on what choices we would make.

They said that the prophecies of the end of days had begun and that dark days were here.

After waking up, we were contacted by the secret societies who looked to harness our powers. I was picked up by team blue. One thing unique about us Lumies is that we all had chips implanted in our head.

The factions were sent on several missions to different paranormal locations.

They were connected somehow.

The first was a place called Solomon Island where ancient Norse god Loki was stirring up trouble after retrieving the sort of Excalibur. His girlfriend and a member of a cult, named Cassie took the sword from him after we defeated him.

Then; we all fell unconscious Summit back into the dream world. This time the Angels weren’t there but there were voices…

Voices of something called the dreaming ones…

They told us that if we wanted to survive the end of days we had to separate ourselves from our factions and listen to them. They said they could give us immense powers. They offered a gift. I accepted the gift after the New England mission.

Next it was off to Egypt to fight mummies and the ancient pharaoh Akhenaton. The same substance found in the Tokyo subway was present in Egypt. The Pharaohs were being infected by it. They weren’t the only ones experimenting with it though the powerful Corporation Orochi was trying to harness the pathogen and its power Akhenaton and his Egyptian Cult were defeated.

Afterwards, we passed out again.

This time; we were back in the cosmos but somewhere cold. Freezing.

In the early 1900s, the Explorer Roald Amundsen had gone on a lost expedition to Antarctica. The explorers found something.

Something powerful.

Something horrible…

Once again; the dreaming ones made us an offer.

Bow to them in exchange for power and break away from the factions.

I ran and jumped off a cliff.

Next was Transylvania, and of course vampires. We had to fight off Dracula’s sister.

Once again when she was defeated we all passed out.

We returned to the frozen cosmos area, learning more about the failed Antarctic expedition and what could’ve been found out there. A woman. Perhaps Amundsen’s granddaughter, we don’t know who was at a crime scene in her home covered in blood. Strange symbols adorned the walls painted in blood.

She was afraid something, possibly the dreamers were after her.

There was also a young girl, she was rescued in a fire. She had powers herself but was extremely more powerful than anyone in the three factions, there is actually a fourth faction of pirates but I can tell you about that later.

This girl, now a woman, is named Anima…

The firefighter that rescued her mistook her name for “Emma.”

She could be the key to this whole thing.

Our second to last journey took us to Tokyo, the pathogen more commonly known as “The Filth” was spreading everywhere.

Everyone was fighting over it, either to control or figure out what it was.

The Orochi Corporation was headquartered there. We had to fight our way through their entire building until we finally realized who was controlling that corporation. It was the biblical Angel Samael along with the villainous Angel Lillith from the apocryphal texts. These Angels, they are common amongst all three Abraham make religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

There seem to be a Council of Higher Angels, these were the good angels I mentioned before.

They refer to themselves as “The Host.” Though they seem to be benevolent, their motives are also unclear but they are definitely not as dangerous as the dreaming ones.

The dreaming ones are extremely old gods. I don’t know how to put it, some type of eldritch horror.

The dreaming ones can project their thoughts into the heads of this world and possibly others. Who knows what’s out there in the cosmos?

We’re just standing here on this Pale Blue Dot… not even a fraction of the cosmos. The zero point pathogen is the thoughts of the dreaming ones. One can become infected by the pathogen if they let the dreaming ones into their head. They can also become infected by touching a physical manifestation of the pathogen either an infected human, creature, or the black gelatinous liquid that they leave behind.

Ohhh, I forgot to add that there was a religious cult called “The Morning Light.” This colt exists to recruit members into its ranks in order for them to commit suicide and give their minds and souls up to the dreaming ones in order that they may be eaten by the abominations. Remember what Carl Sagan said, “We are star stuff, a way for the universe to know itself.”

The dreaming ones, they like to devour stars…

We were able to chase the Morninglight Cult to its headquarters in South Africa.

After infiltrating the group, we thought we were finally close to getting their leader Marquardt as was the closest to the dreaming ones and the zero point pathogen.

Their steamed poweredrobots in the underground world of agartha the world tree that connects the entire world. These robots were invented around the 1900’s

Marquardt was able to escape as we had to fight off a weaponizedversion of these steam powered robots.

Our faction handlers helped with the fight.

Marquardt was long gone.

We were able to track his location to the Congo in Africa.

However; the all-powerful secret societies that vie for control of the world have not been able to find anything in seven years."

“We have lost too many…”

Sartre played with his pentagram necklace.

His phone buzzed.

Looking down, he read the secret message from Kiersten Geary

Placing a phone call to her he said,

"Yes, they beat us to it then Julia was probably pushing them to go fast. I see… There is some connection between the deceased. There has to be. Yes Mothman sightings and ley lines. Oh… “line” he whispered the last sentence, not knowing how much the dragon agent could hear.

“Team Red will be showing up soon enough.” Yes, we will work on the crime scene together, sending each faction our findings."

Talk to you later, boss.

Sartre hung up his phone.

“She always says Ciao Ciao.”

Using his profiling skills, he said.

“The victim was frightened and had a phobia of bees. He was killed by something that terrified him the most.”

As you got here first, I’m going to let you lead the investigation. I’ll be here if you need to ask me anything or perhaps need some help. What are you reading? Kierkegaard?"

Choi Yeong walked onto the campus of the University of San Francisco after riding the trolly. At least the public transportation here seemed to be moving people right along their way.

Yeong asked a few students if they had heard of the cryptid mothman and if it truly had appeared in this part of the United States. Several of them pointed Yeong toward the victim’s dormitory.

As he walked that way, Yeong could help but notice the one he had seen in the vision. She was sitting upon a bench and reading a book.

Quietly Yeong approached her and gently sat next to Moon. “Dangsin-eun geunyeoibnida,” Choi commented to Moon. “Nae kkum-e naoneun salam.”
(“You are her. The one in my dream.” In Korean.)

Posted by : mdman

Eun-Ji had read the notebook from cover to cover. It all seemed normal of a college student journal in the beginning. There were personal entries, notes from academic studies, doodle and drawings, nothing out of the ordinary in terms of content. As the entries progressed through the pages, things became more theoretical and also started skewing towards more interesting and curious subject matter. The drawings as well started to take on a purposeful intent in their design and frequency. Then by the end, that last entry seemed down right irrational to the point of gibberish at the end. Had Turner Kramer gone insane? Had something caused this incoherent train of thought, or was a genius writing in a way others wouldn’t be able to easily decipher.

Before she had a chance to consider this more, a tall man with a clean cut beard interrupted her. Eun-Ji just ignored him, maybe the creep would go away. Yet she knew it was more than that, the things he was saying meant that he knew about the Secret World. She could be in danger, she thought. Despite this fact, they were in a public place, so she continued to play the foreign exchange student role and responded in Korean to leave her alone.

No sooner had she said that than an attractive Korean man sat beside her on the bench. She was surprised she had let him get so close without realizing it; she must have been too distracted by the first gentleman. And was that an attempt at a pickup line?

Eun-Ji stood up while holding the notebook close to her body. She bowed to both men and then quickly turned and started to walk away. Her feet were moving swiftly beneath the long hanfu dress. She wanted to put as much distance between herself and those two creeps.

Posted by : Lorem

“Definitely a new agent. Team Green are always like that. Showing up with Samurai Swords as we fight the Templars for control of Stonehenge, in the Council of Venice sanctioned secret war.” Alyssa, how can I calm down that green girl?"

With the girl suddenly getting up and walking away, Yeong suddenly realized how sleazy his words must have seemed to her. He felt like palming his face.

Calmly, Choi stood and called after her, “Yong!” (Dragon) Hopefully, she would get the meaning. If not, he’d appear even sleazier following her throughout the city, like a predator belonging on some list of perps.

Posted by Mdmanos fan

Down a nondescript alley, with cracked sidewalks, and potholed asphalt waited a nondescript grey van.

It looked ordinary not out of place, it’s windows blackened, the moonroof, opened only so softly.

Inside however held a world of computers, screens and surveillance equipment. And sitting there on one of the black and grey padded swivel chairs sat Alyssa.

A half eaten small bag of plain chips sat on the side of her computer, an empty can of caffeine laden cola had just been replaced with a new one which she opened and took a swallow of before she heard the voice asking how to calm the green one down. “Her name is Eun-JI. Former physics major.” Alyssa was a computer genius but she wasn’t necessarily one when it came to her interpersonal skills. "Oh, wait … say “nogsaeg-i palansaeg-eul mannassseubnida.” Which meant green meets blue, figuring if the man was honest about who he was it might come across better. Alyssa didn’t know much Korean but the translation program she had was one the best in the world.
University of San Fransisco - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji slowed ever so slightly at the man shouting the word Dragon; however, she quickly regained her distancing pace. If it came to it, she would join a group of college students walking about to get some help from stranger danger.

She contemplated the meaning of the word and it could have been three options. One, the Korean man was upset at the rejection and was cursing her. Two, he could have been a secret world agent from another faction trying to draw her out into revealing herself. Three, he could actually be a Dragon agent like her. Perhaps he was their to test her, to see if she would make rookie mistakes? She decided it would be best not to run the risk.

Finally she found what she was looking for, a group of girls chatting on their way to class. She interjected herself into their presence and explained the situation about how there were two young men over there that were trying to hit on her and wouldn’t leave her alone, and would it be possible if she walked with them to avoid another interaction.

The college girls, thinking Eun-Ji was just another college student too, eagerly came to her rescue and brought her along with them. In fact they started sharing how they had similar experiences before on campus. They assured Eun-Ji that they wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

Posted by : Lorem
Choi Yeong stared at the older man still standing there. He hadn’t heard the man talking to the girl, so Yeong wondered what he was up to.

“Either I messed up,” Choi said not trusting the man, “or you disturbed her. What did you say to her?”

Alyssa sighed as she watched the Green girl move into a group of girls. Her idea certainly wouldn’t work but, she spoke to the man on the other side of the chip. “On second thought, I am not sure you can get to her now. But I got an image of what she was reading. Interesting stuff.”

While that was being said, Alyssa started running a more complete background check on both Eun-Ji and the unknown Dragon man.

Posted by: Cindy

“nogsaeg-i palansaeg-eul mannassseubnida.” He shouted, hoping that it would prove fruitful. This investigation was not turning out the way he thought it would, he spoke into the microchip in his head that it was being used for the first time in 12 years. "If you can get some sort of screenshot of that, we can use it for decoding. When these types of operations, it’s best that we have as much help as we can get, it’s not the 19th century anymore where we can just slip poison into the absinth of the other factions… thank you Alyssa, perhaps we can work on decoding it later.

Posted by : Lorem

University of San Fransisco - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji was was too far away to hear them shouting at her anymore. Plus, the girls she was with were talking her ear off now, making it difficult to hear anything else. She continued with them into the biology building and then convinced them she would be alright from there. She made her way to another exit out the back of the building and started a a course to get off of campus. Meanwhile, the notebook had been securely inserted back into her purse.


Choi had a belly laugh as the clearly caucasian man attempted to speak Korean. He was at a disadvantage when it came to language. Many Koreans can fluently speak both languages.

“So,” Choi Yeong said, once realizing he had an opposing operative before him, “blue and green, she being Dragon makes you Illuminati. I guess both of us came in too strong for someone on their first mission.”

Peter replied, “I assumed that she was a much more experienced agent, Has she even fought a monster yet?” You are both Dragon." “I asked her what she was reading. If you want to hide secret conversations about the secret world, whisper them in public… Team Blue has so much information and misinformation, we flood the public with so much they cant tell the difference between the two…”

“That’s why I spoke in Korean,” Choi admitted. “There’s not many in this country that knows what I said, and it was nothing to do with the secret world.”

Choi rewound what the man had previously said. He pulled out his phone. “What do you want me to screenshot?”

Yeong made an effort to check the man’s ears. No earpieces, so he must have been speaking to Choi.

Alyssa hearing the request, “I already have,” screenshot it that is. “I also have eyes on your green girl. She’s moving with that crowd, into … the biology building.” It didn’t take long before the next comment was. “And she just went out of the biology building, the back of it.”

Posted by : Lorem

University of San Fransisco - San Francisco, CA

Peter considered their options and made an executive decision, "Let her go Alyssa… I’m sure we’ll meet her again.” He motioned to Choi. "She’s carrying a notebook that says this. He used his secure phone to show Kramer’s Notebook imagines captured and shared by Alyssa.

Kramer’s Notebook: Last Entry

“Hmmm,” Choi Yeong wondered aloud. Although he had done much research on many things, Yeong was not the most intelligent of men. He was smart, but not overly smart. This seemed like gibberish to him. Maybe it was. Maybe, as an aspiring scientist, this kid was on to something. Yeong had heard that time may not be a straight line. It may be spiral. Could this be what the kid was talking about?

“Who is RaGley? And, to what language did he switch in the end?”

“Could be Latin…” Peter suggested.

“I’m joking,” Choi Yeong laughed. “Anyone can see that is code. I’m pretty sure the first word is The. If you give me some time, I can crack this.”

“Sure, Mr. Choi, Peter Sartre nice to meet you." Peter officially introduced himself, pleased that things were moving in a more collaborative direction once again.

Posted by : Lorem

University of San Fransisco - San Francisco, CA

Yeong hesitated. He never told this Peter Sarte his name. He looked at the ears again, not finding an ear piece.

“Okay,” Choi admitted. “You’re scaring me now. At first I thought you had an earpiece in, but you don’t. And, you got a picture of the text of the book, although you didn’t take one. You have eyes and ears somewhere else, but how are you communicating without the…” Choi pointed to the ear, indicating the missing earpiece.

Peter apologized, "Oh, my fault… Or rather Dr. Zurns …He asked me twelve years ago, “Hey, can I ask you — have you ever seen a jaguar tripping?”

Apparently, Peter knew Choi Yeong’s name already, because he said it a split second before Alyssa was going to say it. Then she heard the explanation, sort of, as to what was going on. “Tell, Mr. Yeong I said hi.” Before drinking more soda, and squeezing a not too firm stress ball.

“Alyssa says hi. At first I thought it was our main computer tech, Leah Cassini.” Peter shared.

Choi nodded, then grinned. “Let Alyssa know I look forward to meeting her before this is all over.”

Yeong had a job to do, so all the friendly chit chat had to wait. “I guess we’ll be working together on this one. Between you and me, I’m surprised the other guys aren’t here. I have to try and catch her, so I guess I will be seeing you around.”

“See if you can get her to calm down.” Peter asked.

Choi bowed. “Good-bye for now, Mr. Sartre!”

Rising from the bow, Yeong sprinted away toward the building he saw the girl go into. He knew she was no longer there, so he sprinted past the building following, bounding the walled planter on the other side and pressed onward, hoping it wouldn’t take long to find her.

Posted by : Lorem

City Streets - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji breathed a sigh of relief as she managed to exit the campus entirely with no further incident. As far as she could tell, no one was following her; however, she continued to proceed with caution just in case. Her head was on a swivel as she made her way towards downtown.

She had no idea that Choi’s speed had shortened the distance relatively quickly. As she stepped on the trolley several blocks down the way, Choi would have a last second chance to see her before she would be completely obscured and in the clear. Unfortunately her stunning hanfu outfit was easy to spot amongst the common American attire.

Seeing the girl from his vision hopping on a trolley, Yeong realized he was to far away at the moment to catch the trolley. Choi looked around for something that would help him catch up. Spying a boy on a skateboard nearby, Yeong pulled a twenty dollar bill from his pocket.

“I need to rent this,” he quickly said, as the boy stepped off to receive the money.

Choi gave himself a push off toward the street. Grabbing the fender of a car, he built up momentum from the acceleration. As the car turned away from the path of the trolley, Yeong pushed away from it to propulse himself as a rocket toward the trolley.

People on the back of the trolley couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They began cheering him on, encouraging Choi to catch up.

Choi Yeong, inspired by the passengers, reached a hand forward, grabbing the back pole with his left hand. He pulled himself up onto the trolley with the skateboard shooting out from under his feet.

Choi to a second to breath deeply. Keeping an eye toward the front of the trolley, Yeong kept an eye open for the girl to exit the trolley.

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

City Streets - San Francisco, CA

The trolley was on the move and Choi’s Herculean effort was being praised by all onboard. In fact, his actions would be shared with family and friends to come, in most cases being embellished even beyond what actually happened. The only person on the trolley that wasn’t paying attention to him was the girl he was chasing after. The beauty was at the front of the trolley and was just sitting very calmly with perfect posture. She suddenly turned her head, her neck moving with the gracefulness of a dancer and she looked right at him and then looked down at the empty seat beside her.

Choi’s eyes met hers, then SA them drop to the empty seat beside her. He didn’t want to spook her like before, so this time he raised his right hand to his chin, so she could see his Dragon ring. Then, he calmly approached her.

Holding his right hand out above the seat, again ensuring she would see the ring, Yeong probed, “May I sit here?”

The vision before him remained peaceful and smiled as he came . It wasn’t a happy-to-meet-you-stranger smile, but a knowing one laced with flirtation the closer he came. She nodded yes to his question and gestured with her hand to the empty seat.

Yeong sighed at those eyes viewing him the way they did. She certainly knew how to use them.

He sat in the seat next to her. Casually looking at those eyes again, then down to not make hers feel uncomfortable, Choi apologized.

“I am sorry for before. Sometimes when I meditate, I see things. Like an impression of what I am to do. I saw your face. You are the one I was sent to help.”

Posted by : Lorem

City Streets - San Francisco, CA

She listened and then brought a finger up to her mouth to hush him, making the shhhh hand gesture. Her smile was full of guile. Now that it was too late, the fake expression gave way. He may notice that her edges, where she met the air, looked painterly upon closer inspection; if he focused. And without warning the illusion before him shattered into numerous prismatic shards which diffused into the air until it was gone. The warping of reality caused a unique sound as it happened.

Suddenly a wave of utter confusion aggressively attacked his mind. Disorientation slammed into him. Befuddlement saturated him and made it difficult to connect the dots between any thoughts.

Meanwhile, a block back on the corner stood Eun-Ji. Her hand was gently raised and had previously made a subtle gesture which shattered the illusion. She had actually ducked into an alleyway and created an illusion of herself entering the trolley. It was a precautionary trap, just in case someone was still following her. Like a spider luring a fly, she had caught her victim.

Seeing the illusion successfully shatter right in the man’s face, Eun-Ji made her way across the street and continued walking towards downtown. She held a hand out hailing for a cab to stop.

When Choi Yeong came to his senses, he realized why this girl was sent on a mission. She was good, very good. She may not even need his help. Still, it was his mission. He would not give up. She was dealing with the Illuminati and possible the Templars would be arriving to the scene soon. Yes, they worked together at times, especially when Gaia was involved, but each had their own goals of supremacy.

He grinned. “Dojeon surak!” (Challenge accepted) he confidently pronounced softly to himself.
Posted by : Lorem

David’s Apartment - San Francisco, CA

After arriving back at David’s apartment building in a taxi cab, Eun-Ji made her way up to her room. Her mind was consumed by the mysteries of the notebook she discovered and the adrenaline rush of being potentially hunted. Briefly filling David in on her findings at the University, she senses his agreement that she made the right choice in investigating further and escaping from what were probably other faction agents. Declining his offer of food for the time being, she retreats to her room to focus on deciphering the cryptic message within the notebook.

Eun-Ji meticulously made several attempts at trying to decipher the gibberish in the last entry; however, continued to reach failed results. Suddenly she had a moment of insight and considered that the solution could be a famous substitution Caesar cipher with a shift of three; a method she remembered from a computer science elective in college. She reworked the text with going backwards three alphabetical positions for each letter. She finished decoding the message and read over the resulting text, now readable. What she read still didn’t make sense to her, but she felt confident she cracked it. Though a second opinion that knew more would make her feel better.

Eun-Ji sent the original gibberish text and her decoded results to the Voice of the Dragon via David’s encryption machine. She also asked if any information could be sent back to her that may help understand some of the things mentioned in the translation.

Posted by : Lorem

Alyssa sat back in her chair watching the monitors which lit up the back of the van giving it a bushish glow. This was Alyssa’s place, a home away from home, not that she had much of a home left.

The mansion, Alyssa’s home, was too big and often void of family except the girl herself. Her mother had little to do with a child who, the social butterfly the woman was, didn’t understand her introverted daughter who would rather spend time on her computer than socializing.

Her father seemed to be gone a lot, but when he was home his only child wasn’t exactly good enough. He knew she was a computer genius. At 12 she had started college. But she hated anything athletic and wasn’t social.

At sixteen she was introduced to the Illuminati, by her father. Younger than most, but apparently they had asked for her It sent her down a course that would forever change her life.

Alyssa absent-mindedly tore a piece of blank paper and then put it back together, as the computers continued their checks on the dragons of earlier.

Choi Yeong:

A few other pieces of information, perhaps. Alyssa would relay those later though it was possible Peter already knew.

Eun-Ji Moon
Immediate family all seemed to be Dragons but clearly this information needed to be updated. There was a file on her but nothing listing her as a green. Well, time to fix that. Alyssa set to work, updating the woman’s file.

Posted by : Cindy

Downtown - San Francisco, CA

Choi Yeong exited the trolley. He walked for a few blocks coming to a park. This park had hilltop views of the bay and the city. It was the perfect place for Yeong’s next step.

Climbing toy he top of a hill, Yeong turned his back to the bay, so he faced out over the city. He could see the Presidio to his right. The city sprawled out before Choi.

He got into the Lotus position. Beginning the motions of dahnmudo, Yeong began to relax and center. Although he only sat next to the girl for a few seconds, he had felt her energy. She was good. Most likely, she could possibly handle herself without Yeong’s help. He was loyal to the cause. It was something within him other than the Dragon cause that had bright her face to Yeong in the vision. So now, Choi Yeong began reaching out to find her energy.

Choi, having awareness and practice with discerning someone’s essence, would have felt it from having sat next to her on the bench outside the college dorm. Her energy signature was chaotic, or put another way, unclear. Yet, this was not some inexperienced pup and Choi was able to catch a glimpse of her energy trail despite its unpredictable manifestation.

The path she had taken would be like a visualized perfume trail in the sensory perception of a trained bloodhound; if one tried to explain the process. The trail closest to the trolley was fading though and would eventually be completely gone, while where she was would be the strongest and most consistent. She took a path towards downtown. Occasionally, her path would branch into multiple different directions; as if she became more than one person. No doubt this was similar to what he had already experienced on the trolley.

It made the tracking process all the harder. Which one should he follow and would he have time to check all of them before the trail faded. Fortunately the branches seemed to have a recognizable pattern of utility and he could use logical deduction along with his gut to stay on the right way. At one point the trail went completely cold. She must have gotten in a taxi for a stretch, which masked her energy all the more from the outside air. But his expertise, was able to pick it up later by deducing downtown was indeed her final destination.

He finally sensed her energy entering a large building in downtown. But she was not stationary but at the present, seemed to be exiting that very building and heading in a new direction.

Eun-Ji having successfully decrypted the notebook was making her way to Chinatown once more. She was going to celebrate with some food that reminded her more of home, then what was in David’s apartment. She was feeling a sense of accomplishment for her first day.

Tracking her could be a challenge at times. Of course, Choi had assumed if their were three signatures, or even five, the one in the center would have been her.

Suddenly, he got another picture. It was a dal (moon) above her face. As Yeong pondered the meaning of this, it broke again into shards, much as her illusion had. Then he saw two lines intersecting again in the shape of an X.

The vision faded and he picked up on her trail once more. She was coming across Chinatown, headed in the direction of the area between where he now sat and the Presidio.

Yeong knew enough not to be overconfident. However, knowing those one’s ki, it gave him an added advantage.

Posted by : Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

As Eun-Ji wandered through the streets of Chinatown once more, she window-shopped at the colorful storefronts adorned with hanging lanterns and bustling crowds. Despite the activity, she felt a sense of calm wash over her as she searched for a restaurant that offered traditional South Korean cuisine. The aroma of various spices filled the air, enticing her taste buds and igniting a sense of nostalgia for the flavors of home.

After wandering for a while, Eun-Ji stumbled upon a cozy little eatery tucked away in a quiet corner of Chinatown. The sign above the entrance read “Seoul Garden,” and she knew she had found the perfect spot. As she stepped inside, she was greeted by warm smiles, compliments of her hanfu attire and the inviting scent of sizzling meats and savory sauces.

Taking a seat at a wooden table adorned with delicate Korean pottery, Eun-Ji perused the menu with eager anticipation. She decided to start with a classic appetizer of kimchi and japchae, followed by a hearty bowl of bibimbap topped with a perfectly fried egg. As she waited for her meal to arrive, she couldn’t help but smile, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over her in this little slice of home nestled amidst the bustling streets of Chinatown.

Yeong sensed that the girl had settled at a destination. He quickly headed there, coming to the Seoul Garden. The aroma coming from inside made Yeong homesick. The cuisine was definitely authentic Korean.

Yeong quietly entered the front door. He saw her awaiting her order. He reached out to sense her ki, sensing only the image at the wooden table. It was her, not an image.

The memory of the picture of her face with the dal. He still didn’t catch the meaning of this but thought appropriately to quietly pronounce the word as he gently approached, arms being unthreatening down by his side, yet he remained cautious, in case she took off again.

“Dal?” he inquisitively stated. Then, for some reason pronounced it in English. “Moon?”

He was already anticipating putting his parkour skills into action. Up to this point, she proved to be elusive.

Posted by : Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji was daydreaming, lost in her own thoughts as she was telling herself to take this time to relax from work and work related events. She was looking out the window and did not see Choi’s approach. It was not on her radar of whom she would expect to be inside the restaurant.

Eun-Ji’s attention snapped to her uninvited company. Her hands went below the table, nearer to the hammers hidden under her dress. If need be, she could easily slip them through a concealed opening to retrieve them in a moments notice. Was this friend or foe? The question of possibilities resurfaced.

How did he find her, again? She was certain she lost him well enough back at the trolley. Was it just coincidence? How did she know her surname? Was he Dragon or Enemy? The question kept pouring in; however, she needed to respond instead of looking at him with incredulity.

She decided to try and keep the foreign exchange college student act going; keep her cards close to her chest. She also needed to play this out politely and peacefully if possible, she would hate to ruin the establishment after their hospitality and good cheer. “May I help you???”

Yeong warmly smiled, believing he had finally made headway into resolving this obstacle to what he hoped would be a great partnership. He was glad she seemed more open to his presence. At least she wasn’t running as este had earlier.

“My name is Choi Yeong,” he politely offered, “I was sent from Jindo to work at your side.” He peered at the seat across from her. “May I sit? I apologize for earlier. I realize it may have sounded strange and predatory; that was not my intention.”

He then revealed the Dragon ring upon his right ring finger. Hopefully, this would solve any misunderstanding.

Posted by : Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

The only reason Eun-Ji didn’t come up with some plausible lie to send him away, in line with her continuing to pretend to be a college student, was because he flashed the dragon insignia upon his hand. She instantly recognized it; however, perfectly hid that fact in her facial expression. It didn’t necessarily verify that he was a Dragon agent or a collaborator. Anyone can get a ring, from another dead agent perhaps, or plagiarize a ring with a 3D printer.

In addition, she couldn’t rely on the fact he was Korean as validation either. Just because their main headquarters was in Seoul didn’t mean others couldn’t become a Dragon. David, her American host, was a clear example of that. He could very well be a Templar or Illuminati undercover. In fact, if she hadn’t been born into a Dragon legacy, then she was sure those other factions would have tried to recruit her if given the chance.

Eun-Ji nodded and looked to the table next to her and across the table. “You may sit there.” She said with a polite smile. It was just three feet more to the right of the chair across from her at the table, but any trained fighter now would realize that the added distance was defensively strategic. Meanwhile her hands were through the slits in her long dress, holding on the handles of the her hammers lightly.

Eun-Ji had been to Jindo before. It was a island off the southwest of South Korea. It was a monastery that was a cover for it also being a Dragon training headquarters. She knew this because of her parents. In particular her brother had trained there some when he was younger. She never did though; however, remembers visiting it while her brother was there a couple of times.

She played dumb, “I am a bit confused why anyone would be sent to help me with my studies, especially from so far away and without me knowing about it. Is this some prank? Did Lisa or Martin put you up to this?” She laughed lightly as if she had figure out what may be going on and caught onto the joke.

Yeong’s face went blank. He was not expecting her to keep a cover story after he had revealed he was a Dragon as well.

He also noticed her hands remained below the table. With food before her, this was a dead giveaway that she may take an offensive route to this meeting. This was something Choi wished to avoid.

He shook his head from side-to-side, then switched to Korean. “Master Park didn’t tell be who I was sent to help. He said I would know. Sometimes, when I meditate, I see visions. I saw your face, mothman, and two lines forming an X. Later I again saw your face with a dal. I’m still not sure how that fits. But I do know mothman figures in this investigation. The two lines coming together to form an X, not sure of that either. I know you have a code too, the other guy back at the university, he was Illuminati, had a picture of it.”

Not sure if she was buying into all he said, he nodded his head toward her hands still being under the table. “I wish not for this to turn physical; I am on your side. Your seem an excellent Dragon. You’ve fooled me with your abilities. I take that you are a bee too?”

Posted by : Lorem

P with Choi and Eun-Ji

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

Master Park was a familiar name, yet something that anyone could find out with ease. His explanation was intriguing and curious, but did not prove anything objectively. She was not about to let her guard down without certainty.

Eun-Ji continued to keep up the act, “I will answer your questions, if you first answer mine.” It was a statement, not up for negotiation; though it was said in a way that was still gentle. “If you are indeed from Lindo, please tell me what sound is used for prayer time and what sound is used for meals? In the spring what flowers bloom at the monastery and what type of butterfly pollinates them? And finally, what color are the four small tassels on the hem of the monk’s tunic?” The last question was a trap question, the monks didn’t have four small tassels.

She patiently waited his reply, hands gripping the hammers tighter. One wrong answer and she would unfortunately have to take action.

Yeong wondered what it would take for this girl to believe him. He was being truthful. It’s one thing to be cautious, but he had told her everything he thought would help understand he was a friend, not a foe.

He blinked quickly to recenter himself, then opened his eyes, looking into her brown eyes, the same that were fake before and had lured him into a trap. Okay, he’d tell her what she wanted and add something else to it.

“At prayer, the samul is played, which consists of the Beomjong, which liberates those living on Earth; the Beopgo, liberates those living in heaven and hell; the Mokeo, those belonging to the water world; and, the Umpan, for those of the sky. It is a call for all to worship.”

Taking a deep breath, Yeong continued, “Only the Umpan sounds at meals. “ Yeong closed his eyes, imagining himself in the gardens within the monastery. “Besides the cherry blossoms, the azaleas and sansuyu bloom.” He could almost smell their sweet fragrance. “The long tail spangle pollinates the flowers.”

He took another deep breath. “But for a site to see, you should really wait for the Jindo Road, which shows itself at ebb-tide.”

“Now tell me, how does the dal apply to you?”

Posted by : Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji listened closely while also paying attention to his body language, gestures, tone and expressions. She was measuring his answers and trying to determine if he was first accurate and second speaking from experience versus having read it from a script. In her final analysis of what he did answer, he passed with flying colors. He had not answered the trick question though. Was he stalling for more time to think? Had he simply not been paying attention to the last question.

Eun-Ji confronted him on it. “Not so fast.” She titled her head a little flirtatiously to the side. “You have one more question to answer, …. what color are the four tassels on the monk’s tunics?” She reminded him.

Yeong grinned, leaning back in a relaxed nature. Finally, he thought he had the upper hand with her.

“I thought it would be obvious.” Choi Yeong amusingly answered, “I didn’t answer because there are no tassels.”

Yeong crossed his arms and smiled. “Now, can we work together instead of slowing down the mission? What does the moon have to do with you? What is the meaning of the two straight lines coming together to mark an X?”

Eun-Ji smiled in satisfaction and relief. He seemed to be who he claimed to be, she know thought. Her hands released her hammer grips and gently came back to the table top.

She extended her hand to Choi in a formal greeting. “In answer to your dal question…. Hi, my name is Eun-Ji Moon, nice to meet you Choi.” The gracefulness in her hand was similar to the poise of a ballet dancer.

“Yes, I think you’ve earned the right to compare notes. In regards to the ley lines forming an X, I haven’t yet looked into that. However, I did find the notebook of the victim Turner Kramer and was able to decode his encrypted writing. What do you have to offer?” She began eating her meal and gestured for him to bring himself to the same table.

Choi Yeong gently took her hand. He hoped this would be the beginning of a beautiful partnership. He could see himself working alongside someone as quick thinking as Eun-Ji.

“Eun-Ji?” Yeong thought aloud, his brows raised. “I am honored to be working beside one from the Moon family.”

As far as her last question, Choi was at a loss. He had yet to investigate much.

“To tell the truth,” he honestly replied, “I have only had my visions and I’ve chased you the rest of the time.” He chuckled. “You are one tough girl!”

Yeong thought of what Eun-Ji had said. “Yes,” he quickly affirmed, “Ley lines. I hadn’t thought of that. Do you think X marks the spot? We would need to check out a ley line map and see where these lines cross and maybe the other sites they cross will help us.”

He moved to the table with her. When the server checked on Eun-Ji, Yeong ordered a green tea and ddukbokki.

Posted by : Lorem

San Francisco - 1st Evening After Arrival

Before getting into the rental car, Lumina purchased a week’s worth of the local newspaper from a box in front of the hotel. Corinth got into the passenger seat, so Lumina got behind the wheel. As Corinth sought out the location and nearest address to the crime scene of one of the two young women whose deaths were suspected of being related to the Mothman, Lumina scanned through articles in the paper about those two cases. One of those women, Olivia Warren, had reportedly been repeatedly stabbed by a needle in the street. Reading the articles, it seemed likely that she had been murdered late at night after a late shift at the clinic she had worked at. Her death had been ruled as a homicide, but no suspects for the deed had yet been reported. Olivia Warren’s body was apparently still being held at the morgue, perhaps for a few more days, while her funeral service was planned for next week. Lumina then decided to look up details on the other woman, Gail Iris, a teacher who’s death was reported as a suicide. The strangest detail Lumina saw about Gail’s death was that she had reportedly shot herself six times, putting one bullet through her knees into her lower legs, two shots through her hands, a bullet through her stomach, and a bullet through her throat. Why and how she had, with such precision, shot herself in those areas was highly unusual to say the least. Checking her obituary, Gail’s remains appeared to be at the very same morgue hosting Olivia. This place might be worth visiting.

Once Corinth had given her an address where they could park near the scene of the crime, Lumina stuffed the papers into her bag and drove as quickly as she could within the speed limit. It was dark by the time they got out and onto the sidewalk where the crime had been committed, much to Lumina’s discomfort. Pulling out a flashlight, as much for comfort as for utility, Lumina began scanning the area for anything suspicious. No doubt the regular police had taken most anything of mundane value to the investigation, so Lumina soon switched to looking for something of magical significance. Moving to an area where she was less likely to be spotted, she cast a detect magic spell and began scanning the area for traces of magic.

Posted by : Sky

JP with Lumina and Corinth

Corinth sighed at the lack of information. He knew this was likely going to happen, but it was always worth checking up on. Sometimes he would get lucky and sometimes, not so much. This was one of those “not so much” times. Giving a last look over, he made his way back to the car.

He stopped and watched as Lumina performed a spell. He knew how to cast a spell or two, but not like the Warlocks did. They seemed to do it more naturally than when he did his. His was more like trying to manifest using brute force, but watching Lumina, it was like watching someone moving their hand move effortlessly through water. He admired that. Once she was done, they entered back into the car and headed to the hotel.

“I think the second scene is going to be a bust like this one was. Too many days have passed and too many disturbances. We’re more likely to get more false positives than anything else anyway.” He looked over to her, “You find anything with your magic?”

Not long after, they were pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. Getting out of the car and moving into the hotel lobby. It was late and the weight of the day started to rest heavy on his shoulders. Just by looking at Lumina he could tell she felt the same way, maybe even worse. Making their way to their rooms, Corinth gave her a light slap on the shoulder. “Go grab some sleep and come get me in the morning and we’ll pick up were we left off.” Giving her a slight smile, he entered his room and shut the door behind him.

Pulling off his coat, he tossed it on a nearby chair along with his hat. Opening the fridge, he felt the cool air rush out to greet his as he pulled the bottle of whiskey from the fridge and sat it on the table followed by a small shot glass. He slumped in the chair and rubbed the stress from the back of his neck with a sigh.

One shot, two shot, three. With the ending of the third shot, he turned the glass upside down on the table and stared at it. With the flick of his finger, he watched it slide across the table and then onto the floor with a bounce. He was surprised it didn’t break. Taking the bottle of whiskey he turned it up and sent two large gulps to his stomach before he screwed the cap back on and tossed it back into the fridge. Falling into bed, he was asleep not long after his head hit the pillow.

Waking up a few hours later to the sun knocking on his eyelids, Corinth rolled over and looked at the clock. It was a quarter past nine and he was just as tired now as he was when he went to bed. Still, duty called and so did the need for a shower. Begrudgingly, he got to his feet and made way towards the shower.

Fast forward twenty minutes and he was drying himself off, already feeling like a new man. At least for now. After putting on his pants, he heard a soft knock at his door. With “room service” not following the knock, that left it to be only one other person.

Corinth opened the door about halfway and leaned on the door frame. He was shirtless and just coming out of a hot shower made the scared claw marks across his chest from shoulder to to stomach all the more visible. “I’m finishing up. Be ready in a minute. Come in.”

When he turned, there were another set of marks down his back. At one time, they were probably deep and being so close to his spine, almost death worthy. He grabbed a shirt and put it on, buttoning it up while he spoke.

“We may need to approach this from a different angle. If scene one and two have been scrubbed already, what are the odds that scene three is the same? What was three? A university? For all we know the university has already given another student the room. Do you have any ideas?”

Pulling a vest over the shirt, he buttoned that up too before grabbing Loy and Powell and holstering them. Grabbing a second set of holsters, he put them on, letting them rest just to the sides of his chest. With a few wrist movements of his hands, a set of 9mm pistols now resided in each one. After a quick look over, Keanu went in one holster and Bale in the other.

“So whatcha got,” he asked as he grabbed his hat and jacket. “You can tell me while we go grab breakfast.”

Posted by : Dblitz13

Newark, New York:

A private jet lands in the Newark airport and is taxied in by the ground crew. Eventually the crew arrives and the plane’s stairs are opened and rolled out. Then a very muscular Agent Max Powers steps out and strolls down the stairs. Agent Max Powers looks around 30 as he hides his cool smolder behind his sunglasses. He looks around and is greeted by the ground crew and the limo that pulls up before him. One of the stewardesses opens the door for him and lets him in the limo before she bids him farewell and closes the door. The limo then begins to drive off. Unknown to all but a few people, Agent Max Powers is actually Jack Gomez age 15 and a field Agent of the Illuminati. He was adopted by a high up member who he is not to mention ever and was trained to be a hardened fighter. Sadly he is still struggling with being a teen and his hormones so he tends to struggle with society a bit.

As he looks out the window his phone rings and he gets a call. He listens to the voice on the phone and rolls his eyes up as he listens to the long lecture before he reluctantly agrees with the voice then sighs as he ends the phone call. He puts the phone in his coat and rubs his temples as he wanted to get a break but just found out he is being reassigned again.

Posted by : Jaxx

It didn’t take long running the cryptic message from the letter for the computer to decipher it. Alyssa carefully read it, then ran it again, with a different program to be sure. It said the same thing.

The message made sense in a way but also not. Just adding more questions on top of the questions already rolling around in her mind.

“Hey, Peter. I think I’ve decoded that cryptic message. You should see this.” Alyssa said, talking back to the man’s chip.

"Can you send it to my phone? You are helpful Alyssa, do you have any theories?”

“I’m running some information through the database - here.” She sent the now decoded message to his phone.

the Halliwell sisters are the charmed ones they have the power of three they use their magic to fight evil and keep their family tree but what if they discovered a secret world where myths and legends are real where ancient mysteries and modern conspiracies collide in a shadowy deal would they join the illuminati the cunning and the bold and use their magic for power and gold or would they join the templars the righteous and the brave and use their magic to protect and save or would they join the dragon the chaotic and the wise and use their magic to create surprise or would they forge their own path the independent and the free and use their magic to shape their destiny the choice is theirs to make the secret world awaits the Halliwell sisters are the charmed ones and they have the power of fate.

“It then repeats but the code seems different.”
Posted by : Cindy

San Francisco, 1st Crime Scene, Late Evening of the Day of Landing

Upon activating her Detect Magic Spell, Lumina quickly spotted some sort of magical energy emanating from the tree. Getting closer, she could sense that the energy was a connection to… somewhere, shrouded in darkness. There was not much more she could glean with her current spell, but she had the idea of using another spell to see what was on the other side of that connection. However, she wouldn’t be able to maintain concentration on both spells, so she performed a sweep of the area first, and after finding nothing else, she shook off Detect Magic and prepared Clairvoyance. She pulled a rather expensive glass marble from her bag, consulted her spellbook, and then for about the next ten minutes, she uttered a string of incantations while carefully monitoring her motions. As she did so, the marble transformed into a small orb of energy, which, once the process was complete, she wafted the now invisible orb toward the energy emanating from the trees. She gasped as the ball was taken by the energy. Peering through the orb, she could see and sense a swampy landscape, somewhere across the country. The structures she could see did not appear old, but the style was antiquated, as if they had been built prior to the Great War. Lumina’s gut twisted as she realized that the connection led not just to somewhere else, but some-when else. She could not maintain the spell for long. She was suddenly bombarded by foreign sensations she could scarcely comprehend. Before she could make sense of it all, she was booted out of the spell. She found herself standing, dazed, recalling only a few details from the confounding experience. A swamp, somewhere in Florida, a century prior, and an impression etched in her mind that this all had something to do with the Warren Family. After trying and failing to remember more, Lumina recalled that the name of the victim who had passed away nearby was Olivia Warren. What connection did she have with this place in Florida? And why was this anomaly here where she perished?

“I think the second scene is going to be a bust like this one was. Too many days have passed and too many disturbances. We’re more likely to get more false positives than anything else anyway.”

It took a moment for Lumina to realize that Corinth was talking to her as she came out of her trance. He seemed to notice her distress, and asked rhetorically, “You find anything with your magic?”

Lumina relayed to him what had transpired. He was just as puzzled as she was by the development, and they briefly discussed the possibility of entering through the connection themselves, only to come to the conclusion that even if it was possible, there was no guarantee that they would survive the journey, let alone be able to safely get back. For now, this lead was mostly a bust, but perhaps something could be gleaned from digging into Olivia’s history and ancestry.

Deciding to call it a night, Lumina drove their sexy red Nissan Maxima back to the Stanyan Park Hotel. She was exhausted, and she felt like a zombie as she and Corinth trudged toward their rooms. Following a friendly hit to her shoulder, Corinth instructed her to visit his room once she was up and about. She went into her room as he went into his.

Lumina contemplated trying to do some more reading into Ley Lines from the tomes she borrowed, or perhaps seeing if there was anything that would shine light on the nature of the anomaly she had found at the crime scene, but she realized she was too tired to make sense of those arcane volumes. Instead, she changed into bed clothes, turned on a light across the room to act as night light, set her alarm for seven, and collapsed into her bed. Sleep came quickly.

San Francisco, Stanyan Park Hotel, Morning of the Day After Landing

Lumina hit the snooze button quite a few times as she struggled to wake up. Eventually she flicked the TV onto a news station to help herself get moving. She bolted up as she saw the story making headlines. A student had apparently been stung to death reportedly by bees inside his apartment last night. It didn’t take a genius to realize how unusual this was. Her gut told her that this was another scene worth adding to their investigation. She thought about going straight to Corinth’s room to discuss the development, but then she realized that she might miss out on her only chance to get in a much-needed shower. Lumina decided to text Corinth first, only to realize that she had never actually gotten his number. She would have to remedy that. Okay, she’d take a quick shower, and then…

Lumina did not take quick showers. Ever. She had tried many times after getting out of bed too late to take a quick shower, but she very rarely succeeded. She did not succeed today. Lumina just had too much on her mind. Olivia Warren, killed by needles near some magical anomaly with a mysterious connection to her family in a Florida swamp a hundred years ago. Another boy, Turner Kramer, killed by bees in an environment with no known infestation. A spooky asian girl on the plane with potential magical capabilities. Working with a partner, Corinth Whitethorn, a veteran monster hunter and total badass. Being back in the field after one of the worst experiences of her young life. Thoughts related to all these things and more floated through her head in no particularly productive order as her hands became wrinkly and time passed by her. It almost was quarter till nine by the time she got out of the shower, and she still had to do her hair and makeup.

It was a little after 9:20 when Lumina was dressed (in her usual jeans, blouse, and hoodie), packed, and at Corinth’s door. She rapped on his door and waited for a response. After waiting a minute, she was about to knock again when she heard running water. At least he didn’t get breakfast without her. Deciding to give him more time to clean up, Lumina went back to her room and reviewed her spell book, contemplating which spells she might need to use for the day. As she was reviewing her known spells, she found herself looking at the Speak with Dead spell, and a shiver went down her spine. If all other avenues of information dried up, Olivia, Gail, and now Turner could point them in the right direction. In fact, a trip to the morgue sooner rather than later could be highly beneficial to get on the correct track before the other Societies mobilized their forces. But first they needed to figure out the right questions to ask, as they would only get one shot at interviewing the dead.

She packed her spellbook back in her bag and returned to Corinth’s door and knocked again. Lumina was astonished when a shirtless Corinth cast the door open and leaned on the frame, and she couldn’t help but let her eyes be drawn toward the vicious scar across his chest. He had pretty nice abs and pecs too…

“I’m finishing up. Be ready in a minute. Come in.”

As he turned around, she saw that further scars and impressions marred his back. Corinth had definitely been through some shit. Lumina had her own scars too, but most of hers had been acquired quite recently, and she was much less eager to let them be seen as Corinth seemed to be.

Lumina quickly mentioned the news she had seen to him as Corinth resumed getting dressed.

“We may need to approach this from a different angle. If scene one and two have been scrubbed already, what are the odds that scene three is the same? What was three? A university? For all we know, the university has already given another student the room. Do you have any ideas?”

Lumina sensed that Corinth was a little discouraged, which she was used to feeling at this stage of an investigation. “I mean, I’m sure the university is looking to fill that room, although I personally would be hesitant to take a room in which someone just got killed by bees, but I suppose if they offered a low enough price for that sweet on-campus housing…”

She paused as she watched Corinth expertly handle his weapons as he checked and holstered his armory of pistols. Lumina didn’t even see where he had gotten those second two pistols from.

“So whatcha got? You can tell while we go grab breakfast.”

As they made their way to the hotel’s complimentary breakfast, Lumina continued, “All joking aside, the place has certainly been swept by the first responders and mundane investigators, but we don’t know how close the Illuminati are to this yet. My boss thought they were most likely all over it, but again, we don’t know that yet. I think it would be worth the effort to see what we can find. At the least, we can hopefully find out a little bit about Turner Kramer, which may be pertinent because, well…”

Lumina then told Corinth about her idea about visiting the morgue to interview the victims, and she also told him about the roughly five question limit to the at spell. Once both of them had grabbed food from the breakfast bar, she continued, “Learning as much as we can about our victims through other means can save us questions and time which we can use to learn other details. Also, we should probably wait until Turner is done being reviewed by the Coroner, after which he should hopefully be admitted to the morgue, at which point I can interview all three of our victims in one visit. But yeah, I’m thinking we hit the university first, figure out as much as we can about Turner, and perhaps get eyes on what the other Secret Societies are throwing at this mess at the same time, and then we evaluate where to go next from there.”

Posted by : Sky

Corinth opened the car door as and stood watching Lumina as she spilled to him her idea, taking a sip of his soda that grabbed before they left the dining room. He thought about it for a moment and nodded, “sounds like a plan. Good work.” After getting situated, he cranked the car up and drove off. The thought of talking to the dead intrigued him about as much as it made him a bit uncomfortable.

Animating the dead was some wild use of magic and he wondered how powerful that type of magic could go. Instead of just answering questions, could she control them in more ways? Was his partner a budding necromancer? Could be interesting…could be dangerous…for both of them. Still, would be fascinating to watch.

The drive was uneventful except for the San Francisco traffic that seemed to hinder them at every turn. It would be nice to blame it on some type of chaos magic, but it was really nothing more than the mundanes being chaotic to themselves. Sometimes, he wished he had a little more magic training to help with situations like this, but he knew he would abuse it every chance he got. Perhaps it was best he was only good with guns.

Pulling into the parking lot of the University of San Francisco, Corinth parked the car and looked around. He never went to college and t wouldn’t have mattered if he did. the Secret World had taught him more than any self-righteous, self-absorbed professor could have. Still, there was the whole college life that he missed out on, but let’s be honest, who wouldn’t take the chance of travelling the world and turning monsters inside out using impossible means?

“Alright,” he said opening the car door and stepping out, “we need to find the dorms and have a look around. Who knows who’s already been here and grabbed what. I mean,” he pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a snap of his fingers, “it’s not like there’s gonna be a notebook with everything we need to know in it. Let’s be thorough.” Pulling out his bottle of pills, he popped one into his mouth and chased it with the rest of his soda. Stretching his back, he shut the car door and tossed the can into the nearest trash can.

The campus was fairly large and was wonderfully taken care of. The buildings were large, spacious, and the grounds looked like what a university should look like; regal, spacious, and an atmosphere of free speech and learning. He admired the place, especially the St. Ignatius Church that sat on the edge of the property. Maybe it was the Templar in him that admired it the most. Or maybe it was just a nice looking building.

“Hey! This is a no smoking campus!”

Ignoring the teenager’s shouts, Corinth continued on his way, following the signs leading to the dormitories. As the young person yelled at him once more, Corinth casually flicked his cigarette in their direction, prompting a barrage of curses aimed his way. “I can’t stand teenagers,” he muttered to himself. “Glad I never was one.”

Upon arriving at the dorms, he tried to pull the door open, but it was locked. A campus safety measure no doubt. Banging on the door, he attracted the attention of a young woman who walked over.

“Detectives,” he said loud enough for her to hear through the glass. “We need access to Kramer’s room.”

“I can’t open the door for anyone without a pass or a student ID,” she said matter of factly."

“Look, you can either let us in and we can all go about our day or I can go get a warrant and take you in for obstruction of justice which you will then have to call your parents and explain to them, in detail, why they needed to come bail you out. But I’m sure by the time they get there, our background check on you will find a few things even you didn’t know you had.”

She looked confused as she slowly put his words to context. “Wait…are you saying-”

“I’m saying open the door,” he reached in his jacket and pulled out a metal badge, placing it against the glass with a clink.

The woman moved forward and let them in. “The San Francisco Police Department thanks you for your cooperation,” he said, walking past her and into the hallway. Turning back, “Turner Kramer, upstairs?” The woman nodded and exited the building in a hurry.

“You should get one of these,” he said, showing the fake badge to Lumina. “They come in handy sometimes. Let’s go.”

Moving upstairs, it was easy to find the room that doubled as a crime scene. The door was left wide open, which Corinth thought was odd. The door should have been closed, locked, and cordoned off pending an investigation, but here, the door was open and welcoming anyone inside.

His right hand moved toward Powell instinctively as he peered inside. The room was small, like any dorm room would be. A bed to the left of the room, a chair, small desk, cabinet to the side. What was in the room, looked disturbed, as if someone was looking for something. Chairs moved, sheets disturbed, pillow at odd angle…not only were they looking, they were trying to do it discreetly.

He sighed heavily with annoyance. “We’re not the first ones here and whatever was here, is gone now.” He looked to Lumina, “see if there is anything you can do with your magic. I’ll stand outside and make sure no lookie-loo’s get too close.”

Stepping outside the room, he closed the door and leaned against the wall. Pulling out a cigarette, he placed it in his mouth and snapped it alight. Things were going downhill fast and it looked like their only hope for getting ahead in the investigation was to go and talk to a couple of stiffs on a table. He shook his head and emptied his lungs of smoke.

Posted by : Dblitz13

"Ohh, who sent you to surveil me and be the one first use Zurn’s chip? If you dont mind me asking? “Halliwell Sisters? Ever heard of them, if not can you find something about them?” Sartre asked

“No, but I’m running checks on them and to answer your other question, Cassini sent me.” Alyssa’s father had also been an Illuminati agent but the young woman didn’t offer that information, not yet.

“I have heard of them but not much else.”

“This is going to take a while. I can let you know when I have more.” Alyssa commented as her her eyes kept watch on the screens.

“Thank you Alyssa. Do you have a favorite snack.”

“Takis, Fuego. Or anything spicy.” The woman replied.

It didn’t take long before the brightly lit screen started giving up information regarding the sisters. “I got something. The Halliwell sisters used to live here in San Francisco, but their place is now abandoned. Apparently, they used to fight the supernatural.” She paused, “Ley lines run under their former house.” The young woman’s mind was starting to explore possibilities.

Posted by : Cindy

The sound of Peter’s voice caught Alyssa’s attention. “Alyssa, I may head to the abandoned Halliwell mansion to see if there is anything of value there. That seems to be where the ley lines intersect . Can you look up any information on a “Prue Halliwell, her sisters, Piper, Phoebe and half sister Paige”, Team Blue had to keep a file on them in the 90’s and early 2000’s.”

“Got it.” The information that came through was interesting, though she didn’t know how much it would help.”They are descendants of a long line of magic users. The Warrens. The three sisters were left the house by their grandmother. Prue died a few years back. I’m sending you the current addresses of the other sisters. Not surprisingly, there have been more than a few mysterious deaths surrounding them.” Alyssa sent Peter the information she could, then saw something else. “There is a place listed. Possibly owned by the remaining three sisters called the P3 Apothecary at 250 Ivy St. I’ll send you more information as I get it.” Alyssa broke the communication.

Posted by : Cindy