Man in the Box / I Alone. (Open, feel free to RP)

San Francisco, En Route to USF, Late Morning, Day After Kramer’s Passing

Lumina appreciated that Corinth was behind the wheel for the trip to the university. She had never much cared for city driving. It was nice to be able to take a turn at an intersection without having to watch out for pedestrians. By some miracle, Corinth was able to find an open spot in a lot first try, and soon the Templar Team was on their way to the student dorms.

Corinth’s smoking quickly drew the ire of a young student, who proclaimed that the USF Campus was a no smoking campus, a claim that Lumina was rather skeptical about. One did not tell a college student not to smoke tobacco or weed with the expectation that this would prevent them from getting their fix. The student’s complaints certainly didn’t affect Corinth’s behavior much, at least until he persisted, at which point Corinth flicked the cigarette he had been smoking in the direction of the belligerent undergrad.

“Way to make a scene,” Lumina moaned.

“I can’t stand teenagers,” Corinth groused quietly. “Glad I never was one.”

This was even more perplexing to her than the no smoking policy, but the comment was meant for her, so she didn’t say anything.

Arriving at one of the dorm buildings Corinth tried a door, which unsurprisingly did not open. Lumina struggled to suppress a smile as her partner then went Captain of Koepenick on some hapless student to gain them entry into the building.

“You should get one of these,” Corinth advised as he pocketed his fake badge. “They come in handy sometimes.”

“It’s unfortunate that I forgot to dress the part,” Lumina murmured. She was pretty sure that impersonating an officer of the law was illegal, but then again, so was trespassing, so in this case discretion would have to be the better part of law abidingness.

Lumina wasn’t sure that trick would work to get them into the room itself, but it turned out her fretting was unnecessary, as the door was wide open. Her own unease was mirrored by Corinth, whose hand she saw drifting towards his holster. She let him take point. Once Corinth looked the place over, she followed him in and watched his shoulders droop.

“We’re not the first ones here and whatever as here is gone now. See if there is anything you can do with your magic. I’ll stand outside and make sure no lookie-loo’s get too close.”

Lumina had to agree with his assessment, they were most likely not the first agents of the Secret World to visit this room. Considering their late start, this had probably been inevitable. Now to see if she could find anything mundane eyes might have missed…

Lumina cast Detect Magic and began looking around. No magic anomalies made themselves readily apparent, however, after having a look about the dorm room, she spotted a faint shimmer coming from somewhere in Turner’s closet. Tucked into a corner on a high shelf under some linens were some books. Not being particularly tall, Lumina struggled to move the linens off the books and then pull the books off the shelf. Needless to say, this was a highly unusual place to store books, and when she saw the covers on the books, she could see why Turner had been keen to keep these volumes hidden. Tomes on fringe physics, unconventional theories on the origins of mankind, and alien geometries were not quite the stuff one wanted in casual display before polite company. The shimmer was coming from the fringe physics textbook, and pawing through it, Lumina finally spotted the source of the shimmer, a page with a bunch of latin characters that did not form any obvious words. It didn’t take her long to realize that this was some kind of code, probably a substitution cipher if she had to guess. As much respect as Lumina had for writers like Edgar Allen Poe who had very much been into this kind of stuff, cryptography had never been something Lumina had much of a knack for. She could perhaps figure this one out eventually, but perhaps Corinth had a better head for this.

Unintentionally dropping concentration on her spell as she thought about all of that, Lumina grabbed the Fringe Physics book and brought it toward the room exit. “Hey Corinth, I found something. What do you make of this?”

Posted by : Sky

Corinth looked at the book Lumina held out to him. “Looks like a book full of information I know nothing about.” She pulled it away from him and flipped the pages open to a section that had scribbled writing on it. Dropping his cigarette and snuffing it out under his boot, he looked the coded words over.

“The fool wrote all this in code. Not hard to decipher. The daily paper used to have a puzzle section near the comics. My old man and I used to speed run the Cryptoquotes.”

Walking back inside, Corinth sat at the desk, opened the drawer and scoured for a pencil. Finding one, he began looking over the words, making markings above letters, crossing out others, and putting new letters above old. “The key is to go for the obvious ones first. The letters together, space on each side, most likely ‘the,’ a stand alone letter…either an ‘I’ or an ‘A.’ Most often used letter, probably an ‘S’. But in this case, this is a standard +3 cipher. Each letter has been moved three places to the right. So this word here, “Kdoolzhoo?” Take each letter and go back three letters and you get…Halliwell. Now you can either take those letters and replaces all known letters or you just go down the line moving each letter back.”

His hand and mind went to work, replacing letters as fast as he could. Once finished, he looked it over, read it, and gave it to Lumina. “Looks like a pilot to a tv show. What do you get out of it?”

The Halliwell sisters are the Charmed Ones
They have the power of three
They use their magic to fight evil
And keep their family tree

But what if they discovered a secret world
Where myths and legends are real
Where ancient mysteries and modern conspiracies
Collide in a shadowy deal

Would they join the Illuminati, the cunning and the bold
And use their magic for power and gold
Or would they join the Templars, the righteous and the brave
And use their magic to protect and save

Or would they join the Dragon, the chaotic and the wise
And use their magic to create surprise
Or would they forge their own path, the independent and the free
And use their magic to shape their destiny

The choice is theirs to make
The secret world awaits
The Halliwell sisters are the Charmed Ones
And they have the power of fate

“I mean, sisters of Fate? That’s a bold claim. Still,” he sighed, “this is something new.” he sat there thinking for a moment before speaking again, “You’re a Warlock, you like books and stuff right? Think the library here might have something? Shit, probably not, but it wouldn’t hurt to check. Maybe I can find something on these sisters, address at least. Think there’s a phonebook around here?” He looked over at her. “Yeah, doubt it. Haven’t seen one of those in years. Still, I can make some calls and see what I can find. Meet you at the car in an hour to compare notes?”

Posted by : Dblitz13

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

Choi finished his meal, then looked at the pretty Korean girl across from him. She had said she had decrypted the code. He wondered what it said more than the first word. That’s all he had seen, not having the time to sit down with it.

He took a drink of his hot tea, then revealed, “Eun-Ji, you know that other guy at the university? His name is Peter Sartre, an Illuminati operative. I don’t know, but sometimes when the other organizations are involved, Gaia has us work together for the bigger cause.”

He paused to give what he said some time to process. Continuing, he further revealed, “Somehow, the were able to get a copy of the code while you were leading through the book. He had someone being eyes and ears to what he couldn’t sense himself. Someone named Alyssa.”

He paused again, then added, “You still have it with you?”

Eun-Ji listened to Choi, more interested in letting him speak than doing so herself. She hadn’t completely warmed up to the idea yet of working with others, thinking this was going to be a solo endeavor, let alone another faction. She had been raised to distrust the motivations and intentions the Illuminati and Templar subscribed to. Though if these other agents could prove useful, while still maintaining Dragon supremacy, then she supposed she could pretend to play nice.

Neither name that Choi offered up meant anything to her; however, she did log them away in her memory banks. “I have the translation, but it is not on me at present.” She replied to his question.

Posted by : Lorem
Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

“It is good to have it hidden,” Yeong responded. “Templars may be joining the chase soon. Until we know the circumstances, they are our competition.”

He looked at the girl across from him. He could not deny she was beautiful. He wanted to know more about her, as Choi may be working aside of her for a while.

“Tell me about yourself, Eun-Li,” he requested. “I know you come from a solid Dragon family, but that’s all I know. The Moon name is well known in our ranks.”

Eun-Ji smiled in amusement. Her family name held honor and prestige in the Dragon ranks, yet she herself had not contributed to it. She brought honor to the family in many ways growing up, but not yet in regards to the secret world. Well, the fact that she is a “bee” did bring with it the attention that she was full of potential; however according to her teasing big brother, that was just an elegant way of saying you haven’t done anything yet. She knew he was right. Her rhythm gymnastic medals, straight A’s all the way up to getting a degree in physics from the most prestigious schools in South Korea, to her other superlatives didn’t amount to much in the secret world dominance hierarchy.

Eun-Ji had finally finished eating and she wiped her mouth neatly with her napkin. Then she organized her utensils and dish so that it would be an easy pickup for the waiter when they came to bus the table. “Choi, let’s keep this professional and stick to matters of importance for the mission.” She was being an obstacle to his friendly question. Though she did concede slightly, “But, yes, my family name is known for solving problems consistently, meriting honor.”

Getting back to business, she asked. “So do the Halliwell sisters, the charmed ones, mean anything to you?” Decoding the message had just led her to more unanswered questions.

Posted by : Lorem
Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

Choi Yeong was disappointed that Moon Eun-Ji didn’t want to know more about each other. One of the areas Yeong attempted to address for balance was the social side of himself. He could see her point, though he preferred knowing the person with whom he worked.

Because he was raised in a monastery, Yeong didn’t have access to a TV. However, when he was inducted into the Secret World by Master Park, his master encouraged him to do research. Research fit into the mental aspect of Yeong’s search for balance.

“I believe they arre three individuals known as the Charmed Sisters,” Yeong surprisingly answered. “Some say they are witches. But maybe they are bees like us. I know they have powers like us. They do battle against evil like us.”

He couldn’t remember the powers they had. So, he would need to research it again to bring it back to memory.

Eun-Ji arched a single eyebrow in disbelief to his reply without even thinking. What are the odds this stranger would connect a dot in her investigation. “Well that was unexpected, but surprisingly helpful.” She honestly replied, but grateful because she didn’t even know that much. At least that was something to continue making investigatory progress on.

“Based on that …. “ she paused and looked Choi over, just to be sure he wasn’t pulling her leg. “We need to figure out the truth behind it. In addition, I haven’t done any investigation of the other two murder sites, nor visited the intersection of the two ley lines.” There was a long list of things to tackle.

Posted by : Lorem

Chinatown - San Francisco, CA

“So the code has something to do with them?” Choi probed.

Yeong smiled. “You made progress already. You ARE good!”

Well, this is your investigation,” he encouraged. “Where would you like to start?”

Eun-Ji couldn’t help but feel a sense of positive esteem at the compliment. Typically she would perform above expectations and would get more constructive feedback than praise. She didn’t quite know how to take it, or even assess if it was genuine or if he just wanted something from her. “Thank you.” She hesitantly replied with a trace of skepticism.

She thought a moment about how she wanted to proceed. Having another person involved was not in her initial plan, so it altered the possibilities. “A divide and conquer algorithmic approach would be best based on the new inputs.” She more or less murmured to herself. “We should visit the other two sites in case there is anything valuable still to discover.” It was best to have as much information as possible when making decisions after all. “I know someone …” she was referring to David, but didn’t use his name in case he preferred to remain anonymous. “ … that can research these sisters while we do so. They have already given me what the police know about the crime scene, so we would be looking for things they may have not been looking for.”

Choi Yeong tightened his lips. He was determined to help Eun-Ji to be successful on this mission. She was bright, seemed to be competent in what she was doing. Eun-Ji also knew how to be evasive, whether in word or by using her ability to manipulate reality. He wondered if the illusions were the only thing the bee had given.

“We start with the other two crime scenes,” he agreed. “Hopefully, they will help us find additional clues. These Charmed Ones, it sounds as if we may be lured into working with them. It will be the first outside of the Big 3 if that were the case. Tell me, Eun-Ji, can I expect any other abilities besides the illusions?” He had a mischievous smile as he said this last question.

Posted by : Lorem
Chinatown and Murder Sites 1&2 - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji slid out and stood from the table, straightening out her dress. She answered cryptically to his question, “Yes.” Her tone was precipitating mischievousness and simultaneously keeping Choi at a disadvantage. It was a power play, keeping her cards close to her chest. It occurred to her that there current partnership may not always be so, and there may come a time where she would need an advantage over him.

Eun-Ji proceeded out of the establishment. She paid for her meal using the card David provided her with and thanked them for their delicious dish and hospitality. She then proceeded out the entrance and waited for Choi to catch up.

They walked to the first crime scene. There wasn’t much in regards to talking, she spent almost the entire trip on the phone with David. She was setting him up to do the research on the sisters for them. As well as getting directions and a briefing on what was already known about the crime scenes. She did share this information with Choi.

The first crime scene proved uneventful and unfruitful, even with her lucky tendencies they came up empty handed. Perhaps the second crime scene would be more informative.

When Eun-Ji got up and began to walk toward the front of the establishment, Yeong, at first thought she was trying to ditch him as she did earlier. Yeong quickly got up and paid for his food, leaving a nice tip.

As Yeong had expected, they didn’t learn anything from the first scene. The trail was cold. It was too public of an area. Too many energies had walked through since the incident, as it was no longer closed off.

As they approached the second scene, Yeong didn’t believe they would find much there, either. However, an eerie feeling grasped his senses from the moment they arrived.

Not finding much, Yeong shifted to his sense of balance. Something was not right. He gazed around them and saw the issue. There was a wooded area that seemed off. Walking to a twisted and gnarled tree, Yeong reached out to touch it. He saw several other trees in the same manner.

Turning to Eun-Li, Yeong queried, “Does this look natural to you?”

Posted by : Lorem

Murder Site 2 - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji was equally at a loss at the second investigation site. There was nothing that the briefing from the police data, nor the environment, contributed that would seem to be of use to the enigmatic path the decoded journal entry had already set them on. It had just been a waste of time, aside from being able to have the peace of mind that she looked.

While Choi went off looking, she answered her cellphone and started having a conversation about something much more interesting than their current situation. She seemed pleased with whatever the conversation was about.

When asked for her opinion, Eun-Ji came over to look at the trees. She wasn’t very familiar with Californian plant life and so hadn’t even noticed that the trees he was referring to were indeed twisted in a way that was different than other trees in the area. “Compared to the similar looking ones over there, No.”

She complimented Choi’s find in her head, not out loud. “What do you think could have caused this?” Was it purely environmental conditions or something more eldritch in nature she wondered.

Yeong thought of past encounters aside Master Park. It seemed that the eldritch would often distort the natural in some way. In Choi’s mind, something evil this way came.

“I am not specifically certain,” Yeong replied. “I have never seen trees distorted in such a way. However, I do know evil sources often distort what is natural. Whatever it was, it is dangerous.”

He hoped that what he had said would have no affect upon Eun-Ji’s resolve. Up to this point, she was determined, even driven in her mission.

Eun-Ji couldn’t help but do a quickly turnaround to look more closely at their surroundings. She was looking for any threats based on his comment, but was simultaneously trying to look calm. It was a facade she used when on a hunt with her older brother; inside she felt anxious but she couldn’t let others see.

With a growing desire to leave the scene, Eun-Ji thought it a good time to bring up her conversation with David. “Or just poor nutrients from the soil?” She murmured, but knew that wasn’t the case.

“My contact was able to locate the house address for the charmed sisters.” She changed the subject. “I will give you three guesses where it is located, but you should surely only need one.” It was right smack on top of the intersection of the ley lines.

She made a gesture to let’s get going.

Posted by : Lorem

Taxi Cab - San Francisco, CA

Yeong inwardly wondered if this let line may have run along the ever present path of the fault line in California. If so, besides whatever eldritch they were facing, Choi half expected there to be earthquakes. There is no limit to what the eldritch could do when active.

Yeong headed to the street. “You have an address?” he asked, flagging down a cab.

Again, Choi wondered what he could expect from Eun-Ji. When with Master Park, he knew his Master’s techniques. He knew his abilities. There was trust and a knowledge of how to respond to support each other. He knew nothing of how Eun-Ji could handle herself. Well, he surmised. Otherwise, why would she be given a mission.

Choi phrased his next question carefully. “How may I best support you in a conflict?

Eun-Ji prepared to get into the taxi cab, but paused before doing so to turn and address his question. “Don’t die. And I would prefer the same.” She then entered the cab slightly annoyed. He asked many questions. His trying to get to know her better attempts were like the frequent yapping of a puppy not yet crate trained.

As Eun-Ji settled into the backseat of the cab, she gave the driver the address of her destination: Halliwell Manor on 1329 Prescott Street. The cab driver glanced at her in the rearview mirror before nodding and pulling away from the curb. As they navigated through the streets of San Francisco, the driver couldn’t help but strike up a conversation.

“You headed to Halliwell Manor, huh?” the driver asked, his tone tinged with curiosity. “That place has quite the reputation, you know. Some say it’s haunted, others claim it’s home to a coven of witches.”

Eun-Ji raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the rumors surrounding the historic Victorian-style manor. “Really? I’ve heard a few stories myself,” she replied, leaning forward slightly to catch the driver’s eye in the mirror. “But I’m just going to visit a friend. I’m not afraid of a little superstition.”

The driver chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, you’re braver than most, miss. Just be careful around that place. You never know what kind of spooks might be lurking behind those old walls.”

Eun-Ji nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips as she settled back into her seat. As the cab continued on its journey, and the driver continued talking about the rumors out loud as if content just to talk to himself and fill the air space.

Posted by : Lorem

Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA

Stay alive, Yeong thought. According to Master Park’s experience, they wouldn’t die. Just painfully be restored back to health. Depending upon the injury, the time varied. Park had relayed a time he was near death after fighting a demon he called Black Hat. Doctor Flug and Dementia and his minions were involved, Choi remembered. According to Park, it is too painful even for those of balance to endure. Park stated he wouldn’t want to go through that again. Yeong wondered if Eun-Li knew this. He assumed she did, as her family has a long history in the Dragon.

Choi set there listening to the cabbie go on-and-on about the mansion being haunted. He wanted to tell the man to shut up because his talking just dragged on in a monotone. Choi wondered how many people he lulled to sleep in the back of his cab.

Finally, in what seemed like the never ending story, the cab pulled up to the gate of the mansion. He put the vehicle into park and stared, “This is as far as I go; you’re on your own from here.”

As Eun-Ji stepped out of the cab, she thanked, paid the driver, and took a moment to survey her surroundings. Halliwell Manor loomed before her, a grand Victorian-style mansion with ornate architecture and a sense of faded elegance. Ivy crawled up the weathered walls, adding to the eerie charm of the place, and the overgrown garden hinted at neglect.

Approaching the front door, Eun-Ji couldn’t help but feel a shiver of anticipation. The house appeared abandoned, but she wanted to be certain. With a series of knocks, she waited for a response, but the silence hung heavy in the air. The doorknob was locked.

Taking matters into her own hands, she reached for the doorknob and applied a subtle twist, her chaotic abilities working their magic to unlock the possible combination of the tumblers within.

With a faint click, the door yielded, but her progress was halted by a stubborn deadbolt further up. Frustration flickered across her features as she pushed against the door, straining against the resistance. Despite her efforts, the deadbolt remained steadfast.

Posted by : Lorem
Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA

Sung has been working on a case he had gotten a request for help from an old friend in law enforcement his friend did work for the government but not the mainstream type of stuff. Sung had worked as a well-consultant now and then on some cases that have been a puzzle to law enforcement. the Dragon organization was happy with the arrangement Sung could cover up things that needed to be seen not by the normal world as some say.

So far all the evidence led Sung to a house. The historic Victorian-style manor. known as the Halliwell Manor on 1329 Prescott Street. Sung was looking around from street view watching for the last few days seeing who was coming and going. The house appeared abandoned no lights at night either. Watching a cab pull up Sung looked with interest to see how it was. To his surprise, it was the daughter Eun-Ji Moon and Cho. Sung had been around the moon family for about almost 10 years. Sung knew the daughter well. More like acquaintances.

Sung walked onto the walkway and walked up behind them. Sung was not sure if they would even recognize him. This was risky if someone from the Maner was watching this would give him away.

“Eun-Ji, Cho,” He said with a small bow. “what brings you here?” Sung asked looking confused to see them.

Eun-Ji whirled around completely caught off guard by the voice calling out her name. Her shocked expression was for the door to see, as well as a wave of incredulous frustration. Did her mother send him to keep an eye on her, was the first thought that flashed in her mind. She was upset with just the notion of maybe her parents didn’t think she could handle this on her own. She didn’t need someone to hold her hand.

She stopped with door, releasing her grip on the knob. She calmed herself, suppressing her disappointment and trying to put on a polite and honoring graces. She turned to face him, all smile and respect; quite the transformation from a split second beforehand.

Eun-Ji bowed deeper, and lowered her eyes out of respect. “Master Sung” She paused in the bow and then slowly came up. “What are you doing here?” She had no idea why her private martial arts tutor was present.

" Before you think I am here to look over you I am not. I am on a case for a friend and the evidence brought me here," explained Sung. “I am as surprised to see you here as you are to see me,” commented Sung with a small crack of a smile. “I have been looking around for a few days and looks like abandoned but I am not so sure,” said Sung looking over the door. “So you were just going to walk in? did you look for anything like a trap or alarm?” asked Sung politely.

Posted by : Lorem

Yeong incredulously lolled between the new comer as Eun-Ji. It seemed like a family reunion, which left Choi Yeong out. As far as he knew, he had no living relatives. He was raised in the monastery after both parents had been killed.

He was told his father and mother were intelligence officers in the South Korean army. Apparently, they were killed in North Korea, where they mutilated the bodies then cremated them. All that Yeong has of them is ashes.

He stood there, waiting for the reunion to be over, breathing to keep himself calm, wondering if he were going to be introduced.

“Actually,” admitted Yeong, “I can break in the door from about four meters.”

Eun-Ji did not seem completely convinced, her mother could have manipulated events to ensure he would be there and at the very least he would naturally make sure things went well without instructions. On the other hand, she had never known Master Sung to lie by commission or omission in all her years. She had no choice but to take him at his word upon rising back up.

She hadn’t looked for an alarm, nor had she even considered the possibility that this abandoned manor had one; or a functional one if it used to. She used misdirection instead of answering. She was bailed out by Choi speaking up.

“Master Sung, this is Choi Yeong. Choi, …. Master Sung.” She hastily made introductions. Then Eun-Ji gave the space over to Choi and moved back to the front steps. “By all means, please open the door.” She directed it at him and gave Master Sung that polite look of, see … everything is under control, no need to stick around.

Choi bowed to Master Sung, then turned his attention to the door. Concentrating on the motions of dahnmudo, With one forceful flat-handed punch toward the door, a force was generated at the centermost point. Splinters blew inward from the force, leaving a gaping hole through which they could traverse.

Yeong glanced at Ein-Ji with a grin. She had caught him with her chaos. Now, he got to show her his.

Posted by : Lorem

Well that didn’t help her case, maybe everything wasn’t under control. She side-eyed Master Sung, not even having to look to know he disapproved with what just happened.

Her expectation was he would force open the deadbolt on the door and they would open it with minimal signs of forced entry. Now there was a loud noise and a large oval like hole blown out of the center of the door. There was no hiding that. Her hand went to her face to hide her disbelief on what just happened. She should have asked how he was going to do it, instead of assuming.

Ein-Ji did not smile back, she looked unamused, as she made eye contact with Choi. Nonverbally she was sending the message, what in goodness name made you think that was the best course of action. Inwardly she prayed no one in the neighborhood called the cops.

She righted herself, bowed quickly to Master Sung, and moved closer to the door before things could get any worse. As she passed Choi, she whispered, “Subtle.” Inside the front entryway was a mess, splinters of the door everywhere on the floor. “That may have shortened our stay, so let’s get to work looking for clues.”

She held up her hand at Choi as he started to move. “Not you. YOU need to take this door off it’s hinges and replace it with a door from inside the house. Then look for clues.”

Posted by : Lorem

Alyssa watched the video feed on her screen with interest. ‘No, oh wait there it is.’ She thought, as her hazel eyes caught sight her target. The best taco truck around, or at least the best she had been to. It was only two blocks away and the young woman with the chestnut colored hair was starving.

The petite woman stood up, put on her grey hoodie, zip it up, and threw her hood over her head. She then stepped outside.

Like some creature of the night, after spending so much time in the van, she found the sun to shine far too brightly. A pair of dark purple sunglasses, easily remedied the situation.

Putting her ear buds in, she opened Spotify on her phone. Playlist number 5 - some retro was her mood - 90s to be particular - Radiohead filled her ears.

The walk and fresh air was a welcomed break for the computer hacker’s body, even if Alyssa wasn’t that keen on it. She was close, the sight of the truck, and - the line. There was always a line.

Still in her reach, when she heard a voice in her head Cassini’s voice. ‘Not now,’ thought Alyssa.

The instructions went as follows - contact new agent in area - get them if necessary- wait for them if not. Contact Agent Satre let them know of new agent. Do it now.

Alyssa blew out a long sigh, she was so close - tacos would have to wait.

Back at the van, Alyssa sent the information about the new agent to Peter. Then contacted the new agent, “Agent Max Powers. It’s Alyssa. Cassini assigned me to contact you. I am here.” She sent him the address and coordinates of where she was. “It’s a gray van. Do you need me to get you or can you get here? Don’t make it seem obvious that you’re going to the van.”

Agent Max Powers was staring out the window of the limousine when he heard a voice in his head. It startled him at first as he looked around before realizing he was hearing the voice from his chip. He then replied through his chip, “Yeah I am in route to your place. But I am gonna get out early and walk a bit. Hold on, I am stopping and out of the car. I am making my way to………… oh wait. There is a taco truck. You mind if I grab some? I can pick up some for you if you want.” The smell of tacos was too enticing for Agent Powers especially since he was a growing teenager inside the adult looking power house.

“Oh, yes please get me some.” Well that was serendipitous. “Four, beef, extra cheese. Spicy sauce. Thanks.” Alyssa replied.

Agent Powers smiled as he got the green light to get a quick meal. So he strolled up to the taco truck and ordered his food. Then he paid in cash which made it hard to trace back like his stepfather taught him. This was drilled into his head since he was adopted. Once he got his tacos he began heading towards the area of the van as he used his chip to communicate, “Where are we meeting? The van or the benches nearby?”

“The van,” Alyssa replied. She had no thoughts of going back outside for the moment.

Agent Powers then made his way down the street wearing a tight blue button up dress shirt, black slacks, black hiking boots and nice shades. Along his shoulder hung his black backpack and in his hand was a large bag filled with tacos. Eventually he arrived at the van and let Alyssa know he was outside.

Alyssa got up and opened the door. “Come in,” she stepped aside to let him in. “Feel free to take a seat.” Closing the door behind him.

Agent Powers came in and handed out the tacos and replied, “So what’s the plan?” Then he began eating his tacos like they were candy.

“Wait here until we hear from the agent in the field. Have you met Agent Peter Satre before? That’s who you’ll be working with.” She took the tacos. “Thanks. Do you want a soda?”

Agent Powers swallowed his second taco and cleared his throat before he replied, “Sorry I never met ‘em.” Then he pulled out a large bottle of green tea and showed it to her as he replied, “I’m good, but thanks anyway. So, any idea on our mission?” Agent Powers ate another taco as he listened.

Alyssa shrugged and retrieved a can of orange soda, sat down and opened it.

It was a little odd, he hadn’t been filled in and she guessed they were letting her do it. “Currently, investigating a cryptic message tied to a crime scene. Here…” She sent Max the information regarding the investigation. "That’s what we have so far.”

Agent Powers watched the screen as he tried to make sense of it all. Despite looking like a muscular Agent in his 30’s, he was still a teenager with low detective skills and high fighting skills. As he finished looking at the screen he replied, “Ummm. Yeah. What’s a Ley Line? Is that like a phone line?”

“Ley lines are invisible lines of power that connect powerful monuments.” Alyssa replied. She had been sent his information, so knew she was in reality dealing with a teen. So, the woman was patient with the questions.

Agent Powers then ate another taco before he nodded and then asked, “So how does one access this power or damage it? I can’t imagine trying to plug in an extension cords or smashing the ground.”

“I need to research that more.” Alyssa responded. "I can’t say at this moment but I doubt we’d want to damage the lines, even if we could.”

Agent Powers nodded as he chewed his taco and swallowed it. Then he replied, “Well, sounds kind of complicated. I don’t usually do all that crime solving stuff. Normally I just beat up the bad guys.”

“My guess is the higher ups thought that might be necessary, eventually, or they wouldn’t have brought you in.” Alyssa took her own bite of a taco.

Agent Powers shrugged as he finished off another taco. He swallowed his taco and replied, ‘Who knows. I guess we’ll find out later on. Who else are we working with?”

“Don’t know, yet. Peter ran into a few Dragons earlier but haven’t seen or heard from them since. Of course, it’s highly debatable whether any of the other factions will work with us.” It seemed more likely from the Dragons though than the Templars.

That gave Alyssa an idea and she took her eyes back to the monitors, focused on the ones connected to cameras she had in the area. If the Dragons made an appearance she could notify Peter. One screen to the other with nothing, then, “There they are.” She watched the two Green get into a cab. Now, to figure out where they were going.

Agent Powers continued to finish off his tacos as he watched Alyssa work on the computer. He was only taught the basics of using a computer by his father since he lacked the time and grades for it. Sadly he was an average student who was homeschooled and denied a decent childhood. While many boys played catch with their dad he was taught to punch bricks instead of. It got even more difficult as he had to endure going through puberty in a military like lifestyle. This meant he could only talk to females about work and was clueless when it came to dating or anything related to friendships and emotions.

Posted by : Cindy
Alyssa tried cell phones, internet access, even tried to figure out if the cab was more modern, some having mapping systems. No luck on any of the above, well that was annoying.

She switched to watching a few different cameras, they didn’t show. Oh well - lost the Dragons. She wondered if there was a security camera by the abandoned house.

Back to typing away, “Found it,” Alyssa just about jumped from her seat, completely forgetting Max was there. “I found them and - hmmm - someone new.” A quick search brought up a one Mr. Sung Shun Shi - Dragon. “And then there were three.” Thinking out loud.

“Hey, Peter the two Greens are at the Halliwell house and they’ve been joined by another Green, a Mr. Sung Shin Shi.” Alyssa spoke to Agent Satre’s chip.

Agent Powers was chewing a taco as he heard Alyssa speak up. He listened to her and continued to eat another taco before drinking from his tea bottle.

Alyssa was continuing to watch the Dragons when suddenly - what the? Her mouth fell open at what she had witnessed. Not that she didn’t know some could do what the one Green had just done but that the young woman couldn’t fathom any reason for it. She wished that hearing their conversation was an option right now.

“Peter, I hope you’re close to the house. The Dragons are making a mess of things.” Alyssa spoke then looked up, suddenly remembering she had company. "Max, you wanna go for a ride?”

Agent Powers finished off his tenth taco and wiped his mouth before he swallowed it. Then he washed it down with his bottled green tea and nodded to Alyssa and replied, "Uh sure thing. where are we going?”

"We’re going to get closer to the Halliwell house. ‘’ Alyssa downed the last of her taco and made her way to the front of the van. “Join me in the front, make sure you put your seatbelt on. Don’t need a cop stopping us.” She put her can in the cup holder of the black center console, and buckled herself in then started the van up. If something went wrong she’d be there to help with the get away. If not, well, a van in one place for too long could draw suspicion. It was time to move anyway.

Agent Powers made his way to the front of the van as he kept bumping things on the way. His large frame was not suitable for most vehicles. Once he was buckled in he replied, "All good here. Do you know the way or do we have GPS?”

The question made her look at him, almost as if he had grown a third head. Like she would have all this computer equipment and not have GPS.

"GPS, " Alyssa responded, as she plugged in the address. The van started down the road. “We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

They drove for a little while and Alyssa finally actually spoke to the boy. It was a little weird thinking of him as boy but according to his record that’s what he was. "So, how long before you change back?”

Agent Powers froze at the question. He was shocked she would know about his secret identity. He didn’t tell anyone about it since he didn’t want to be seen as a weak kid. So he tried to play it off as he replied, “Huh? was I suppose to wear something different? I sent my luggage to the hotel.” He was hoping that excuse would work on Alyssa.

Alyssa shook her head to Max’s response. “The Illuminati knows all. I know what they know.” A small grin accompanying her words.

She didn’t get a chance to see Max’s reaction before getting a response from Peter.

“I climbed in through the attic window. The Dragon blew the door open… if the sisters still lived here they would expect us to fix their door.” said Sartre.

"I saw and I might be able to help with that. We’re on our way.” Alyssa responded back.

Agent Powers was not in a cold sweat as he dropped his jaw as he looked at Alyssa. He resembled the catch of the day at an all you can eat sushi bar. He had no clue his secret was out and the entire Illuminati knew about it. He had worked so hard to stay in his muscular adult form in the public eye in order to be taken seriously. However now he was awestruck that it was all for nothing. He was full of mixed emotions such as anger to his father, embarrassment from Alyssa, betrayed, hurt, confused and awkward. Oddly enough it was the same mixture of emotions he felt when he took a fancy to the girl working at the coffee place he liked to go to back home in New York. Oddly enough the only response he could mutter was , "oh…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Alyssa said, in a brief moment of helping. “It’s impossible to hide things from the Illuminati. If they didn’t think you were capable of doing the job you wouldn’t be here. None of us would.”

Agent Powers replied, “Oh…I see. (pause) my father didn’t mention that.” Agent Powers looked at his watch and sighed as he saw the time and muttered, “I only have two, maybe three hours left.” He was worried now since he was pushing his luck now. It was a scary thought to know his muscular body could melt in the heat of battle. As a teen he was train in martial arts but he was no longer bullet proof and that was terrifying to him. He then asked, "Do you know what happens when my time runs out then?”

“I didn’t read the details. I know you turn into or back into - whatever - a teenager. 15, is it?” Alyssa responded, as she turned a corner.

The woman spotted the house, not only did she know what it looked like, but it was the only one with the door blown open. Alyssa let out a deep sigh. “We’re here. That’s the house.” Pointing it out. “Let’s hope none of the agents in there are in a shoot first ask questions later mood.” Looking at the agent next to her. “Well, you’d be fine - I suppose but my body personally doesn’t like being shot.”

Alyssa then spoke to the agent not in the van. “Peter we’re here. Let them know we’re coming because I prefer to stay in one piece.” Parking the van as she spoke.

Posted by : Cindy

Sartre had made sure no one was watching as he placed his tactical letter on the side of the decaying building. Vines were everywhere, it had been abandoned at least for several years. Software would guess that it had been at least 18 years. He was still wondering how all of this would fall together. He was also curious about what these three sisters had to do with the case. He was able to climb the ladder and open the top window to the attic with a lock pick.

He had what was known as the “Mercenary” build. This meant that he could handle himself in combat when needed with the aid of an assault rifle. He can also use elemental magic. He never forgot about the pentagram around his neck. Though the thought of that did bring him extreme sadness. The reason he kept books around about mysterious disappearances in Chile and operation Condor. He had always wondered where the others had went. He still lived in Roslyn Smith’s Ealdwic apartment.

He had kept all her Templer furnishings just as they had been before she disappeared without a trace.

He knew sometime you have to move. Perhaps to New York.

He carefully slid into the attic making sure that he still had his hand on his pistol. He immediately felt a strong and powerful sense of dread, he felt an extreme power coming from somewhere in the house. Somewhere below. The power was extremely dreadful. The attic was extremely hot . It was dark in there. As he was about to reach for his tactical flashlight he heard rumblings down below near the front door as if someone was trying to literally blow open the front door.

Carefully he made his way down the attic steps having he lowered his pistol… He walked down the long staircase wondering what memories had been formed in this house in the late 1990s he wonder what the secret societies knew about these sisters Prue, Phoebe and Piper. He also wondered why they had never been mentioned.

There were always secrets about secrets.

He carefully approached the front door and saw that had been blown open, he holstered his pistol He was almost taken aback when he saw the young Dragon agent from the University.

“The green emerald.” As Alyssa had called her.

“I don’t think we’ve properly met miss . May I introduce myself before we start looking this place over and investigating. My name is Peter Sartre. And you?”" Said Sartre He extended his hand to the woman hoping this time their interaction will be better than the chaos that ensued at the University.

Posted by : Lorem

Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA

Choi Yeong wasn’t surprised. He was certain it would only be a matter of time before their paths crossed. It wouldn’t be the last time either.

“Well, well,” he stated, “if it isn’t Mr. Sartre. I suppose Alyssa is all eyes and ears somewhere around here.”

Yeong turned in all directions, waving thinking somewhere the mysterious Alyssa would pick up the wave. “Tell her I said ‘Hello!’”

He turned serious as quickly as he joked. “Have you found anything?”

Sung said nothing and just stood in the background in a shadow making sure his face was obscured. He had no idea who Sartre was but he would not say or do anything unless Eun-Ji or Choi did He would wait to see what happened.

“I just arrived through the window in the attic, if the sisters still lived here they would expect us to fix their door.” said Sartre.

The Illuminati agent may have holstered his gun; however, Eun-Ji upon hearing and seeing a figure approach had pulled out both her hammers and held them ready. She lowered them marginally when Choi and the stranger began conversing, but no more than that.

She looked at Sartre with steel like eyes, sizing him up and an expressionless gaze. Fortunately Choi had started talking, because she had no intentions of replying. The man seemed unfazed by the state of the door, which made her think he must be experienced to not even bat an eye at that; he had seen his fair share of crazy.

“I …. don’t have time for this.” She said with a mixture of reserved irritation and as a matter of fact. If Choi wanted to be cordial with the enemy, she would leave him to it. Then she exited their presence and made her way up the stairs.

Posted by : Lorem

Choi Yeong looked around to where he last remembered Sung stood. He didn’t see him, as he was in the shadows.

“Master Sung?” he called. “Are you with us? Or have you mysteriously disappeared as you appeared?”

This was getting to be too many people for Sung. The fact that the door was destroyed did not make him pleased. These kids needed restraint and Eun-Ji knew better. But that was not important right now they needed to start to look around and find some kind of evidence or sign. Stepping out of the shadows slowly. “As much as I would like to see all of you united. I think it is better to start looking for evidence. Let us not destroy everything doing that.” suggested Sung getting to business. Sung was talking in a displeased tone

“I agree,” Choi stated matter-of-factly to Sung as the older man caught up with him. Although he didn’t think another person was needed, he welcomed someone who could help him to understand this girl he was sent to work with. Being raised in a monastery, Yeong didn’t understand the opposite gender anyway.

“So,” Choi said to Sung, entering the house, “is she always this difficult?”

Sung paused to make Choi think longer then answered in one ward “Warse” Sung started to look around “But she is confident and assertive at times. You get used to it,” commented Sung with a grin.

Posted by : Lorem

“More Blue agents are coming in, dont get too jumpy.” said Sartre

Choi wrinkled his brow. “I thought you only needed Alyssa to help you. You have more?”

Yeong began looking around the room. He hoped he would find something before the Illuminati did.

“Let’s get this party started,” he mused, “before the Templars get here and ruin everything.”

Alyssa the computer hacker was her main job, really her main identity but there was more to the petite barely 5’ 100 lb woman.

A little more…

Alyssa was 18 when the IIumanti decided that she should swallow a bee. It wasn’t her idea, she had been quite content just being a computer wiz. Her father though was insistent. After all he was a bee… that went where it always did. He would be disappointed in her if she didn’t. Alyssa didn’t like disappointing her father because her mother was always disappointed in her.

So, she took the bee, but nothing went according to plan. The bee - well noone really knows what happened excately - but the bee didn’t work. It actually made her sick with an awful headache for days. It didn’t work, at first, but after a few months her first power emerged. Nothing had changed since then, she still only had one power. It was that power she was about to use to fix the door.

Agent Powers raised an eyebrow as Alyssa hinted that he be the human shiled for her if things got bad. He smirked as he knew it was not going to be the first or the last time that was suggested. He replied, “If it comes to that, I have your back. But I will need nore info on who I am dealing with and how dangerous they are.”

Posted by : Lorem
Sung got a disgruntled look on his face. “What, Look Blue agents stay outside. We have enough here contaminating the possible crime seen,” said Sung his tone stern and unwavering starting to walk down the hall past the stairs going up to the other floors following Eun-Ji. “Come on Choi, follow the princess,” said Sung with some sarcasm.

“Good to know,” Alyssa replied. “Let’s go.” She got out of the van, and when Max was out, hit her key fob to lock the door. “It’s just the Green and Blue. And ours told them we are coming so shouldn’t be a problem.”

She arrived at the door, with the hole in it. “You can help me with this.” Alyssa said to Max but then heard the Dragon - Sung go off on some annoying thing. Alyssa was an introvert but that didn’t mean she was meek or timid. She just preferred the company of her computers to most people.

She also could be incredibly blunt at times and Sung had annoyed her - not his words, more his attitude.

She pursed her lips, “Huh? Last time I checked Blues didn’t take orders from Greens.” She didn’t really care about being left out of the crime scene but she did care that this Dragon was the one trying to give her orders.

Agent Powers could see the tension was not good between the male from the Dragons and Alyssa. He knew the man was dangerous and it was not good to mess with him. True in his muscle form he was a living tank but it was not a good idea to risk it when his counter was still running down and a long fight could prove fatal to him and Alyssa. So he looked at Alyssa and talked to her through his chip, “What do you need me to do?”

Posted by : Lorem

Halliwell Manor - San Francisco

Eun-Ji ascended the creaking stairs of Halliwell Manor, her footsteps echoing in the empty space. She couldn’t shake the feeling of unease knowing that other agents were prowling around downstairs, their presence a looming threat to her investigation. As she reached the top of the stairs, she glanced around the dimly lit landing, her gaze drawn to the open door leading to the attic.

With a determined stride, Eun-Ji crossed the threshold into the attic, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of disturbance. The space was bathed in soft light filtering through dusty windows, casting long shadows across the worn wooden floorboards. The attic was filled with an eclectic mix of furniture and curiosities, each item holding a story of its own.

Against one wall stood an old trunk adorned with intricate carvings, its lid slightly ajar as if inviting exploration. Nearby, shelves lined with dusty tomes and ancient artifacts hinted at the manor’s mystical history. Pushed crudely off to one side, a round table was surrounded by mismatched chairs, as if frozen in time from a forgotten gathering.

As Eun-Ji moved further into the attic, she couldn’t help but feel a change in the atmosphere. She hadn’t realized how large the space actually was until fully inside. She began looking around more closely.

The place was strewn with papers, any of which could contain clues, so she took her time to focus on them as she passed taking pictures of everything with a smartphone. Most notable was on the walls, she saw something looking like freshly dried blood. It read, “RC, 1920 Warren.”

In the middle of the attic she saw an alter surrounded by three candles. On the Alter is the famed "Book of Shadows, that appeared to be placed there recently by the way the dust was disturbed.

Eun-Ji felt a suspenseful sense of extreme dread tingle across her skin. This made her keep a tight grip on one of the hammers, while she continued to document everything she was coming across with her handheld technology. She decided to play it safe; however, and within seconds there were three other identical versions of her, realistic illusions, also seeming to search and balance out the space around the attic. It was exceedingly difficult to discern which was the real one, they are looked the part and behaved with silent individual sovereignty.

Posted by : Lorem

Standing at the door Sung did not enter the room that Eun-Ji walked through. Sung just watched as she walked and was taking pitchers of items in the room. being her instructor at one time. and Eun-Ji was doing everything without a flaw in her actions.

Sung looked at the area around him the dust built up the pitchers on the wall the dust and dirt on the floor. This place had not been used much if at all the thing that struck Sung was the fact that there was nothing. The homeless in this area would have checked this place out by now kids or gangs would vandalized it as well. But no signs of anything it felt like they were the only ones who had been in here recently this bothered Sung. Running everything through what he had seen and knew so far what he was looking for was elusive. Like Sung could reach out and touch it like sand then it would just run through his fingers.

Sungs skills in Perception and Investigation were some would say he was a master at them. They were wrong here but he was not seeing the whole pitcher. Something was here something was near but with all the people in the house, it was hard to pin it down.

One of the four Eun-Ji in the room turned and spoke to Master Sung in the threshold of the attic. The latter action give this one away as the real one. “Since you ARE here Master Sung, your investigatory prowess would be useful.”

She wanted to get as much recorded and sifted through before the Illuminati decided to come back upstairs. “It looks like that tome titled Book of Shadows was recently disturbed. It could have been by that Illuminati agent, she didn’t bother saying his name, or it could have been something more sinister.” She gestured to the book on the table in the center of the attic, inviting Master Sung to take a look if he so chose while she continued moving about the room’s periphery.

Posted by : Lorem
Yeong didn’t wait for Sung’s approval. He knew Eun-Ji was in good hands. Sung was a master.

Choi found a door that led to a stairway downward into the basement. Finding an old lantern inside the door, along with a flint, Yeong lit the lamp. Thankfully, it had plenty of oil inside it.

As slowly and quietly as he could, Yeong descended the steps. He listened for any noise that would be associated with movement. It was dark and eerie down there. The hand that did not carry the lamp, carried the nunchucks.

Alyssa figured Peter was busy and she was getting a little bored just standing there outside the house. Besides, the young woman didn’t know that anyone had gone down to the basement, as she had missed Yeong doing so. Turning to Max. “I’m going to check out the basement. You can came with me or stay here.” He was built kind of like a truck so she wasn’t even certain he could fit going down the stairs.

Posted by : Cindy

Eun-Ji continued her recording, utilizing the video feature as she moved about the room. Then she took individual photos of anything that required closer inspection. She could only imagine, what methods Master Sung had to use before cellphones were as advanced as they currently were. She laughed inwardly at the thought of a young Master Sung using a Polaroid camera and sketch pad.

Suddenly she got a ping on her phone. It was David. She had texted him what was going on and the images she was recording were uploaded to an encrypted server that he had access too. He was researching anything that seemed to stand out to him. Most notably the blood written on the wall at the moment.

The text read, “RC may mean Ruth Cobb. An evil witch tried to kidnap pregnant Charlotte Warren back in 1670. Rescued and baby born was Melinda Warren. Her lineage became the good witches now known as Halliwell Sisters. Still unclear about 1920 date???”

As she pondered that information, another text came through. “The Book of Shadows, often just referred simply as the Book, or the Halliwell Book of Shadows, is the magical tome of the Warren Line of Witches. It is the most powerful and coveted Book of Shadows in existence and is over 300 years old. The Book has been passed down every generation ever since it was created by Melinda Warren in the 17th century.

Besides information about the craft, the Book contains many entries on several beings from the magical community, including demons, warlocks, and other evil beings. It also contains many spells and potion recipes, most of which were written by Penny Halliwell.”

Eun-Ji looked at the big tome with a green leather cover, two markers and the Triquetra symbol on the front. Could it be this was the real deal?

Another text came through, “Only reference about 1920 date is that is the year a witch named Nell trapped a warlock named Malcom inside a painting.” David sent a picture of the painting.

Posted by : Lorem

Eun-Ji called across the room to Master Sung, explaining what David had sent her. She went over to take a closer look at the Book of Shadows. She was getting ping after ping on her phone, which kept interrupting her progress; however, since it was useful each time she kept checking. It was just more information on the Book.

One text in particular said you can’t record pictures of the interior pages, it couldn’t be removed from the house except by those aligned with goodness, entries were most likely in sequential order, and that the book could be corrupted if a Halliwell sister became evil; married an evil warlock for example. If one sister aligned with evil the other two would follow suite. That was all interesting, and she put the taking pictures of it to the test. All the images turned up blank, instead of representing the beautiful script calligraphy titles, pages of detailed notes, recipes, personal entries , diagrams and drawings.

Sung was not sure if was happy or bothered by the find of the book of shadows. Sure the book means a lot to people but it is also dangerous. Sung knew the owner probably was not far away he did find it interesting that the book was not locked up or there was no trap.

“Book of Shadows” questioned Sung. "Be careful with that we don’t know if there are any wards or traps on that book or around the room. He stepped into the room and looked at the bookcase. checking the dust on the floor no slide marks. “The bookcase has no hidden space behind it,” Sung said more like thinking out loud than making a statement.

He walked along the inter walls looking at every crack as he got to the closet he stopped. He stepped to one side and turned the door handle but did not open it. Sung waited with his eyes closed. Then opened the door some. “The door is clear,” Sung commented. His skills in Perception and Investigation were very sharp and something about this was not right where the door was. taking out a small mag tactical light he turned it on and flashed it in the closet.

The light lit the closet it had some very old clothing hanging and other stuff cladering it. Some dust floated in the air. There was something more here but Sung would wait to check it out.

Sartre made his way to the attic. He was careful around Eun Ji, who had made her presence known. “have you found anything Miss Eun Ji? These papers probably contain something of value. Someone scattered them up here as well and painted the messages on the wall.” He pointed to the book Eun-Ji was looking through with an awestruck tone in his voice, “We stand in the same room as the Book of Shadows.”

Eun-Ji would glance over at Master Sung sporadically, especially when he was dealing with the closet. For the most part she just paid attention to what she was doing, quite confident that Master Sung knew what he was doing and could handle himself. She continued to flip through the Book of Shadows, having dropped her cautious approach once she read from David that it was a book written by good witches for holding evil at bay.

With the arrival of the Illuminati agent Eun-Ji missed having Choi present to run interference. She looked to Master Sung, but he looked busy. There was no avoiding him this time, because she was not yet willing to vacate the attic.

Eun-Ji looked to Peter with a disinterested expression and then returned back to what she was doing. “I am not here to collaborate with the likes of you.” Her comment was as cold as ice.

Posted by : Lorem

Agent Powers was not too keen on standing around a bunch of intimidating Dragons so he nodded and replied, “Lead the way.” He would rather follow Alyssa who seemed to be smart and much better at finding clues compared to himself. His adopted father often referred to him as a muscle head during his training. He just hoped he was not too big for the basement.

Alyssa made her way into the house and down to the basement. Upon descending the staircase a familiar person caught her eye. At least she recognized him, though he had never seen her. “Well, hello Choi or do you prefer Mr. Yeong?” Making sure there was a little distance between the two of them. Just in case. Though if he wanted to, Alyssa knew he could seriously injure her, distance or not.

She usually preferred to call people by their first names. No precursors either Mr., Ms. Agent. She personally hated all that formality. It was probably a slight jab at how formal the upper crust usually were. However, she wasn’t stupid and used titles and last names when absolutely necessary.

Choi was looking around, lifting the lantern high so he could see with a better perspective. The glow of the lantern caused shadows to become distortions of the imagination. The shadow of a rake became the head of a creature with many teeth; the shadow of a shovel became a head impaled upon a stake; a seamstress mannequin was the headless body.

A voice from behind startled Yeong, which caused him to kick a metal bucket that clanged across the floor. Yeong readied the nunchucks, then saw it was the petite hoodied female blue. Then he noticed the mountain behind her.

“The surname is actually Choi,” he responded in a voice that at first sounded stressed, then calmed. “But you can call me Yeong. And, please do not sneak up behind me.” He placed the nunchucks back into his pants. Putting 2 and 2 together, he added, “So, you’re the mysterious Alyssa? See anything interesting?”

The clang of the metal bucket startled her slightly, and the petite young woman was concerned for a second until it was obvious the green wasn’t going to attack her.

It gave the man a certain amount of credit with her when he went with his less formal first name, “Alright Yeong.”

“Sorry about that.” She actually was, sorry she inadvertently snuck up on him, as she should have known better. “Yes, I’m Alyssa but feel free to call me Ally if you wish. And this guy behind me is Agent Powers.”

Anything of interest? “Just a blown door.” There was calm in her voice as if the state of said door didn’t bother her at all "Impressive. I fixed it by the way.”

“Oh yeah,” Choi chimed. “Thank you for cleaning up my mess.”

Powers? Choi thought. Fitting name. His chest bulged like a titanic boulder, hewn from the very mountains that cradled it. Each sinew and muscle etched with the story of relentless effort. His skin, stretched taut over the rugged terrain, seemed to strain against the forces within. He’d have to watch this guy. He could seriously do some damage.

“I’m glad he’s on our side,” Choi expressed. “Well, the good guys at least.”

Agent Powers gave a polite nod to Choi along with a smiling smolder. By the looks of the nunchucks in Choi’s hand, he could see that Choi was also a martial artist. However he was not motivated to find out how good Choi was. Since they had to work with the Dragons and Templars he found it best to follow the advice of the smart teammate and just play the part of a bouncer. He knew his large frame did scare others but he also knew he was vulnerable in his teen form so it was never good to push his luck. He replied, "I’ll do my best not to break anything.”

Posted by : Cindy
“No problem,” Alyssa half-shrugged. It wasn’t often she got to use her only power, there wasn’t much use for it in her van.

“Well, I’m glad he’s on our side as well.” Alyssa agreed, glancing back briefly at the hulk of a man behind her and wondering what would happen if the Dragons saw him transform.

She focused back on the task at hand. “Well, should we start looking.” She unclipped a small set of keys from her pants, and took off a small flashlight that wasn’t as bright as the latern but good enough to do the job.

“Yes,” agreed Choi. He lifted the lantern higher, looking for anything that seemed out of place. What would look out of place in a basement? Yeong had no idea.

There were cases of papers, belongings, and very old stuff all throughout the basement. An off room in the back had an old oil furnace that must not have run in quite a while.

“Maybe there’s something in the plastic tubs,” Yeong suggested. “Do you think we should search them?”

Agent Powers looked around in the dark basement as he saw Alyssa’s small flashlight. Then he remembered he had a small headband flashlight that was used to work on cars. It was a gift from his father to use for work in the dark since he kept breaking his flashlights during fights. So he pulled it out of his pocket and put it on and adjusted it before turning it on. Oddly enough since he was tall he didn’t blind the others when he looked around. He replied, "I found my light.”

Choi Yeong wondered how Powers had lost a light in a pocket of pants that were so tight they were like a second skin due to muscles of which a steroid stuffed professional wrestler would be proud. He raised a brow and looked to Alyssa. At least she seemed to be bright.

“Good,” Choi stated, “maybe you can search these tubs since you have a handless light. Let us know if you have something.”

He looked to the petite Alyssa. She was young. Her expertise must have gotten her here. “Alyssa, care to join me in looking for anything out of place?”

Agent Power gave Choi a shrug and began to move the tubs aside and open them to see their contents. Seeing as it was going to be hard to tell what was important he began moving them in a series of rows and opening them to make it easier to check all the rows from both sides. He also stacked the lids nearby and then began sorting through them. Granted he had no idea what he was looking for.

Alyssa also had no idea how Max could lose anything in his clothing. Then again, he didn’t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. She decided there were more important things than trying to figure Max out, at the moment.

Leaving the tubes to Max, she was certainly willing to search with Yeong. “Sure,” Alyssa said as she helped the green man look around.

Sartre made his way to the attic, he was careful around Eun Ji, who had made her presence known, have you found anything Miss Eun Ji? These papers probably contain something of value, someone scattered them up here as well as painted the messages on the wall. We stand in the same room as the Book of Shadows.

Looking around, Choi Yeong saw a stand. Lifting the lantern a little higher, it appeared a book was on the stand.

Posted by : Cindy

JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy

“Why would that book be out in the stand instead of in one of the tubs?” Choi asked Alyssa.

Alyssa looked around, to see if she spotted anything else out of place but nothing stood out. Of course, she also didn’t know what they were looking for. "I don’t know. It looks special, in some way. The Sisters were witches, could it be a spellbook?”

Yeong glanced at the front of the book. It read, The End Rite. It definitely sounded like a spell book. A creepy name for one, but a spell book for sure.

“Hey Powers,” Choi said, “I think we found something here.”

Looking at the small girl next to him, Choi said, “Well Alyssa, should we open it?”

The curiosity of the moment was getting to the petite young woman. “Yes, I definitely think we should open it.” Hopefully, nothing horrible would happen.

Meanwhile Agent Powers was going through the tubs with some very mixed results. He was not sure what he was looking for but he found a lot of stuff that raised a lot of questions. He wondered if the people who lived here were actors or really liked Halloween. He found all types of clothing such as skimpy swimsuits, large rainbow fish scales, skimpy clubwear, skimpy Egyptian bikini wear, skimpy everyday wear, skimpy witch clothing, skimpy military clothing and more odd but skimpy outfits. Poor Agent Powers was not sure how to handle such risky outfits as a male teenage virgin with poor social skills. He was doing his best to not get too excited as he wondered what kind of women would wear such clothing in public. Among the skimpy clothing he also found a lot of odd jewelry that looked like it would be in a Halloween costume catalog. Then he found a large book and opened it. He was very surprised to see several pretty women in the photo scrapbook. It was obvious the women were close and possibly family. In the book he found photos of the women in the house and at some club. There were even some of them at their jobs trying to look important. He wondered if this was important so he held onto it for Alyssa as he looked to see where she was.

Yeong wanted to listen to the voice of reason. The End Rite kind of sounded final. But Choi was curious, and spurred on by the mysterious Alyssa, who still had her hoodie up, he gave into the temptation.

Reaching out, Choi said, “Here goes nothing.” He opened the front cover to reveal the first page.

Posted by : Cindy

As the end rite is opened, a powerful purple light emanates through the room. Those surrounding the book, braced themselves as hard as they could. They would be able to stabilize themselves somewhat from what was about to occur. Visions. Dark visions. Ancient portals. Portals being opened. A portal opened in the woods. Frightening but yet comforting. The scalpel of Ragley. In a woman’s hand. The man in black standing there. Flashes of various scenes throughout history. The pyramids of Egypt. What looked like John of Revelations writing in a dark cavern shrouded by candles that were lit but also bleeding red blood. A swamp. Somewhere. Screams coming from a crypt is a man holds an old early twentieth century telephone with a look of horror on his face.

Angels standing on a distant planet somewhere in the cosmos. "Dark days are here. Emma is now anima. She could be the key. Marquardt… This is the end of days. You have choices to make. " Illuminati, Templar and Dragon agents running through the jungles of the Congo. Rifle fire and the sounds of battle all around them. Were they helping or fighting each other? one of them yelled, “Marquardt is here!” finally after the clashes and chaos of the visions. A final vision erupted in the mind’s eye of those surrounding the end rite. A burning shopping mall in Moscow, gunfire and grenades. The roof collapsing on the shopping mall. Finally another voice. "The end of days are coming.”

Posted by : Cindy
The agents were able to withstand what had happened with the book, though they were all taken aback. Sartre ran in after hearing the commotion. Something was going on in this house, in this city and in the world.

Sartre picked up his phone as he was looking over the basement in the manor, what had just occurred was indeed shocking.

Mary Rivers, assistant director of the FBI was on the other end of the line.

“Are you available to consult, I know your former agent but we need some consultation immediately. Have you been watching the news?” Said Rivers.

His consultation job was actually a way for the illuminati to prevent the Templars from gaining a foothold in the American institution. They possibly already had.

No one was going to talk about it.

"There was a 911 call about a mass suicide. Not just any kind of mass suicide either. It’s very familiar. I suggest you go see for yourself.

“I’m working right now, is it that serious?”

“It’s very similar to something. We need a behavioral analyst there now. We could send Alicia Greely.”

“I can take it.” said Sartre.

“Call us when you’re finished investigating.”

“I will leave you all to investigate this crime scene, let’s act like we are on our best behavior and that the Council of Venice is standing right here watching over the factions to prevent an unsanctioned fight.”

“You all have my number, I’m sure Alyssa has all of ours.”

“I will be back later.”

“What the hell was that?” Alyssa expressed out loud. “I mean I know it was a vision or well…visions but …”

It was clear this was outside anything the hacker had experienced before. She had never had a vision, and it was disorienting and disturbing. “This, this is why I rarely leave my van. Stuff like this happens in the field.” Well, it was at least one of the reasons.

She barely even noticed Peter there. On the phone talking to whoever he was talking to. He was then gone. Investigate this scene. Alyssa was of the opinion maybe they shouldn’t make whatever they pissed off any angrier.

Choi Yeong just stood there paralyzed. He had seen things before but only directing his future. He had never seen anything like this before, especially when not meditating.

Alyssa’s voice broke his trance-like state. From the sound of it, she saw it too. Was visions her gift?

“You saw it too?” he probed. “Who’s Emma and Marquardt? Powers? You okay?”

Alyssa looked up at Yeong. "Yes, I saw it and just so you don’t have to ask later. I don’t get visions, besides that one. I have no idea who they are but I can work on finding out. Kind of what I do. And yeah Max, what Yeong over here said - you alright? “

Posted by : Cindy

“I will leave you all to investigate this crime scene, let’s act like we are on our best behavior and that the Council of Venice is standing right here watching over the factions to prevent an unsanctioned fight.”

“You all have my number, I’m sure Alyssa has all of ours.”

“I will be back later.”

Dark storm clouds began together over San Francisco as he pulled up to the rented

Mansion house. It was shrouded by palm trees, and police cars, and ambulances.

As he approached the crime scene, was immediately approached by San Francisco police Sargent.

“Your’re with the FBI?”

Just flasher badge and you can go in, try not to get sick."

Sartre did so and made his way through the front door.

As he entered, there was a large living room with double doors leading to a patio outside. In the living room were several cots and bunkbeds. The room smelled of the thousand dead and decaying skunks. Those lying there had passed away for some time.

A coroner kneeling on the ground said
“it was an anonymous tip.”

“Does this seem familiar to you?” Asked Sartre to the medical examiner.

"It’s almost a re-creation… they have Nike sneakers on and everything.

Sartre noticed the purple shrouds in the jumpsuits with the same insignia patches on the side in the form of a triangle.

“Heaven’s Gate Away Team.”

In the front of the living room there was a high definition television playing a Blu-ray Marshall Applewhite’s perverse lectures.

This was the sickest thing Sartre had seen both in the FBI and in the secret world."

"There’s at least ten bodies, who or what to convince these people to do such. You’ll find high levels of alcohol and phenobarbital sedatives and antiseizure medications in their bloodstream.

People should know better, did someone on the Internet told them to do this. And where exactly is their Applewhite?"

He noticed a piece of paper on the center of the man’s chest.

He put on a pair of plastic gloves and picked it up with a tweezer.

On a blind piece of paper torn from a notebook, where the words

“We fear nothing.”

“You Disgusting…”

Sartre moved his voice to an extreme whisper.

"You convinced them to offer their souls to the dreaming ones. This was a morninglight cult operation. "

“Marquardt did this.” said Sartre in a whisper.

“Let me in there, one of my best theologians and Bible students is in there! Natasha Boyer.”

“We can’t let you go in there pastor Duane.” Yelled the county sheriff.

“I’m going in there even if I have to push past you and get a simple assault charge. My best theologian and best member of my congregation is in there.” The pastor screamed.

Hearing the commotion, Sartre disposed of the gloves, and placed the note and a safe evidence bag, he placed the evidence bag in a backpack that he placed around his shoulders.

Going outside as the rain began to trickle down on the evening.

He looked towards the pastor who seemed to be in his 40s.

"You… You know, you all know what’s out there.

"I’ve never met you before, but I can tell you’re an FBI agent.

You let the sheriff take his hands off me."

"God knows things… God knows things are happening Agent Sartre… I’ve never met you before but I know your name. Red Blue and Green Meet. " The pastor would continue.

Sartre looked puzzled.

The pastor said,

as he produced a smile and a look of horror that was shared between the two men and soon to be shared between all three factions.

“The power of three will set you free.” said the pastor.

To Be Continued.

Posted by : Cindy

Part 2: “I Alone”

Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA

“You dont have to collaborate, though you can look for papers can’t you miss Eun Ji? and what is bothering you?” Peter exclaimed in exasperation. As they talked, somewhat tersely, they all immediately heard a loud commotion coming from the basement. Suddenly there was a loud gust of wind as the afternoon began to storm. “There’s something going on down there…" Peter shouted and then ran from the attic to the basement.

Eun-Ji wanted to throw the darn Book of Shadows at the smug Illuminati agent with a plucky know-it-all attitude. What did he think she was doing before he interrupted her? The three other illusions of her throughout the room shimmered subtly as if she were about to unleash their shattering effects on the man; however, the sudden commotion halted her actions.

The attic felt like it literally shifted with whatever commotion was happening below. It caused her to lose her balance and she lurched forward, using the table to help keep her upright and her right foot shifted to brace her weight. When her heel hit the floorboard, it felt unexpected in how much it depressed. That was interesting.

She waited until the Illuminati agent left and then dropped down to the floorboard to take a closer look. She was right, it was a false panel with a space beneath. She easily used the hook side of her hammer to pry it open, while thinking that hammers trump sword every time Master Sung.

Inside the revealed space, Eun-Ji found a very old copy of the King James Bible. Upon a swift once over, she noticed it was labeled "The holy Bible and the Apocrypha of Saint Ede the Pious " Now out of all things to hide, why this book? She planned to take it with her and placed it inside her side purse.

As Eun-Ji placed the floorboard back where it belonged, she noticed a piece of paper that had fallen off the table to the floor when she lost her balance. It mentioned a “P3 Apothecary” Shop that is currently in business in San Francisco. She grinned, after this manor was searched thoroughly, she had her next destination.

Sung was speechless he had never seen anything quite like this in his years. This was no normal wording and the magic behind it was old. It did not take a genius to see that. Any rookie would know this. Now Sung had a good idea of what could be in the closet. He wasted no time and taped on the back of the closet. there was a hollow sound as he taped.

it was an idem something from the past an anchor for magic that was used in a ritual probably. with little effort, Sung stepped in and just broke the back all in a cubby behind the closet was a small wooden box about the size of a cigar box. He turned and walked to the middle of the room. and slowly opened it He was correct it held The scalpel of Ragley, a pearl neckless of a woman, and a gold bracelet.

Sung looked at the others “The history, and some of the focus of the magic once used.” commented Sung. “what did you find?” asked Sung knowing Eun-Ji got something from the floor and could not hide the noise.

Eun-Ji was beginning to think that an enormous amount of time could be spent investigating this attic. The Book of Shadows alone could become a life work, no doubt. Her mission wasn’t such endeavors, though she would be sure to inform the Voice of the Dragon, when she got a chance about what they found at the manor. Perhaps the Dragon would have further plans when it came to the Halliwell estate?

“I found a Bible hidden under a floorboard and another address I think we should investigate once done here.” She replied.

Unbeknownst to Eun-Ji, the spiritual energy that erupted from the book in the basement had caused several items in the house to shift or fall over. This included the attic and everything seemed to play out according to the laws of physics; nothing out of the ordinary. One of those objects was a container that toppled off a shelf in the attic, rolled and fell to the floor, shattering the seal on the exterior just enough to weaken its hold on the nightmarish creature it imprisoned. Though weakened over time, the Shade managed to seize this opportunity to escape.

It couldn’t stay in the attic. The protective charms radiating from the Book of Shadows repelled its very existence. The book in the basement; however, was like a lure of negative potential. It seeped like a dark mist through the floor of the attic and made its way into the basement. It was currently immaterial, like a shadow merging with the darkness down below. It could sense living things present and was hungry to suckle on their fear while feasting on the marrow of their bones.

Posted by : Lorem

Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji returned to the Book of Shadows, determined to delve deeper into its secrets despite the commotion echoing from downstairs. Ignoring the chaos below, unwilling to concern herself with other factions, she focused her attention on the ancient tome before her. Running her fingers over its weathered pages, she recognized that each entry held a wealth of knowledge and power, waiting to be unlocked.

Flipping through the pages, Eun-Ji’s eyes scanned the intricate script and faded illustrations, absorbing the wisdom contained within. She paused at a page detailing a spell for protection against malevolent spirits, her mind racing with possibilities. The meticulous instructions and elaborate diagrams spoke of centuries of magical witchcraft expertise passed down, offering glimpses into a world beyond her own.

As she continued to read, Eun-Ji’s curiosity deepened, her thoughts consumed by the ancient rituals and incantations described in the book. Each entry offered a tantalizing glimpse into the arcane arts, hinting at the vast potential of magic and a menagerie of evil beings. She had always been solely focused on her own chaotic abilities, that looking at the varieties that existed were intriguing.

Occasionally she would look up and to the attic door due to the commotion going on below. From the sounds of things it seemed whatever was going on was escalating. Illuminati dying didn’t bother her as she returned back to her investigation.

Posted by : Lorem

Halliwell Manor Attic - San Francisco, CA

Eun-Ji returned to the Book of Shadows, determined to delve deeper into its secrets despite the commotion echoing from downstairs. Ignoring the chaos below, unwilling to concern herself with other factions, she focused her attention on the ancient tome before her. Running her fingers over its weathered pages, she recognized that each entry held a wealth of knowledge and power, waiting to be unlocked.

Flipping through the pages, Eun-Ji’s eyes scanned the intricate script and faded illustrations, absorbing the wisdom contained within. She paused at a page detailing a spell for protection against malevolent spirits, her mind racing with possibilities. The meticulous instructions and elaborate diagrams spoke of centuries of magical witchcraft expertise passed down, offering glimpses into a world beyond her own.

As she continued to read, Eun-Ji’s curiosity deepened, her thoughts consumed by the ancient rituals and incantations described in the book. Each entry offered a tantalizing glimpse into the arcane arts, hinting at the vast potential of magic and a menagerie of evil beings. She had always been solely focused on her own chaotic abilities, that looking at the varieties that existed were intriguing.

Occasionally she would look up and to the attic door due to the commotion going on below. From the sounds of things it seemed whatever was going on was escalating. Illuminati dying didn’t bother her as she returned back to her investigation.

Posted by : Lorem

San Francisco, USF, Turner Kramer’s Dorm, Afternoon After Kramer’s Death

Lumina had been mildly infuriated when Corinth stamped out his cigarette into the carpet. Not only was it horrifically disrespectful, but it was also not an insignificant risk to leave such an obvious trace of their presence in a place upon which they were trespassing. She wondered if he had even been aware of his behavior, or if he had been acting mostly on habit and muscle memory.

Despite her anger, Lumina was thoroughly impressed with how quickly Corinth solved the cipher. The nature of the Halliwell Sisters was not known to her, but if Kramer thought there was something important about them, perhaps following up on this code could reveal more about him and why he had been killed.

“I mean, sisters of Fate? That’s a bold claim. Still, this is something new. You’re a Warlock, you like books and stuff right? Think the library here might have something? Shit, probably not, but it wouldn’t hurt to check. Maybe I can find something on the sisters, address at least. Think There’s a phonebook around here? Yeah, I doubt it. Haven’t seen one of those in years. Still, I can make some calls and see what I can find. Meet you at the car in an hour to compare notes?”

“Sounds like a plan chief,” Lumina replied to Corinth. “I’ll also plan on trying to purchase some minerals for spells that might be hard to find elsewhere while I’m here, hopefully this won’t take me too long, but I will let you know if I get held up.” Lumina was about to walk out of the room with the fringe physics textbook but then paused as she looked again at the cigarette in the carpet. She wasn’t sure it was her place to tell Corinth what to do, but considering the risks, she felt she needed to say something. Summoning as much courage as she could, Lumina pointed at the cigarette and stammered, “Oh, and one last thing… Can you clean that up? W-we can’t afford to leave such obvious traces of our presence in this place that we are not legally supposed to be. We need to be more careful.” Putting her money where her mouth was, Lumina took a photo of the code Corinth had detected and went back to the closet to place the book where she had found it. She then hastily made her exit from the dorm.

Lumina decided to go shopping first. Asking around, she found her way to the storeroom, where she was able to get directions to someone she could buy supplies from. Although she got a curious look when she provided her motley list of ingredients, ranging from phosphorus and sulfur to gum arabic and bat crap among others, the ingredients themselves were innocuous enough that they were willing to sell them to her.

Once she paid up, she made her way to the library, which was easy enough to find with additional directions. Lumina was starting to get used to helpful people throughout the campus aiding her by this point, so her first inclination was to ask the librarian what she knew about the Halliwell Sisters. It turned out she didn’t know much, other than that she vaguely recalled seeing somethings in the news about them awhile back. While not super helpful, of note was that the librarian was pretty sure that she had heard about them in the local news, so at the very least the Halliwells had been at or near San Francisco. After thanking the librarian for her time, Lumina texted Corinth and asked him if he had found anything on his end. As he had predicted, He had been SOL when it came to finding a phone book, let alone one with the Halliwell Sisters in it. Lumina relayed what little she had learned to him, after which Corinth informed her that he had suspected that their address was most likely nearby and that he had already reached out to his handler for help in acquiring an address. Dalia would hopefully have something for him soon. This reminded Lumina that she could probably get such help from her own handler, so she reached out to Owen and asked him if there was any chance he could look up police reports on the Halliwell Sisters in the Greater San Francisco Metropolitan Area. He replied that he would see what he could find out once he got out of a meeting.

With that angle covered, Lumina decided to see what she could find out about the Warren Family. Warren was not a particularly uncommon last name, but after quite a bit of research, Lumina was able to cobble together a list of fairly well known Warrens, ranging from actresses and models to photographers and politicians. Apparently one rather infamous Warren had been a matriarch of a family in Salem Massachusetts that had been accused of witchcraft during the infamous period most people think about when they think of Salem Massachusetts. Perhaps she has some relation to the Halliwell Sisters, who seemed to have rather witchy vibes? Probably not.

Another detail that Lumina found during her research was that there had apparently been a Warren living in Florida over a century ago that had disappeared under very unusual circumstances. What those exact circumstances had been were not being elucidated in the article she found, but they had apparently been so bizarre as to be considered noteworthy enough to make it into the public record. She probably wouldn’t have made much of this event except for her own unusual experience the night before when her Clairvoyance spell had reacted unusually with the trees near where Olivia had perished. A little bit more reading suggested that the Warren that disappeared in Florida was likely a descendant of the Warren matriarch in Salem. Certainly curious. If the Halliwells were related to these Warrens, then there was potentially a connection between Olivia Warren and Turner Kramer. Could there be a connection like this to Gail Iris as well?

All of this left Lumina with more questions than answers, but they weren’t answers Lumina thought she was going to find in the USF Library. Just then, Corinth texted her back. Dalia had found an address. 1329 Prescott Street. Apparently the Halliwell Sisters had lived in a now abandoned manor in the older part of town, which was still known by the locals as the Halliwell Manor. Dalia had also reported that the place apparently had an ill reputation, which perhaps explained how a property like that in the middle of the city hadn’t been bought up yet. Lumina asked Corinth to look up the street view of the address as she returned her books and papers and made her way back to the car.

As she did so, Owen called her back about his findings regarding the police reports involving the Halliwell Sisters. Apparently one of the sisters and a police inspector had been killed near the manor, and other deaths of neighboring residents were suspected. There were also reports of strange parties that occurred at the Halliwell Manor. By the time Lumina made it back to the car, it was obvious to her that it would likely be worthwhile to visit the place. There was just too much weirdness involving the place to overlook it.

Lumina met Corinth at the car and started to gush about her findings when he stopped her. “It sounds like we have a lot to talk about, and I’m famished. Let’s get something to eat and catch up there.”

Lumina’s stomach growled as if in response, and she felt herself flush. The cheap complimentary breakfast at the hotel hadn’t quite cut it, and it was getting close to two. Lunch was a good idea, especially considering that they were going to an abandoned house likely previously inhabited by members of the Secret World. Lumina had learned to be prepared for anything in a place like that.

Posted by : Sky

Halliwell Manor - Basement

JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy

Agent Powers was in awe by what he just saw. He had his mouth open and a blank look on his face. He was not sure what he just saw, but it looked oddly like a bunch of movie trailers combined into one. Was this some kind of magic vision or did they do commercials? Was it some kind of magical documentation for others to see later on? There were a lot of unanswered questions for the teen hiding in a large man’s body. Then Alyssa’s voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked around to see he was still in the basement. He remembered he was holding a family album and decided to mention it. He replied, “Uhhh yeah. I don’t know what that was but I found some kind of family album if you want to see some pictures of the women who probably lived here.” Agent Powers held up the album to show Alyssa.

“Well, then let’s take a look,” Alyssa took the album from Max, found an old dusty bin and put it on top so both men could see. “Well, according to what I found in the database. This was Prue Halliwell, she died a while back. This is Piper, Phoebe and their half-sister Rose.” Alyssa pointed them out as she went through the pictures. “That was their Grandmother Penny Halliwell who raised them after their mother died. She left them this house.” The other pictures seemed a bit more random. "I don’t know who some of these people are.”

Agent Powers looked at the many pictures and tried to remember the faces with the names. Sadly he was an average student so he would need to go over this a few times to remember who was who later on. As he pondered that he remembered the fancy technology Alyssa used in her van as he asked, "So can your computer copy the pictures and compare them to the ones on the internet?”

“Yes, I should be able to get info on a majority of them.” Some of the pictures looked old, she wasn’t sure about those, it could be wrong information or none. "I can work on them.”

Agent Powers felt good as if he had contributed to the team. He smirked and nodded as he replied, "I hope it helps. Oh by the way in the tubs are a lot of women’s clothing and costumes, but I also found a lot of jewelry, costume props and odd trinkets. I don’t know if they are valuable or important. Should we get someone to check it out in case they are related to magic or something?”

Choi looked at the pictures. The sisters seemed very close on them. He wondered what had happened to them.

“How did Prue die?” he asked, then added, “I wonder if any of these others are Emma or Marquardt.”

It was at that moment that chills went upwards from Choi Yeong’s arms to his shoulders. The temperature in the room dramatically decreased.

“There’s something else in here,” he insisted to the others. “Do you feel that presence?”

Agent Powers looked around but not seeing or feeling anything. He was confused. Maybe it was magical or spiritual? He was not familiar with stuff like that since he was raised to be a fighter. His thinking skills were limited to home school, text books and some video games so he was rather daft in this environment. He replied, “Ummm…I don’t see or feel anything.” This was true for the muscle headed teenage boy, but then he wondered if his outer body was keeping him from feeling that “presence” Choi mentioned.

“I only got as far as Prue died under mysterious circumstances. However, there was more which I’ll need to read later.” The sudden shift in temperature distracted Alysssa for a moment. “Yes, I felt that. That sudden cold.” It was an uneasy feeling, Alyssa just knew this couldn’t be good.

Posted by : Cindy

Halliwell Manor - Basement

JP with mdman, Jaxx and Cindy

Choi lifted the lantern, seeing the same shadows upon the walls as before. Yet, there seemed to be a difference. Something was added or taken away. He began to look at each, drawing from his memory of them before he was joined by the blue agents.

“Headless body, check,” he began to recount. Head on a spike, check. Shadow of a person, and toothy monster.” Choi hesitated. There was another shadow between the toothy monster and the spiked head. “Here is something new,” he verified to the others, beginning to seek out what cast the shadow, but nothing was between the shadow and the lantern.

Agent Powers was a bit confused as he looked around with his headlight lighting up the area. He was wondering if maybe a small animal was in the house like a bat, rat, racoon or squirrel maybe. He was not sure why the others seemed to be on edge. So he looked around for movement and was ready to punch it if needed.

Alyssa looked around and listened carefully but found nothing that would be making that shadow. She knew about entities, that they existed but that had more to do with training than any personal experience. The young woman, not being great at fighting, had really not wanted to encounter one.

She almost instinctively started to go for the small pistol she had strapped to her left ankle under her pants. It was her best method of self-defense, though she realized it might be useless depending on what they encountered she decided to pull it anyway and hold on to it.

“Any idea what’s causing that?” Alyssa’s voice had turned to hushed tones.

“My best guess is a shadow,” Yeong said. “I mean, of course it’s a shadow, but I meant a shadow entity. If it had a hat on, I’d say it’s Hat Man, but this isn’t him.”

Choi began to recollect what he knew of shadows. “Whatever you do, be brave and don’t be afraid. These things feed on fear.”

How did one fight a shadow? There was literally nothing to swing at with the nunchucks. Maybe he could coax it to show itself in a physical manner.

Putting down the lantern, Choi retrieved the nunchucks and encouraged the others to step away. He began to masterfully twirl them, concentrating upon the figure on the wall. He approached it and struck the wall where the shadow was. Nothing happened. He backed away. Then the thought occurred that it was a shadow, so he swung where the shadow of the nunchucks struck the shadow on the wall. He physically felt something that time, and a force through Choi backwards through the cellar, over top of the tubs that Powers had organized.

Posted by : Cindy

Halliwell Manor- Basement

JP with Lorem and Cindy

The Shade had been passively observing them with a malicious intent. It was in a weakened state from generations of being bound and unable to feast on the misery and anguish of humanity, or else it would have made a direct assault out of wicked hubris. Therefore, it had simply been biding its time and soaking in the anxiety of those present in the dark of the basement; trying its best to go undetected.

It wasn’t necessarily fear and anxiety associated with the situation in the basement it was nourishing itself with. Those present were unusually courageous for such a moment. Instead, it was tapping into their other anxieties to start. For example, Alyssa’s anxiety being the center of attention in a crowded room of strangers. Or Powers anxiety of others discovering his secret.

It tried hard not to move when the burning sensation of light touched its form. That would have instantly given itself away. It was all in vain though, thanks to their keen observation. Once it became obvious that it had been discovered, it flung into action.

The shadow dives into the many other natural shadows in the room. There were too many to account for and it was instantly lost to their sense of sight. The air itself grew even colder as it no longer was masking its presence. A feeling of dread descended over the room like a thick fog, making those present contend with the notion of never being cheerful again. A pervasive whisper hissed throughout the air, the grating sound of grinding and gnashing of teeth. The few lights they had began to wane, as if straining under the weight of an evil covering.

Alyssa was able to move quickly enough to avoid being taken with Yeong as he went flying. “Yeong are you alright?” The woman asked.

Suddenly, the darkness in the room seemed to grow despite the lights. Her own small flashlight flickered, then started to dim. She clicked it off, as it wasn’t doing any good at the moment and slowly reholstered her pistol as that would be useless and might even be more dangerous out, given the circumstances.

Then suddenly as if the floor had turned to glue, she felt unable to move. It wasn’t fear. She was standing brave but the overwhelming sense of dread engulfed her. Her very soul feeling an invisible anchor that felt that it would never leave.

A whisper seemed to echo through the room. A whisper she couldn’t quite make out. Alyssa could almost feel the shadow’s hunger. She took several deep breaths in order to maintain her calm.

Alyssa was like a fly tangled in its web of despair and hopelessness. She could feel that unsettling feeling prey experiences when a predator is drawing closer unseen. The dark around her legs became more tangible and gripped her roughly all the way up to the knee. With a forceful yank, it tried to pull her to the floor and drag her off into the darker recesses of the basement.

Posted by : Cindy

Halliwell Manor- Basement

JP with mdman, Lorem and Cindy

Yeong’s head popped out of a tub. A pair of the aforementioned lingerie was tangled about his head. “I’m okay!” he said, lifting a finger in the air.

He heard a whisper in his ear. “You failed. You are a failure.” It was faint, but he could hear it. He understood. It was trying to pull his fear of failure working without Master Park for the first time. He wanted to prove his worthiness for being granted this mission.

Stupid! he thought. How do you take out something not physical with nunchucks?

He stood up, swiping the lingerie from his face. He wasn’t certain where the shadow was at the moment.

“Alyssa,” he sternly said, “you have everyone’s information. I’m sure you can let the others know we need assistance.”

He wondered what Powers could contribute. “Powers? If you’re a bee, what ability can you do? Perhaps you can help that way.”

Choi began to center himself. Closing his eyes, he began the dahnmudo. Reaching out, Cho tried to determine the other presence.

Finding it, Choi paused. He didn’t wish to alarm her, but he had to warn Alyssa. The dark force was wrapped about her feet.

“Alyssa!” he authoritatively spoke. “When I say, jump to one side!” The motions of dahnmudo continued, building up the strength within him.

Alyssa’s head began to fill with ambient noise at first, quickly becoming clearer. “It’s your fault. Your fault. He’s missing because of you. Your fault.” It repeated over and over filling her mind with the words. Making it hard to feel or hear anything or anyone else. A tear fell gently down her face, she hated showing that side. “You are such a disappointment.” However, the shadow or her mind changed to her mother’s voice with that last statement. That sudden changed shifted something and she heard Yeong telling her to jump to one side when said to. Her mind was still echoing it was her fault but she managed to utter a hoarse, barely able to get out the words, "Got it.”

The dark shadow around her lower legs maintained their more incorporeal appearance; however, behind her, out of the floor started to emerge a silhouetted shape. Her anguish was feeding it, making it stronger.

Like an alligator head surfacing from the waters of darkness, something that resembled a human face began to appear. It was void of all facial features, a blank canvas of pale sickly skin pulled too taunt over what lay beneath.

Yet that wasn’t the most horrifying sight. Worse still was its slowly opening mouth. It was like a giant lamprey maw, circular and filled with rows of razor sharp jagged teeth. It could be deduced that if it latched onto Alyssa, then it would either suck her innards out or take her entire petite form into itself like a wood chipper.

Posted by : Cindy

P with Jaxx, mdman, and Lorem

Choi felt the strength within him. He had come to realize that spiritual strength is powerful. In some aspects stronger than the force that Powers might generate.

“Now!” he shouted, sending the built up force within him directly at the face that was forming.

Alyssa jumped, to the best of her ability, when instructed. Her legs being held though made that difficult, so it looked more like a fall to one distinct side. The force brushed past her legs and spun her on the ground like a top, effectively prying the hold the creature had on her lower body. Now though she should be concerned about striking into other objects on the basement floor.

The spiritual shockwave struck the dark entity, peeling back the darkness in layers like an onion and taking pieces of flesh from the front of its face, if you could even call it that, and ripping it back like a half peeled orange.

A terrifying sound pierced the entire basement, indicating that it was potentially wherever there was darkness, not just where they saw its mouth forming. Its semi-tangible silhouette was pummeled backwards. As it flew back though, it was like water being thrown into water, darkness into more darkness. And just like that it was absorbed and lost from their sight. The lights continued to dim, it was still feeding on their negative emotions. If the light went out completely no doubt they would be overwhelmed.

Almost as quickly as it vanished, it sprung up from a shadow behind Choi. It was more tangible the stronger it became, but also more deadly. This time the dark peeled back to reveal gnarled extra long arms reaching out to tackle into the man. It was fueled by revenge for the blow it just suffered. Its half mutilated face opened even wider to try and bite into Choi’s left side.

Meanwhile Agent Powers was very confused as he began to hear whispers of a sinister voice telling him he was weak and helpless and never going to be good enough. It reminded him of his training with his adoptive father who was very spartan with his training. At first he was freaking out from all the harsh negativity. His body began bubbling as his muscular form was looking more like a mutated slimelike body. Then as it was becoming overwhelming he began to hum a tune that kept him sane during his harsh training in the past. He mumbling…dum de dum de dum dum de dum de dum…
I stay out too late
Got nothing in my brain
That’s what people say, mm-mm
That’s what people say, mm-mm
I go on too many dates
But I can’t make ‘em stay
At least that’s what people say, mm-mm
That’s what people say, mm-mm
But I keep cruisin’
Can’t stop, won’t stop movin’
It’s like I got this music in my mind
Sayin’ it’s gonna be alright
‘Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
I never miss a beat
I’m lightnin’ on my feet
And that’s what they don’t see, mm-mm
That’s what they don’t see, mm-mm
I’m dancin’ on my own (dancin’ on my own)
I make the moves up as I go (moves up as I go)
And that’s what they don’t know, mm-mm
That’s what they don’t know, mm-mm
Agent Power’s eyes were glassy and unfocused as he was doing his Karate practice even though his body was in pain from his harsh exercise. He was reliving his training all over again and using the song in his head to keep his focus from giving up and disappointing his father. In his mind he was blocking baseballs flying at him from several directions and then ninjas were attacking him from the opposite side. He was drenched in sweat and breathing hard as he was fighting to the beat in his head and the dance in his step. He couldn’t count the number of times this song kept him sane during his struggles.

Posted by : Cindy

JP with Lorem, mdman and Cindy

Yeong heard Powers singing a song. What the hell? He was fighting a shadow and the all-powerful Powers was singing and not fighting.

Choi felt the presence behind him, and heard the whispers. Somehow, he needed to build up energy. It would take too long. Balance was his thought. He could not give way to fear. Then, he felt cold teeth upon his side. He reminded himself that he experienced success, otherwise the shadow wouldn’t be so pissed.

That caused Yeong to confidently laugh. He had hurt the thing. He was successful and would make better progress. The laughter continued at a crescendo.

Powers continued to sing. It was silly and this made Choi laugh harder.

The teeth were irregular in size and shape, jagged and sharp from forceful grinding. They were aligned in multiple rings of concentric circles radiating from a black hole in the center, no doubt a doorway to a hellish and grotesque fate. The teeth, especially along the outermost ring, pierced into Choi’s side, effectively clamping against his flesh and creating a vacuum seal. The rest of the inner rings swelled with the creature’s hunger and raised up to also press into his side. It was effectively turning its mouth into the same motion of a drill that bores through the rock of the earth. Choi was in a deadly predicament, made worse by its elongated arms wrapping around him possessively.

Interestingly enough, the lights still left flickered and got a tiny bit brighter. The laughter was cutting off its constant food supply from them; however, it had enough to have materialized its upper body. From roughly the waist down there was nothing but shadowy tendrils. Because of this, the creature couldn’t gain its balance, and was completely dependent on its grip on Choi for stability.

Its face was applying a great pressure into just under his rib cage. Its cheeks began to ripple as if it was going to start sucking soon.

Alyssa felt worn out as the shadow left her, the voices inside left nothing but an imprint. She scrambled to her feet, with the sound of Max singing in the background.

The creature was surrounding Yeong, Alyssa glanced at Max who seemed useless in this fight, except the laughter his song brought on. The laughter seemed to be weakening the spirit.

She could see the spirit was holding on to Yeong.

In all the action the hood had fallen off revealing her face, which gave more credence to what she was about to do. She started laughing with Yeong. “Hey Max, think of something funny.,” not even sure if the powerhouse could hear it. Physically attacking it seemed to be making matters worse, maybe bombarding it with happiness would be more than the shadow could stand.

Choi saw and felt the teeth. They were as ugly as a rusty saw blade, gnarled and twisted, each tooth a jagged remnant of some forgotten battle. The gaps between them whispered secrets of decay, and their uneven edges seemed to mock symmetry.

Yeong shouted, “You’ve been a bad boy, shadow. When’s the last time you seen a dentist. You should know the drill by now!” His laughter became louder.

Where was the pain and anger? The fear and remorse? The half corporeal shade released its mouth’s latch on Choi and gagged violently as if it tasted something horrible. As if allergic to mirth, it’s mouth foamed like a rabid dog and stank like burning rubber and pestilent decay. Black gunk spewed out onto Choi as it coughed and heaved. It did not let go though, its fingers extended with claw-like ends and dug into his flesh, desperate to bring forth a different reaction from its prey. It seemed less confident, as if it knew it was vulnerable for the first time in this fight.

The wound in Choi’s side stung and looked like a shark bite with the pattern of the rings of a bullseye. It was bleeding. It looked like a lot of blood, but truly it was more his blood just mixing with the generous quantity of shade saliva.

The creature let out a piercing wail, that could be heard throughout the entire house, trying to solicit more fear and trembling from those present; it needed the rest of its body to come forth from the shadows to murder them all.

Posted by : Cindy
Alyssa knew it was working she kept laughing thinking of anything she could to elicit that response. Of course, it helped that Yeong was a ball of merriment. The crack about the shadow’s teeth made her laugh even harder.

The piercing noise was the creature’s way of trying to bring fear back into the picture, Alyssa recognized that. “Oooh…scary” Her voice dripped with sarcasm, making wiggling motions with her fingers, like a cartoon witch.

Choi felt the pain, but remained focused. He was determined to win this fight. The claws dug into the side opposite of the bite.

“You need a manicure,” Choi joked. “Those are pocket nails because that’s where you should keep them. And that breath is like a decaying skunk carcass had crawled into your mouth and died a second death there.”

Choi’s laughter was boisterous despite the pain. “Come on Powers! You know this is funny!”

The shade made a gurgling and bitter sound from its disfigured face, the skin hanging like tatters around the front of it face flapping with the vibrations. It was an intelligent entity, and it realized that its current victim was responding in an unnatural way to pain. It’s grip released and it hurled itself back towards Alyssa.

Before it did so though it began to dry heave until what looked like a bloody and dark ink covered mass was being coughed up. It emerged as the face of her father inside its mouth fighting to come out. Eventually it did, prying the shade’s original face in half; it was clear the things bone structure was absent despite the commonality with human anatomy at first glance.

Her father looked at her with murder in his eyes as he dove at Alyssa across the room, covering more distance than expected without legs. Its arms and claws reached for her. “You miserable wretched child.” Her father’s toxic and verbally abusive tone shouted on route.

While Alyssa maintained her composure the disgusting mass that was expelled by the shadow made her stomach lurch slightly.

It wasn’t her father, logically she knew that but that constant disappointment at being just not quite good enough seemed to shoot at her from the words the shadow leveled at her. The weight was dragging on her like quick sand. Words began to turn into images.

She closed her eyes for one brief moment and shouted. “YOU’RE NOT HIM! YOU’RE NOT HIM!” But it wasn’t enough as the claws reached her and she felt her body dragged to the ground.

The few lights once again began to dim. The dark was shrouding around the creature, making it harder to see and leaving more of its frightfulness to the imagination. More of its lower body was beginning to form out of the shadows and it wrestled to pin her down beneath itself. Its goal was to hinder her movement so it could engulf her entire face in the slowly widening mouth of her father; once again revealing the lamprey teeth. Meanwhile, before any final strike, it’s gruesome vomit and ichor was drooling down onto her.

Posted by : Cindy

Choi was losing energy fast. He began to lose the battle against the pain.

Looking across the basement at the now revealed pretty face surrounded by flowing red hair, Choi wanted to help her, but felt himself falling to his knees. Now, the reality was coming to Yeong. He had failed. As his eyes closed, he witnessed the disappointment upon Master Park’s face.

“I’m sorry, Eun-Ji,” he mumbled, blood oozing from both sides, “Powers, take good care of Alyssa.”

He grunted as the room began to fade. He swore he saw the shadow but it was only darkness. Choi then fell face first to the floor.

“Alyssa, that sounds like quite a racket, you alright?” Sartre said through his chip.

“We…” Alyssa was having problems communicating due to the shadow pushing very loud thoughts into her head, and it being on top of her.

Her father’s face with the gnarly teeth and slime coming closer.

Dark, damp, the rain hadn’t stopped for days. Seattle weather. Alyssa was waiting in her gray nondescript van - like every van that came before and likely after.

Up to now she had spent most of her time in a computer room, only sent out on one brief mission in the past. Her father had asked for her on this mission.

The memories in her mind then disjointed into a nonsequential jumble. Blackness. A scream. The single word “NO”. Blood.

Alyssa spoke what words she could get out, though they might have been said a little louder than expected. “Peter, Help. Dragon down. I’m down. Max …” That was all before her mind went back to memories.

I’ll be right There Alyssa!" He pulled out his Agartha ball to teleport to the nearest anima well near the house.

Posted by : Cindy
Alyssa was fighting valiantly against the creature. Despite her going in and out of reality, due to the assault on her mind, she was physically resisting its attempt to overpower her. Her father’s face began to rip at the seams as it strained to get its maw closer. Like a great white shark, its jaws were unhinging to gain more inches past its face to get closer to her smooth skin.

The rest of its body had finished forming, it was completely material at this point. Its deathly pale skin was eerie. It looked malnourished and desperate as it violently thrashed atop her. A prehensile tail was the last thing to slip out of the shadows, the end of the length sported a claw like talon. Time was running out for Alyssa. Even if she could keep its claws and mouth from getting to her, how would she stop this tail once it gained control over it?

Sartre fired with his glock 19 but missed two shots. He hit the shadow on the 5th shot.

Sung burst into the room through the door and he took quick account of things. He moved around everyone and a sword appeared in his hands using his Draw Sword-Draw Blood technique he knew he could not miss and move before the shade. The KI ran through him and his sword. As he cut the Shade in a diagonal cut being of the Punisher class he would not miss

Satre fired three more shots and struck the creature, missing one shot. He had four more shots, he tried to get his first ever glance at Alyssa’s face. Two more shots would hit before he ran out of ammo, and had to find cover to reload. He reloaded trying to get a decent view through the front sight.

“Hey Green Emerald, your fellow dragon is down here!” he had to scream over the chaos.

The creature had been so distracted by its failing attempts to get at Alyssa, that it had not been aware of the two new arrivals. In order to maintain its form, it needed to feast on real live flesh. Since it hadn’t done so since biting Choi, it was racing against a clock. It had to get stronger or else it was more vulnerable than it was as a shadow form.

It flinched at an awkward angle as a sword slashed through its backside, followed quickly by several bullet wounds. The sword cut deep and the bullets blew large chunks out of the surrounding tissue. Black ichor sprayed out in large amounts; the toxic thoughts of those in the room. Everyone present could hear the negative emotions of those that it had been leeching off of since the beginning of the fight. The voices sounded resentful.

The creatures cringed and crippled in pain. It collapsed off of Alyssa and was doing its best to right itself. Its spiked tail flailed around randomly in the hopes of striking anything that neared it.

Posted by : Cindy

"Weren’t these three sisters smart enough not to leave shades in Jars?” Satre commented. “Don’t go chasing waterfalls” was probably on the radio when they put it in there.” He fired once more, missing. Another shot missed. four left. The next shot was spot on. He looked the computer tech in the eyes and then fired at the creature.

Many of the images Alyssa saw were very real vivid memories. Memories usually play out in dreams. Some through the shadow created to make things worse.

Pinned to the ground, her mind being assaulted she came close to retreating into her mind but managed not too.

Next thing she knew the creature was collapsing off of her. She hadn’t realized who had come into the basement until then.

With it off her, Alyssa wasted no time. She was worn enough that getting up required too much effort so the young woman crawled out of the way and away from the creature as quickly as possible.

The next shot Satre misses. He had two more shots, with Alyssa out of the way he hit a direct hit. Sartre had one shot left. Another direct hit. He dove for cover and watched the scene as he reloaded.

The monster was now fighting a war on multiple fronts. This was not how it operated. It had not experienced opposition like this before and was not prepared to respond well.

More shots came in its direction. One hit its right shoulder, completely shattering the connection to its torso. The right arm hung limp by a few strands of skin. Gravity was causing the skin to stretch, so it was only a matter of time before it completely fell off.

The other shots struck its midsection, causing wounds that would eventually bleed out for a living being, but in the short term it pissed it off into more of a rage.

The creature eyed the closest threat, Master Sung, and attempted to attack. It was a poor attempt due to its current condition; however, still potentially harmful if not defended or avoided.

"When we meet these sisters!” Sartre said.

Posted by : Cindy

Sung took advantage of the moment attacking the Shade with two attacks this time with another translucent Wakizashi cutting whatever could be left with the two strikes the swords cut like a hot blade through butter. this strike should kill the Shade thought SUng.

There was almost a whimper sound escaping the creature as one strike sliced through its prehensile tail with the barb on the end. The appendage went flying across the room and knocking over a bunch of junk. The right arm finally fell off completely and landed with a sickening thud on the concrete. The second blade would have ended it; however, it protectively brought up its left arm as it flinched backwards with an irregular arch in its spine. The left forearm was sent flying across the basement in the opposite direction.

The creature howled in spite and defiance at Master Sung. It lunged at him, face first in an effort to bite a gaping hole in the man.

The lights began to return to their initial luminosity.

Sung had been doing this too long to be fooled. He moved his swords using a patient Defense it seemed like Sung moved in the blink of an eye speed and almost appeared to the side of the Shade. his swords agen being ready to strike. The Shade probably did not stand a chance.

The vile and ruined creature was in no physical condition to avoid the killing blow. It’s head was severed from its body cleanly. Due to the forward momentum of the lunge, when it hit the ground the body slid a yard before friction brought it to a halt. The head, though, rolled much further before it came to rest up against an empty basket. No further movement could be seen coming from its lifeless form. The coldness and sense of dread dissipated from the atmosphere. The fight had come to an end.

Posted by : Cindy

Agent Powers was feeling awkward and embarrassed after being caught dancing before the others. He was not sure what just happened or why he was flashing back to his spartan days of training under his father, but it was very weird. He then saw Alyssa was looking in bad shape and he replied back to her, “I think so. I had a weirdest dream just a while ago, but it felt so real. What was that?”

Sung nudged the shade some with his foot making sure it was dead. “That was a shade I think I am not an expert. We burn it now all of it possibly if we are smart the whole house. but that’s not my call you should talk to your director to find out if they will send a cleaning crew out,” suggested Sung.

Sung walked around the basement looking for any other clues to this ministry. This place was a mess now and he knew the chances of finding anything now were slim. Stopping he looked around one more time. “A guard was making something stronger attached to this place. That is how they got rid of any snoopy people,” said Sung starting to guess at what was going on. “That means someone is taking care of the land there is a human involved somehow. something like a cultist. Lots of different moving parts and we are in the middle of it.” Sung said thinking out loud.

Agent Powers looked around to see the mess and nervously rubbed the back of his head. He was in over his head on this mission since he main skill was hitting stuff. He wondered if he did all that damage during his hallucination. His past training was rather traumatic for him and he had to dig deep to over come it. Oddly enough his favorite songs aided in distracting him from being overwhelmed by his childhood trauma. Music soothed the savage beast was a line he told himself all to often. He then asked, “Did I make this mess? Sorry if I did. Fighting nightmares was not in my training.”

“You alright Max?” Satre asked.

“Max, you didn’t make the mess.” All he really did was sing and dance. Alyssa was a little tired of looking at the dead shadow and still not feeling great. She though managed to stand. “I need to get some air, anyone else coming?”

Sung looked at the two and smiled. “I think my work is done here. I will be upstairs if you need anything more,” said Sung his expression showing some annoyance. “Have a good day you too,” Sung said. Turning to Choi “Let us go unless you want to be here all day.” Sung suggested walking up the stairs and then outside and looking for Eun-Ji.

Alyssa took one of the orbs. She used the chip to say to Peter. “As I much as I appreciate Sung’s help. Figures the Greens would leave us to clean up the mess.” Then outloud, “We need to call a clean up crew. We can do that back at my van. Then we can go wherever we need.” She then turned to Max, “Come on Max, let’s get back to the van.” The three of them could discuss things later. Alyssa then headed up the stairs, though taking it slowly in case she had another dizzy spell.

Posted by : Cindy

While they were leaving the basement and house and walking to Alyssa’s van the conversation between Alyssa and Peter went on between the chips in their heads.

"Does Max have a secure location?” Peter asked.

“Max doesn’t have a place to stay. His team leader usually took care of it.” Alyssa responded about Max. "His situation is different. Not what you think.” She went ahead and sent Peter a very brief explanation about how Max was really 15 and he would morph into his current state, then morph back at about 8 hours. “When he got to my van he said he only had about two hours left.” She paused. "We could maybe get him another room.” Adjoining? That would work. She wasn’t going to leave a teenage boy on his own despite him being an agent.

“Alyssa. The secret world is always full of danger” Sartre responded.

The next thing the computer hacker heard was Peter asking. “Err… Alyssa, are you dating anyone?”

Alyssa thought that’s an odd question. "No, why?

“I was just wondering. I find you more interesting than Cassini, the onsite Illuminati tech at the Labyrinth. Your skills seem to rival hers. What do you like to do for fun? What is your Illuminati rank?” Yes I’m asking you out. You looked stunning in the clutches of that shade. And you are literally a voice in my head.

Well, he was fast. Alyssa was stunned for several moments not knowing what to say. “I…I…” Her social awkwardness was coming through. “I’ve never been on a date before.” Never even thought about it. “Fun?” Really they had just met, and she had no idea how to respond to the question. Awkward. "Look, we just met. Maybe, we could table this until we get to know each other a little better.”

Good Idea!" He knew she was nervous, changing the subject . "Your van should have some interesting technology.

“It’s great.” Thankful for the change in subject. Her whole demeanor changed to excited and almost proud when discussing her van. It was, in a sense, an extension of herself. "I worked with Cassini to outfit it, so it has the best equipment. You’ll see when we get there.”

Before she knew it they had arrived at the van, with Max in tow and Peter was asking to see it.

San Francisco, Cozy Corner Bistro, Afternoon After Turner Kramer’s Death

Lumina had been less than helpful when Corinth had asked her what she was in the mood for, and consequently he had followed his reportedly fine-tuned instincts for good restaurants, leading them to a place called the Cozy Corner Bistro. The place seemed clean enough at least, which was typically a good sign. As their waitress, Gloria, rattled off the specials, Lumina looked for something that might be particularly nutritious. Lumina considered herself fairly open minded when it came to food, but she generally took a food-is-fuel approach to eating, especially when she had a lot to do. Also, she hated working out, so anything else she could do to not ruin her figure was ideal. She decided to go with the house salad entree portion with blackened chicken.

Although the restaurant was not too busy at the moment, Corinth appropriately lowered his voice as they talked business. He was not terribly optimistic of a significant lead being found at the house beyond another possible scavenger hunt type note like the one they had found in Kramer’s apartment, and he also seemed convinced that the other Secret Societies had likely beat them there as well, inducing a shiver down Lumina’s spine. She had never had any run-ins with members of the other Secret Societies to her knowledge. If Corinth and Owen were right, that was very likely to change shortly.

And of course the question of the day. What indeed did this house have to do with the Mothman? Potentially nothing. At this point Lumina didn’t have enough information to conclude that the Mothman had been involved in any of the deaths, but even if that was an established fact, that there was consequently a rhyme and reason for the targets the Mothman visited and presumably murdered somehow.

Their food arrived as Lumina was explaining the articles she had read at the SFU Library. Lumina was not a quick salad eater at the best of times, but trying to eat and explicate her findings slowed her down all the more. She still had a decent way to go when Corinth had finished his chicken fried steak and ordered pie for dessert for both of them, which did sound good, but the fats…

Dalia’s findings regarding the ley lines coming together near the house was certainly encouraging though. Sonnac had explicitly ordered them to investigate ley lines, and here they were right in their path. It would be good for Lumina to get a feel for how ley lines appeared under the effect of a Detect Magic spell, and furthermore if given the time, she could hopefully learn how to tap into the power of those ley lines herself. As a Warlock, she was always on the lookout for more magical power to utilize, and it would be nice to not have to bargain for that power from callous supernatural entities. She was already thinking back to some of the methods the books she had read theorized that certain ancient peoples had tapped into such ley lines. Even if they found nothing else at the manor, this could very much be worth it. Having that power at hand if she could learn to extract it would be comforting for when they went to the morgue to pry secrets from Turner Kramer, Gail Iris, and Olivia Warren.

“If the house is as powerful as we think it is, do the ley lines boost its power, or are they the cause and what is their purpose? Just to fuel the witch’s powers? No… ley lines are more powerful than that. I mean, yes, that could be one purpose, but I doubt that was their only purpose.”

“I don’t exactly know how ley lines work," Lumina replied," but if they work the way I think they work, then I would say having that nearly endless source of magical power readily nearby would be more than sufficient for these witches, if that is in fact what they were, to set up shop nearby. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find out what else the Halliwell Sisters were up to that could shed more light on what they did with the ley lines, but I personally am very eager to see if I can tap into that power myself. And since if we know that these are indeed ley lines that we’ll see there, I should be able to come to recognize them so that if we encounter them again in our investigation, we’ll know what we’re dealing with. I’d say this alone is reason to visit the manor, even if we don’t find any other clues of note.”

Gloria delivered the pies just then, and they did look good. “I am not going to eat this whole thing,” Lumina promised, cutting her slice in half.

Once Gloria departed, Lumina pondered Corinth’s last question and finally asked, “So, have you ever had to deal with the Illuminati or the Dragons before? I guess I haven’t so I’m not really sure what to expect if we bump into them.”

Posted by : Sky
Corinth took a bite of the apple pie. It wasn’t the best he ever had, but it was decent enough to satisfy his sweet tooth. “Yeah, I worked with a few from time to time. We Templars want to keep the real world and secret world seperate. Anything that bleeds over, we take care of it. The Illuminate just want to exploit the secret world for money and power. Some don’t have that way of thinking, but they are few and far between. If that wasn’t the case, why be apart of that group? The Dragons like to cause chaos just to see the butterfly effect that ripples out. It has its uses, but mostly is pain in our sides.” He pauses for a minute, pushing the plate away from him, finished. “We all have our uses and agendas. Some run parallel to each other, some don’t. You find reasons to work with them and find reasons not to kill them.”

Grabbing his glasses and hat, he put them both back on and stood up. He tossed some money on the table, including a generous tip. “We need get back to work before HQ calls for an update.”

The GPS voice spoke over the music that was playing in the car, instructing him on which turns to take until finally they reached their destination. Doing a quick drive around the block to scope things out, Corinth parked a house away and turned the car off.

“There it is, Halliwell House. Be on your guard, there may be people inside still searching.”

Exiting the car, he made sure his jacket covered his guns and preceeded to walk up to the house, Lumina at his side. Making it to the door, Corinth put his ear to it to see if he could hear anything. He shook his head at Lumina and then tried the knob. Curiously, it opened without any issues.

Slowly they entered into the house and once they were completely inside, he shut the door and unholsterd Powell. He listened, butbthe place was still quiet.

As they walked forward, there was a sitting room that opened to the right and stairs leading up to their left. Straight ahead was the dining room. Again, he listened, but the house was quiet. Satisfied for now, he holstered his gun.

“I doubt anything would be of importance on the first floor. From the look of the place on the outside, it appears to have an attic and I wouldnt be surprised if this old house had a basement as well, though I could be wrong.” His investigative training began to kick in. “Best to work from top to bottom. If there is an attic, that would be a good place to start.”

Heading to the second floor, he took note of the four bedrooms, all still having furniture in them. Continuing to look, he found the steps to the attic. Cautiously, he looked up the stairs and began slowly moving upward, hand close to his hip.

The attic was spacious. Everyday storage items were pushed to the side of the walls, leaving a large opening in the middle of the room. Off to the side, there was a shallow opening where there stood a pedestal. Corinth looked down at the dusty floorboards and took notice of the disturbed dust. At least two sets of footprints. The first set went to the pedestal while the second went to some areas around the room, a bookcase and possibly a closet.

Going to the pedestal, he saw a book that rested on it. Opening it up, there were a lot of words and pictures. He flipped the pages a few times and decided this wasn’t his area of expertise.

“Come check this out. Looks like a spellbook. Wonder why it wasn’t taken.” He left it open for Lumina to look over. “Let’s make sure we take it with us.”

Moving to the shelf, he noticed a broken jar on the floor. Kneeling down, he picked up some of the pieces and looked them over. The jar lid had some writing on it. No, not writing per se, but runes. Not just any runes, containment runes. Something was sealed away, but was obviously released at some point. Today maybe? No, the other factions would have been more careful than that.

Moving on, there was a disturbance in the floorboards. Moving them around revealed nothing. “There may have been something here…hidden. If they found whatever was in here and took this, but not that book…did that mean whatever was here was more important?” He was speaking more to himself, but still out loud enough for Lumina to hear.

“Find anything in that book?”

Posted by : Dblitz13

Alyssa’s van - near the Halliwell house

Sartre went with the Illuminati agents, he tossed Eun Ji, her orb in passing.

Agent Powers was glad he was not responsible for the mess, at least not this time. He replied, “Yeah I think I am fine.” He then took the orb that was given to him and held onto it for now. He listened to the others talk before Alyssa asked him to follow her. He replied, “Sure I’ll be right there.” He picked up the photo album and followed Alyssa out. However as he was going up the stairs he noticed something on his shoe. He leaned forward to remove it and as he pulled it up he was shocked to see a very skimpy, lacy pair of black ladies underwear. At first Agent Powers was shocked but as he heard the footsteps of the others he panicked and stuffed them into his pocket. Sadly he realized he was now stuck with them for now. He was feeling nervous and guilty as he followed Alyssa to the van. At this point he almost forgot what time it was.

As they approached the van, he said, "Lets see your technology setup!”

“Sure,” Alyssa opened the back door to the van. “My castle, as it was.”

Inside the van a blue glow emitted from the multiple screens. Information appeared at speeds which was hard to keep up with. Multiple keyboards sat out. About five monitors were obviously monitoring different street cameras. One pointed at the Halliwell house. She sat down at one modular, turned on the only computer that didn’t seem to be doing anything and started typing. After a minute or so, looked back at Peter. “Clean up crew is on its way.” She then pulled her cell phone out of a zipped up pocket on her hoodie, and casually placed it next to the computer. “So, what do you think?” Alyssa faintly smiled at Peter.

“You… Err Your setup looks amazing. You look like a hacker with the hoodie, can you beat those Anonymous guys?” Peter asked.

“Yes, and I have.” Alyssa responded, she was in her element so she was comfortable in the moment.

Agent Powers was nervous as he quietly listened to Alyssa and Peter talk. He was feeling nervous and awkward after the hallucination and the fact that he was hiding women’s underwear in his pocket. He would die of embarrassment if Alyssa found out. So he just kept quiet and pretended to listen.

"What does hacking consist of for someone who knows nothing about it, Agent Wilson?” Peter asked.

“In its most simple terms it’s using computer skills to solve a particular problem. Usually involving breaking into computer systems. Black hats do this with malicious intent. White hats do it with full permission of the sites they are hacking into usually to find and fix security flaws. Grey hats usually don’t gave permission but don’t intentionally cause problems and tend to report problems as they arise.” Alyssa explained. She thought Peter asking might have been for Max’s benefit.

"Which kind of hat are you?” Peter inquired, “And what does this other equipment do?”

Agent Powers was confused by the conversation and began looking around the van for a colored hat. Did Alyssa really wear a hat to do her “hacking” what was the point in that? It sounded like something he would see in an anime show.

A grin crossed Alyssa’s face when asked what kind of hat she was. “I suppose that depends on who you talk to. I think I fall more in the Grey area but if the Illuminati asks me to put on one of the other hats I do that as well.” Alyssa went through pointing out the different equipment. “This hacks into security cameras. These are tied to the databases of the Blue. These are tied to various other databases. I use these two for hacking into databases with the more advanced security system.” Alyssa then went through a few others. “My base computer,” Pointing to the one she had turned on when they arrived. “And my laptop,” Pointing to a laptop bag sitting in the corner. "Can log into any of the others on the van. Everything is fully encrypted making it virtually untraceable.”

Agent Powers was a bit confused by Alyssa’s hat talk but he did know she was good with computers and could break into other people’s computers which made her smart and important. He felt sad since all he was good at was hitting stuff. He noticed he was still holding the photo album in his hand. He then looked at Alyssa and said, “Oh I brought this for your research.”, as he put the photo album on her chair.

“Thanks, Max,” Alyssa nodded. “I’ll look into that later.”

“Oh,” Alyssa seemed to be looking at something on her main screen. “The clean-up crew is almost here. I hope the Greens leave before they get there.” Alyssa looked up at the camera pointed towards the house.

Posted by : Cindy

Sartre hastily ran back into the abandoned manor. “Real quick everyone, do not touch any jars or anything. They may contain angry wraiths from the 1990s that one of the three sisters left behind, I also heard that there was a fourth, could just be a rumor. Do not touch any jars!”

Sartre made his way back to the Illuminati van.

There was something happening, who was that? “Looks like there’s more visitors to the house.” The cameras zoomed in revealing a man and a woman. Alyssa got a clear enough picture of their faces. “I’ll bet either of you they are Templars.” Just a logical deduction.

She picked up her encrypted cell and texted into it. “Alright I told the clean up crew to hold off. I want to find out who the two vistors are.”

She started running her fingers quickly over the keyboard as information appeared on the screen. “Got you. Yup, Templars. A Jennifer Hawkins and Corinith Whitethorn.” Alyssa kept working. “Well, let’s see what I can find out about them.”

“Your toys are state of the art. Go Alyssa Go!” said Sartre.

Agent Powers was. Now curious by all the activity of the other factions checking on this house. He asked, “So what is so important about this house that all three factions are stopping by?”

Alyssa responded to Max without ever looking away from her computer. “I think it has something to do with the Ley lines. There has to be something more to them than just a source of energy for a few witches.”

"OK, first we have Corinith. Good with guns. Avoids shotguns, it seems anyway. Magic user, but going back to some past events, it almost looks as if he doesn’t prefer magic over other methods. Decent detective. It seems. I don’t think he’s at level as some others like Mr. Sung or you, Peter when it comes to investigative work.

A few notes - ends justify the means? Oh, I see - he seems to be all-out when it comes to getting results.

Drugs - well, look at that a Templar whose been known to take drugs. With how much they love their structure and rules i would think they wouldn’t allow that for very long." Alyssa rolled her eyes but she was facing the computer so it was doubtful the two men saw it. “As much as I’d rather not help the Templar. I also don’t want that shadow thing to reawaken. And I suppose Mr. Sung was right in that no one deserves to die at the hands of that thing. Should one of us go and warn them?”

“As I just finished shooting the thing, Powers, could you run in their and tell them not to open any jars…?” Alyssa, can you grab the address for the P3 apothecary? Should we take the night off before investigating further?"

Alyssa then turned around and looked at Max, furrowed her brow and spoke to Peter. “We know the Templars really don’t like us. Is Max really the best person for that job?” She paused. “No offense, Max.”

She just didn’t think sending in Max - the boy/hulk was the best idea. Maybe, someone the Templars would take more seriously would be a better option.

“250 Ivy Street,” being Alyssa had already been tasked with that, she had the address to P3 easily available.

As for taking the night off, Alyssa nodded, easily agreeing. “Yes,” she still wasn’t feeling that great and desperately needed a shower after having black ooze all over her.

I will go ahead and go in, I will be right back." Peter left the van, returning a few minutes later. Sartre returned, looking over the other two agents, “Alyssa; I also heard a rumor that there was a fourth sister some sort of half-sister, can you find out when Prue Halliwell and this fourth sister might’ve been?”

Agent Powers was not sure how to respond as he was told conflicting orders. He forced a smirk and shrugged as he waited to see what they were going to do. Since he didn’t need to talk to the Templars he remained in place and acted like a bodyguard for the time being. He wasn’t quite sure if Alyssa was saying he was unqualified to deal with the Templars or if she was worried he might get into trouble talking to them. His father had told him that the other factions did have issues with each other and didn’t always get along. Since they were talking about ending the day he looked at his watch nervously to see how long he still had left in his muscle form and then asked, “So should I get a cab and a hotel now? I can give you my number if you need to call me later.” Agent Powers was a bit nervous but trying his best to look serious as he accidently gave Alyssa a smolder.

Alyssa sent Peter all the info she had on the sister’s then turned to Max. “Hold on,” typing, once again to the computer. “You have a suite booked right next to Peter’s. I say we just go ahead and go. The clean-up crew knows to go in to the house after the Templars have left.”

" Yes we all need rest. Chinese or Pizza Alyssa?" I’ve got it covered in gold pax, We Lumies actually have the public thing that paper money is worth something. What if Team Red steals something in there…?"

“I doubt there’s much we can do to stop them without drawing even more attention. Maybe, they’ll be intelligent about it but who knows.” Alyssa moved to the driver’s seat. “Max, I think there’s more room in the back for you. Peter you can take the passenger seat if you want.”

Sartre jumped in the passenger seat. “Chinese or Pizza? It will be delivered by drone.”

“Pizza. I’m good with whatever on it but no anchovies.” Alyssa started the van and they took off.

Posted by : Cindy

No Anchovies got it!" Peter dialed the secret pizza parlor. “Yes paid in gold coin. One large supreme pizza with no anchovies. Sides” Alyssa, you want chips? Breadsticks? Cheese Bread? Salad?”

“Max, you want some pizza?” Alyssa asked, it seemed really rude to leave him out of ordering food.

Agent Powers moved to the back of the van and did his best to get comfortable despite being a bit too big for the set up. Luckily he was still managing not bumping his legs or head like he did on the planes before. He replied, "I am fine with anything food wise. My dad trained me not to be picky, but I tend to eat 2 large pizzas by myself since I have a high metabolism. Do we have a schedule for tonight or tomorrow? Just curious how long I can…ummmm relax my powers.”

“Go ahead with three supremes. And a salad. Thanks. But I pay for the next meal.” She said to Peter. Alyssa wasn’t lacking funds and they had agreed it wasn’t a date.

Peter placed the order, with the salad for Alyssa. "Sure thing Alyssa.” Then he added. “What should we discuss over Pizza, Miss Wilson?”

The van pulled up to the hotel, there was Valet parking but it’d be a cold day in hell that someone else, especially someone she didn’t know, got to drive her van. Besides, there’s not an easy experience for the back. So, she found the parks garage and, fortunately enough, a parking spot on the lobby level. Then parked the van, when she heard Peter’s question. She shrugged. “Let’s wait and see what topics comes up.” She went to the back and opened the back door, letting Max out. “I need to shut a few things down. I’ll be just a minute.”

True to her word, it took no time at all. She made sure to grab her laptop and its carrying bag, her cellphone (a lovely encrypted Llumanti one) and the back with her clothes and toiletries which was a mid sized duffle bag. She put them outside the van and once everyone was out and ready she locked the van with the key fob. "OK, I’m ready.”

Sartre unlocked his room. "The Drone should arrive with the pizza soon, Take as long of a shower as you need Alyssa. I’m going to change into my t shirt and jeans while you shower.”

They got Max his room, handing him his key card. She also showed him how to access his online key, on his cell. Then said, she’d call him when the pizza’s arrived and dropped the boy off at his room.

Then arrived at Peter’s suite, “Thanks,” She said, when he offered her the long shower.

"You are welcome Agent Wilson, let the heat relax your muscles.” Peter smirked, the chip worked wonders. He looked to gauge her response to the chip message.

Posted by : Cindy

Agent Powers had his backpack in tow on his shoulder as he followed Alyssa and Peter to his room. He felt a bit out of place as Peter was paying a lot of attention to Alyssa. Agent Powers was still feeling out of place when he was not fighting bad guys and being the third wheel with his teammates. So as he thanked Alyssa and Peters he entered his room and locked the door properly before he walked around the room and checked it out to make sure it was clean of problem.

He sighed before he went to the bathroom and stepped into the bathtub before he put his hand on the bathroom wall and grunted. He looked to be in pain as his body began to bubble and turn into pink slime. Eventually the muscular man was reduced to a large pile of pink slime jiggling in the tub. Then suddenly two hands popped out of the slime and desperately clawed free from the slime. A teen boy named Max was now in his street clothes covered in pink slime and breathing hard. As he was calming down the slime began to vibrate and turn into a gas as it evaporated away.

Eventually there was no trace of the slime on Max or on his clothing. At this point he stripped and took a long hot shower as he thought about his messed up day. Max was standing in the shower thinking about what makes a man an outlaw or a leader. Is it because they are thinking about power and the ways a man can use it or be destroyed by it? The water hit his neck and he was thinking to himself. Then as he was standing in the shower thinking he thought about the man named Peters, he didn’t know not liking him. Did he not like the place Max was headed from? Was it a place he was headed to? Max knew Peter could beat him to it if he would, but would he do it? Peters reminded him of the other male adults his father talked to back home.

He was embarrassed how he behaved in front of the others and wasn’t sure what to say or do when he saw the others. He was caught singing and dancing during a dangerous situation. He was having a hard time following the conversation of the others and he ended up getting ignored by Peters. As he looked down he saw the black lacy skimpy women’s undies floating in the water by his feet. He forgot they were in his slime made clothing. When he turned into Agent Powers his slime also turned into clothing. if it ever got damaged it would fix itself unless he lost to much stamina.

He sighed as he picked the undies up and squeezed them dry before hanging them on the towel hook. As the piping hot water beat upon his neck his mind began to wander off. He recalled the images of the three female witches and wondered who’s panties he had stolen? To a teenage boy the three women looked very pretty and were wearing skimpy clothing in the photos he saw in the album. He felt awkward that he was not good at dealing with girls outside of work. Once he was done with his bath he dried off and got dressed before passing out on his bed. He was tired, hungry and mentally worn out. He hoped Alyssa would wake him up for dinner.

Posted by : Jaxx

Peter said into the chip. "Alyssa, you can use my hotel room for a shower. I will also buy your dinner. Would you prefer a full dinner or just snacks? If so, what would you like?”

“Thanks. I would appreciate the shower.” Alyssa responded. "A full dinner but we can do delivery. I’m not in the mood to go anywhere. Anything is fine. Maybe Chinese or pizza?”

"We can do delivery. You pick what kind. and wechat about tech!”

“Ok,” Alyssa agreed.

They discussed in the van, on the way to the hotel about dinner and Alyssa insisted on paying for the next meal.

Sartre continued into the chip, "Meal after the next, I pay for from then on. And I take you shopping,”

"We’ll discuss it later.” Alyssa refused to not be independent and he was perhaps unintentionally but still pushing her a little too much.

"Whenever works best for you. White Hat Alyssa. I sense fire under that pale but surely attractive exterior.” Peter said as they were pulling into the hotel

Posted by : Cindy

The steam rose from the water hitting Alyssa’s back and neck. The pounding water and exhaust fan were only sounds, they weren’t enough to drown out the memories of what had happened today, of what had happened before.

Her father… if she had only… maybe it was wasted energy to beat herself up internally over it, but, in the five years since his disappearance Alyssa had continued to think it was her fault.

Usually work, the ever glowing screens, the sounds of hard drives and sights of the nearby world distracted her enough to not think about it. Today that had been impossible and she knew that tonight would be worse. I need to get my own room.

However, she also didn’t want to be completely alone tonight. Something she would never admit. She really wasn’t used to what had happened today and it had thrown the hacker off her game.

So staying in his room didn’t seem like a terrible decision. He had a bedroom. She could sleep on the couch. It likely pulled out. If he continued to insist that she sleep in the hotel, she’d get the room on the other side of him tomorrow.

Alright, that decided. His offer regarding the food and to take her shopping. Was weird. And to be honest a little off putting. Alyssa did want to be taken care of. She made a decent living, and could easily afford what he could. She had other money but almost never touched it. The hacker was trying to give Peter the benefit of the doubt, he probably was just trying to be nice. However, it came across like he was flaunting his money - then again that would be very much like many Illuminati agents.

Her mind had gotten distracted for long enough. Her body and hair sufficiently washed, she turned off the shower, wrapped a white cotton towel around her body and stepped on to the shower mat/towel thing that hotels seem to have.

The hotel’s hairdryer was attached to the wall, making use of it to dry her chestnut strands of hair. She then got into some clean clothes - jeans and a blue t-shirt with a white sunflower on it. Clean,dry, dressed. A breath, it was just one night.

Posted by : Cindy

David’s Apartment - Downtown San Francisco, CA

After briefing David on the events at the manor, Eun-Ji retreated to her room to begin her research. She meticulously examined the video footage and photos she had taken of the Halliwell Manor attic, noting the intricate details and peculiar artifacts scattered throughout the space. Among the items she observed were ancient spell books, enchanted crystals, and mystical potions—all remnants of the Charmed sisters’ magical legacy. There was so much content that piqued her curiosity and offered new insights into the world of witchcraft and supernatural phenomena.

Turning her attention to her selective handwritten notes from the Book of Shadows, Eun-Ji delved into the clarifying knowledge she had transcribed from the ancient text. The passages she had chosen to copy, held clues to unlocking the mysteries of the occult. She had contemplated taking the book itself; however, decided against it on two accounts. One, it felt dishonoring to remove their family legacy from its rightful home atop the intersecting ley lines. Two, a gut feeling that there was a more interesting probability of entropy if she left it. Eun-Ji over 12 years had learned to go with these inkling; they usually caused favorable domino effects.

As she continued her research, Eun-Ji delved into the holy Bible and the apocrypha of Saint Ede, uncovering a trove of cryptic revelations and arcane teachings. Within the sacred texts, she discovered references to divine beings and celestial entities, along with accounts of miraculous interventions and divine judgments. Within the pages of the Bible, Eun-Ji found spells and incantations that hinted at Saint Ede’s connection to these enigmatic entities, offering glimpses into the rituals and practices used to channel their otherworldly energies. References to a scalpel in the revelation section suggested the use of precise tools in magical rites, adding to the mystique surrounding Saint Ede’s practices. However, the text also contained warnings of a formidable adversary known as “the master of the fades,” hinting at a dark force.

Lost in her studies well into the night, Eun-Ji finally concluded her research, to be continued and relayed to the Voice of the Dragon in the morning. With her mind abuzz with newfound knowledge and insights, she grabbed a midnight snack and then performed her bedtime routine.

Posted by : Lorem

Alyssa emerged from the bathroom after her shower in clean jeans and a blue shirt with a sunflower in the middle of it. Sticking in the back of her mind that she probably should do laundry again soon.

When she saw Peter, she gave him a tired smile, it had been a long day. She noticed the food had been delivered. The smell of oregano hit her nose first causing her stomach to rumble a little. Her fault living on caffeine, a taco and a bag of chips all day. “That smells great.”

As promised she texted Max but he didn’t respond, then she called still nothing. “I should go check on Max.” The boy probably needed food more than the rest of them.

The TV was showing old UFC reruns from 2008. Sartre had pulled out the extra bed from the couch and was in a t- shirt with a “1” on it and relaxing pants. Good idea Agent Wilson, the pizza will be warm when you get back. He still had the other delivery outside, "Good idea checking on Max, the full bed over there is all yours Alyssa.”

After she left, Sartre placed his Pendant on the nightstand and tried to relax. He was going to try something he only occasionally used. "An intelligent but paranoid yet cautious Lumie Girl. “Dare I say Conservative?” He saw the haze as he entered into his profiling state. The haze would recede into the flashes

It succeeded. Afterward he went outside and retrieved the purple wrist talisman from the package. He left it on Alyssa’s bed. With a note. Like Martial Arts, this is a strength and confidence builder. It increases your defense.

In her chip: If I’m bothering you, just let me know. I’m sure you built your confidence by destroying enemies in those online games. You probably had the best gear in record time! On top of all the leaderboards. You are strong Alyssa.

Alyssa went to Max’s room and knocked, nothing. Alright to be honest she might have been slightly concerned at this point. She didn’t know what happened when he transformed.

Well, simple enough pulling out her phone, she pulled up the electronic key to his room, opening the door. "Max, " Alyssa called out.

The computer hacker heard the chip but didnt respond, because to her not at all surprise, she found Max asleep, probably more like passed out on his bed. Into the chip she said, “He’s asleep. Can you bring over his pizzas?” There was a full sized fridge in Max’s suite. They could leave them there.


He brought the Pizza over to Max’s room. Letting him sleep, as he placed his pizza in the Fridge. His Eye noticed something. “The Hell, Did this guy err kid or kid err guy steal one of The Halliwell’s lingerie.” I’m going to have to tell Geary." She would probably think it was funny… " I told you someone was going to steal something from there Agent Wilson.”

“Even I,” said Sartre. He used “Agent Wilson” to reassure her. “Enough about these three sisters today. Lets go eat pizza and talk about video games Alyssa.” he said. This was a New Secret World.

Alyssa couldn’t help but breath a laugh about the underwear, that she might have never noticed if Peter hadn’t pointed them out. “Well, leave it to an 18 year old to steal underwear.”

She nodded to going back and eating food. Alyssa made her way back to Peter’s room with Peter and inside.

Posted by : Cindy

He brought the Pizza over to Max’s room. Letting him sleep, as he placed his pizza in the Fridge. His Eye noticed something. “The Hell, Did this guy err kid or kid err guy steal one of The Halliwell’s lingerie.” I’m going to have to tell Geary." She would probably think it was funny… " I told you someone was going to steal something from there Agent Wilson.”

“Even I,” said Sartre. He used “Agent Wilson” to reassure her. “Enough about these three sisters today. Lets go eat pizza and talk about video games Alyssa.” he said. This was a New Secret World.

Alyssa couldn’t help but breath a laugh about the underwear, that she might have never noticed if Peter hadn’t pointed them out. “Well, leave it to an 18 year old to steal underwear.”

She nodded to going back and eating food. Alyssa made her way back to Peter’s room with Peter and inside.

Agent Powers was now just Max Powers the teenage boy sleeping like a baby on his bed. He was worn out from his father’s Spartan training and back to back combat missions before arriving to this job. It took a lot of stamina to maintain his Agent Powers’s form and a lot of food as well.

So as he was dreaming he was reliving life with his adopted father. Starting at the age of 9 he was taken on many “vacations” which involved being dropped off in a very dangerous area and told to survive as he had to walk home. His vacations ranged from being dropped off in jungles, forests, desserts, oceans, islands and foreign countries in war times. It was a rather traumatic time for the youth with super human strength. Each mission got harder and harder to prepare him for his work as an Agent in the Illuminati. To keep his sanity he developed a need to listen to music and dance his stress away. He even incorporated his dancing into his combat as he moved to a beat to keep him calm and fluid in his motions. So oddly enough when he got stressed out he would resort to singing and dancing to deal with stress.

Ironically his hunger pains woke him up from his nightmare of being pushed out of a helicopter into a forest. He woke up breathing hard and looked around to see where he was. He smelled some pizza and was curious as he remembered they order pizza. He looked at the time and checked the fridge to see two whole pizzas in the fridge. He smiled as he devoured one whole pizza right away and then took his time enjoying the second pizza. He drank a liter of water to clear his throat before he heard a female scream next door.

Posted by : Jaxx

He brought the Pizza over to Max’s room. Letting him sleep, as he placed his pizza in the Fridge. His Eye noticed something. “The Hell, Did this guy err kid or kid err guy steal one of The Halliwell’s lingerie.” I’m going to have to tell Geary." She would probably think it was funny… " I told you someone was going to steal something from there Agent Wilson.”

“Even I,” said Sartre. He used “Agent Wilson” to reassure her. “Enough about these three sisters today. Lets go eat pizza and talk about video games Alyssa.” he said. This was a New Secret World.

Alyssa couldn’t help but breath a laugh about the underwear, that she might have never noticed if Peter hadn’t pointed them out. “Well, leave it to an 18 year old to steal underwear.”

She nodded to going back and eating food. Alyssa made her way back to Peter’s room with Peter and inside.

Agent Powers was now just Max Powers the teenage boy sleeping like a baby on his bed. He was worn out from his father’s Spartan training and back to back combat missions before arriving to this job. It took a lot of stamina to maintain his Agent Powers’s form and a lot of food as well.

So as he was dreaming he was reliving life with his adopted father. Starting at the age of 9 he was taken on many “vacations” which involved being dropped off in a very dangerous area and told to survive as he had to walk home. His vacations ranged from being dropped off in jungles, forests, desserts, oceans, islands and foreign countries in war times. It was a rather traumatic time for the youth with super human strength. Each mission got harder and harder to prepare him for his work as an Agent in the Illuminati. To keep his sanity he developed a need to listen to music and dance his stress away. He even incorporated his dancing into his combat as he moved to a beat to keep him calm and fluid in his motions. So oddly enough when he got stressed out he would resort to singing and dancing to deal with stress.

Ironically his hunger pains woke him up from his nightmare of being pushed out of a helicopter into a forest. He woke up breathing hard and looked around to see where he was. He smelled some pizza and was curious as he remembered they order pizza. He looked at the time and checked the fridge to see two whole pizzas in the fridge. He smiled as he devoured one whole pizza right away and then took his time enjoying the second pizza. He drank a liter of water to clear his throat before he heard a female scream next door.

Posted by : Jaxx

Sung raised an eyebrow at the orb that Eun-Ji got. You have a ride I don’t think I want to stick around here much longer." suggested Sung to Eun-Ji and Choi. “I think we have exposed ourselves enough for right now.” Added Sung as he looked around making mental notes on the van of Alyssa’s. Sung could not see inside. but something had been given away. It could have been communications equipment there.

The orb that Sartre threw at Eun-Ji passed right through her body and landed on the porch floor. It rolled and went under the outdoor couch, bumped against the side of the house, and rolled back out so that only half of it was visible. The Eun-Ji on the porch was just an illusion; however, she wouldn’t have just willfully caught a mysterious orb thrown to her from an untrusted source, so even if it was the real one, she would have let it hit the ground with a side step anyway. The real Eun-Ji was nearby walking about and inspecting the unkempt landscaping of the front yard. It should be much more overgrown than it was. Perhaps there was a service still that came around to work on it. Anyway, she did not attempt to come out and mingle with the others. When Sung finally emerged with Choi, Moon joined them. “Everything handled I presume?” It was mostly a rhetorical question. “I can call for a ride.” She looked at Choi’s condition with a bit of a frown, “What happened to you?”

Choi Yeong was conscious, barely able to walk. That thing had drawn a lot of energy and blood from him. “I had a shadow attempt to eat the soul out of me,” Choi mumbled, clearly in pain as his body regenerated. He lifted his shirt so she could see the claw marks on the right side and the small circular holes in a circular pattern on the left. The scars were there he figured for an eternity. “I’m glad the others weren’t harmed,” he said glad he could distract the shadow enough until others came.

“Let’s get you back to my place we can do more healing there. but I think you are right the scars will be there forever I have my fair share of them. There is a first time for everything.” said Sung with a crack of a smile. Helping Choi walk Sung said “This way I have an SUV over there.” said told Choi and Eun-Ji.

Eun-Ji winced empathetically at the sight of the wounds. She didn’t see anyone else from the basement in such shape. It made her wonder how he managed to monopolize all the injury. Before they left the property, she did ask them about the orb that was tossed at one of her illusions. Upon hearing their explanation, she retrieved it from the porch and hastened her steps to catch up with them. As they walked towards Sung’s parked SUV she asked, “Would you mind dropping me off at my accommodations?”

Sung led them to his SUV it was a black Chevy Suburban it was nice. he helped Choi into the back seat to let him lie down. “It is a 30-minute drive to the place,” informed
Driving through the streets “OK, Eun-Ji I will drop you off. But keep in touch. I trust in your ability the stuff we found is going to lead to something big. I can feel it. Like the book you found is not to be toyed with. You can take the box as well it is probably all linked somehow but that is out of my expertise.” explained Sung I will take care of Choi you don’t have to worry about him," said Sung as they turned a corner. The way Sung was going it was quite the zig zag. “I think we are cleared no one is following us,” remarked Sung pulling up to here Eun-Ji. “See you around Eun-Ji, stay low for a while,” suggested Sung.

“Book!” Yeong said forced out in pain. “You found a book? Did you have a vision too?”

Eun-Ji had to brace herself a few times on the drive to her apartment because of the acute angle and speed of some of the turns. For the majority of the ride, her thoughts were mulling over the variety of new information she discovered. She also half listened to Sung state the obvious, a technique she had perfected from lots of practice with her mother. She jumped in her seat at the sudden outburst from Choi. Turning to look back at him as the SUV was coming to a halt. “No vision, but I found a Bible on the floor …. and collected a lot of information from the attic. Sung found some artifacts too.” Without wasting any more time, she exited the vehicle and bowed to Master Sung. “Thank you for the ride and for saving the investigation today.” That was the best Choi would get right now and she was glad he didn’t die. It was the only expectation she gave him after all. She paused, “I found a business in San Francisco that I think you may want to check out if you are up for it while I am researching … P3 Apothecary”. Then she turned and went inside the building.

Choi waited until she entered the building. He sat up and braced his head against the back window. It was a painful endeavor. “Why of all people did Master Sung send me to work with someone who would rather be on her own?” he inquired. “You have been around a while. Why?”

“It was not so much me and to be honest I do not need to give you an answer. I do not need to explain myself to you, But I will,” Sung replied backing out and driving. “I did choose you because of your record so Far and highly recommended. Like you I follow orders I was given an order and fulfilled it, that simple” remarked Sung with some annoyance in his tone. “Understand some families in the Dragons go back very far and have a high standing in the Dragons. Some families even go back to the beginnings of the Dragons organization itself. My family line is one of those families so are the Moon’s families. Our Families never officially met until 20 years ago. This is your chance to be in the spotlight and be seen by our regional directors. To rise quickly in the organization.” Sung informed Choi. Sung probably went into more detail than needed or had to But Choi impressed Sung with his actions back at the house.

Yeong had mixed emotions concerning this chastisement. He was embarrassed that he asked the question. He was surprised that he had caught the eyes of someone with more authority other than Master Park. He was angry from the pain. He was happy that Alyssa and Powers were safe. He was confused at his reception from Eun-Ji. But the compliment from Sung gave him the confidence to talk. “There was another book,” Choi explained. “It was in the basement. It was called The End Rite I left it there because of what happened whenever I opened it.”

Sung glanced in the rearview mirror. “It is probably in the hands of the Illuminati by now,” said Sung now looking disappointed that he missed that. “I think we can trade information on that With the book that Eun-Ji got and now is studying. We might have not made friends but maybe acquaintances. Remember there are times in life when you have to call on others. So do not burn your bridges with the Illuminati or The Templars.” said Sung advising his experience. Sung paused thinking. "Does not mean you have to like them but be professional it is the best course of action.

“I have no issues working with the Illuminati,” Choi admitted. “They do strange things, especially that Powers guy, but I have no issues with them. The Templars seem to be less likely to share information. I’m surprised we haven’t run into them yet.” “Do you have any idea who someone named Emma or Marquardt maybe?” Yeong then pursued. “Those names were mentioned in the vision I had after opening the other book.” He refused to mention the name, for it seemed to imply the end of time.

“Emma and Marquardt, I don’t think so. I thought you guys saw them in a vision right?” asked Sung. “we are almost to the condo I hope you can get some rest there.” said Sung turning down another street. the condos and houses are nice this was the better part of the town. Nothing luxurious but a nice area.

Choi managed to look out the window of the Suburban. The neighborhood looked nice, he agreed. San Francisco, as much as many liked it, wasn’t South Korea. The thought of working with a grandmaster and a member of an ancient family from within the Dragon made him more confident. He had always been confident in his abilities. Run-Ji was a lucky one. She had a family. Yeong didn’t know his biological family. As far as he was concerned, the monks of the monastery were Choi’s family. Master Park was like a father to him. “It was strange, the vision,” Choi agreed. “It seemed apocalyptic. I saw all three organizations running from something in Africa. A woman holding a scalpel. A man dressed in black. A voice announced, Dark days are here. Emma is anima. Marquardt…This is the end of days.”

Sung drove into an underground parking lot and parked his SUV. getting out Sung helped Choi “I saw in your records you were raised in a monastery. I bet that was ruff.” said Sung helping Choi to the elevator. Sung thought about the end of the day’s comment from Choi. and the names. But how many times have they said something like that before? better do it right or the world will end thought Sung.

Posted by : red_sword7

The icky blackness crept into Alyssa’s room engulfing it in dread and fear. It crawled up from the floor, pulled away from the wall and ceiling forming a ball of darkness.

Alyssa was powerless against it. She could not only see but feel the creature move closer, growing taller, then taking form.

Feet, legs, hands arms, body, head. A gelatous oozing form of her father. He slimed on top of her, hissing the words. “You’re fault. You did this to me. You. I should have never asked for you on assignment.” One head turned to two. Her mother’s head, a green ooze that turned into acid upon hitting Alyssa’s face. With the words. “You are worthless. Not good for anything. Your fault.” The body had become serpant like
Slithering over her, making it impossible to move. “No, no…” She yelled to no avail.

The two heads morphed back into one. Large pointed teeth protruded from its acid filled mouth. “NOW, YOU PAY!” The mouth opened wider, it was going to consume her.

“No, no…” The screams from Alyssa’s room started quietly but quickly gained volume. To finally there was no mistaken the loud. “NO! STOP!” And very loud scream that came from behind the closed door.

Sartre was jolted awake by the loud scream enough to be prepared to use something than a firearm. All the lights were out in the hotel suite no time to turn them on in this city. Raising his pistol into a fighting position he made his way into the bedroom expecting an edritch horror. He flicked on the light to find… Nothing. He lowered the pistol, sat it on the nightstand "Alyssa, are you ok. He realized he was in a state of of undress except for his boxers. He flung the covers back still weary of a cosmic abomination from a centuries old book of shadows. He was concerned nothing about appearances. “Alyssa wake up” He positioned himself not to be injured when she jolted awake.

The loud noise startled Max next door as he was eating pizza. He then flexed his muscles as pink slime oozed from his skin and cover him till it took the shape of a muscular man named Agent Powers. Then with a slice of pizza in his mouth he burst out of his room and made his way to the room Alyssa was in. He tried the locked door but over did it and broke the handle as he forced the door open. He burst in to look around ready to fight while holding a slice of pizza in his mouth.

“Alyssa, was having a nightmare.” Peter explained.

Agent Max was ready to pummel any bad guys but the whole nightmare thing made him pause like an idiot with the pizza dangling from his mouth. Then he pulled out the slice to talk as he replied, “Oh…is she okay?”

Alyssa was slow to come out of her nightmare, then the sound of Peter’s voice made it to her mind jolted her suddenly awake. She was breathing as if she had just run a marathon and the young woman, felt him hold her. She was about to break down into tears but only a few came when Max burst through the door, pizza in hand. She moved back and released the hug, so the big guy could see she was alright, physically anyway. Wiped the few tears from her eyes. “I’m alright.” Alyssa said probably unconvincingly.

“Shes physically alright. He relaxed the hug “Alyssa, remember your’re on the beach in the winter. “She’ll be alright Max.” He wiped away more wetness. not bothering to look at anything else. I’m here with you for the rest of the night.” Max you can go back to your room. Sorry for waking you.”

He heard the contents of her mumbling but was in no way going to bring it up. Can you go go back to sleep Alyssa?" What was wrong with this city? He gently laid her down and squeezed her hand. You need the light Alyssa?"

Agent Powers was a bit confused as they told him she was fine despite her tears. He remembered crying during his training but eventually stopped since it didn’t help him. He then replied, “Okay. Sorry about your door. Sometimes I get bad dreams about going on vacation with dad. Its bad enough I have to camp in the middle of a jungle, but I hate it when he pushed me out of the chopper instead of landing it. (pause) Well I’ll be next door if you need something.” With that Agent Powers ate his pizza as he left the room to go back to his room.

“Thank, Max.” Alyssa really did mean that. “See you for breakfast.”

Once Max left, Alyssa turned to Peter. “I really don’t think I can go back to sleep. I need to do something. Why don’t I fix the door, then see if I’m more ready for sleeping.”

“Sure”, he finally respectfully but discreetly looked down at her in the light unable to help himself. " It was just a dream." He was going to ask if he should step away while she fixed the door but decided against it. She was vulnerable, so was he, so was the world. "Use your power. "

She was wearing a sleep outfit that amounted to grey sleep pants and a light green tank top. She threw a sweatshirt that had a Guns and Rose’s logo on over her tank and went to the door. In a matter of minutes it was fixed. This allowed her to clear her mind a little of the nightmare.

The young woman yawned, “I think I can try to go back to sleep.” She paused a moment as if almost embarrassed to ask. “Would you sit with me, while I go back to sleep?” She asked Peter.

Agent Powers then returned to his room and locked the door before releasing his muscular form back into slime. Once he clawed his way out of the pile of slime he caught his breath and then washed his face in the bathroom as the pile of slime evaporated. Then he went back to eating his pizza as he put on the tv and watched re-runs of the “Outer Limits.” He found it entertaining and oddly similar to his everyday life.

“Nice shirt! and I absolutely will Alyssa.” Peter said. He waited for her to lie down. The sweatshirt. He reached to politely help her remove it as she sat down. "I enjoyed Chinese Democracy. “You want the light left on?”

“Thanks,” Alyssa’s sweatshirt it was the more known logo of the band with guns crossed and roses intertwined. Chinese Democracy. “Yeah…that was good.” Why was she so suddenly exhausted?

She slipped down under the covers, letting her head sink into the pillows. Light? “Yeah, sure.” Coming out as a half mumble before drifting back off to sleep.

He noticed her exhaustion. It seemed odd. Something with the cosmos. He left the light on. lightly stroked her hair. embraced her, turned towards her and closed his eyes. The Cosmos. A pale blue dot.

Posted by : Cindy

“Best to work from top to bottom. If there is an attic, that would be a good place to start.”

Given Corinth’s belief that the other Societies had beat them to the house, his warning that the others might still be inside, and the fact that the front door was unlocked, Lumina was on her toes as they made their way to the attic. Lumina naturally had a light step, but even the most gifted burglar could make creaky stairs creak.

And creak they did. By the time Lumina followed Corinth into the attic, felt in her bones that if they had been noticed. Thankfully, there was nobody waiting for them up there, and she followed Corinth’s example in taking a look at the dusty place. Shattered jars and prints and indicated that Corinth’s intuition had been spot on. Somebody else had been up here. Recently.

“Come check this out. Looks like a spellbook. Wonder why it wasn’t taken. Let’s make sure we take it with us.”

Lumina grinned as Corinth drew her attention to a book on a pedestal, and not just any book. A spellbook was a very good find for any warlock. “I didn’t realize it was my birthday!” she exclaimed. Then her smile faltered. In her experience, if something seemed too good to be true, then it usually was. Lumina brought up yet another Detect Magic spell. There were wards on the spell book. If she was a betting woman, there were probably traps that would be tripped if she tried to take that book too far. No wonder the other Societies hadn’t taken it. “I think it’s rigged,” Lumina moaned. “Well, I guess I will just have to pick the best spells to learn now, and maybe I’ll get a chance to learn more from it later.”

Lumina began looking through the spells in the book. She was just starting to understand the notation the author used for the spell incantations and motions when she heard something from downstairs. Was somebody shouting?

“Did you hear something?” Corinth inquired.

“Somebody yelled something about jars I think,” Lumina whispered. “A male voice. You were right about one thing. We are not alone. So you are sure that the other Societies won’t shoot us on sight?”

Corinth assured her that was the case, but again advised staying on guard. Lumina left the guarding to him as she returned to reading the spellbook. She was starting to be able to wrap her head around the contents of the book pretty quickly, and she had to admit that she was rather disappointed. She would have assumed that spell book of three witches who supposedly held the very power of fate in their hands would have a terrifying collection of reality warping magics at their disposal, but most of the spells she was reading about were spells she already knew, spells that didn’t seem terribly helpful, or spells that seemed far too situational. Surely they would at least have a spell for tapping into the ley lines they built the house on…

There it was!

As she wrapped her head around the Tap Ley Line Spell, she took her own spellbook out of her bag and began copying it down, which was a fairly time consuming process. Actually learning how to perform the spell would take even longer, and a quick glance at Corinth informed her that he was already getting impatient. She did the best she could with her transcription, and then pulled her phone out and snapped photos of the page in the spell book. “Alright, let’s keep moving.”

Lumina reactivated her Detect Magic spell once she and Corinth made it back to the second floor. The two of them split up and swept the second floor, and didn’t find much, but thankfully they didn’t bump into any other agents either.

That changed as she and Corinth began heading back down to the first floor. Lumina immediately spotted a man in the foyer looking at his watch.

“Watch it cowboy,” the man stated, glancing up in her direction, and Lumina only then noticed that Corinth’s hand had drifted toward his holster.

“Who are you?” Lumina demanded.

“Your cleanup crew,” the man responded.


“Look, our instructions were to wait for you guys to go, but I have things I want to do with my evening besides being here at this haunted house at midnight cleaning up ghost stuff so if you don’t mind, can you hurry it up a little bit?”

Lumina glanced at Corinth. “Umm…”

“We are done with the attic and the second floor if you and your team want to get started with those. Stay out of our way and we will stay out of yours,” Corinth informed the man.

“Fine, I suppose that’s good enough,” the man grumbled. “Just make the rest of your investigation quick.”

As he went back outside, Lumina and Corinth began their sweep of the first floor. Lumina’s detect magic spell picked up that a transmutation spell of sorts had been used to repair the door, and she started to pick up traces of and unfamiliar magic pervading the area, which she concluded must he the ley lines. Corinth found stairs into the basement, and after finding nothing else of value, they made their way into the basement…

Posted by : Sky