Memory performance issues

Game mode: [ Online private ]
Type of issue: [Performance]
Server type: [ RP/PvP ]
Region: [PC/NA]

[Using to much memory]

Recently there was a release on the update that said that a issue was fixed about the game taking up to much memory. It seems to be the exact opposite. I have never had an issue saving a recording from obs until after this update had occurred. It takes longer to load in the game and join in onto a private server than it has before. I have often been disconnected due to my character having been idle to long and it has never had the change to load completely in. I have not experienced issues like this until after the update.

Hey @Mourn

Are you playing with any mods installed in your server?


Yes I do. They are as follows.

Rp Aesthetics (RA)
Eli_armors and dual weapons only
Emberlight 2.1.9
Fashionist v3…2.0 (1.0 and DLC compatible)
Warrior Mutator for Conan Exiles
Admin Skelos Collector for Warrior Mutator
The Age of Calamitous
Roleplay 1.8.1
Less Building Placement Restrictions v7.0.8
Shadows of Skelos Extended.

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