Midnight grove dungeon

I cannot get this dungeon journey finished because I keep getting locked inside the midnight grove. No matter what I’m locked inside a boss arena. I got to the Bull and defeated it and the door refuses to open. This bug was patched ages ago then came right back only after y’all patched the duplication glitch. This is getting to be unplayable!!!


Are you completing it in a timely fashion and staying alive?

Unfortunately I’m not sure they’ll ever be able to resolve this as the design and intent of the dungeon works on the premise of either dying or defeating the bosses.

Kill panther boss
Kill gorilla boss
Kill bull
Run through open door immediately
Proceed to kill the were boss at the end
Exit via pool

If you die in the dungeon the doors open/close. If you go back to the beginning one of the doors to the end boss will be open so you can complete it. You can’t retrieve your body physically this way but if you have sorcery and it hasn’t despawned, summon your corpse.

If you’re at the bull and door doesn’t open it can be 15-30 mins for the bull to respawn at which point you kill it again and door opens. Or log out and back in and you’ll be at the beginning again with your inventory intact.


What kind of a question is that? A timely fashion? Lol you can run every dungeon to the final fight if you wanted to but if a friggin door doesn’t open after you’ve killed the bull 4 times in a row is a bug. Has nothing to do with how slow or fast you complete it

Timely fashion because there’s a possibility that everything respawns closing/opening the doors.

What did you think I meant?

Of course the dungeon is bugged af, everyone knows that who has played the game for more than a month and wandered into it.

I was trying to help you but if you prefer not to have help from the users in the forum then submit a proper bug report using the template instructed.

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No it’s flat out bugged you either arrive at the boss fights and the boss is dead or one dead and one alive, the door is open and once you kill the boss it closes thus locking you in which happened to me at the panther boss the literal first boss. Second time I got to the bull the door was shut and I killed the bull three times and it was still shut and made the sound of it opening but didn’t open. It wasn’t until I killed it the 4th time did it open. I then got to the final boss and it was dead. I was the only one in that dungeon I waited 15 minutes and it respawned I killed it and the door again refused to open so I couldn’t exit the midnight grove. It spawned again then the door opened. This was absolutely not a thing until after they patched that duplication glitch. It right now is the glitchiest dungeon in the game.

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100% glitchiest.

I haven’t encountered this myself and have done multiple run throughs since the dupe was patched including a few days ago.

I wonder what is initiating it for you…

Do you die at all while you’re inside?

I have never experienced this. Sorry?

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