Need help finding The pecker tool

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Can some one help tell me how to get this please. I have camped Heker the Henpecked for a week now and I fell like I’m missing something and I’m loosing my mind! Thanks for the help.

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I’m interested as well since I haven’t ran into it and starting to think it’s a funny joke…and googling Conan pecker isn’t that fun

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It is real I was scrolling through admin panel and found it didn’t know if it was from Sipath or Exiles. Being as I am a over age kid with some things I had to get it peckering things don’t recall what was special about it. Have to check today.

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Yeah but isn’t that mummy king in the admin panel as well? Just saying…it’s setting I would do as a game designer…create this really awesome thing but have a horridly funny name to it. Drop it in as a potential so it’s in the admin panel but put no way to access it in game. Watch the fun as everyone is trying to find there own peckers to hold and use.

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I have one in my hand looks like a pick Axe with engraving 2.9 pounds of course I installed master weapons kit so the durability is low good for killing knocked out thralls though thats all information I have and as you say may only be in admin. @stelagel have you run across one?

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Ya I’ve seen it my buddy has one. And he won’t sell it lol. It has a harvest of 21 vs black blood of 16. So with upgrade it’s better than farming oils for blood tools

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I never had the joy of farming it, sorry I can’t help here, especially on Siptah my experience is really low, some months only and now I am back on exile lands running errands for server trimmed players, so once again I am sorry. The rng in Siptah is tiresome, I know, but hold on to it buddy, you never know.
One last thing that may blow your mind is that if now that we speak, you’ll create another character on another server, maybe you will take it with your first visit, it happened so many times to me so I almost can guarantee you that this will happen. I even mentioned to the past this strange behavior, but this is Rng, rng is Rng, good luck.

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Pls do your friends have this tool on the official server? As far as I know, this tool never seems to have been added to the game

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I slightly disagree here. Though I never farm it it’s durability sucks. Plus the black blood tools gives you the plus survival. I do understand that you don’t need great durability to farm in 5 minutes before the oil “break” the tool but this plus on survival make the black blood n1 tools and this is a fact. Since the harvesting perk is the third now, black blood tools are way better than any other tool, because they allow you to build over encumbered, fighter and farmer at the same time. I can understand the collectible need of this item, I use to have the same thoughts, but other than that, it’s just a good pickaxe, nothing else.

Heker’s spawn was broken on Siptah official release. He spawned far too often so to fix this they just stopped him from spawning. He was also incorrectly labeled as far as smith type went.

Anyway, unless they’ve changed it recently, he likely still doesn’t spawn.

I got here a learned this is about auto correct making Hecker into pecker. But if you want a pecker tool. Give your male horse an endowment potion - Easter egged

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