New inventory system bug - how to prevent dropping wrong items?

I would really love to know what to do about this:

No matter how hard I try to pay attention about what I sort and how, when there is a bigger amount of assorted items I need to sort into different chests, exactly this happens - instead of dropping something I want to get rid of, the item next to it is dropped on the ground, often also appearing invisible in the lootbag, so it maybe re-appears only if you pick up the whole lootbag.

As you can see, items I was dropping at the same time were just small amounts of unnecessary garbage, and out of sudden, ten skeleton keys - yeah, I can imagine how I do this intentionally and without noticing it. :smiley: I noticed quickly I am missing the keys, looked in the lootbag twice, and no skelly keys nor bindings inside. Then I tried to log off and back in and of course the lootbag decayed meanwhile.

Do you guys have any idea or system how to prevent bug mistakes like this? Getting tired of it, because not everytime I notice I am missing something valuable from my inventory right away, and later in event log I find out this same stupid stuff happened again.

It’s a work around, But

If you put all inventories on “no sort” including the player inventory.
It seems to help.

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Thanks, sounds good.

So you suggest to chose “no sorting” option before doing any rearanging or sorting? Gonna try this, usually I have “heaviest first” option on in my inventory 100% of time. I guess it’s just about getting used to it without forgetting and then switching it back when the deed is done. :slight_smile:


Absolutely “no sorting” for now.
You gotta turn on your favorite sorting first, then change it back to “no sorting”, and then you can move your objects around with no problem


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