No clan leader glitch... can't promote anyone

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: oceana server 2948

While Attempting to change clan leader to another member it became glitched more we have 3 low rank members 2 medium rank and nobody listed as clan leader. Now only 2 of us have access to vaults and nobody can promote anyone, change clan name, or edit message of the day?.. have we somehow formed an ungoverned militia? And how can we fix it…?

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

Hello @Toilithugr, thank you for reaching out!

Any details that could assist us in reproducing the issue would be much appreciated, could you please specify the exact steps taken by your leader before the issue occurred?

If possible, do share a screenshot of your clan interface as well.

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