Official Oceanic pve server #4326 offline

Game mode: [Online
Region: oceanic

As the title says official oceanic pve server #4326 did not come back online after restart this morning :pensive: I only just made a map room last night and was keen to use it today. Always seems to happen when I’m off work for the day too :sob::sob: pls have a look at it :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.log in to psn
2.load up Conan
3.notice server isn’t on the list
4.stare at screen continually hitting refresh and crying :sob:

@Hugo what’s happening with this server? Info pls.

Why is it so dam hard to get any information out of you guys :rage::rage::rage:

They aren’t around on the weekends. They get days off to. Servers being down should be reported through the in game reporting tool because it sends the information directly to the server host.

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Fair enough it’s Monday here. Guess I’m waiting till tomorrow.

Hello @Darkzombie, there was an unexpected downtime for several servers within that region, which should have been resolved by now, apologies for the inconvenience caused.

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Thanks @Hugo it came back up for a little while but I just got booted and can’t see it again :sob:

It was up for maybe an hour, now down again, apologies for the attitude, I get stroppy when I can’t get my Conan fix.

No problem, the current downtime was done to perform some further maintenance and services should resume in a few minutes.

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Awesome cheers :+1::+1:

A few minutes eh :thinking: it’s still down.

We’ve reached out to G-Portal for further clarification regarding this occurrence, it seems that faulty hardware was behind the server issues and services had to be moved to new server hardware, hence the prolonged downtime.

The affected servers should be up and running, please let us know if you come across any further issues.

No it is still offline Hugo :man_shrugging:t2:

@Hugo it’s been two days man. What gives with this server???

Never mind it’s back again. For some reason I had to manually search for the server by name. It’s not showing in history, favourites or the official list for some reason.

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