Official Server PVE 6443 Crashed and its locked at 9999 Ping

Game mode: [Online Offficial PVE]
Type of issue: [Server Crashed, not coming Back]
Server type: [Official PVE]
Region: [US]

Please look into that, its very irritating and it seems to be happening once a day :confused:
It happened yesterday too, but this time its taking its time to get back up, and the sad thing is that I DC just where 3 Accursed Fighters Spawn… I’m worried for my Thrall and my horse :sob:

EDIT: Fixed server number Typo

#6443 as well, same information as above

Asche, wait, you are on #6443 with me, #6447 is fine.

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you are totally right, I dont know where I got that number lamo, but yeah 6443 is down :frowning:
whats your ingame name man?

Kaulgrim, and i think they are rebooting it right now. It’s completely down now.

Yeah, just noticed that, hopefully its up soon! see you ingame man!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We’ll take a look at what’s going on and pass the information on to our developers or our server host if needed.

Are you still experiencing this issue?

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Just now it crashed again, it seems it goes down at least once daily :frowning:
sometimes for like 10 minutes, others like 30m

Server crashed again, its been over 30 mins, still displaying 9999 ping at the server selecition screen :frowning:

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