PC June Update - Discussion Megathread

Please use this thread to discuss the June Update for PC.
Discussions of other patches and platforms should not be held here but in their respective forum sections instead.

Patchnotes: PC - June Update (18.06.24)


So reruns with new commercials?

Still reading, but I have to ask, is there a reason for testlive anymore?


so the ā€œinfiniteā€ battlepass is not so infinite ā€¦


Gets better, read what all was fixed.

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you mean few completely useless things in place of the other 500 or so bugs ?

if I understood the blog post correctly, it is likely that Conan is going into ā€œmaintenanceā€ mode, adding something here and there to keep the money flowing but otherwise counting on Duna to be their new golden goose

I sincerely hope not. FC needs a lesson in how to treat players.


Since battlepasses are not going to be a thing going forward, can older versions be made available for one last ā€œhurrahā€ for anyone that missed them previously?

I am cautiously optimistic that chapters are continuing but with a longer release cycle. I hope this means that there will be time to polish features and really make them shine, instead of the half released stuff weā€™ve been getting where it gets piecemealed throughout multiple chapters.

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6months sounds good, 3month stents didnā€™t feel like good bumps.

I hope they go Minecraft Dungeons Route, there all in game, and you go into rewards menu, and click which one you want to level up.
This way none of Art and Stories and time spent on them goes to waste, always there with us.

They can always add more when there ready to.

So no return of the Give and Take buttons in the inventory, no fix to the random resetting of the inventory sorting option to ā€œTypeā€ rather than what you select?

ā€¦and the rest of course. In some ways this is good news, if they stop ā€˜developingā€™ the game, hopefully they wonā€™t damage it any further, but please fix the stupid bugs and recent ā€˜design decisionsā€™ that has made things worse?

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Some of them were already available. Bazaar last night had the check nails emote which I think is from AOS battlepass. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.

fall through foundations bug, and exploits fixes?


my personal guess is:
20% of the original BP stuff we wonā€™t see anymore because it has no value
20% will gradually be given as free stuff.

the rest will go into the bazaar as pretty expensive packages

For me itā€™s another scam, I bought the BP twice, plus something from the bazaar in between, and I counted on getting the price back each time if I completed the full BP
Now I just have a bunch of CP in a half-dead game that can buy me occasional access to some overpriced stuff

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iā€™m glad they are pushing back the cycles, give them more time to fiddle with stuff. so we wonā€™t expect a new age until this fall? i am cool with that.

biggest thing for me: @AndyB do you have any ETA from the team when us modders will get an updated devkit to go with this new game update. the devkit is now 2 updates behind the game. was less of a deal with that last hotfix, but with this DBNO feature, we are likely looking at major changes to FunCombat and other core BPs. we really need a devkit update so our mods donā€™t rot on the vine.


How much ages will take till there is fixed regional pricing?

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Looks like good news. Six month cycle sounds much, much better for big updates.
Hopefully it will also give you time to gradually fix bugs, and do some QA before release.

Thank you and good luck!


I created a new clean server today with some mods. Server was running fine. To this point not a single user was in the server.
Funcom update rolls in - server now constantly crashes without any player ever been on it.
Goes to show that the updates are still handled poorly that they instantly crash and empty server with mods (which might need blank updates).


I just spawned all of the rewards. Most of them are meh. They didnā€™t even update the thralls we can buy from the caravan. Itā€™s pretty lazy of Funcoms.

I applaud the decision to slow down the cadence of releases.

I am a little disappointed to see an end to the ā€˜infiniteā€™ battlepass, but I did not expect it to truly run forever as that makes little economic sense in a capitalist society. Personally, I feel Iā€™ve had my value from it, so no gripe here.

However - still no mention of the ā€˜ruinedā€™ state of the inventory system. Still no achnowledgment that the mouse pointer has been removed from radial menus for no reason. Still no mention that ā€˜custom inventory sortingā€™ was removed (and itā€™s functionality was not replaced by ā€˜no sortā€™). Still no interest for me to spend any time in the gameā€¦


2000 OB coins for this set? LOL


Battle pass items should indeed be made available in some form. Finished game assets that a lot of players do not have access to, looks like a wasted opportunity! The delay and different price are enough exclusivity.