PC June Update - Discussion Megathread

Please consider doing more than just post-patch Q&As for communication. At six months per patch, that means even worse communication. Weekly, semi-monthly, or at worst monthly Q&As would be preferable. This is on top of regular moderator communication in the forums.


goodbye then, sir. it has been an honor to have you. i wish you a joyous retirement from conan.

Yesterday I jumped on to do the serial refresh waiting on funcom to make some sort of commitment to something, got side tracked; which is far to easy for me. Four hours later i got back to my PC and saw I was still in game, naked, lost all my kit, standing in my garden so have fallen through the bedroom floor. Checked the chat, ya about 15 minutes previous every one fell through their foundations. Logged out.

So, time to body vault again and see where the game goes?


Fixing fall through ground would make everyone happy i bet.


So still no fix for the falling trough floors bug after 8 months??

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This is the one where every one on the server falls through when ??? happens.
I still log out on solid ground.

I can actually interact with my bench storage now; if I was motivated to play.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to convince whoever holds the purse strings to allocate enough resources that Funcom can properly police the CE servers as opposed to the disrespectful and borderline abusive seat of the pants system they employ now. It may already be too late. Good luck

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Can we PLEASE talk about the exceedingly long list of bugs and problems that are never worked? And are never included into updates? I have seen the community ask for it - again and again - the majority of us would much rather see a full cycle delay in content to favor a full bug and quality of life pass.

You’ve introduced a number of inventory and UI bugs with the most recent UI pass. Most of the UI features were not well received (you jacked with our sorting capabilities) - and there still hasn’t been any kind of walk-back or adjustment to that.

Major issues that really require attention and communication with the community:

  • The completely unhampered / unhindered hackers/exploiters who have decimated the official server environment. Two topics here: 1) How are you working to remove hacks and exploits? 2) How are you taking an active effort to punish / remove known bad actors from playing the game?

  • Player character (and thralls/pets) falling through foundation blocks during server latency spikes.

  • Players getting stuck or hitched at logon, unable to move. Must either go through a series of multiple relogs, or pull bracelet to get unhitched.

  • The mesh. For the love of Crom, Funcom, the GD mesh. Why is it that there are STILL so many mesh exploit issues? I had a player who knows the exploiter methods well say that there are still some 37 meshed base / entry points in the Exiled Lands map. Hire three worldbuilders. Give them a month. And make their jobs fixing these spots. These issues have been WELL KNOWN and WELL REPORTED ever since launch. Get off your butts and fix it already. And not just lame ass, broad band-aid type crap. Get in there and tune the map. It’s a beautiful map. Please fix it.

  • Mesh. Mobs getting caught in the mesh. Why? Mesh. Fix the mesh.

  • Mesh. Thralls getting pushed down into the mesh by world bosses? Why? Mesh. Fix the mesh.

Just take the community and these issues seriously for once. If you did, you might truly be able to BOLSTER your player numbers and revenue again. Players love this game. But they’ve moved on because they do not believe that the game designers are taking our concerns and plaguing game issues seriously.


Could you at least fix the falling through foundations bug before going on break? this would have been nice to have fixed in this mid-season update.

this is the everyone on server is falling through their bases and cannot interact with anything for 10-15 minutes.


Was on earlier today, getting my kit back together. Redeemed legion, skinned as the inn keeper shirt and artisan pants. Made 20 starmetal throwing axes. Grabbed a glimmermoon, epic bow, starmetal arrows. Tea, lasting feast, ect.

Half hour fully kitted and ready to roll. But…

In that half hour, just after the 7 AM restart, 1 other person on on on on I’m just
1 other person on and I’m running aroun d d d d gather ing items to rebuild my
gathering items to rebuild my kit.
and inside a foundation. FTBS.

I fixed it for myself but is not realistic for everyone.

Not only is my build purge exploit proof it’s also foundation stuck proof.

Since I’m built in a permastructure and the majority of fall throughs are exclusively building piece related this means I have that advantage.

I built the foundation layer which is the first floor barely inches above the floor of the perma and the rest of the floors are ceilings.

Got to experience the fall through tonight and I went through 3 floors and landed on the foundation layer on my feet.

Now, this is a place I’m familiar with. I built similarly when the log out mesh through foundation/ceiling thing was prominent. I made it exploit proof then too. It’s my favorite spot for various reasons and now serves me to avoid one of the worst problems ATM.

But. I shouldn’t have to do any of that.

Anyway, since Funcom is incapable of fixing it I suggest others do the same if they can.

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Honestly I was pretty surprised when they first announced the 3 month development schedule. Even huge teams would struggle to keep up with that, on top of releasing bazaar items and battlepasses. My feelings on battle passes/bazaars/etc aside, that’s a huge workload.

Are there any plans to revert the inventory overhaul or give an option to toggle to an older version? I don’t play much anymore, but the last time I gave it a go it was a real nightmare trying to do anything in game. Even when it worked I wasn’t a huge fan of how it looks, and when it doesn’t work you can’t remove or equip or unequip or… do anything with any items.

Even though the server I was on wound up having hackers (as usual…) what made me pull the plug was the idea of trying to defend my base or pull off a raid only to suddenly not be able to pull items out of a box. I can put up with a lot of frustrations but that would have sent me up the wall if I let it happen, I think. Trouble is, the inventory always broke when the server was lagging, and the server always lagged during the raid window, so it almost looked like an inevitability.

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Talking out my hat. But quarterly reviews. It’s a business thing.

When all you need to do is produce a bunch of skins to fill a content quota. And you’re basically just setting a style at the start of the season pass and reskinning it several times. It’s easy to produce a bunch of cheese content that way.
Most games that do the season pass thing aren’t doing major game changes with every season. Some add maps but that really doesn’t change game play. {but can add more crap to a game}

Funcom didn’t do that. They were producing; or trying to produce, DLC quality content. Not only is that time consuming, but not cost effective.

I honestly didn’t expect the type of quality we got from the battle pass content.

Hope we get some explanations soon.
I’m done with testlive, that is a wasted asset.

But the game is still steadily getting worse. It is right at meeting my criteria for unplayable. Right now the game is running so crap I don’t want to play.

Hello everyone, it’s me again :slight_smile:
I appreciate all the comments.

Andy’s been gathering questions and preparing that Q&A that focuses more on the recent changes. In the meanwhile, I’m hearing you about increasing communication and addressing certain bugs.

For the former, I know it will sound like a cliché but please report the bugs. If something’s reported enough, it will reach our devs either through the community or the support team. Of course, there will be changing priorities and some bugs may prove particularly difficulty to tackle, but they’ll be raised at least.

I think the former also counts here, we can do a better job of letting you know when we are addressing issues and/or when things are raised thanks to community feedback.

I’m out.


I think I understand why this is the case. There are many more players on the forums than there are Funcom staff who can dedicate the time to sort through the bug reports, so it’s possible that a particular bug report slips through the cracks; maybe it wasn’t seen, maybe it didn’t have enough info, maybe it didn’t sound like a bug. More reports means more info and better visibility.

That said, is there anything you think might be done to improve this whole process?

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this particular bug I am referring to was posted as a known issue in the 5/14/2024 patch notes, but we are still waiting on a fix. So do we keep reporting it since it seems to have been forgotten even though the dev team acknowledged it?

May 14, 2024

Forward notice: We are aware of and continuing to investigate an issue where characters may periodically sink into building pieces. Due to the delicate nature of foundations and sensitivity to changes that affect them (if you know, you know :disappointed_relieved:), a resolution for this issue will arrive with a future update. Thank you for your patience; we understand it’s frustrating.

Fall through buildings are well known of everyone. Purge exploits, since day zero of the new purge people already predicted it would be abused. You need to hire someone to play on oficials, watch videos about CE on youtube and so on the community is doing their job reporting bugs.

So basically not a shit has changed? Ok, I waited long enough that devs fix this crime scene, they call inventory. It’s done, uninstall. See you in a year. Maybe then you have a product that is ready to go on the market.

good luck finding an answer. :slight_smile:

i wish they could improve the process, time will tell…
