PC June Update - Discussion Megathread

Come now with a update on content ! We cant play anyway grrrrrr

:point_up: :rage:

Iā€™m indifferent, not a good thing.
As bad as they were I came back for the ages and battle pass. With no goals, and being done building; long done, there really is no reason for me to log in.

I mean I cashed out all skulls and spent my obl/??/s, I bought what I wanted. So done with this in a matter of a couple hours.

Now what?

Recipe, some items we have to buy arenā€™t craftable and we have to rebuy them again once the durabilty is depleted.

Why donā€™t you pull Todd Howard already and hire modders to fix your game? It worked wonders for their games. At least that way updates will be more consistent instead of having to wait for 6 months to fix your game.


I wouldā€™ve preferred maintenance mode at least a couple of chapters ago, maybe even an age ago. Then just do bug fixes and maybe even get rid of Funcom Live Services so we can play offline.


First of all , addapt game to logic regional price. and only then should update or add another payment things in gameā€¦ It is not normal to have FULL game that is regional , but ingame payments notā€¦ it has now passed 2 ages when this idiotism happened, at start all was fine, then when steam merged regions, game itself got updated in prices but in-game shop was reversed to dollarsā€¦

So in meantime why main game is cheaper than actually second tier crom coins, its like

Funcom force everyone to pay tripple game price for like 3 skin editsā€¦ that is just open greed and idiotism in general

Like the mummy set - it cost like 2 x base game priceā€¦ because on steam conan is regionalised but in game it has dollars to pay ! and like USA regionalised not actual region

And when i am reporting this, all i get is that funcom is aware of this situation

Then answer me this - why 2 or 3 ages already passed and nothing is done to this, just adding new content that is glitched?

FYI: testlive is still on the previous build.

Conan exiles is on sale for 75% off :zipper_mouth_face:

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You say this like itā€™s some achievement to be proud of, something players should be grateful for - the reality is that every chapter was so poorly done, both in concept and execution, that I would rather you had not ruined the game with these changes.

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All we need now is spear speed to be put back to normal and the game is perfect :pleading_face:

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Also question - what happened with ā€˜give allā€™ button?
Before in special container - 1 button and all inventory that fits get in
Now - spend 4 hours to figure out what goes where and press each item in inventory seperateā€¦ -.-

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Itā€™s under the quick stack button. select quick stack and then the button will go to give all.


To be fairā€¦ alot of companies have said this. And Back tracked it.

And it proves to much. And Company Banter of ā€œwe dial it back to provide better updatesā€
Make senseā€¦ alot of people do this.
And alot of people think maintenance mode.

Funcom doing this shouldnā€™t be a surprise to no one. Inless your new gaming this past year.
Just about everyone tries to be awesome on plently of updatesā€¦ not to compare itā€¦ Fornite, handing out updates hand over foot.

On one handā€¦To me, CE jumped on BP/Ingame store to late.
On other handā€¦ its been good testing ground, which is what CE feel like sometimes with some of tweaksā€¦

I kinda hope CEII happensā€¦ or has been in works. And they stick to a game plan. Not every year they tweak how stuff works.


At this point, Iā€™d really love to be playing a CE-II early access alpha game for next year or 2. Then Iā€™d be fine with all tweaking and odd changes. XD


Let me drop this FYI here.
On the Dune Awakening discord there are 3 community managers logged in, a senior PR manager, a name I recognize but there is no associated title with and a :mouse: For an unreleased game making them no :moneybag:

Just did a major upset of the Conan apple cart and we have???

It doesnā€™t even have any bonus stats like +stamina or +str weapon damageā€¦

Another useless set for PvP that might only get used for transmog.

Hey everyone,

Like I mentioned, weā€™re working on a Q&A and I canā€™t address everything, but wanted to respond to a few things :slight_smile:

CodeMage, you make me sad :frowning:
On a serious note, I know that the message sounds corporate, but when talking about communityā€™s issues and a bunch of important, sensitive topics, itā€™s very easy to be misunderstood, so a more ā€œsterileā€ language feels more appropriate. Itā€™s our way of being polite and not dismissive, but paradoxically that can also come out the other way around.

I prefer risking to sound corporate rather than sound disrespectful, so I went with that.

You are absolutely right, we need to and are trying to do better in these aspects.

I just want to say, this is the first update weā€™re doing this way and this was a starting point.
There was some technical work to adapt Bounty Hunting as an ā€œeventā€, but future content updates are going to bring new events too. In other cases, it might be ā€œexisting contentā€ but with more changes than rewards.

Weā€™ll also be listening to your feedback.

There ARE going to be new chapters. We donā€™t have the release date yet, but we plan to talk about the next Age in August :slight_smile:

We have not. Exiles will be receiving new Age/Chapters along with these updates. Whatā€™s changing is adjustment of the cadence to be able to deliver Chapter content at a higher quality.

You arenā€™t wrong that we are changing direction in some ways. Iā€™d say that weā€™ve made the biggest directional change with Ages, as we committed to providing constant gameplay content and updates for all players. That direction stays the same.

Where we are making shifts is how exactly we do that and we try to decide based on your feedback and game data. Do we have the final, unarguably and objectively best decision ever? Probably not, since that probably doesnā€™t exist.

Weā€™re simply trying to apply learnings and do better.

Thatā€™s not to say we are making the perfect choices and you have all the right to complain about the choices you donā€™t like. Your voice of compliments and complaints both help us learn and do better.

This will probably be cheesy and @CodeMage will call me out but we genuinely appreciate everyone whoā€™s been with us on this journey, from those whoā€™s been having blast at every turn to those whoā€™s been yelling at us the loudest.

100% agree with you and weā€™re trying to improve there. Glad you are interested in the Q&A, we want to make post-patch Q&As regular content. We have some other things weā€™re working on in the back to improve our communication.

A shout-out to our modders by the way, they are also on the list of communication lines we want to improve.


keep this line of communication coming.

there are a lot of valid complaints, and issues that needs to be taken care of.
please take them seriouslyā€¦

allow me to suggest , that always leave the events rewards giver on the map, (place them in conan bar in sepermeru for EL , and the NPC island in siptah. even if the event is over, it will allow people who were not watching the ability to claim rewards with the currency they got grinding, as you know, now you got people sitting in hundreds if not thousand of fangs that cant be used because the event ended without no one knowing.
it will show an act of respect. and please always announce end of event with at least a week in advance, 2 weeks will be much better.

thank you.

and please accept my apologies i know i have been rough but i was acting out of frustration .


What about 3rd party though? I realize thereā€™s a lot of different things to address and this is a big change that will require adjustment butā€¦ 6 months free reign on PC Official PVP rampaged by hacking and is now spilling over onto PVE-C and PVE since PVP has lost so much population? Privates are seeing an increase too.

Please, can we get some kind of acknowledgement???

Iā€™ve been here since the game dropped, do you have any idea how many times I have read that?

public serves
do you hear me?


My Set :person_facepalming: Iā€™ve been reading this same thing for 7 years. And communication has done nothing but gotten worse.

I used to be real active on the Dune awakening discord. You couldnā€™t post with out interrupting a funcom rep. And the game has not dropped yet. Here on the Conan forum, the game paying the bills, we got 2 reps? That post intermittently.

I would never shot the messenger but I will complain at them; nothing personal.


FWIW, that particular bit wasnā€™t meant as a criticism, but rather a way to say that this is a standard way to communicate about something unpopular and/or controversial. As you pointed out yourself, corporate tone is safer than trying to be funny or friendly.

As I said in several of my posts, I donā€™t fault you guys for your words. What Iā€™m interested in are actions and their results.


I said it else where, but I feel like funcom miked Conan for all they could with the pass and bazaar, had enough to release Dune, then shanked Conan and left him in the sand to bleed out.

And I donā€™t know about anyone else but I have been here long enough I am fed up with the placations. Iā€™ve heard it so many times it just rings hollow any more.

Itā€™s like listening to a smoker say they are going to quit smoking.
Sort of defines disingenuous.

What I expect is a lot of talky talky and no walky walky.

I put in more hours the day before this ā€œupdateā€ then I have since the update.

I came back because Conan was finally getting Sorcery, I stayed for the battle pass and the promise of the next age. Now that those are gone what reason do I have to stay?