|PC| |New Server!| |EXILED LANDS: IMPERVION!| |Accelerated server with tons of RP mods as well as item mods|

Hello everyone i started a server about a week ago and im looking for active players to come join and have fun! We are a PVP server and at the time im looking to take admin applications for this server, if it does well i will be upgrading the space amount and will continue to keep it running. I want a cool RP environment for people to come and hang out and play a great game. I will leave a link to the collection of mods that the server will take and they are all in order.
This is an adult RP server so yes there is ■■■. Adventures and Danger awaits those who enter the EXILED LANDS: Impervion! Join our discord here! ht tps://discord.gg/rneJ5N2

Download the mods here: ht tps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1514957628

If you have any questions or suggestions please use discord!