PC PVP Servers are dead. Whats next?

I fail to understand what you mean by this?

I don’t think you’ll do it.

They mean that the hack will ignore ownership of all locked containers and steal loot.

Like all us PC PVP Official players have had to endure.


I often find it disingenuous that the commonly accepted assumption is that PVPers don’t buy DLCs, do the BP and purchase from the BLB.

They do.

I think the transferring of accounts with all these purchases is a fair ask considering the circumstances.

And yet again, private servers are not a solution to hacking, they are an option, a reasonable means of avoiding but not always either.

It’s tone deaf to keep suggesting this.


Funcom Server PVPers: Fix the Hacking issue

Funcom: Doesn’t listen

Community: Play on Private servers.

Funcom Server PVPers: Doesn’t listen

In all seriousness though, the best thing to do at this point is probably to call it a loss and find something else to play. The experience some of you are looking for isn’t going to be found here.

All I can suggest is to find something a bit more mature in development so it doesn’t change around on you after you sink some money into it. Early Access and Live Service is rolling the dice.


See this is false or lack of actually understanding. There are weeks where all is hacker free. And during that time, pvp raiding is actually fun. It is how i have met everyone of my Conan Friends. That is why we endured. But the last few months Hackers have overrun everything and noe execute “hit lists” for a fee. That is why this idea of letting me buy the game on XBOX and keep all of my dpc recipes, twitch drops.

Side note, with the server specefic event recipes from jheba boss fightsl, leaving means all that work goes poof because they arent account wide. How do you explain just leaving those behind because Funcom is trash at combating hacking?


I found Funcom to be good listeners. In SLDC terms, they then apply that knowledge to development. Best documentation is the code itself, as always-on translation usually misleads (i.e. urban dictionary). If the development fails then surely there is some investigation to do. I imagine that triggers a few.

Hackers are starting to sound like 911 franchises. Does third world understand that? :innocent:

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I think it’s about 5 months now of no reprieve, just completely constant.

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Console can be ok. But when the cheats come, which they eventually will as soon as a server becomes populated, it ruins the game for everyone especially as Funcom help the cheats with the ridiculous reporting system.

So in answer to your question, transferring your account to console isn’t going to help much at the moment. It will probably just waste more of your time. I speak from many years of Xbox pvp experience.

Yes you are right. Unless someone gives me a good reason to do it.

ESP is no big deal. If you haven’t played on PC you don’t understand the kind of hacking we are talking about. I have played at least 1000 hours on Xbox and the same on PC. They are not the same.


Get outta here calling me dumb. I’m entitled to my opinions. There are plenty of us out here that prefer officials over privates, even with the hackers. Also, when your chat spammers come thru advertising for us to go to a private server right after a hacker wipes us just isn’t a good look. Enjoy your private servers.


Not wanting to play privates is valid. Saying as bad as or worst then hackers is dumb lol. Opinions can be dumb but yes you are entitled to dumb opinions . 100% agreed. Also didn’t call you dumb said your opinion is dumb. Which it is. Even the smartest people however I’m sure have derp moments.

Also I was suggesting this private server cuz it’s like official. Was doing it to be helpful. You took it as spam and got insanely out raged over it. Look in a mirror and you should ask yourself why lol.

PvC is pretty fun if you find a populated one.


It’s “not accurate”, so who
? Okay. It’s ambiguous.

P.S. you’ll need either hacker tools or a better DMCA.

I am banned on reborn servers just due to being a PIMP$ clan member. Banned before i could even finish character creation.

You 100% need to try a well ran private server. You will find better pvpers, a lot less hackers, and an much better server performance than officials. I have a recommendation but wont post it here. Message me if you would like.

Get over yourself kid

There are a few of us that would pay a nominal fee to be on a funcom active admin server.