PC PVP Servers are dead. Whats next?

get over myself? im literally just saying i was trying to help, didnt say i was your only hope. stop speaking stupidly if you dont wanna be called dumb lol.

And people still dispute the fact that those thousands of players steam and epic show online are not even half of them playing on servers.

Playing on servers, even private good servers, is already an exercise of tolerance and patience with how the game runs, imagine the rotten community and low quality of GPortal you find in Official servers.

It is a wonder how it has been having users at all during these years.

You came on my post talking shit buddy.

nope i came on your post trying to be helpful. you then attacked me. buddy.


You’re delusional guy. You haven’t been helpful whatsoever. All you’ve done is talk smack

It’s a minority of bad actors ruining it for others mostly in PVP.

I really doubt anybody that still plays on officials has any interest in playing on private servers. Otherwise they would have switched by now.


Most official heros rely on zergs and qlock. The good private servers dont allow either.


I’ve been fortunate to not have to worry too much about stuff like that, both on my end and the enemy.

Private servers can be a fantastic option but they have their own cons which some, like me, are not interested in experiencing.


Well since this is now just a debate between official and private servers, I feel like this thread has gone completely off topic. Might as well shut this topic down at this point.

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Private servers literally have nothing to do with my original topic


Happens every time.

-Official server topic-
Comments: well y’know, them there private servers exist.

You usually have to include a point that the discussion is not about private servers or to some degree that you’re not interested in discussing them. The odd comment still comes about but for the most part it keeps it from going way off topic.

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It’s all good. This will probably be the last post I ever make in funcom forums.

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Dude, I’ve been begging for over a year on here for Funcom and the community to listen.

A few minds have been changed but there’s definitely a modus operandi.


You think the company that was responsible for anarchy online would have figured out how to make things work by now. :person_shrugging:

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It blows my mind how people just refuse to open their eyes. You complain about things that privates were literally made for. You want much better performing servers? Private servers. You want next to 0 cheaters? Private servers. Want to learn more about the game and fight better pvpers? Private servers.

Official players are masochists at this point. There is nothing funcom can do about the cheaters. They all have VPNs, hardware spoofs, and 50 different alts.

If you want a better overall pvp experience you have to drop officials.

Some are willing to forego the pros because of the cons though.

Private servers are not always the better option and in so many cases have been the worse one, for me.

I’ve written too many times now the reasons why and I’m not going to be a broken record.

However, I will repeat this: private servers are an option and not a solution.

Back to the OP.

I support the transferring of DLCs, BLB and BP content for anyone who has purchased these on PC to console based on the fact that PC PVP Officials (and to a degree privates) have been affected by hackers with no solution in sight. Let them.


Farming for days just to be vacuumed by a cheater isnt? Nothing can be done about it on officials.

Funcom cant do anything more than what we can do. So having active admins is all ready 10x better than any official.

Privates are the solution.

So as requested, we should have admins on Officials that are not reactive.

Hackers won’t go away just because no one is on Officials and when they have 100% achieved that goal, they’ll go elsewhere. Those “volunteer” admins can’t be on all the time. How many times do you think they’ll have to rollback the server or be spawning loot in to replace?

So no, not a solution. The solution is for Funcom to do something about it for everyone. PVP, PVE-C, PVE, private and officials.

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