Peculiar Box Drop Rates

What, but it lets them pad their “content creation/update” numbers. Who cares if people can actually play what they create. They did an update!

@Mr-Pyre Have you got a box to drop yet? And yeah, that’s pretty obviously what they were going for.

@BlackBehemoth You can demand all you want. Funcom isn’t listening.

No, I haven’t, nor have I been keeping tabs, because I’ve not started, nor will I any time at all for the foreseeable future, on the missions I haven’t done in SWL.

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Just gonna highlight the above from the original post.

Also one of my alts got her box today in an E5 blue dungeon chest. I havent farmed on her at all since the box release, unlike with my main.

Just to confirm. Do you mean the weapon and signet because yours isn’T caable of downing him?
What weaponcombo do you have?

Ballpark, I’m probably at 1000+ bags and counting without a drop. I started finishing the zones since April 1 and am now up to Carpathian Fangs. I’m estimating based on how many bags all those missions and sides have rewarded me. And on average I probably skipped half the story content in each zone (mains, sides, etc.) prior to April 1.

Am patron, I don’t think that makes (or should make) any difference in drop rates. Don’t have mission bag pinned. I do have certain leftovers in mission bag, such as the undeletable head lamp (grr), and scenario kit+turret. From my read of the thread, it seems neither IP level nor achievement points make a difference.

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@Mr-Pyre One problem at a time I guess. The whole system is pretty screwy, but the RNG based drop is probably the most frustrating for the most amount of players. Of course, that could just be because it’s the first barrier. If everyone was getting boxes then there’d be more complaints about having to finish all the missions. I can see Funcom fixing the drop rates long before ever considering changing the requirements to use the box.

@TheAscendingOne And that would be the third problem. In an attempt to make the fights somewhat challenging for the optimal weapon combo, they’ve made it near impossible for others. At this point I’m not even sure that Funcom understands how screwed up the weapon balancing is. Or they know and don’t want to fix things because it forces players to extend their grind towards new weapons.

@sturmhaven It’s frustrating trying to pinpoint a bug when it’s near impossible to know for certain there is a bug to begin with. It’s possible there’s some random unrelated achievement that everyone who can’t get the box hasn’t got yet like Lava Game Champion, or something like that. That would be a pain to track down. Honestly, I’m hoping some people who haven’t got a box this whole time will randomly get one so we can just accept that it’s all just horrible RNG.

I believe weaponcombos aren’T that detrimental as long as you know your weapons well.
I have blood offhand, which is a horrible offhand and no cruel delight to keep my life up. I think I heard people doing it with none hammer melee weapons.
Most often reason for failure was:
A.Using defensive cooldowns
B.Failing to line of sight the pull and not able to sponge the damage

I think dumbox even showed a way were you use fey line to get out of the spin and speedrun him on open field.
I believe the challenge being to high is more due to inflexibility of people in their building effort than actually the fight being impossible.


Done it with Blade/Elemental and Chaos/Fist… So absolutely doable in melee without a hammer


I’m going to allow the hijacking of this thread for a bit, since I honestly don’t know what else can be accomplished without more evidence being offered.

I can’t speak about the tank commander fight specifically as I still haven’t seen it, but I do agree that a lot of the problem could be people not experimenting enough with their builds. However, I do stand by the fact that a lot of solo content is much easier with certain weapon sets, and even specific weapons. A KSR is significantly different from a generic AR of recovery, but if they’re built up to the same level the player’s IP would be the same. So, if everything is scaled to make it a challenge for KSR users, it would make it much harder for others. Not everyone who uses the same weapon types can afford the Best in Slot for those weapons.

I guess this ties back to a flaw in the way this mission is set up. For all other scaled content in the game the player gets to choose what level they do, and the reward is scaled accordingly. Just because someone has 1000+ IP doesn’t mean they have to do DA at E10. The problem is that the main reward for the new mission can’t be scaled, since the museum items are an auto-drop. They should have kept the same level choice as all the other stuff and then made it so the higher levels had better drop rates for the museum items. Maybe even keeping an auto-drop for the highest level. That way those who just want to complete the new content can do so, and those who want to take on the extra challenge can do that. Also, it would give the devs somewhere to put their precious RNG, so they can take it off the peculiar box drop. There, I tied it back around to the original post, sort of.

P.S. Blood is not a horrible offhand. My main dps set is AR/Blood. It works really well, and I don’t even take damage from corruption.

Well, this won’t help at all, but here it goes.

Patron: Yes

How many Peculiar Boxes received since April 1st: One, just two days ago.

Where dropped from: Darkness War e3 dungeon blue chest (not the end boss).

I play the game every day, can’t say I keep track of how many bags opened/missions done, so on, but I figured the whole thing was baby-gated behind that the box shouldn’t drop unless you actually meet the requirements to do so. Well, that logic proved me wrong. I got a box despite not meeting the requirements to use it.

So, not only is this very poor RNG; it’s also bad gameplay mechanics. You shouldn’t be getting a box if you don’t meet the criteria to do so, but, here we are. And all it does is this; make people wonder where they are playing wrong/what are they doing wrong to not get a box. I’m here to tell you, nothing. Nothing at all. It’s awful RNG, and it’s a terrible joke to play on people (like me) who hate certain parts of the game, only did the base things to get out of particular zones, and are now forced to go do it if we want the item.

Way to go, Funcom. Well played.

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The box is a lie.

I actually don’t understand why they don’t come forward with some basic information about the drops to help people who are actively trying to get the boxes. It’s not like it detracts from the mission it gives or the content we have to undertake in order to access it.

As it currently stands its just frustrating people and giving them another reason to complain.

If they officially said that the box can drop from any green bag or chest, then how would that reduce people’s frustration and complaining? It wouldn’t help us find more boxes, it’d just mean more people saying “this RNG sucks” instead of “are we missing something? Is this bugged?”

Still no box for me yet btw! :wink:

It would stop the speculation about requiring a blue badger of havoc on a Tuesday in an E11 Flappy Raid. :rofl:

Sure, it wouldn’t change the actual rates and people would still complain (this is the internet after all) but it would stop a lot of speculation as well as stop people from going to extremes to try to “trigger” a box drop.

Although now I want a weapon called The Blue Badger of Havoc… :thinking:

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@Illesdan Actually, that’s the exact kind of info I’m looking for at this point. If you just barely got your first box a few days ago, then maybe then maybe it is just bad RNG. Though I guess it depends on how much you’ve actually been farming. Do you do more than just the bare minimum for dailies? Since you got your box from a dungeon, how many dungeons do you run every day?

I’m not sure I agree that the box should only drop for those who can use it. It’s possible there are people out there who would actually be motivated to finish the zones if they got a box. I think the idea of making zone completion a requirement in the first place is a bad idea.

I’ve expressed this exact sentiment so many times about so many issues with this game. This is the thing that bothers me the most about Funcom. I don’t know if it’s that they think not giving information helps cultivate the mysterious atmosphere of the game, or they just don’t care about the players enough to answer questions, but it just seems that most requests for infromation are met with:

But hey, maybe they do listen and the next cache will include The Blue Badger weapon. My guess is that it will be a chaos focus, but the thought of being able to swing a badger around by the tail as a hammer has me intrigued.

@AWOL I agree that just saying that the box can drop from any bag wouldn’t be all that helpful. But knowing the exact drop rates would be somewhat useful in determining whether we should complain about the RNG or some random bug. If the drop rate is 1 in 100 then some of us are so overdue that there’s got to be something else going on. If it’s closer to 1 in 1000 then maybe we’ve just been unlucky so far and there’s still hope. Of course, if Funcom cared about player complaints they wouldn’t have gone with this ridiculous RNG based system to begin with.

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Come on guys, where’s your sense of humour? April fool’s day, remember? :v:

Urban dictionary tells us:
When a game company stops fixing patches, adding content, basically when the developers completely ditches the game.

I don’t know who came up with that definition of abandonware. Traditionally the term is applied to software that you can no longer legally obtain a new copy of, as a moral excuse for pirating old games. I.e., games that are no longer distributed by the rights owners.

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I agree that it would make life simpler, but I don’t think funcom have ever given us drop rate numbers before. I can’t really see them changing that, specially if the reveal of the chance rate is just going to turn into another point people moan about. Yes, I know we’re already moaning about it, but giving us concrete figures to throw around wouldn’t help anyone feel more positive about it.

I think it’s a good idea to avoid making statements like

because it’s straying into the realm of hyperbole. Again, I can understand the frustration, but I think it sours the conversation and risks it turning into little more than venting, ranting and raging, which just ends up being unhelpful. If we’re going to stay constructive we need to embrace the vulcan within and try to avoid getting drawn off topic by out emotional irritation.

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I wasn’t even looking for the Peculiar Box since I know I couldn’t use it anyway. My activity varies wildly from day-to-day. Sometimes I can be on as long as 5-7 hours a day or just long enough to get my key. Anything I have to add to the conversation as far as ‘hard data’ should be taken with a grain of salt. Most days, however, I do manage to clear at least the first tier of dailies.

Being perfectly honest, I usually don’t run dungeons unless people in the cabal want to run them, or I’ve completely lost my mind that day. So, maybe about 10 a week, give or take 5. I’m more apt to run lairs.

Oh, I’m sorry if that came across as hyperbolic, because I meant it literally. If you have some evidence to suggest that Funcom actually cares about the complaints on the RNG system, I’d be happy to hear it. I do agree that merely ranting and raving aren’t going to accomplish anything. Believe me, I’d rather be constructive. I’ve give suggestions on how things could be better. Nothing came of it, so, objectively, that line of conversation was just as pointless as a rant would be.

I’ve tried to stay emotionally detached on this thread, but the fact is I’m frustrated with this situation. I’m not going to apologize if some of that bleeds through. At best, this thread and any others on the topic are most likely only going to provide a bit of catharsis for others in the same situation.