Performance update on ps5

Performance update on ps5.
Someone save me because xbox has its version for the new generation and ps5 doesn’t?
I don’t know if it’s a specific case but it works perfectly for me personally on ps5. Super fast loads I have no lag, I play on a European pve server with a normal Internet connection connected by WiFi, and I am thankful that I do not have performance problems. I play from Spain.
I hope they release an update for ps5 already.

Considering the performance issues that the PS4 is having with the game currently, how do you know the current PS version isn’t the PS5 version and no one got the memo that the PS4 shouldn’t download it?

I can’t know.
But I understand that just as they announced the xbox remastering it would be the same for the ps5.
Although it is true that my brother is unable to play on ps4 with me.
On second thought, what you’re saying makes sense.
But my game on ps5 did not update like other titles.
Excuse my English.

@Calixto_III Your English is just fine. We play on ps4. Before the Xbox update the game was near or completely broken for Xbox consoles all of them according to Xbox players no reason to doubt them. For Playstation players I think that they have been optimizing what they can without breaking it for ps4 people who are the majority at this time and there is only so much that can be done with this version of the Unreal engine. I doubt that we will get anything Official from Funcom on that. It would be greatly appreciated if we did.

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