Player Health Multiplier not working


i wanted to raise the Player HP a bit, but changing the Values up or down does nothing at all.
You neither get more HP per spend Attribute Point in Vitality as someone assumed in a YouTube video.
Did anyone changed this parameter successfully?


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Same here. Changed the PlayerHealthMultiplier to 2.0 long time ago and yesterday i tried to changed it to 2.5 to better fit the server difficulty. Nothing happened so i tried to directly edit the multiplier in the server.ini instead of the g-portal settings. It already showed the edited value of 2.5 so i increased it to 3.0 just to test it but still nothing changed.

It didnt work on my server either. We just went with changing the “npc damage taken” value, in the end it comes down to the same thing: the NPC will live longer.

Why it is not working? Why the settings do not work?
We pay a fortune on this game and it just doesn’t allow us to set up our one server the way we want it.
I’m so pissed of with this because it supposed to have an option on the setting we can change the amount per level of Health and stamina.

There’s a work around to all that. Download the mod Indrid’s Custom Races and Classes. Inside the mod, the classes has a way to increase the base players hp, permanently. They can change class via Admin help, but no other way. However, it’s a simple way to make custom or basic classes and adjust players hp based on class. Or just make 1 class and give them the token and gives them the boosts. You can do more than just hp, with this mod. However, if you’re just looking for hp boost, every 2% you raise the hp within this mod adds 200hp to the player.

Hope that helps you some :slight_smile: Not sure why funcom doesn’t just automatically allow it in server settings, since the option is there, but that’s an easy work around to that issue. Good luck on your servers!

I have the same problem with GPortal server for Conan Exiles on PS4, the changes for HP Values doesn’t work ( PlayerHealthMultiplier )

On pc I had created a mod for that, I had to constantly update, because of the devkit updates, but on console, it’s different, you can’t use mods and this setting on the Gportal server does not working…

I see that the setting also appears on nitrado Server, but should not working also.

Please devs of Funcom, do something to make this parameter functional, I find that the character has too few hit points, even if it can be increased with armor, I have never exceeded 700 hp life with the vanir armor for exemple,

while some high level NPCs have 9000 - 11000 or more ?

It’s too low for a solo game, or a two (which is our case)

1500-2000 is better.