Since you no longer place thralls in the benches, please consider fixing it where that step is no longer needed in many of the journeys so, we can complete these journeys and get the items we need and want from them.
Thank you.
Since you no longer place thralls in the benches, please consider fixing it where that step is no longer needed in many of the journeys so, we can complete these journeys and get the items we need and want from them.
Thank you.
I was so confused why I couldn’t finish this journey, I tried getting thralls of so many different professions that some older forum posts suggested but couldn’t get it to pop. Heard it was a bug and came here to see what the deal was. Its so frustrating. There is also an achievement for placing thralls at a crafting bench that will no longer be achievable is this is the case. Has there been any official response from devs regarding this as I know this isn’t a new issue.
I literally finished that journey step last night on Siptah. It only completed for me once I used the workbench I placed the thrall.
I used an armorer for this
Step 1) place an armour thrall in world.
Step 2) move said thrall to workbench
Step 3) open the same workbench (journey step completed)
This is what happened with me.
Single player private server
Siptah map
Seems like very useful workaround for now, it could help many players who struggle to finish the journeys. Good to know it works at least “somehow”.
I’ll test this tonight since Im not on single player and not on siptah and report back
It also worked for me with a smelter. Had to place the thrall in the world then move and guard them into the ghost position and then open the furnace. Literally 2 minutes ago. Single player exiled lands
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