Poll => Combat Changes

+1. Although i enjoy my freedom in the map, i still stop when i sprint and my stamina is almost done, with the fear not to get penalty :rofl:. I still try not to consume stamina in my fights. I don’t believe that this “circus” will last a lot, so i try really hard not to be spoiled from these changes.


Obviously I prefer neither, I think both were in a bad spot but if I were to choose between the two the previous iteration was better.

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Solid agree. I think that AoS was still a solid meta and my main contention with it is the removal of momentum and the background map events that caused server performance issues that linger to this day.

I have rosier memories of 1.0 for sure, but that’s mostly because the game ran better and the meta was more skill-based.

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind reverting to a pre-AoS PvP scene, but I also appreciate that AoS introduced new tools to combat.

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if u really want it just make it an option to toggle it on and off.
btw this is stupid as hell.
funcom please focus and spend your time and resources on fixing / adding new things, not developing more problems!
WASD = movement / positioning
MOUSE = focus on target / attack
i really cant believe this team even plays this game. there is no way that anyone even loads up conan and plays it from the dev team.
this ideas comes from a person who has no freckle clue about the game.

just a couple ideas funcom if u want money:

  • more quality armor looks!
  • more fancy building pieces!
  • mounts!
  • more decorations!
 there could be so many cosmetic addons that ppl would love. make it fancy as hell so if someone buys it, it makes a difference. ppl love to show off!

and stop ruining working things!
improve! not change!

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I still expect my screen to go grey XD

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I do love AoS honestly, the sorcery, storyline, it’s great!

But as we know, this was the beginning of the stamina changes specifically with option of Quickfooted and combo of Last Stand that created the run/war pyramid meta.

That is my qualm with it. I know the attribute system had to change to introduce sorcery, corrupted perks and hell ya, they certainly improved a lot of issues otherwise. It became more straightforward without the minmaxing of armor + all buffs imaginable. I just don’t think that stamina needed an overhaul plus it’s additional iterations which we’re all now griping over :confused:

I’m no expert but I can still tell how bad it’s been :frowning:


I think my main gripe with how clunky it feel’s, is that the NPC’s now move on a dime like the PC once did.

If that could be reverted (the NPC AI behavior) and still retain the changes done so far, I think I’d like to test that honestly.

I am not unused to this style of melee combat, and it can be done well in game’s. But usually it require’s the npc’s to run off the same combat system, not a different one all together.

I can understand that. Quickfooted in general should’ve never been a perk. Movement speed should just be consistent. Last stand is also weird af. Pausing a fight for 6 seconds is such a weird mechanic.

I do have some mixed feelings about stamina though. Greybaring was a good mechanic when momentum was a thing and running attacks were not. You could easily weave away from other players if they weren’t attacking carefully. In AoS’s meta a greybar definitely would’ve been a death sentence.

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Quick footed should have a delay to it like passive healing. When you get damaged or in combat, it shouldn’t be on and have a 2 second delay before activating. Problem solved there.

Last stand should give a negative in that every hit done while under last stand effects layers a cripple effect on you that stacks.

Tada balance.


Necrooo!! :smiling_imp: :metal: It is sooo good to see you back again my dude!

dude hug

Completely agree man. The lack of transparency here irks me a little. And frankly it was time and manpower which could have been better invested elsewhere.

Honestly mate, while I prefer the Age of Sorcery stamina system, I could settle for going back to Age of War Ch2 stamina and movement if need be. Anything would be better than the abomination we have now.

Hahah thanks man, glad you enjoyed it.


@Kikigirl thankyou for taking the time to reply, and for a well thoughtout and measured comment.

I must agree with you. Sure it was not perfect, but it was in a good place, and it was fun, engaging and rewarding. This feels like a step back to me.

This is something which definately needs to be made a priority, and I based on the numbers here, I suspect few amomg the community would disagree.

Kikigirl as someone who enjoys your posts, I would politely request, do not go there please. I have several counterpoints which could be brought up here, but I do not want to. And I am not PvE, I am an Offline Singleplayer. ALL modes have been feeling that way, not just PvP. There is no need to demarcate the modes here. The other modes did not devise nor ask for the current system. But rather like yourself we just wallow in it. But moreover, this update has now united all of the modes through disenchantment, and we are now speaking together with one unified voice. Let us lobby for positive change together.

I agree that this is unacceptable and it needs to change. For one it makes the Testlive folks feel like they are wasting their time, and banging their heads against a brickwall. The second is that I am sure most members would prefer to be told “we are holding off on the update while we squash a few additional bugs”, and wait an extra couple of weeks, as opposed to having the bugs go live.

Very well said, your whole reply. Thankyou for posting it. :smiley:


With a few more days of experience this one can say that the changes have grown on them.
Like toenail fungus. Ugly, irritating, uncomfortable, and something this one is most desirous to be free of.


Cannot vote one way or another at the moment.

If the changes we have don’t have certain things fixed its worse. If they do, its better. So I am currently indifferent. They don’t have a large impact in the method I control my character, instead a minor annoyance if I get jumped. I’ve detailed my experience and testing in another thread.

Absolutely and I certainly will. My comment was not to divide or accuse but to acknowledge an issue that I’ve seen all too often and that is that while PVPers might cry loud, they are denigrated as only being players who enjoy what will give them the most advantage and the expense of other modes. When in reality, many of those things that are discussed, usually well ahead of time before it comes to an overwhelming head as it is now, becomes centerpoint. Each mode should be considered and not pitted against each other. Combat has been in that bad place for awhile and many of us have said why, asked, pleaded, complained and begged for people to listen it was met with dismissal because of that divisiveness. Now we can all wallow together XD


Quoted to express support. This console vs. PC, PvE vs. PvP, red vs. blue diviseness is getting old and is not helpful in this matter. Glad we (almost) all agree on this matter.


I simply wish the combat system was back as it was before the third chapter of Age of War.

Yet another perk that becomes obsolete. (Can’t benefit from that agility perk if you can never get behind enemies).


Horrible and unasked change. Our only hope are modders.

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Yep, I agree with you as usual. Get out of my head :stuck_out_tongue:

Would have voted for either AOW 2 or AOS 3. But AOS 3 was better for me personally.

AOW 3 combat was dead to me (until Xevyr fixed it - man that guy is doing SO much for the community).

I played some more and now I see the difference. While I still have no issues with aiming and controls, I do notice the difference in AIs behavior. I can agree that the way how AI is always facing at your direction is weird and this creates really ugly animation inconsistencies (sidewalk, rotation on the spot, midjump rotations, etc). At the same time I like that the enemies miss the hit less frequently now. In fact, I had to learn and memorize some of the tougher enemies moves and combos. And the timing is a key now (you have to dodge after the hit animation started, but before the hit was registered), and you have to dodge at a certain direction depending on the enemy’s attack type. This adds
 let’s say a new angle to the battle. And I appreciate it, because it feels more challenging now. However!.. The way how it is implemented now feels more like a mistake because of the clunky animation and visual inconsistency (the enemy missed in the animation but the hit was registered, because I dodged a fraction of a second later than I should have). And this creates frustration.

As a long time Conan enjoyer, I can suck it in, and just accept the fact that the way how the enemies’ attacks look is not the way how they hit. And just learn to fight with an imaginary enemy and never relay on animation. But, ffs, Funcom, this is not the way. You either: a) adjust the animation, the speed of it and the timings to how the enemies actually hit, or b) revert the changes.

I prefer the first option, but I know this will take you another year or so