Poll => Combat Changes

Look, ive put 3 in since Thursday. Chill out.


Dude. Seriously? :woman_facepalming:t5:

You are not able to stay out of the game for a couple of days without getting withdrawal symptoms. You should seek help if that doesnĀ“t ring some alarm bells in your head.


So rude.

I would politely inform members that this thread is dedicated to discussing combat changes and systems. Not to criticize or berate others for approach they used to be rid of Funcomā€™s folly. I will not hesitate to flag members as off topic should they deviate from the subject at hand, or be derogatory towards others.


This is the correct way to do it, to understand the difference. When i first read about the changes i hop in to witness them. But a lvl 60 character with end game gear is the same beast, so i couldnā€™t see changes.
There for i went to a far distant server to start a new character. There i saw changes indeed. But positive changes not negative, because so far in the age of war we were not in exile lands to be punished, but to punish the exile lands population :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Yet for me itā€™s really soon, i cannot say.
I cannot say because i am a slow learner, or because on consoles we donā€™t have beta to play the update some weeks before.
But i can say this.
For every update thatā€™s gone i have something to miss.
For every update thatā€™s coming i have something to praise.
So all it matters for me is to be able to play the game and if i run back to some updates in the past, i couldnā€™t play the game and thatā€™s the worst part any update can bring.
So i trust that the priority IS the performance like Dennis said and i will add another very important issue. Somehow Funcom should apply gratitude to the paying costumers because so far in this part they have the worst failure off all times. And for this, i play with a bitterness in my heart these days, a melancholy.

Brother @Croms_Faithful i know that my post seems off topic, but i tried to explain the full image why i cannot choose yet or maybe even never.
Thank you however for making this feedback poll.


Yes. Iā€™ve never played with a shield and am used to using the characterā€™s maneuverability, NPC clumsiness and quick strikes from all sides, but now I see that we were put in the opposite conditions: highly mobile enemies and a clumsy character. Yesterday I already found myself a good shield, today I will retrain myself for the game code-named ā€˜stand like a rockā€™, especially since I have the necessary perk. :rofl:


I will die on this hill. Combat Pre-AoW was way more enjoyable for me.


I personally didnā€™t notice any differences on consoles. It is difficult for me to understand what people are talking about. To me everything works the same as before.


That actually addresses a question I was having. Apparently there is a controller bug on PC in addition to the changes. Iā€™m wondering how many people are conflating this bug with the deliberate changes. On PC with controller (Iā€™ve tried ps5/xbox controllers), the horse breaks gallup when steering and player strafe is extremely sluggish because they stop running. If on console you arent noticing it, that tells me in fact it is a bug for pc and not part of the changes. I tested with keyboard and mouse and couldnt see the sluggishness so I figured it was a bug and am glad to hear its not affecting consoles. Its fairly crippling on PC with controller.

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Iā€™m completely happy with the changes to the combat system and wouldnā€™t mind if they stopped fiddling with it from now on. I like that I have to hold down A,W,S,D to be able to hit the corresponding shot. (I donā€™t use the option that the character rotates with the camera, I find it extremely ugly)
And when it comes to the opponents turning around, I quickly got used to it. I wonā€™t get hit by Berserkers with hammers or giant spiders if Iā€™m careful.

I only followed the forum sporadically. If there are other aspects of combat that make the game unplayable (as many claim) then I didnā€™t notice them.

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The part that really gets me is that its even affecting resource collecting.
This is my zen game. I spend so much time just mining iron and chopping wood, and THAT feels bad now.

Movement has always been one of the biggest strengths in this game.
They screwed up climbing a while back and now even mining is awkward =/


Had another lengthy play session yesterday. And I can safely say that the more I play these new Ch3 combat changes, the more I dislike them. Enemies can turn on the spot like a spinning top, to the point it is whimsical to behold. They lock on to our faces akin to someone holding a magnet near a compass needle. But of course players cannot turn this well.

I wish Funcom would stop trying to reinvent the wheel and focus on fixes and new content.


I agree with this in the strongest possible terms DelRioServerMaster.


I also preferred the combat pre-update, however, like most changes, Iā€™ll probably get used to the new. :man_shrugging:t2:


I have stayed out of the game for months to be honest, came back to test this update but as always its broken and the combat sucks, thrall hunting is ruined , its like trying to hit a fly as you have to adjust every second to get the next hit on thrall and farming is again now a joke, you cant even hit a tree twice if you move in a inch your char is hitting air, harvest animals is the same , do not like this change and do not for one second understand why they would do this, every single update they have ever had is broken or messed with things we have loved is again gone. Every single update. Not happy with these changes and guess might just go back to not playing if this is the way it will stay.


I voted with this caveat, I wish combat was reverted to pre-sorcery.

Iā€™ve had enough of the botching of the attribute system in conjunction with stamina changes.

As a PVPer this has crippled legitimate and skilful players and enabled cheats and exploiters. It has made the fluidity of combat null, feeling like driving a tank (as oft quoted) as opposed to driving a ferarri.

This recent update has seen even PVErs complaining. Good. Feel the wrath, disappointment and fatigue.

That they had to put out a developer blog in the last update speaks volumes. It is a clear to me, even though Iā€™ve had doubt before, that the devs are not paying attention to the feedback of the players.

Aside from the fact that every single update, thereā€™s always a testlive which players devote their free time, unpaid, to report bugs, and some of the most important bugs and imbalances reported go largely ignored. Some bugs DO get addressed, absolutely, but others not. Thatā€™s not ok. Not when the remainders are still as important.

Theyā€™ve admitted time and time again recently that theyā€™re playing catch up to meet this schedule. Friken stop, weā€™re done.

I donā€™t want infinite stamina and rolling around like a circus clown. I donā€™t want spears to become invalid. I donā€™t want a specific weapon, from a specific dlc, to be the prominent meta.

I want to be able to combat my opponents with skill and practice. I wonā€™t always win and that is ok.

Combat is in a bad place. I could go on and on but this is it for now.


I play with controller on PC and the changed donā€™t feel like much. Feels fine actually.

Service response is too poor for this change. Layer 7 response sucks, while the client is using an okay ping to determine networking performance.

Many combat moves also make the character move. Because the service is seconds behind, client and service disagree on the position of the player and the direction the player is facing.

Another issue is client and service rolling different dice on the course of events. Resulting in the client displaying monster action A, while the game service rolls action B.

This game is a fine example as why one should not drive while drunk.

As if Funcom cares about a post like this. Doubt it will change much, but the new changes to stamina and now these weird combat changes are indeed not very enjoyable. Age of poke and roll in pvp with most weapons missing their hyperarmor.


I do not like the new combat changes, its not game breaking to me but I find it dumb and the way it was implemented without really telling us before hand was also dumb.

I also find it really ironic that after the ban fiasco (which I was a part of for 28 hours) they already posted a workaround for the camera rotation by disabling settings in game or whatever.

All in all I would like to have Chapter 2 combat back, I like the new stamina thing and I understand the change and quite like the way it makes me engage with combat. I used to just spam heavy attacks where now I use allot more light attacks and switch it up allot.

Good poll my friend @Croms_Faithful

:metal: :smiling_imp: