What do you all think of Conan Ages so far and the Ages to come?

So with the Age of Heroes right around the corner, I would like to have a chat with most of the people from the Conan community, I speak as mostly a player with RP experience and just a small bit of PVP experience with some tips coming from experienced players, and I’m also a console player so my experience might be very different from PC players since I see that it is the most popular platform for Conan due to mods really enhancig the experience for both PVP and PVE/RP players alike.

-Age Of Sorcery
The first and most consistent age in my opinion for Conan Exiles, even though it was the Age with the most game breaking bugs (especially in It’s launch), like invisible enemies, players and structures, crashes, etc. Most of the bugs that came with that Age were fixed in a span of less then 2/3 months (or lessened at least), but the content that Age of Sorcery brought in my opinion was the most relevant: Sorcery, even though it’s been already very used, and most people I’ve heard a lot of people I play/used to play Conan with, are getting kinda bored of grinding all the levels for the Sorcery and investing all of their characters just for Sorcery, and more then half of the spells being VEEEEERY situational most of the time, it was a very welcome addition that can be a game changer if the correct spells are used in the correct time, Bats for scouting bases, Lightning Storms for causing damage on Raids and also good for having a little bit of extra damage on open field battles (altough must be used with carefull for not causing to much damage on allies), and many other options. I really wish for them to add more spells into Sorcery because there can be very good and cool ideas for spells.
Rework to attributes was something that was also VERY welcome, the ability to have a more simplified and meaningful system for attributes is something that was very needed in comparison from the old system, my only critiscism about it is that there should be a little bit more build variety to fight the “Max Agility, Strenght and Max Vitality for fights or Max Expertise for gathering” meta, and also that Vitality Attribute tree is a little too powerful on the health increase, with the base character health being 200 and jumping to 800 with Max Vitality, plus if you get armor, potions and food buffs you can surpass the 1000 health (and there’s also the Siptah Dungeon buffs which increase It even further), so I think they should up the base health of the player just a tinny bit and/or decrease the amount of health gainned by each level on Vitality. Also another thing that would be cool to see is the addition of more perks to choose from.
Golems, overhall pretty intersitng followers that gave another option for us other then thralls, pets, mounts and undead from Sorcery, the mechanic for them to harvest materiais depending on their current weapon arm is also an interesting addition, not very efficient because of the low amount they harvest but if you have a bunch of Golems they can work as a passive farm of common resources around your base. And the best part, is that they are completly optional, and they can be crafted without much dificulty, with many Golem Parts around the map that are not very hard to find, just do a few camps/dungeons, you should have almost/more than enought to build a Golem (depending on your luck), or if you don’t feel like grinding all of the Blood Crystal/Unique Chest and Head parts, you can always craft an Stone/Iron Golem.
Kurak’s Dungeon was an “O.K” Dungeon for me that yes if you finish the Dungeon you can level thralls pretty easily and get some resources very easily, but I just feel like it can be completly skipped if you want to and it wouldn’t make much of a difference since it doesn’t add any new material, weapons or armor or in reality anything. But at least It’s an quick, challenging and fun Dungeon to do If you have some spare time, the best use I can find for the Dungeon is with the current Witch Hunt Event for getting Magi Skulls.

-Age Of War
Conan Exiles current ending Age, the most long lasting and until this point it’s worst age by far. Most of the mechanics brought with this Age are mostly either not game changing, or more of a problem to the game:
Clan Emblems and Purge Rework, the two and first and most meagninfull additions to the game in my opinion, Clan Emblems are something very fun that can give your clan your own personal flair to it, but I REALLY think they should give the non Battle Pass and Bazar buyers more options of customization, because locking Clan Emblems and Backgrounds behind paywalls feels like a very greddy decision to me. And the Purge Rework is without a doubt a welcome addition and one that was really needed for the game, by changing the mindset of most of the players wanting to avoid the Purge to now wanting to do the Purge, it was really a interesting move by Funcom, by now removing the Purge meter and creating the Treasure Coffer and having you do the Purge anytime you want, and choosing how difficult you want the purge to be, makes players come up with lots of different ideas for Purge bases and new tactics to do the Purge. My only really critiscism with the Purge is that they lower level Purges are only worth doing to get a Tavern Keeper, but if you want to get the better rewards like the recepies for the Burning Siegel Cauldron and Archer Posts, you WILL need to do the higher level Purges in order to get those, and the higher level Purges like to level 6-10 can be extremely hard to do if you are doing solo and if you don’t have like a big Purge Base and an army of Thralls defending it.
Sieges are for the most part a FAT NO! The really ones that are an exception are the two on Siptah that are not as difficult and waaaay less FPS required. But the Siege of Al Merayah…oh boy, unless you have a rocket powered PC, and either another player with you or a Thrall that has been juiced with all the different tipes of dru-I mean elixers in existence, and have all the sort of different foods shoved up It’s bumhole for more buffing and healing, then you are going to crash your console/PC, and you are going to have a difficult time finishing that Siege because of the non stop spawn of enemies just to get a few legendaries and Gold and Silver…Which is such a shame because I was SERIOUSLY hyped for this concept, a PVE Raid, I loved the idea of it, but it couldn’t have been delivered on a worst way possible.
Taverns are an okay mechanic that is completly skippable but still interesting to have in your base, with the only problem really being the teleporting NPCS trying to reach the chairs and seats but getting stuck on every possible door or invisible wall and just moon walk outside of were they are supposed to be. I just wish that there is more to this mechanic, but being abble to have a passive flow of hireble tharlls coming to your Tavern without having to knock them out is very interesting, but I think there should be more a system like managing your Tavern, where you could do like different types of contracts, missions or requirements so you could like enhance the flow of NPCs that come to your Tavern, or increase the chances of having higher level thralls coming to your Tavern.
My biggest problem with the Age of War was that it did brought some stuff, but I thought that with an Age that lasted 4 chapters and had two events, it would be something different, like a more PVP oriented Age or more addition to Clans other then just Emblems, this was the Age that I was REALLY hoping that they would add any Alliance system that I think would fit Conan perfectly, but unfortunaly, I didn’t even saw being mentioned.
-Age of Heroes (yet to be released)
To be honest, not really digging into the idea of an Age being called " Age Of Heroes" being a Thralls oriented Age, I REALLY though they were going to trying to make out character feel more like it’s own hero, like remaking the main questline that 99% of the players don’t do it anymore because It’s just pointless and boring. But what I excpect the minimun of an Age that has been cocking for over 6 months is to at least be polished and fiz many of the problems the game is facing at the moment.
-Age Ideas
Age of Gods (The Religion system is very outaded at the moment)
Age Of Sorcery Part 2 (Enhance even further on what Age of Sorcery has already achieved)
Age Of Exploration (Add new areas to Exiled Lands and Siptah, can also add new ways of transportation, like charriots, wagons, boats if they are to add a more water filled area).

What do you all think of all of this? Feel free to respond however you want!


I have to agree with you.
I surprisingly enjoyed AoS the most too , despite the aforementioned problematic start - though somehow I don’t remember it being that problematic on the PC version, or I was just lucky.
As someone who rejects human sacrifice, I was able to max out the sorcerry thanks to the help of others in the clan. I didn’t originally want to (why if I don’t want to cast spells) but the ability to build a teleport comes in handy.
But I definitely find the illusions to change the appearance of weapons and armour a great thing , the attribute rework was also great and I appreciated that it allowed me to have two thralls, which also allowed me to use previously less effective companions like archers or dancers.

Age of war wasn’t so good anymore, a lot of the changes were rather counterproductive and seem more like a “we need to change it to make it look like we’re doing something” kind of thing. .
Changing the combat system , inventory , dye stations , nerfing thralls , ruining bearers , unrepairable legendaries , weird loot …take your pick but it didn’t help much

Changing the purges is a good thing , still buggy but I can live with it .

We’ll see what the future holds , companions are definitely a step in the right direction
Living Settlement rather not and it is definitely wrong to force it , without the possibility for the player to choose which system suits him more or ideally to combine them both …


A fairly easy thing for me to agree on. At least 8 emblems should have been available as a freebie with many more through the bazaar.

Some of the obvious ones to me would be something Pirate related, Lemurian-/Dagon, Nord, Cimmerian, Volcano, Darfari, Dogs of the Desert, Relic Hunters… essentially all of the big base game factions plus a few generic things as are present now (the brazier emblem for example) and from there add paywall-gated DLC faction emblems and perhaps themed things appropriate for the ages.

Only having 4 in the base game is just not enough, i feel. Something created to have your clan be recognizable only for it to not be all that distinguishing misses the mark.


I agree , overall the selection is quite “poor” compared to games like Mount&Blade or Manor lords (which are the first two games I can think of where you can also create your own emblem).
And it is as you rightly mention most of the options behind the paywall.
Also, try to browse your server - thanks to the not very efficient color selection system, fixed background colors and little choice they all look practically the same …
At the idea that they should have a real reason for their existence - to distinguish between allies and enemies - I’d rather go home so I don’t inadvertently kill too many friends.

In this regard, it’s pure greed on FC’s part, there’s no other reason.


If I were to guess the change in the stamina comsumption was to give players more priority to the Grit Attribute tree, but I seriously dislike the fact that you only do like 3/4 heavy attacks with base stamina and your already tired, it feels ridiculous and I’ve felt that Age Of War was exactly what you said, mostly changing existing things to seem like they were doing something. The few new things they added I’ve felt weren’t enought, or aren’t good for the game overall.

When they announced that they were going to make changes to the combat system, I was hoping that they would finally work on making heavy armor more useful for players.
Well, here we are with something different, it doesn’t make that much of a difference for PVE, but I’m bothered by the secondary changes that FC didn’t really think through.
Stamina regeneration is almost instantaneous - unless you’re fighting from horseback (which I do all the time).
There’s an annoying bug that sometimes stamina doesn’t regenerate at all when you ride a horse, even for a minute - until you hide your weapon
Behind the paywall there is a bunch of new horse armors, some even show the clan symbol …, but all the bazaar / BP armors have a zero damage reduction factor to stamina (the horse loses both HP and stamina when hit and if it drops to zero you go off the saddle)
The original saddles (and the DLC ones) have a resistance between 0.3 to 0.6, which makes them (compared to the new ones) at least marginally useful, besides volcano and mounds nothing helps there and I don’t really recommend fighting from a horseback there.
The problem is (besides the AI of horses which is just idiotic since the beginning of AoW and they rush in the middle of the battle) the fact that although horses have more HP but the ratio for stamina damage when hitting a horse has been maintained so the rider goes much faster from the saddle ( and forget charge into enemies - you are in the middle of enemies and your horse without stamina = death)

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I think it’s high time that Funcom removes all the “Age of X” updates and returns this game to its former glory. A patch rollback to pre-Age of Sorcery is all that is required to bring thousands of players back to the game and to make it enjoyable again. Doing this will eliminate all the unbalanced, buggy, and poorly designed mechanics and systems that have been shoehorned into the game since AoS launched.

Since all the previous patch data exists on the Steam database it won’t even take all that much effort - and it will cost them practically nothing to do this other than a bit of time. A return to paid DLC to support the game could go hand in hand with this change. Funcom could offer the “battle pass” items in various DLC packs, this would be very easy to implement and cost them almost nothing since the new assets already exist.

All I really want is the game I supported and played for years to be returned to me. I want what I bought, not this buggy, unbalanced, and broken Age of X crap, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be provided with the product I purchased.

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This one’s take on the “Ages” this far is that they succeed in concept and fail in implementation.
War moreso than Sorcery.

The storytelling was coherent enough, even if being Mek Kamoses’ hired minion was more than a little uninspiring. At least Conan chopped his head off and rescued the princess.

Age of War flows well enough, even if the entire concept of the Green Wall makes it dubious.

Siptah has been largely neglected in the Ages, getting half @$$ed versions of updates that were already half baked.

From about the middle of Age of Sorcery, the chapters seemed extremely rough and poorly QAed.
Then there were the Age of War changes that the dev team proudly noted no one asked for and that were received like lepers at a spa.

And that’s the rub really.
Even if the updates have time to cook, who were they cooking for? So many unsolicited changes while long term bugs run amok and new ones proliferate.
It’s not just how sloppy it has been, it’s been development further away from what the customer wants. In this regard, this one finds great frustration with this game and more dreads than looks forward to new updates.


I also agree that maybe the concept of Age was not very well implementei overall and was just added because of the Battle Pass fever that is going on in the current gaming genre, I bet If loot boxes were still a thing, the wouldn’t think to far on a possibility to implement It somehow into the game. I also think the DLC era was the era that a lot of people enjoyed the most, the game was way less buggy, and the DLCs itself were much more refined than the Ages, plus you got what you wanted straight away when you purchased the DLC for a small price (compared to the horrible Bazaar system in which you pay half of your month savings for a Armor and Weapon/Building Set). The only thing I had a problem with the DLC era was the time in between DLCs and not always was guaranteed to free content to come together with it, so if they were to bring the game back to the DLC type system or similiar, I would only ask for them to not make every uptade possible a DLC and learn from the Ages and focus on free content for the most part and DLCs just be a bonus.


Bingo. You just hit the nail on the head with a giant hammer.

Definitely an important factor.

Thank you both for your input on this thread. Cheers for speaking out against the issues Funcom has created.

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Bugs bugs bugs and more game breaking bugs. I enjoy some of the building pieces and assets. But the rest of it is not enjoyable. At first I thought the new purge system was awesome but it’s like lemmings charging you and if you select a higher level purge they rain meteors down on your base and in a matter of minutes it’s mass deb is everywhere. It feels a bit ridiculous frankly. So from the people I talk with and myself we don’t bother with it unless you build a separate base to get demolished and have to rebuild each time after … so it’s kinda lame. And Stygian fighting gets old after a month.

It’s the bugs and falling thru floors in which has ruined the game for me. Every patch takes 2-4 weeks to resolve some major issue. The falling thru floors is absolutely unplayable and no fix for it.

Funcom needs to have a professional team brought in to work on content post 50 or better yet allow features and functions that allow the gaming community to do their own. The modders are amazing in this community and have put some amazing things together. Funcom needs to adopt the ability for admin owners to bring their servers to life thru dynamic questing, trading hubs, interactive dialogue etc

And with a new season coming I just stay away mostly now and have started playing other games that are more stable………


Definitly if they are to keep investing in this game (I hope they do) they need to make a quality of life uptade ASP, I fully agree that the game is in a very boring state right now, the game is filled with bugs, crashes, FPS drops, horrible server mantinance that leads to lag, on PC being almost Impossible to play Oficial servers due to cheaters and many other problems. I really enjoy this game and have some really good time playing it but there’s no hiding the fact that the game after the Ages has been kind of in a downfall state, especially after Age Of War realesed. So like I said I really want the game to succeed but if Funcom doesn’t pull it self together, talk amongst themselves to be more profissional or hire better staff overall, the game might be more dead then it already is (at least on Consoles It’s almost Impossible to find a full server).

The Bug is amplified by performance problems.

This bug is getting worse. I did Fix it by relogging. Noe i need to log off and on several times for it to Fix.

But hey @AndyB said they are still "looking into it " after what a year ?


It’s painful, isn’t it? Some of the bugs have been around for a long time and instead of fixing them they just add more poorly tested content (mostly content no one wants in the first place) that creates more bugs.


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AoW, meh, I hardly can recall anything memorable about it (still trying)

AoS was cool. I like the Khitan NPC’s I just think they’re too many. Like clockwork everywhere you go. Didn’t need so many of them imo. And the sorcery, all that corruption so now you need a lot more dancers. Always a bonus. I think we all knew the new prurge was gonna be a bugfest or just really laggy if you didn’t initiate it in a certain area. I was never a fan of the old purges though, and they went away in AoS so that another plus.
Battle Pass was a fail , but hey, we warned them right? I seen everyone on both sides of the fence give up honest input when they first announced it and that it was not gonna be very popular but they did it anyways and we were right.
But I do like the bazaar. You get some cool stuff out there sometimes and as much as I play this game I don’t mind spending some money here and there(just not for all that battle pass crud)
I think it woulda worked better to just have a bigger bazaar selection and out the BP stuff in with the bazaar stuff and just let players pick and choose what they like when they like it. I do like the down but not out thing for the thralls. Plus we got the new building system with the hammer, it was weird at first but so much better than prefabbing the building pieces. I like the treasure coffers for decorative purposes and the gold piles.
I like that warmakers is a challenge now. Tried that last night while the servers were down. Brutal, but I used to just run right through it killing everything easily which got boring fast. I DO NOT like that removed all the legendary chests and put them at dungeon ends Not at all That was probably alright for PvE mode but it’s bad for PvP, for me anyways. Got a stack of keys (had a stack of keys :man_facepalming:) because it was always just not a good time to run a dungeon. Still not happy about the thrall nerf. They could be a little tougher. These days when I place a thrall I just go ahead and name it “Dead man walkin’”

:thinking:I think a lot of that stuff was AoW. Finally thought of it.

And to you guys about the falling through the floor bug. I just read a fix for that in another post. Take the barkeep out of the bar.

The reason the pass was dropped was because of the quality of the content. We were basically being given bazaar quality content for free. Ya, there was no profit there no matter how many people bought the bass. IMO.


Think I may remove the bar altogether. Seems a waste. I liked being able to buy cooked dishes, but
If I could by 100 at a time I might keep the bar.

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yeah i agree

also just dump everything into the cromstore including battle pass content

dump the prices down by another 50% compared to the current sale

and voila you now have a sustainable business model and people will like the game

age of sorcery was easily the best

i agree with the 3 age ideas and in that order too

funcom please listen to this guy

(i kinda reccomended the same things)

as for siptah maybe add a volcanic island or a frozen island? that could be cool

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Siptah could use some love.